1007 -
When I first saw the post for this award I was to say to least extremely pleased. I thought finally the Dev's decided to give something really cool as a thanks to the long devoted players. After reading this thread I have to say, I'm not looking forward to it anymore.
I mean damn, 10 hp -75% resistance, its a clear slap in the face. With all the AoE heavy enemies end game, whats the use of this pet. Can the pet itself be buffed?? I've also heard rumors it can only be used 3 times.
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SLAP!! *smacks Gypsy across the face*
Now, THAT was a clear slap in the face. See how it didn't resemble this reward in any meaningful way? -
See, I'd want them to add contacts but leave everything else as is.
You would still get your big spawns. I'd get more level 7-15 story arcs. A win-win situation. -
Well, I believe Galaxy is fine.
Perez and Boomtown could use some contacts though. -
In regards to Lighthouse's OP:
I have to agree with others here, that letting the problems with these trials go unfixed (inaccessibility and lack of autoexemp in the Sewer Trial, and the presence of Giant Monsters in the Eden Trial) is an error and is a disservice to the players and to the people who designed and programmed those trials in the first place.
Of course I cannot state with certainty that those are 'easy fixes', however I CAN state with certainty that it's a relatively small number of problems (compared to say, PvP balance, for example).
I think you should make it a priority to get those three problems I listed above fixed by the end of First Quarter 2009. That's certainly not Top of the List, but it's not 'Let Fall by the Wayside' either. -
um, he's saying he wants the trial to function properly
if that's 'his way' then I guess that's my way too -
All I want is to honestly win the sewer trial once. Which requires, currently, 4 L36-40 characters and 4 people who are willing to go through three hours of abuse and then NOT click the "I Win" button when they're losing.
I want to play and win this part of the game. I'm not asking you to make it easier or anything... just make it autoexemp.
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What do you mean by "three hours of abuse"?
You mean fighting while exempt?
People do that all the time voluntarily... -
One note on Devouring Earth resistances:
The Plant and Fungus based creatures resist Smashing but are vulnerable to Lethal (take extra damage from Lethal attacks).
The Rock and Crystal based creatures resist Lethal damage but are vulnerable to Smashing. -
If you haven't seen the numbers to support dark armor as being the most survivable armor set in the game, just look at any of Arcanaville's posts on immortality lines and defense.
I've also extensively datamined dark armor and have seen that it surpasses Stone armor for survivability before you even factor in the controls from OG and Cloak of fear. AV's conclusions also supported this.
How Dark went from the premiere armor set for those that live for relentless level missions, to the worst set for a brute to take is beyond me.
It's an ignorant trend.
I guess I'll start up Wordpad...
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The OP is full of lose. -
Anything but Stone Armor will be fine with 2 Darks.
Pick whichever you like best, just not Stone Armor. -
I don't know if someone else already mentioned this, but I think it's interesting to note that this message implies the capacity of the servers is OVER NINE THOUSAND!!! -
yeah, theres a purple build in the middle of the thread here
but I'm not gonna make that kinda investment -
excellent, keep up the good work
Cool guide.
One nitpick:
When you discuss Power Boost's effect on Hover you hypothesize a fully defense slotted, Power Boosted Hover.
Hover's base def is 2.5%. PB doubles that (approx) to 5%.
However, Defense is a schedule B enhancement, so slotting does not get you another 2.5%. Slotting will only get you an additional 1.5% (approx), for a total of about 6.5% when Power Boosted. -
One note, thank you for making the High Pain Tolerance icon into a +HP icon, but (and I'm sorry for being nitpicky) the image used has a 'clock' image in it, doesnt that indicate a time limited effect? If that's left over from Dull Pain maybe it should have a different look since it's a permanent effect?
First off, mobs DON'T have infinite range, it's often quite long, but never infinite. Even Hami and Rikti Pylons have limits to their range.
Second, you listed some ways that NPCs outshine players, but did you think about the ways players outshine NPCs?
We have waaay more powers, generally we have better accuracy, our Intelligence is way beyond theirs (well, usually), etc. -
As much as I agree with your statements about fixing old content...
I have to say your list of Deleted 50s reads like a whos who of some of the most powerful builds in the game. -
no matter, it's a pretty trivial thing really
and once again, very very nice guide, you clearly invested a lot of time and effort -
Excellent guide, although you might note in the Travel Powers section that Kinetics can fairly easily get by on just Inertial Reduction and Siphon Speed.
Why is it that when a travel power down grades when attacking it goes generic and no to the power you have? My example, I have fully slotted hover which gives me about a level 14 fly speed, and I have tp; i tp and now i am hovering at a level 6 hover speed instead of my hover with 3 speeds and 3 def. I attack while superjump is on and I go to a 1 slotted combat jumping instead of my 3 slot jump enh combat jumping. Maybe not sucha big deal b4 PvP, but still very anoying.
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Maybe if you switched to Hover/Combat Jumping while fighting you wouldn't have this problem. Just a thought. -
His description suggests to me that that is powers + IOs + set bonuses. If those numbers didn't include powers then Power Boost wouldn't improve them.
1 agreed
2 agreed
3 Not agreed. Defense has sufficient benefit in not being subjected to all sorts of debuffs and control effects that makes up for the slightly less protecting against actual damage compared to resist sets.
4 agreed
5 agreed -
its all worthless in they end, if they dont start making the game fun again, its been worthless for 5 expansions at least, time to focus on making the game fun guys!
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If your only issue is that you didn't like ED then just SAY so, so we can disregard you like all the others who can't get over a necessary game fixing improvement that occurred more than TWO YEARS ago. -
+acc powers can shred defence
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Wrong. +Tohit shreds defense, +Acc does very little to defense. Fortunately +Tohit is rather rare in PvE. Ask anyone who uses purple inspirations to solo EBs or AVs, Defense buffs are great in AV fights. -
I would support some minor changes to the Knockback and Repel powers to make them function better in a team setting.
There's other Defenders that can Herd a *lot* better than a Bubbler can... what's your point?
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I was responding to the poster who didn't understand how herding increases damage output.
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I guess if you want to look at TOTAL DAMAGE done I guess one could argue that herding and AOE's allow you to do that. Fair enough. I still think your playing a semantics game in terms of damage buffing though, but I guess I look at what a damage buff is differently.
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Oh, yes, I don't disagree with this at all. And I never would have referred to herding as a way of "buffing damage", I was just using the language of the person to whom you originally responded.