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  1. You silly people need to have events in Pocket D so i can bring Neil Patrick Harris to them. but i have to wait for Going Rogue to be able to bring him to blue side events.

    Le Sigh...

    But i guess ill grace you with an apperiance on one of my other children.

    I look forward to the pvp event ;D

    Hugs n Snuggs

  2. i sense alot of fights breaking out over this code thing.

    but have at it, ill keep out of the crossfire and get it next week like all the common folk.

  3. wait wait wait, Niviene's is in the night time, Dr. Fates isnt.

    i call do over cause he didnt match your screen shot!

    its too bright and colorfull!

    i call takesy backies on Dr. Fate!
  4. i think shes trying to be useful now guys!

    leave it to the last few minets to give a little more info, still not enough, but at least your finally trying.

    goodluck to who ever can get it in 10 minets.
  5. Let Niviene have fun with her photoshop filters and colors.

    ill come back next week when she has a real contest for us to do, not this ridiculas game.

    i might as well go stare at a calydascope and try to figure out what 3rd world king of a country from the past is being depicted in it.

  6. somsome let me know when this 5th picture is of any use at all.

    what are we looking at, a night sky?

    you are makign this too hard, you are haveing too much fun in photoshop, lay off the filters and give us somethign useful.
  7. So from what ive gathered this week, you block out the pic with random colors so we cant tell what is the picture and what is your stupid color squares, you uncover the most minue and low rez parts of the picture so we cant even see what it is without a magnifying glass, and even then it takes a mirical, and you keep poroviding pictures with no usefull knowledge in them. If anyone gets it this week with the 4 pics youve provided, ill gladly give them all the remaining money on my toons.

    Seriously, this is ridiculas.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Congrats, Demobot!

    Hehe, these are crazy! (I don't even bother, but it is fun watching you crazy people best these ridiculously obscure pictures!!)

    Lay off the questions about the victory and give Demo the credit!
    As Niv said, they're keeping track of edits and all.

    Also... wouldn't the filename and url of the pic change if you edit it at the hosting site?
    I don't use photbucket, so maybe they allow you to edit it without changing the url? Seems unlikely, as you could mess with A LOT of things that way, hehe.
    Acctully it doesnt change as long as the image name is the same and as long as you delete the old image and reupload it, it keeps the same url, thus no editing of post is required.

    Imageshack and photobucket both allow you to do this.

    go ahead and try it if you dont beleive it.

    its a pretty handy trick, though, specially for winning various contests or other forum related things since they wont have any record of it happening other than word of mouth, but than again, who trusts witnesses now a days anyways?

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
    apparently so.
    hah well i guess it happens.

    but i wonder if they know that you can change the uploaded picture wihtout editing your post.

    all you do is change it in photobucket or what ever and it updates automaticly and shows no post edit either.

    but i guess thats allowed since he did post "FIRST" he just posted wrong then changed his pic to be right, but its ok, thats not cheating "THAT" much.


    (and yes i had nothign better to do than sit and refresh this page to see who would win.)
  10. is changeing your picture allowed?

    cause didnt that winner guy change his pic a couple times?


    jus sayin.
  11. So, i think this is impossible.

    Chances are that this screen shot is taken from some random location with that specific billboard, and chances are that that bilboard is one of a kind, so only a person who happened to wander by it and see it would realize what it is and where. So unless your the idiot who spent all his time standing at that one spot stareing at that billboard long enough to memorize it, then you probably have no chance of getting this because the image is way to distorted and you have uncovered way to little amount of info to us.

    So here is what we have availble to our knowledge, there is a road, which is prominant in over 90% of the game. there are buldings with double doors, which are prominant in at least 75% of the game. And there is random clutter to hinder ones view of the image, which is prominant in 100% of the game. SO let me goto atlas, take a pic of a building and turn it into you and you can just go ahead and give me that prize because otherwise, i doubt any tom dick or harry could figure this out. only the man who spent his entire game time stareing at that one billboard, memorizeing it, can solve this.

    Thanks =D <3
  12. the proc is a 10 sec cooldown before it procs again, but thats per power so it should be ok.

    oh i see, well ill test that theory i guess witht he 7.5%

  13. well im capped for 7.5% 10% 6.25% and ive squeezed in as many 5% as i could.

    so i have the free slots to do it, was just curious if anyone knew how it worked in tornado.

    is it on summon or on tornado's attack?
  14. Does the Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge proc work with tornado?

    like when you summon the tornado does it proc, or does it proc when the tornado uses Knockback?

    and same with in Hurricane or lighting storm?

    hows it work guys?
  15. I just need to know the numbers for the bubbles the Protector bots put on you.

    If anyone knows or can check, i would greatly appreciate it.

  16. well i appreciate the numbers, good to know that.

    i think i will gram medicine jus to help. and for slotting for more 5% recharge hehe.

    and zombies have great resistances


  17. Ok well im making a master mind.

    Necro something, but i love to debuff, fave thign to do in the game, so im thinking poison.

    but i need numbers before decideing.

    as well an answers.

    So Noxious Gas, whats the numbers on this for debuffs? i know its dependant o the pet but wanyone got solid numbers?

    and who thinks that Akaloid and the zombies self heals will be enough to keep them standing?

    and hows zombies resistances?

    ny thoughts on this?

    i need advice.
  18. whoo!

    A party with Hereon and Yoface is BOUND to be amazing!

    Cause whats better than a Bash Hereon Yoface?

  19. * Supergroup Name: Order of Shinobi
    * Website (if any):n/a
    * Leader or Recruiting Officers: UltimaOX and Kielx
    * Preferred Method of contact: (Ingame email or Private message
    * Guild Description: We consist of Ninjas and Ninja Masterminds. If you are on of those then find us in game and join. There is no lvl requirement, we just ask that you please try to help when you can and be respectful.