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  1. I could never be a jackwagon in a million years, Bug Boy!
  2. I've never bean an Old Bean, Choochy-face!
  3. Do we or don't we want our eight year vet badges?

    Do they or don't they want our yearly subscriptions?

    Would they be happy to exist on FTP players alone?

    Would the game survive on FTP players alone?

    I want my 8 year vet badge simply because I've earned it. I've paid £100 subscriptions a year in advance for precisely these sort of rewards including game play of course. If I don't get the rewards I've paid for then; I'm the buyer I will simply take my £100 and go spend it somewhere else.

    We shouldnt be having to do the devs work for them Lothic (though I wish I had half your brain and knowledge) this is what we (the consumer) pay them (the employee) to do - we pays the piper so we calls the tune.
  4. I not a Fat-Loined Hampsterburglar, you Skinny-livered Hamburgereater!
  5. Warbaby

    Freebie Friday

    Ah! sorry my bad! - I thought it was going to be a regular thing.

    And...I miss most stuff on the front page of game launcher as my puter is that fast I'm on and logged in before I take a breath and never see the front page. I pick up most stuff from the announcement page here. Can't remember the last time I got anything CoX related via my email inbox.
  6. Warbaby

    Freebie Friday

    Unless you read the forums - which I read is something like 10% of the player base - you got nothing, zero, zilch on Freebie Friday. Which means that 90% of CoX players missed out on their Freebie, unless they happened to access the market on that day, hardly something for nothing for everyone is it?

    If they are going to do this sort of thing regular they should really email 'all' account holders or find some other way of letting players know. That is only fair don't you think?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Taiyanna View Post
    "All this stuff" being.... what, exactly? The tiny snippets given every three months as a vet reward (that we now get every month instead, and have more flexibility in picking)? Content expansions and powersets for free? Wait, still get those as well...

    Yes, of course it's a marketing thing. That's in "duh" territory. But that doesn't make it bad. It's not like the freebie item is hidden, and they're forcing people to browse through the store to get it; it's on the very front page. It's about the most unobtrusive "get them to see the inside of the store" method there is, getting people to see the inside of the store is almost their entire business model for the f2p structure. They're not doing anything particularly evil with the marketing. It's not being cynical to say "Oh, it's a marketing ploy", it's being silly. The game would be dead without marketing.
    Ummm! I don't think I'm being in the least bit 'silly', just world weary yes and cynical because of it. And...if you think that having the freebie stuff on the front page is not going to get folks to 'browse' the rest of the market you're just being naive.
  8. *Sighs deeply*

    Back in the day we used to get all this stuff for free (except expansions, server transfers and renames) and they didn't have to make a such a song and dance about it.

    I may be a bit of a synic (I probably am) but as others have said it's probably just another marketing ploy. One way of getting you to browse all the lovely expensive goodies they have for sale on their shop shelves.
  9. I'm not a Red-Headed Witch, you Beetlejuice!
  10. I'm not your Sticky-witted Baconbag, you Nurd-from-a-turd!
  11. Hmmm! Tried to log into my account to check when my subs were due this a.m. The login box is not accepting my password. Tried resetting my password and still the same problem. Getting a message that the site may be down for maintenance to check here to see if it is. Can't find anything here to explain it though. I also am getting the same error when I try to contact support. Which makes it really difficult to correct the problem - anyone know how you contact support if you can't access it through your account page?
  12. I'm not your Sweetheart, Chuckles!
  13. "Other than that, I suppose Penny's training is as good as can be expected at this stage". Numina turned away humming softly to herself and floated over to Positron to watch him fiddle about with his armour. Positron hated her looking over his shoulder and just knew that any minute Numina would start criticising what he was doing. He...
  14. She frowns, takes a sideways glance at him and floats to her favourite armchair, she drapes herself elegantly over one arm of the chair, takes a deep breath and sighs. "Posi" she says...
  15. I'm not your Balderdash Scallop, you Sugar Lips!
  16. I'm not your Schlitterbahn, staff fighting or otherwise, you Chubby-chops!
  17. For shame! I am certainly not your Drunken-bearded Bogbaby, you Twittering Tweeting Tweety-Pie!
  18. I'm not your Scamp, Dreamboat!
  19. Barf!

    Spring Lamb chops, mint gravy, garden peas and crispy roast potatoes.
  20. And....a visit to the lavvy becomes a "Bio Break"
  21. I'm not your Imp, you Scamp!
  22. I'm not your Undead T-Rex, you Lil Devil!
  23. I'm not your Bubs, Bosom Buddy!
  24. When hubby draws up divorce papers citing CoX as co- respondent.
  25. I'm not your False Accuser, you Cursed Sorcerer!