2357 -
I was saying the other day that Beast/Pain has Unfortunate Implications....
I would hardly call Watchmen "perfect in its construction", but it also doesn't need supplementary works. And I stopped taking Alan Moore seriously after he claimed that he and Frank Miller had killed the superhero genre back in the 80s.
Quote:We most emphatically do not.
We need more Dean Arthur (sic)styled arcs. -
In order for something to be challenging it must be possible to fail at it. There aren't a lot of things that qualify for that in City; in the vast majority of cases if you can't succeed it's because you never had a chance in the first place. That's not challenging either, just a gear check.
Quote:The odds of someone gaining superpowers in any one instance of mortal danger are pretty low. The problem is when you start killing thousands or millions of people at once those million-to-one odds start adding up fast. If the Joker squirts one guy with his smiley juice the overwhelming likelihood is the guy won't get superpowers from it. If he dumps it in the water supply he may be in for a surprise.
Yeah but that technically applies to every single piece of technology in the superhero universe. heck in the case of Batman it only required a handgun. -
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe.
You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off. -
I've rerolled my main twice. Was Kat/SR Scrapper, rerolled to Claws/SR and then Kin/SR. The character was level 50 each time; I transferred the old one to a new server.
Quote:Actually you're invoking the problem of induction and underdetermination.
If I say "The sun will come up tomorrow" and I present overwhelming evidence that the sun has come up every day for the past 4.5 billion years, and you say "I won't believe it unless I see it come up with my own eyes" then you're being unreasonable. -
This is so going to get modsmacked sooner or later, but:
Quote:The latter statement has no burden of proof because it asserts or denies nothing. The speaker is simply withholding provisional consent to an existential claim. The former statement, by contrast, is asserting that within the relevant domain of discourse there does not exist any entity that would satisfy the demands of being a member of the specified set. Given the domain of discourse, that's a pretty big claim.They both have the burden of proof. If someone said either statement to me, my response would be the same: "Why?" -
Quote:The problem is that the objection to the state of villain content is not a story objection, no matter how much the complainants may claim or even believe it is. It's a mechanical one. The game is simply not built to deliver what they want, and it can't be changed at this point. It would be easier to create a new game.
What exactly does this thread seek to prove except to say that the OP doesn't like the story?
Compare and contrast to the Well material, which could (and should) be excised at a moment's notice. -
Quote:Actually it isn't. There is no "rule" against proving a negative. There had better not be, since any positive statement ("All humans are mortal") can be rewritten as a negative one ("No humans are immortal"). The false perception that "you can't prove a negative" is actually due to the universal/particular distinction. I could explain that at the risk of slaying the entire marketing department, but suffice it to say that if you can't prove a negative you can't prove anything else, either.
I don't really care about the argument that's going on, but I would like to confirm that everything said by Xanatos there is correct in every way that matters.
As for the actual points, Arcanaville has (as usual) provided more than a sufficient preponderance of evidence to support hers. The complaint against villain content has been hammered to death already; people need to either accept what they're getting or find another way to spend their free time. -
Quote:"This sentence is not written in Vorlon."
Sadly if you're going to assert the latter, then you have to prove a negative, which is impossible.
Thank you, come again! -
I'm not going to try to quote and point out all the fail; I'll just cut to the chase.
City is predicated on the notion that the character does jobs for other people. That is it. It's not a sandbox game and it never will be. Playing a villain in this game means playing a mercenary doing black-bag jobs and it always will. No, having the NPCs who are actually calling the shots the whole time kiss up to the PC does not help. It comes off like this.
Thus my earlier comment "if you're trying to score a touchdown in bowling, ur doin it wrong". Players have to create characters that fit the game. Adjust your expectations accordingly or go play something that better fits them. If you play villains here you're not going to be the mastermind and you're not going to change the status quo, end of story. -
Quote:i c whut u did thar.....
Lobby Congress to pass draconian acts to protect your media empire, and that will also break the Internet. -
Quote:I don't care if it's "accepted" or not, it's true. This was discussed when the RWZ opened. Vanguard didn't have all those wonderful toys during the first invasion; they were pretty much just an umbrella organization for supers. When the Alpha-Omega Gambit ended the invasion most of those supers went back to their own business but the core membership of Vanguard knew it wasn't over. They started preparing for the inevitable sequel and here we are.
I wonder if that would be generally accepted. -
Quote:Yes, it does, because if you try to score a touchdown in bowling UR DOIN IT WRONG.
All I'm saying is that this game, as a static MMO, is far from a perfect representation of a "superhero/supervillain" game because it hampers, by inadequate design, a certain range of villainous RP I would otherwise like to explore. That doesn't make my desire to explore such a line of RP "incorrect" in the least. -
Quote:It's not.
As you say, though, Dark Astoria seems to be a step in the right direction, at the very least in terms of presentation. -
Vanguard did not "gear up" until the second invasion. Thus, they were there in the crash site but not obvious.
Quote:You'd only be able to play it "that way" for about 20 minutes, by which time someone will have beaten you to the punch and destroyed the world.
Perhaps someday there'll be a game where we can play this way.
Quote:I think the answer is simple: The next arc needs to have the heroes doing something utterly evil and despicable for "the greater good". -
If I counted right I've played 17 of them. No, I'm not going to list them.
After the 150 or so arcs I've reviewed I think I've done my share, especially in light of the poor official support the MA system has received. -
Quote:Power Analyzer recipes are cheap and readily available.
What is up with the crazy to-hit of Rularuu Eyeballs? My TW/SR incarnate running at +3/+8 required 1.3 hours and multiple deaths to get through this arc, not fun at all. Each spawn had 3-4 eyeballs it seemed, all of which had a 95% chance to hit me. With me having ~49% def to M/R/A.
All of the Watcher models have +100% ToHit for a total of 150%, then toss in Accuracy for rank and level shifts. At a 49% Defense you can turn on Elude for (likely) another 60% or so, meaning you'll die slowly enough that you might be able to clear out a spawn of them first. The -def is not really a factor for SR, which has insane resistance to such.
The Rularuu models were created well before GDR/ED and were never retuned. The result is they make pretty much everyone cry (whatever your schtick one of them either debuffs or ignores it), thus my labeling of them as the most miserable, unfun faction in the game to fight. -
Worst I've ever done along these lines is I once accidentally vendored a purple. It was one of the less desirable ones, but still. Shortly thereafter the ability to mail recipes came in; now when I get purples or such as soon as there's a break in the action I mail them to myself.
What I gather from the OP is that the 250 million bid was a mistake brought on by fatigue, not a deliberate "want NAO" bid.