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Do you have a time on when you plan on doing this on Sunday? Would like to join in but I work and don't get off till 7:30pm eastern.
I will gladly take the new Celestial Armor colors over the old one.
DC's New 52 hasn't really wowed me. I'll say it again but all it is was a way to merge the Wildstorm universe into DC pretty much the DC universe according to Jim Lee.
Here's the trailer for Robot Chicken's upcoming DC Comics special.
Good Fortune, and Good Victory on your travels. Hopefully we'll see you back later down the road.
Quote:Don't you mean 'Bogus'
Ah that explains it. Well seeing as I haven't played that game in a very long while I think I'm safe. Plus I don't remember what the password could be. Then again better safe than sorry I guess I'll make the rounds later tomorrow and change my passwords.
So I log on today and there's a dev/community message advising players to change their passwords. So did something happen that I'm not aware of? Did the NCsoft servers get hacked or something? Just wondering as to what caused this message to pop out of the blue.
Here's a preview of Book 3 of Avatar The Last Airbender - The Promise. From here it leads to The Search which sets up some background info for the Spirit World which Book 2 of Legend of Korra is supposed to tie into.
I believe for the end of the first Silent Hill movie Rose and Sharon are either stuck or they chose to stay in the Silent Hill reality. While Chris remains in the normal world. So makes me wonder if some how Chris managed to get back into Silent Hill and get Sharon back, or stumbles upon another Silent Hill child and raised her as his own.
It would be better if Fox losses all the movie rights to the Marvel properties they have.
Looks like it's based off of Silent Hill 3, but the whole trailer is giving off this pop generation horror vibe to me. I really liked the first movie and hopefully this one will be as good or even better as the first.
As a kid I enjoyed Superman: The Quest for Peace. However it's the only Superman movie that I haven't revisited as an adult. I have Superman, Superman 2, Superman 2 - The Richard Donner Cut, Superman 3 but not part 4. Maybe it's just the fear of seeing that movie as an adult instead of a kid that enjoyed wearing a cape out of a blanket that's preventing me from watching Quest for Peace.
So a day or two ago, Newsarama posted an article on the worst comic book movie performances and Christopher Reeve/Brandon Routh came in at number 9. Apparently some people, Mark Waid and friends, got upset over this and seeing this is the internet. One thing lead to another and then this article shows up.
So with the new Superman movie coming up next year. Wanted to know what everyone here's thinks of Reeve's performance as the Man of Steel. Do you guys feel that it was iconic, classic, okay, average, campy, hammy, cheesy, needs improvement? For me, I enjoyed Reeve's performance as Superman/Clark Kent and thought that it was a very good interpretation of the character. -
I recall hearing that one of the reasons to eliminate Peter and MJ's marriage was because it put limits on the kind of stories that could be told. I stopped reading Spider-Man for a while after OMD, then picked up a few issues before OMIT, trudged through that god-awful dreck of story telling, read a few issues after, dropped, and picked up for Spider-Island and kept on. As of yet I really haven't found anything in the story telling that makes it leaps and bounds better than what was told when Peter was married to MJ.
It explained why Peter and Mary Jane never got married. Again written by that talentless [censored]-hat, Joe Quesada. To me it was also a way to give Marvel editorial a very stupid way to say Spidey never made a deal with the devil to the fans that got upset, rightfully so, over Peter making the Devil's deal in One More Day. That OMIT (One Moment In Time) is how things really went down. Also the first part of OMIT pretty much implies that MJ was the one who made the deal with Mephisto, that since Peter would never make a deal with the Devil she can convince him to do so.
In a nutshell Peter gets knocked unconscious when a escaped Electro lackey falls on top of his head, and causes him miss his wedding with MJ. This causes MJ to rethink whether it's a good idea or not to marry Peter, and puts the whole thing on hold. Most of it is forgettable due to Quesada's horrible writing. Civil War happens, Aunt May gets shot, Peter and MJ are again terrorized by the Electro lackey but this time he works for the Kingpin. So after putting him down, Pete goes to Dr. Strange and this time instead of doing what he did in OMD. Strange agrees to help Pete out, going to Tony Stark and Reed Richards in astral form and some how they manage to find a way to erase the fact that Peter revealed that he was Spider-Man to the world. Also before the spell completes Peter drags an unconscious MJ into the protective circle so she's unaffected by the memory wipe spell, but when she regains unconsciousness she's upset that Peter would do something like this to her, and offically breaks up and leaves Peter. End flashback, Peter and MJ sharing drinks in her apartment and both agree to just remain friends. Overall don't bother, it's bad, it's not worth it, and if anything it just makes me want to smash Quesada's hands so he can never write again. -
Both OMD and OMIT took a collective dump on the Spider-Man legacy. If anything the only thing I learned from these 2 arcs is that Quesada can't write [censored] and his hands should never, ever touch a writing instrument.
Probably never going to see something like this in game, but would love to see skin options. Like metal, glass/crystal, liquid/gel, and energy
New ones up, both EU and NA, link here
So I'm guessing the pictures that had the codes were region locked. NA can see NA, and EU can only see EU
Quote:Got one