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  1. Quote:
    Thanks for another reminder that everybody in this game, hero and villain alike, is some kind of a monster. Thanks for the reminder that, to borrow (and bowdlerize) a phrase from TV Tropes, City of Heroes is a (Bleep)sack World.
    No, just Praetoria. It's why my response to it has always been the Eight Deadly Words.

    Besides, it's really a Crapsaccharine World.
  2. Quote:
    Eh, there's nothing particularly bad about Praetoria. There's really nothing that we haven't done to ourselves here on our earth.
    Rampant use of nuclear weapons? Including, I might add, a fairly blatant (and mostly successful) attempt to "frag" America's own heroes? Ignoring the refugee problem on America's own shores resulting from the retaliation for said attacks? Allowing the Midwest, well before the Devoring Earth problem, to turn into a region of near anarchy, biker gangs taking territory for their own at will? Throwing American citizens to the wolves in the face of Devouring Earth attacks?

    These people were bastards long before their world went to hell...and were probably the reason why it did.

    On the Google+ hangout today they confirmed that he was captured by us and not killed, so he's officially in our hands now.
    Sigh, Joker Immunity. For the record, the answer to the question of what to do with Tyrant involves the words "bullet" and "brain".
  3. Quote:
    Uhhh... Venture, while the whole world didn't do it, the United States kind of jumped the shark on reason well before Tyrant came into the picture when they thought electing General MacArthur was a good idea.
    I have argued in the past that there is reason to believe the entire civilization of Praetoria suffered some kind of critical failure in ethical development.

    That doesn't change the facts. No matter how long the history of making bad decisions it's never too late to start making good ones. Praetorians just decided to stick with what didn't work.

    This was something I kept trying to explain to Golden Girl about Praetorian America vs. Praetoria vs. Primal or even our own America:
    We get a good look at what things were like in the US from the Destroyer's story in Jessica Flores' arc. It wasn't pretty.
  4. Quote:
    YOU'RE an evil person, a complete monster, and there's nothing in your posts that have ever rehabilitated you in anyway.
    Why are you reciting my resume?

    (because, seriously, no offense but with some of your statements, I do wonder why you play this game when it only upsets you or under performs to your expectations everytime?)
    I used to enjoy the lore, and the gameplay and AE. Nowadays the gameplay is pretty much all that's left, and the Current Opposition is eating away at that.

    But there is You see that he knows that what he is doing can be seen as wrong and that his followers are indeed [to put it nicely] crazy, but he also knows it was the only way to save the people at the time being.
    No, he believes it was the only way to save people. The first step in becoming one of the most evil persons in history is to convince yourself that your way is the only way. The truth is we'll never know if there was a better way for Praetoria to deal with Hamidon, because its people panicked and handed world leadership over to a madman.
  5. Quote:
    He isnt an evil person really, which the content in issue 23 shows, but rather somebody who has had his hand forced.
    No, he's an evil person. He's a complete monster and there's nothing in i23 that rehabilitates the character in any way.
  6. Quote:
    No, worse: we'll all WANT to.
    Hey, I was drinking Earl Grey Hot before Picard made it cool!
  7. Quote:
    Now if you feel simply posting "I agree" isn't very constructive or conducive to a conversation I would ask why you bothered to post your silly image macro, which is neither.
    I felt it went well with the link.

    If you feel the conversation needs to tread some new ground then perhaps ask some pertinent questions such as "What story telling elements are missing from these arcs that make them fall flat?" or "How can they build characterization with the limited amount a player can interact with an NPC?"
    Been there, done that.

    It doesn't need a reboot. It needs to be allowed to rest in peace. Dear Hollywood: please stop remaking old stuff and try making new stuff. k thx bai.
  9. Quote:
    A series of events, no matter how grand in scale they may be, offer little entertainment if they read like a history book. Great story telling, on the other hand, can make even the most common and mundane events very engaging.
    You don't say.

  10. Quote:
    I thought they fixed that. Is it broken again?
    It was never fixed. A few terms were removed. Anecdotal evidence claims more terms were added later.

    Since it's been over a year now it is fair to say that the filter system is here for the duration.
  11. Quote:
    However, one look at the TF's souvenir reveals what I consider to be a much more fundamental flaw with this TF's design - it's all plot and no storytelling. There is literally nothing there to inspire or engage, it's just a sequence of events linked together by a logical timeline that has no storytelling of any sort to offer.
    In other words, it's just a bunch of stuff that happened.
  12. Venture


    I would've been optimistic, but then I took a meme to the thread.
  13. I picked it up about the time Gaunt died and voluntarily left Heaven. I liked it but I thought it took a downward turn in the Twilley era. The ending frankly sucked; the blatant Les Miserables overtones were pretentious to the extreme.

    I understand that after First Comics finally ceased its death throes the book came back in some form but I never saw any of those issues. I did get to read some of the earlier material and think I really missed the book's prime.
  14. Quote:
    It would still have to be broken down into transportable pieces. Aside from the general lack of cargo holds capable of holding a whole Galaxy Class saucer, the saucer itself is to big for any transporter to beam up in one piece.
    Who said you a) have to beam it up in one piece or b) have anyplace to put it? Point one or more transporters at it and beam the dispersed matter into deep space.

    I'm less fond of the orbital bombardment idea due to the "giant radioactive hole in the ground" problem it causes.
  15. Written by someone who thought the Hamidon was a Lovecraftian critter.
  16. Quote:
    And really Venture? As much as you despise Praetoria, they can't just go "Nope, it's all done!" and leave Prae Hami as a loose plot thread. As someone who claims to be such an expert in good writing, you should know you can't leave something like that just waving free.
    Of course they can; there is nothing "loose" about it. After Tyrant's government falls Praetoria is evacuated and the portals are closed. Praet!Hammi has no access to dimensional travel, so that's it, game over, the jello wins. Praetoria gets the unhappy ending; an object lesson, as if we needed one, as to why surrendering liberty for safety obtains neither.
  17. Quote:
    Yes. I am. And you'd be wrong. I work for one of the 50 largest companies in America. We get weekly, some times daily, up dates as to where we are in regards to goals that are up to 10 years out.
    Good for them, but you have to admit American companies have a huge reputation for short-term thinking. (I'll also point out that by e.g. European standards 10 years is short-term.)

    See GG Some Loyalist were not evil.
    Yes they were, they just refuse to admit.
  18. Quote:
    Business plan things out in years not weeks.
    You're not from America, are you....
  19. For a civilization with transporter technology, removing the wreckage would hardly be a major undertaking.
  20. Praetoria was never a land of "moral ambiguity". If anything, it's probably the most black-and-white part of the game.
  21. Quote:
    After all the "Mirror, Mirror" episodes of the various Star Trek series over the years tended to be some of the coolest ones they ever did.
    No, they weren't. This is the point. People like making trash like this because it's Anything Can Happen Day and they can do whatever they want with The Property because there are no consequences. Continuity nerds like them because they like looking for all the little jokes. Everyone else just rolls their eyes and waits for it to end.

    Back in the day on, the running term for mirror universe episodes (in any series) was "moron universe".
  22. Quote:
    The storytelling in Praetoria is really fantastic, though, so I was sad that GR didn't do better.
    The problem is it's not fantastic. It's cliche-ridden fan porn. It takes something that's at best a one-off gag and tries to make a whole meal out of it. It's one gigantic darling any good editor would have shot down.
  23. I'd like to see not one more Praetoria story in the game, so no.
  24. Quote:
    Neither the gods nor the Well of the Furies are magic in nature. For the gods, that's actually stated repeatedly in canon.
    Yes, they are, and no, it isn't.
  25. Quote:
    I thought he was supposed to be this masterful movie maker
    What on earth gave you that idea?

    The really sad thing about redoing Khan is that given that ST: Nemesis was a remake of TWoK this will be the second time they're going back to that well. Third if you count the augment episodes of Enterprise. It's just sad.