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Quote:ALL AoEs applied to a target draw aggro.Sounds perfectly balanced to me. Think of all the other sets that get AoE holds at level 1. Except, to make it even better, "with a smaller success rate", so that it will not reliably do anything at all. Well, except aggro everything onto the user since there's not a chance in hell the Devs would give anyone a non-aggroing AoE hold. Sort of an alpha-strike drawing power. Sweetness. Do it NAO!
It would improve gameplay a great deal if these pets had their physical form taken away. They would still incur damage and be targetable, but players could run through them. This would reduce the number of doorway blockages and other hinderances related to their clumsy AI. This is based on the asumption that the imps are made of pure fire and the phantasm is an illusion; which may have physical form in the target's mind, but not in that of the caster.
I would like to see an in-base message system/ability to write on walls. A simple motto, duty rosta, 'Please ask permission before removing items from this storage rack' written next to an object would make life a lot easier.
Also, although complicated, further permissions - non SG members adding/taking from storage, rank related storage (not the current system, but table/rack specific, 1 for lieutenants, 1 for leaders...), more... -
You still haven't answered my non-drivelly question regarding what enemy types you were fighting when you noticed that PFF wasn't as effective as before.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a general versus all - the worst scenario was when a -3 DE crowd of 8 were hitting me as if the shield wasnt there. -
Thankyou unthing for sticking to the point and not drivelling on about the benefits of knockback or resorting to sarcasm as a meritable answer. I think it's also worth pointing out that I merely posed the question 'Death of a bubbler' in regards to the PFF being tampered with and that I never once said the pool wasn't worth peoples' time. - End of discussion
My 'character was never meant to tank'? I dont remember saying that was what i wanted, merely that i could - pointing out the in game chnages. Furthermore i am talking about personal defense and have been since i started the thread. Get off your high horse people im talking from experience not ignorance. If you cant engage in debate, dont reply.
I honestly dont know what evidence you are basing this 'the defense is better than ever' on? My bubbler is 40, i started him in Nov 05 and only use him now and again. This has given me plenty of first hand experiance of the changes implemented over time and i know for a fact that he has less defense. If you are simply going off the statistics of the new defense cappabilities i can understand, however in actual practise my toon is getting killed far too easily - he used to be able to hold all aggro and not get a scratch, now even aid-self cant rescue him.
choking cloud and proton volley - these are what you will need the most - sheer damage and foe hold. they work well in every context and once you enter RV these will be ideal for pvp. altho bomb and irridiate are good powers they only really shine when affecting multiple foes.
I notice every comment relates to a 'team' or knocking people over, what about soloing and causing people damage - cant team up 24/7
With regrds to the effectiveness of PFF i used to be able to park in +3 mobs and my regen (2 heals in health) would take care of the damage b4 the next hit. Now, if i didnt have heal self, i'd be dead in 30 seconds. i believe there has been a modification to the resistance/defense that has been 'slipped in' without due notice. - we all know this has happened before, where sly mods have been left out of patch notices.
I can appreciate that there were some grievances over an MM using PFF in PVP and being able to put his feet up and watch his pets do the work, however a hero does not have the same luxury and is limited as to what effects their powers have. By nerfing PFF the developers have removed porbably the ONLY good self affecting power the heroic bubbler has - why?! Forcebolt does nowhere near the damage of a fake nems equivalent, dispersion shield lets too much through and the laughable toggle knocking/repelling powers are great in PVP but in-game are redundant. Although its all very well to place your allies in bubbles and receive their gratitude, standing alone the bubbbler is a weak target even when PFF didnt allow easy penetration. ALL the other defender pools (which i have) offer capable solo back up, my question is - Can't the PFF be restored to its former glory? If this is a problem for PVP because of the MMs then surely it is possible to code the heros' differently from the villains?!!!!
Please DONT bother replying to this simply to whinge about my slating of the bubbler's powers - give valid reasons to your arguement if you have 1.