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  1. Lololololololololololololololololololololololololo lololololol

  2. Registering a team;

    @Lex Blaze

    Kk, thanks.

    "Again, no joke, you guys should really consider using a "fall-back" time to prevent a host of BS pertaining to match scheduling. gl/hf." <--- Srs Bsns. #1. It keeps thing moving along in the event that someone's simply stalling or w/e. #2. It prevents team A from challenging team B then never deciding on a match date/time. When the 2 weeks is up, the challenged team forfeits. Big hole.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    If you guys really wanna play, you could try showing up for kickball or some other pick up pvp like that to show you're serious.

    Forgive us if the idea of 3v3 KB doesn't sound appealing.
  4. Eh, no. That wasn't nice, that was creepy. W/e, bro. I'm out.

    Rpt, Pzpzpzpzpzpz, lata
  5. That's offensive. I'll only tell you if you ask me nicely.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKwervo View Post
    Wasn't being defensive. Just trying to figure out your angle. :P

    This is will probably cause some drama, because this is how things go, but I'm just saying this to hopefully reduce future drama.

    Based on input from the teams that are in the Pinnacle ladder league and in the interest of avoiding further drama and preserving the "friendly" spirit of the league, it would be best for your team to not enter. From the previous posts that were mod smacked, the seed of drama has been implanted, and if you join, the resulting conflicts would overshadow the "friendly" atmosphere we have built.

    I'm sorry man.
    To be frank with you, I'd say the drama thing is certainly to cover ulterior motives. Is Funk allowed to participate? Are you? You both were equally combative. Why would it be only us who can't join?

    Not gonna lie, this sounds pretty ridiculous, sir.
    What's the actual issue? Since once we join, all it would be is playing matches.


  7. Quoting wasting and bad is pretty pointless since those weren't words I used in my post.

    Why can't I do both Ladders? Seems simple enough. Show for the 4v4 on each challenge.

    Stop getting so defensive. The reason for the team name was based on your reactions before. Either way, are you rejecting our team? I think it'd be more fun if we played. You have matches. Since we may actually accept and show regularly. =)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKwervo View Post
    Uuuhh. You okay there man? All this just for a lolsmallserver? Good to know we are worth your time. O_o

    I don't know what you're talking about. Trying to sign up a team.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    As recently as 2 weeks ago you were convinced we were the same person. So you should probably not comment too much on the whole "knowing" stuff. I promise I know more about this game than you, baddo. One thing I don't know....just who the hell you are. I guess some people got really big heads when they finally got half decent in I13.
    Lol, and you are?
    Your posts must be jokes, 'cause I know you like to try to portray yourself as someone who was once good, or is. Sadly, that can't be true, given the statements you make. Lurking around the forums for years doesn't make you credible. Sorry to say. Also, Lol@Calling me bad, kid.

    My statements are based on the constant verbal diarrhea gushing from your face. Your statement, however, was based on absolutely nothing. You're doing pretty poorly for trying so hard. Looking forward to whatever lame response you have to this.

    Rpt, Pzpzpzpzpz
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Borderline Boss View Post
    You were being serious, but in an attempt to gain credibility with me, decided to pretend you were giving "false information". Nice try Psycho Jas, but you're a book I've already read.

    Direct and articulate. Well said, Hot. <3
  11. No... >.< Screech has minor damage.... You'll never avoid the damage but still be hit with the stun. Same's true for Dominate, or literally every other Mez power with damage.
  12. If you can seriously find someone who doesn't wanna see epic moobies, I'll concede, but I don't think that's very likely. So the get naked suggestion still stands.

    Dawk, take a seat. \_
  13. Lmao,

    The battle between Jas and Supermax!?

    Two people who know nothing, but feel the need to comment on everything. This.. is... awesome.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psycho Jas View Post
    I know every single person on that roster - maybe not personally or on a social level but I know the large majority of becalm play their roll better then anyone else in any other roster atm Klesk, spiner? Silit, Z? Vince?, the elitist thing was a joke,

    Finally stop being retarded and talking to me on these forums because I really really really really reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyre allyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreal lyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally
    Don't like you or your snoby lame *** voice.

    edit : hell i'd even put vert in my team before anyone on your roster, with the exception of Dex.

    Lololololololololol <3

    You're dumb. Bai!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psycho Jas View Post
    you'd be wasting your time take a look at the roster MF'ng elitists. it would take vince/silit to go completely retarded to actually play you in a game.
    You probably only know like 3 people on the roster. That said, for you, that's a pretty ignorant statement. Also, playing with friends doesn't make you an "elitist".

    Finally, remember. Just because you're Lolbad doesn't mean everyone is.
  16. Nah, the Ladder's boring, now. Let's get naked.
  17. Omg, Ladder Free Agent Thread that way --->

    C'mon, it's even sticky'd.

    Also, I'm pretty sure Neuronia or someone posted the leader's globals and their Roster threads in the Free Agent Thread.
  18. Well, it's full for the moment.
    So, I'd like to apply.

    @Vexington/@Lucid Psyche

    I'm bad, but I play an Emp. I also have other stuff.

    I've never PvP'd til now. I bought this game in i16 and I'm trying to be cool.

    So, yeah, do it up.
  19. Don't worry, Hot. I'll just double-Rep you today. We'll push through the haters.

    I think asking for Rep is probably the most amazing thing one can do, and for that, I'm amazed.

    Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz Pz
  20. At the start of the event, well, right before, you register. When you reg, it's a specific character. Not a handle. You bring one toon in, and that's all you can use, just FYI. You can't just swap each round. That'd make things take forever, and also be unfair. There's a shot, obviously of someone having the rock to your scissors, but at least it's not planned by the individual. Random's calling the shots.

    Then again, I bet I'm just trolling.

  21. Why don't you guys just get together, make a team and compete in the Test ladder? >.> More teams/matches and you can actually play 8v8s.

    Just seems to make more sense.

    It's also in it's infancy, which makes it an easier step to climb.

  22. Hardly. You don't warrant it. Still, stay banned. You're bad. =D