2357 -
Quote:I'm a MA architect, not a miracle worker....
Did you also spruce up the Kheldian/Nictus/Council/5th Column lore while you were in there? It could use it. -
Quote:With the exception of two pieces (cape and chest emblem), wearing Ascension is a great way to show you are NOT cool. Most of the stuff is *** ugly.
That and I STILL don't approve of the iTrials and ESPECIALLY not the 'You have to be this cool to wear it' Ascension Armour. -
When I wanted to include one of my Kheldian characters in "Chains of Blood" I gave her Energy Assault/Regeneration. The resultant combination is probably far better than any "real" Peacebringer. :-P
I gave the arc a try on the Beta server. There, the editor shows the names "Ramiel" and "Agent Catherine Murano" to be the problems. I have no idea why the latter is flagged, and I certainly hope Ramiel isn't flagged because of the Contact, because I used the name about a year before he showed up.
Quote:No, you don't, any more than banks need you to sign an agreement not to rob them just in case you try to claim "I forgot armed robbery was illegal!"
Nooo, but you need that language to shut up the folks who say, "How was I supposed to know you couldn't do that?" -
Quote:Violating an NDA is a breach of contract. Same for showing disassembled game files; it's also against the DMCA. Stalking and harassing are illegal in and of themselves.
If you set up some other web site or forum to leak NDA information, or to show disassembled piggs, or to stalk or harass some player, then, yeah, you should be banned.
We don't need language in the EULA that would allow someone at NC to kick you because they don't like your political opinions. -
Another five-star play and comment:
Quote:No, but only because he wasn't bright enough to think of it....Was a little unsure at the initial mission briefing, but as soon as the idea of mindcontrolling christmas toys came up, I was sold on it. Hmm do you think that something similar was done by Statesman ? -
Quote:A lame option is still an option, so you've managed to contradict yourself in the space of only two sentences.
If you don't like the challenge, you still have two other options for starting areas. Players who did want an interesting challenge had no options before Praetoria. The difficulty slider is a lame option because it admits that there is no challenge to the legacy groups and that the only recourse is more and more of them.
The truth is the sub-SO game doesn't need a difficulty increase because it's the only part of the game that works. The game doesn't take a flying leap into munchkinland until SOs and sets show up. You're also forgetting that new players were getting shoved into Praetoria by default if they'd bought into the game with GR. Then they were getting their behinds handed to them with a side of fries repeatedly. GR ended up not doing any real good in adding new players to the game. I can't imagine why.
Quote:Tell us, what would you have had the devs do to come up with new lowbie groups for praetoria?
Quote:Two pistol attacks and a brawl for every minion, and lieutenants with a submachine gun attack? I think they've well exhausted the possibilities of that strategy in the hero and villain content.
Quote:A great way to make the expansion instantly unappealing would have been to simply port over existing lowbie groups with new skins on them!
Quote:Instead they broadened the tools available to them and came up with some genuinely novel challenges that sadly do force you, the player, to use your noodle now and then.
And at the end of the day, the devs abandoned the idea for F2P. The new starting experience is the old starting experience. Overpowered newbie mobs failed; you lose.
Quote:Edit: The only way to claim that the lowbie groups are clearly jury-rigged highbie groups is to have little experience fighting the high level IDF, clockwork, et cetera, by the way. They're radically, hugely stronger than their lower level stand-ins.
Quote:Oh, and on a point that was brought up earlier, I don't see how they could have made the plot much more accessible to novices. -
Quote:We're already there.
Because if they did that even fewer people would play arcs, to the point where there would be so few players the system might as well not exist. You don't want to accept that. -
Quote:Fixing it is easy: eliminate rewards. People just don't want to accept that.
There is no way possible to make this system work as you will always have conflict of interest. -
And sometimes your lawyers can't help but twitch and advise you to bee "too careful" when it comes to possible lawsuits. -
Been saying the same things for months, Arcana. They don't get it; they don't want to get it.
As far as I'm concerned any issue that doesn't fix the AE filter is "meh" at best.
I just discovered "The Christmas We Get" is unplayable due to the filter, despite not showing any errors in edit mode. I neither know nor care what the problem is; I'm this close to just deleting my arcs and forgetting the system even exists.
Actually I just discovered "The Christmas We Get" is unplayable due to the filter, despite not showing any errors in edit mode. I neither know nor care what the problem is; I'm this close to just deleting my arcs and forgetting the system even exists.
The only arc I have in your current range is #474611, "Cole In Your Stocking", one of my two Christmas arcs. The other Christmas arc, #356477 "The Christmas We Get" is technically a 40+ arc but can probably be handled by a character of any level as long as you're not cranking difficulty up.
The system does not have enough participation to offset the actions of jerks, in either direction. Therefore it's not going to work, end of line.
Quote:Jaegers are robots. Warhulks have people inside them. There is one instance in the lore of this being done to someone against their will -- "Scout", in the Numina TF. There is also at least one instance of someone requesting to be put inside a Warhulk, a "Lance Sergeant Lemleigh" in the arc "Mass Duplicity".
I read from some posts that Jaegers are apparently not robots? And that Warhulks are meant to be a form of punishment? Can anyone elaborate further on those two?
Quote:Apparently there was an enemy group called Thugs ingame a long time ago. Where could these guys be found back then? Did they have the same powers like the ordinary gangs? i.e Hellions and Skulls? Why were they removed? And finally..Anyone have pics of them? -
All of my arcs whose threads I updated recently got 2-3 plays each. One of these was a five-star rating, as I suddenly had 25 tickets to redeem. The other...zilch. At least their ratings didn't change.
Quote:Not buying it. It's patently obvious that the mobs were designed for the endgame and then scaled down, poorly. Likewise, using the Praetorian setting as both a starting experience and endgame content is insanely dissonant, made worse by the decision to allow Primals to walk over whenever they like. One BAF league should be able to bulldoze Nova Praetoria off the map before Tyrant and his stooges could do anything about it, except you can't because, well, you can't. It's just not allowed. If the Praetorian zones were off-limits to Primals you could at least invoke the "level progression equals story progression" principle (itself becoming increasingly problematic; proof left as an exercise for the reader), claiming they represented a "Praetoria-that-was" that tourists can't get to now.
The content was planned to only be 1-20 right from the start
As for Praetoria per se I don't see how anyone could think it "awesome". Not only is it not particularly original but it invokes a trope that has become so cliche it can no longer be used seriously. It did nothing to "shave off the goatees"; if anything the Praetorian characters are now even more laughably evil then ever before. Despite what a few apologists tried to claim there is nothing "morally ambiguous" about it (and we don't hear that argument much any more, you may notice). It is positively rotten as a starting environment for reasons stated above repeatedly. Even as a long-time player who could effortless twink a starting character I would not even consider starting one in Praetoria; the last possible reason to do so (archetype selection) will be gone in a matter of days. The "multi-faction" storyline went nowhere with all branches inexplicable shoehorned into the same place and is now abandoned in the First Ward content. I suspect the devs have belatedly discovered there are reasons why "choose your own adventure" type stories are only seen in children's books.
There's a great conversation in the Babylon 5 episode "Hunter, Prey" between Franklin and Garibaldi about disappointment. They compare the expectations they had for the future to (paraphrased) "the Christmas present you bug your parents for all year, and when you finally get it it's just not a great as you thought it was, and you just shove it in the closet and never play with it again". That's the vibe I've been getting from the devs ever since GR. It's like they feel the "old world" content is such a hopeless morass of design mistakes, continuity errors, bad writing and worse cliches that even they don't want to deal with it any more, that Praetoria represented some kind of opportunity to "start over". I think they expected we'd all stampede over to Praetoria, demanding more and more of it, and can't understand why we didn't and why so many people are so tired of Praetoria being at the center of everything. They don't (or maybe can't) see that they're just making the same mistakes all over again, only with a shinier coat of ultra-mode paint. -
Yet another missed comment:
Quote:No, I'm not Whedon...unless that's what I want you to think...no, I'm not Nemesis either.I think I enjoyed this more than the most of the canon Warden arcs. The dialogue is great. (Are you Joss Whedon by any chance? Kidding.) -
Another missed comment:
Quote:This is a truly great arc which I loved even more this time than I did the first time I played because I noticed some humor I missed that I really enjoyed. The only thing I didnt't like was the fact that the last map had no trucks and there was talk about trucks. That being said, it is a rare arc that can be touching and dunny at the same time. Great job! -
Another missed comment:
Quote:Maybe after Freedom launches I'll go through this and update the customs a bit, at least costume-wise. Of course, if I really cared about improving the entertainment value of the arc, I'd delete it.Love the customs... and this 7 year vet loves the sins of the arc. Was challenging with Stalker... but pulled it off just fine. -
Another comment I managed to miss:
Quote:You are a sick, twisted genius for this arc. I salute you! ^_^ -
If you're getting to 50 in five hours, doing it in 2, or even 1, is really not that big of a difference.