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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    If the devs have defined the use of non-combat NPCs as exploits and penalize their use, so they are. You want to change or withdraw arcs that contain exploits, obviously. It's the only leverage we have.
    But they haven't. Or at least they haven't said they were. In fact, they seem to entirely be implying that this is a temporary fix and they are working on a better solution.

    I think deleting everything prematurely is... Well, premature.

    Did you see Dr. Aeon's thread?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Tux__EU View Post
    I S/L capped because I'll be running a lot of high end TFs when I'm 50 and I enjoy being a very survivable blaster. I see S/L defence as being good because most melee attacks have some sort of S/L component (generally) and I will be running into Hail of Bullets/Psychic Shockwave quite often I imagine

    Not to mention I already have 70% global recharge in the build, which I view as pretty respectable. Thanks for your input though and already all the other replies, I think I will skip it, or maybe Hibernate (I'm interested in how useful people find it concerning PvE)

    I'm interested, Warkupo, what would you build your DP/MM Blaster for? (When using IOs)
    I would place a higher importance on Ranged Defense is all. I don't think having some form of melee defense on a blaster is a bad thing, I build for it often on blaster as it's incredibly easy to obtain with the Ice Pool, but I also don't think you should neglect ranged defense either as you're more likely to be fighting at range. I certainly wouldn't place more importance on S/L defense over ranged defense on DP/MM as you don't have enough reason to get into Melee to use it regularly. I'd probably only aim for about 30% or so, and use set bonuses elsewhere.

    I would probably drop hibernate, grab tactics, and alternate the slots out of brawl into Tactics, and slot up for Gaussin's. I don't really like Hibernate as it just feels like stalling to inevitably get killed when you come out, and Hoarfrost will likely cover what healing you needed anyway.

    I might also try to Slot in Psychic Scream. Psychic Scream + Psychic Shockwave neuters enemies in a hurry. I'd probably drop Telekentic Thrust to get it. You wouldn't, therefore, need Snow Storm as the maxium -Recharge enemies can have is -75%. I would pick up Flash Freeze in it's place for some added control, though I don't know where you'd find the slots to make it viable.

    *EDIT* - You also probably don't need to three slot stamina with Drain Psyche. Especially not after you're all IO'd out.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    Perhaps some REAL zone invasions? Rather then having the sky turn a different colour every time something bad is going to happen and the players being the main spawn points for the invaders, maybe we could have things like Arachnos fliers landing in the zone, deploying troops, having the troops on the ground fight off against some Longbow soldiers that spawn when this happens perhaps? And have the Fliers face off in the sky against a large wave of Chasers? I dunno, just something to make it FEEL like an invasion as opposed to one that feels more dead then Ghost Widow.

    Also, new factions, new baddies, new areas, new missions and arcs, and a full-sized Rularuu the Ravager!

    One of the things I really liked about the PVP zones is how there were open riots between Arachnos and Longbow. Unfortunately joining in on them usually resulted in a nice AS to your back, but it's something I would like to see in the PVE world.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    I'm just constantly amazed by ArcanaVille.

    How do you have all this info?
    I think she's an alien/witch satellite thing that collided with a calculator and minor deity and then plummeted to Earth where she took on an organic, but ultimately immortal, form.

    You're welcome to your own speculation, of course.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
    Biggest things I hear, (which WAH to to them)

    Its to dark & bleak(ORLY? Its an oppressed area, its not suppose to be sunshine & happy puppys). Lord Recluse doesnt go out of his way to polish this up, like Tyrant does, its the whole Survival of the Fittest rule on the Isles.

    Its to Hard(Go back to blue stop whining you sissies or hang out with my crew & we'll teach how to actually play Redside! )

    The Market(Well cuz you sissies wont actually play over here)

    The Dev's Hate Redside(Could be, but man up, stop being a sissy)

    In my opinion, biggest thing G.R. will do, allow the sissy Bluesiders to take our classes & still play on "yawn" blueside. Which then could reduce population more on redside & of course worsen the market even more.

    Interesting personality aside, 'suck it up' is hardly the shining 'fix' I think anyone is looking for. People aren't going to just deal with the problem, they're going to go play something that doesn't have the problem.

    Like City of Heroes.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    I would drop hasten before executioners shot tbh.

    Hasten isn't needed at all if you're IO'd out and cycle pistols, dual wield and executioners shot.
    ES has bad DPA and relatively crappy range. You're better off cycling Pistols, Dual Wield, and Piercing Rounds, if not some AOE attack.

    Also I didn't notice he already had Hasten, so I guess maneuverability is fine, but I still don't see the point.
  7. It's like I'm in that other thread where you were getting your **** ****.
  8. I wouldn't go altering all your AE's just yet. As I understand a fix is coming 'Soon' (not tm soon, but real soon.)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
    Some of the stuff that was already mentioned, plus

    dynamic environment wherever possible,
    a borderless world (no war walls, no height cap),
    underwater action,
    player vehicles (sports cars, jets, sub),
    player housing (could be a nice money sink, too),
    one currency (and not influence, infamy, prestige, brainstorms, tickets, merits and whatnot),
    more of the good stuff we already have.
    You can't make a borderless game. It would essentially require you to build places for infinity.

    I would like to be able to fly over every building in the game, and not have the garish war walls illuminated like a Christmas tree, however.

    We definitely need underwater zones and vehicles, however. We 'sort of' have houses in the way of bases, but not really.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    I am considering taking most of my villains blueside and invade Paragon. I am sure there are players who don't want to see the streets of Paragon full of Masterminds with all their pets lagging Ultra Mode.
    Make sure they're all robots to take advantage of the reflection engine. We're gonna make the streets LAGGERRIFIC.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flameshot View Post
    If you believe that the development team hasn't created a tool even remotely close to something like this, you sir...I can't even finish it.

    I understand there are dev fanbois, but this really cuts the cake. Tools created to assist in maintenance when it comes to databases and other types of technology in this industry are pretty much a requirement. Just wow. I guess if you didn't have a legit rebuttal, ignorance always works.
    Even if they had that list, I don't think it's working. Just look at all the imbalances with the powersets as they currently exist. Part of that problem is that many powers do things that don't have a quantifiable number to attach to them and call them balanced. You sort of just have to "feel" it out, which isn't often reliable. The flipside to this is something like Champions Online, where nearly every power is identical save for animation. Considering the options, I'd (obviously) rather have CoH's somewhat muddier spreadsheet.

    Keep being a **** about it, though.

    *EDIT* - qq more is hardly a comeback. If you have a point, make it.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
    But having allies in the mission wasn't what was the problem. Having allies that did nothing but buff you or debuff enemies was the problem. You could have allies that attack and it wasn't considered an exploit because your xp was taking a hit so while risk was going down so was reward. With allies that didnt attack you didnt lose xp so risk went way down but reward stayed the same. That was the reason for the knee jerk change.
    I'm saying it would be the *next* problem. You're better off addressing it now than, oh, say a year later.

    However, I no longer agree that it would even be a problem, so I'm not gonna keep arguing for it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    Jiggle physics boobs.

    Edit: To add I am serious.
    I'm still irritated we don't have a 'package' slider, so I'll vote for yours if you vote for mine.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    The skip function wasn't meant to let us just avoid minor annoyances, but to not deal with seriously BUGGED missions (like a minion or glowie stuck in a wall). Simu-glowies, the 30 fir blog, stealth missions, defeat X, and yes, far-off missions... these are not buggy missions, and we're just wasting QA's time doing these things. if you know these things are coming up then you shouldn't do the arc, period.

    ps: the "don't attack" ritki misison is one of my faves... then again, I'm an avid Thief fan, so i love sneaking around.
    I kind of doubt that's still what happens, considering they allow us to skip missions more frequently now and I don't recall being told that it's used for that purpose anymore.

    That said, I consider annoying missions "bugged", in a sense, and they should definitely be looked at by someone, so I doubt I'm going to stop doing it.

    I usually avoid missions I find annoying to do at the time. For instance, just a few days ago I was doing some Portal Corps missions where the guy wanted me to go to some ruined map sector of boomtown and find 20+ glowies. No sir, I do not accept your Easter Egg Hunt, and you may kindly shove it somewhere I can no longer find it.

    I almost always skip the 'Introduction to the Hollows' mission. Hell, I usually just street hunt or do paper missions until about level 10 anyway as I find the beginning missions on heroes and villains very droll and uninspired regardless.

    I'll also usually skip the "Go talk to this guy way the hell in another zone" missions. I was especially annoyed during the Indigo/Crimson arc how often Crimson sends you to Indigo, who is the person who introduced you to Crimson. Logically you'd think,"Hey, I have Indigo's number, I'll just call her an-" NOPE. You apparently got Alzheimer and forgot all about Indigo, and so did she, as she addresses you like she'd never seen you before.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ForumSniper View Post
    Well, it's not a crime to skip any power. As long as the character is fun for you to play, that's what matters most.

    That said, I find ES to be the single most effective power in the set. It's DP's answer to the sniper shot that other blaster sets have. Slightly less damaging, but with numerous advantages over sniper shots such as being uninteruptable and having a quicker recharge time. I also LUV the animation and sound FX. Great power, IMO. I'd advise you to at least take it and try it out, then respec out of it if you decide you don't want it.
    The idea is novel, but it's not really fair to compare it to a snipe power because it misses the parts of a snipe power that make it any good; the range. As it is, it's an attack that does little damage after you've factored in animation time/recharge, and has a very short range. About the only thing it has going for it is the knockback, assuming you aren't using elemental ammo.

    You're much better off skipping it.

    *Edit* - As for your build in general, I'm genuinely stumped as to why you decided to build so heavily on S/L defense. Your guns aren't exactly short ranged, and MM isn't exactly a Blapper set. I suppose you were building to reliably use Hail of Bullets? it seems a bad idea to focus your entire build on making a subpar power more useful, especially when you can probably get away with using it by just popping some purples before hand, or waiting for the tank/controller/whatever to get the mob under control. In short, there's no real reason for you to need to be in melee often enough to necessitate building for S/L defense. You'd be much better off going for ranged defense and recharge.

    *Edit* - If you're going to take maneuvers, you should probably pick up tactics and slot up Guassain's Chance for Build up, as it will increase your damage output rather significantly.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    As the devs have said, Scrappers are about as likely to get Pistol Melee as Blasters are to get Katana Blast and Controllers are to get Broadsword Control.
    You can't tell me you don't dream of the day when you are able to fling swords at people with gusto.

    *EDIT* - Fine, I'll reply to the OP too. I wouldn't mind it as an Epic Pool, but that's about it and as far as I see it working.
  17. No, you don't like Jump Kick. Nobody is allowed to like Jump Kick. To like Jump Kick is punishable by execution.

    Jump Kick isn't the terrible power it used to be, it performs about where boxing and kick do. The problem is that Combat Jumping is typically a better choice, as your primary/secondary "usually" have a better variety of attacks that do better damage/have more useful effects. If you wanted Super Jump, it'd be a fairly simple choice to pick another attack you won't need, or the always useful combat jumping which offers a smidgen of defense, enhanced maneuverability, Immobilization Protection, another slot for LoTG 7.5% Global Recharge, at barely any endurance use per second.

    If you *did* just want another attack, you're usually better picking Air Superiority for the more consistent damage mitigation it offers.

    You'd pretty much have to have wanted Super Jump, but not combat jumping, and needed another attack in order to want to pick Jump Kick. Such a scenario simply doesn't happen too often.

    It's not a bad attack in it's own right, but when you compare it to everything else you *could* have done, it becomes a somewhat poor decision.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
    It was considered an exploit because people were making allies with no attacks but plenty of buffs and debuffs. If you had the allies doing damage, it would take away from xp and the usual farm map had max (30ish) allies. So if they had all of those allies attacking, it wouldnt give them any xp. A better fix that wouldnt upset the non-farmers people would have been making it so every ally set has some sort of attack and making it unselectable or only unselectable if they have some other attack.
    I think you're missing what I'm saying. You could still make a farm mission where you have a few allies with attacks and buffs that marginally increase your fighting prowess. Yeah they'd cut into your EXP but you'd be aided by their presence by being able to take enemies down.

    That said, I think you probably have the better point, and I might consider that level of farming 'acceptable'.

    If it were up to me, I would likely just set it to 3 allies, then nerfs, and call it a day. Hostages and otherwise non-useful allies wouldn't count to this limit, of course.
  19. The zones are generally very dreary looking in CoV, and if that isn't your thing, CoV isn't really going to appeal to you. In CoH every zone takes on a very unique character, and despite the fact that many of them don't see as much traffic, they all leave some sort of impression. CoV is constructed much more engagingly, with many unique constructs all over the island, but it's hard to care when, generally, the entire island consists of the same dreary sky hanging overhead a town half littered in trash and fire where Lord Recluse hasn't erected a garish tower to show off his purple fetish.

    Furthermore, all the really 'unique' aspects of CoV were eventually transferred over to CoH, which really cut into the appeal of playing that part of the game. If you were going to get all the features of CoV in CoH, why really play it unless you specifically wanted to be a villain?

    the Archetypes were also hard to figure out. While I genuinly like most of the villain AT's over the Hero AT's, I'll be the first to admit that I had no idea how to play them, and I still don't really understand how their roles are supposed to mesh together in a team situation, and pretty much conclude that they don't.

    Finally, the Market thing is really killing the villain population. Given that the population was already lower to begin with, in part because heroes had more time to establish, in part because I think people just like being heroes more, they aren't helped on top of all their other problems by not being able to find the items they want to build their characters. A market merge would probably help this tremendously, but the devs don't seem to like the idea of momentarily disrupting the market for this to happen.

    (and no, I'm not going to get into a market merging discussion with you.)

    With the lower population it makes sense that the Devs would spend less time developing the Rogue Islands. Less people play there, due to how it's set up, and it's probably more effective to concentrate on the portion of the game their players are actually playing, than to pull up the section of the game fewer of their players care about.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
    But the sweeping change was made because people were making allies that didnt attack/do damage, not using some random NPC, because they didn't steal kills/xp/rewards. That would limit the powers in this case to ones only players can get which is far from 12,000.
    I don't beleive it's that simple. While the horde of NPC's is a giant problem as far as steamrolling through missions goes, you can still just as easily make NPC's who enhance your ability to fight things by buffing you while still allowing them to do damage. It wouldn't be *quite* as dramatic as what we had just before the patch, but it would probably be the next big thing.

    I don't see being able to take short cuts in this.

    *EDIT* - Though, if it were me, I'd probably just cap it at 3 allies a mission and call it a day. Hostages wouldn't count, of course.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Are the hoodies manly, or unisex?
    Unisex. I'm all for gender equality.
  22. While I'm contractually obligated to disagree with GG...

    Moving hair, manly shorts, manly shoes without socks, and hoodies.
  23. Warkupo

    Ae nerf

    Much as I would like to bash your head in with KNOWLEDGE, we don't need another thread about this. Follow the link above, my friend.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    The vision needs to be an inclusive one. You may not leave but lots of other people have been.

    That was my point, the impact on regular farmers is minimal. The impact on mission creators is large. The developers protestations that the fix will be here soon, is falling on deaf ears. There are very easy fixes that could have been deployed instead of this, or they could simply have waited till soon, and just deployed what they considered the good fix.

    Saying that you should have soloed so you could have seen what things were is the opposite of implying soloing. Strange farm teams you played on btw. If you are going to have nothing but blasters and scrappers you might as well solo, its more efficient.

    In what way are you using the word worse ?
    Lots of people I don't care about have left. I don't know if you're arguing with me or some audience I don't know about, but I think I've established that I don't think losing them is hurting anything I care about.

    And don't think I didn't notice you leaving out exploiters every other post. This has a major impact upon exploiters, and it needed too. exploiters exploiters exploiters. Furthermore your statements are all very dramatic. 'Falling on death ears' 'mass exodus'. This change isn't going to bring about the end of the world that you think it will. At best a few morons will get pissy, leave, and we'll be all the better for it.

    More mobs = More inf. Assuming your team is competent. Given that it's AE, it's probably not, so you might have a point with soloing.

    It's a pretty god damn basic concept otherwise, which I guess I'll explain since you're pretending not to get it. Once damage mitigation has been met by the horde of NPC's, all that's needed is more damage. The best characters for that are blasters and scrappers. You don't need KINS or anything either because those are also met by the NPC horde.

    *EDIT* - Drops = Inf
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post

    This is not a bad thing. That's the problem with clearly defining rules, you'll run into the "rules lawyers" who do whatever they can to find whatever loophole there might be. "But you said...!!!"
    I wasn't implying it was a bad thing. I'm going to assume the rest of your post rants at some unknown figure and that you were merely using me to elaborate, instead of getting irritated that you might be misinterpreting me.