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  1. Oh definitely. I hover quite a bit with my broadsword/regen scrapper, and he only has a single slot in it. Pick up swift if your gonna hover though.
  2. It really depends on how accurately you can judge the situation in front of you. Inexperienced tankers who don't know what the limit of their character like to stand around hoping someone else will initiate combat. Some lead, some follow. Scrappers just want to kill.
  3. Fond of my BS/Regen, especially now that I have permanent dull-pain. I don't' really die unless I'm one-shot in some spectacular way.

    Rather enjoy DB/WP as well, though Rise to the Challenge and the overall AOE nature of Dual Blades tends to not mesh so greatly all the time.

    DM/SR was a lot of fun as well. Just dodge friggin' everything. What's that? You got a hit in? That's okay, I'll just borrow your HP for a second.
  4. Hasten works great for /regen as it has many click powers on long recharges. Having those ready faster will greatly increase your survivability.

    Air Superiority is a great attack that deals very good damage, recharges quickly, and offers incredible mitigation. An enemy that is constantly on his butt isn't hitting you. Pair it up with Dragon's Tail, which you get later, and you'll be playing dominoes with everything.

    Tough is very good in helping you sustain more of a beating, and stacks very well with Resilience to get you very competent smashing/lethal resistance. Boxing isn't a bad attack either, and can easily be made a part of your attack chain.

    I've never felt Cobra Strike offered enough for mitigation at low levels. It doesn't last very long, does next to no damage, and is on a very long recharge of twenty seconds. God forbide you miss with it. Furthermore, it's another power that's cutting into your attack chain, and the best mitigation a scrapper has is killing his enemy. At early levels, Air Superiority simply beats it in every way imaginable, with actual damage and a reliable knock-down. It becomes better when SO's are available to fix many of it's problems and turn it into a competent stun, but it simply does not fit in the earlier game.

    Your reconstruction needs help, but I don't suggest six slotting it exactly. Four slots, 2 recharge, and 2 heals, is plenty enough for a very large portion of the game. The third heal is only healing about 5% more health, and the third recharge is only reducing recast by a little under 3 seconds. 2 heals, 2 recharge will heal about 46% of your HP, and recharge in 33 seconds, which is more than adequate.

    Other than that, hold out until SO's. SO's make the world go 'round.
  5. I rather like this idea, honestly. I'm not sure how it would balance out for electricity or end draining abilities, however.
  6. I guess... Use dual builds and go nuts?
  7. Pole-arm~ Basically, make a two handed stick set with animations that make it applicable for a variety of weapon types. Such as a two handed shovel, bo-staff, spear, or even a scythe. I've really wanted a Scythe for a very long time. I think with this and dual pistols coming you, you'll have managed to cover all the weapon sets except perhaps nun-chucks.

    Nun-Chucks- Really, we need nun-chucks.

    Elemental Storm- I want a ranged blast set that uses a variety of different elemental attacks. I don't know how you'd balance it, I just waaaant it.

    Water Blast- Because not every aquan based character I envision has the ability to freeze water. Again, don't care so much how it works, I just want it for concept reasons.

    Elemental Summoning- 3 imps, 2 Frosty Snowmen, 1 Granite, all mastermind~
  8. I don't know, I took both on my tanker, because I like that kind of overkill.

    See how high you can get your elemental defenses with weave plus IO's, Combat Jumping, etc. The trick is that you probably want to be building for psy defense/resists with your IO's as well, making it somewhat more challenging on a scrapper. At the same time, a scrapper doesn't have to hold the entire spawn either, so maybe this is less of an issue. Anyway, if you can get most of them soft-capped or near it, weave will probably serve you fine with popping a few greens here and there to keep you afloat when your defense decides to go stupid on you.
  9. Warkupo


    [ QUOTE ]
    they are.

    the ticket drops are in proportion to the prices of things on the markets.

    people use their tickets to get the salvage they need for their own rolls and only that.

    no more "excess goes on the market for cheap" because there is no excess anymore... just scarcity.

    strange, because so many patches were in place to increase and balance the rewards... this patch is like 180 from that.

    simple math- less tickets = market prices increase.

    scarcity breeds criminal behavior in society.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup, it's pretty horrible.

    *farms regular missions for vastly superior profits thanks to everyone jumping to AE*
  10. There is actually a way to get a 'permanent' jet pack (fly). You have to get the Dimensional Explorer Badge, or for villains, Arachnos Official Badge acquired by being logged out for so many hours in the Shadow Shard or Grandville. It has a maximum of 30 minutes of fuel, which can only be refueled by spending more time logged out in Shadow Shard or Grandville. It's fairly easy to maintain so long as you remember to log out in those zones, and will satisfy most your verticle movement needs.
  11. See, I knew Positron was still human inside that power suit.
    Thank you guys.
  12. My first thought when I joined this game was "holy crap, that guy is flying.' and 'holy crap, I can jump!' rather than 'what is the best way to min-max my endurance bar so that I can acheive the greatest desired dps over a period of time.'

    Point being, new players don't know that their endurance is a problem yet. Especially coming off a slower MMO, it's probably entirely acceptable to them. It's only later, when you know what you had, that you begin missing it.

    That being said, I don't have many endurance issues at the lower levels anymore. When at the 'TO stage' I stick mostly to acc for all my powers, and endredux for any toggles. I typically hold off on most toggles until DO's, but always take my status resistance (when applicaple) as soon as possible. I mostly build toward getting any useful passives, a quick 3 power attack chain, and a travel power and stamina.

    Far beyond anything I can do to ease my stamina use, however, is using inspirations. I save every blue inspiration until I need it, and convert every inspiration into a blue as soon as I get three of them. Just doing this, I rarely find myself needing to rest at any level, nevermind 1-20.
  13. Warkupo


    I like my AR/Dev, and I think he does great damage (trip mines are beastly). The main problem is that it takes me a lot of percision and perfection in how I play to get the same results as the jack [censored] that only had to fire off build up+aim and shoot.

    TD should give a constant buff to damage.

    Smoke Grenade should placate everything it hits. It is much more beneficial to just take cloaking device+superspeed (cloaking device+stealth IO) and get stealth that way than it is so lob out that stupid grenade every spawn. Give it a purpose again.

    Time Bomb is way excessivly difficult to set up. Let me decide when to detonate it. Even if you have to nerf the damage a bit, I'd just like it to be realisticaly usable.

    Everything else is fine.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Thanks but how about giving us the gift of letting us keep our 2 hours of playtime. I really don't need another respec and I SURELY don't need another tailor token.

    Thanks for the thought though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll second the motion... respecs are easy to get. How about giving me the time I paid for back.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know what, I'll refund your four cents worth of time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This made my morning.