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  1. UberGuy

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
    Maybe. To use the back from the dead analogy, I'd say it depends on the the quality of life and longevity the patient has after being "saved".
    Does it being a crappy outcome sound like a "miracle" to you? After what I just posted, do you really think you're doing everyone some sort of service by singing a different version of "yeah, we're screwed"? Seriously?

    Jesus, people.

    Again, you can combine hope for the long-shot with reminding people that it's a really long shot without making it sound like hope of any sort is stupid.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
    This is me. I don't begrudge anyone their game of choice, but I honestly can't see myself picking up another MMO. Hell, before CoH the last computer game I'd played was Grim Fandango, and I've still never owned a console. Should a reborn Paragon come up with something interesting I might give it a try, but otherwise, when the lights go out in Atlas Park, my career in electronic gaming comes to a close.
    I am very unlikely to actually go to another MMO. While I don't consider all modern ones bad, none of them call to me. The circumstances that got me into CoH were unique, and the characteristics of CoH were unique enough to keep me here after the original reasons I came no longer held true. It's just very unlikely any MMO will combine those factors again, and my life has changed a lot in 8 years to boot, so the necessary conditions are actually different now.

    I'm likely to play video games, but they will probably be FPS games.

    Like you, I don't own a console. Mostly, console games feel very dumbed down to me compared to games made for the PC. There are exceptions, but I find them very rare. If PCs die off as a viable gaming market, I may be forced to migrate, but mostly that does not appeal to me at all.
  3. Yeah, Justice had at least 5 teams running. That's just how many I accounted for before mine headed in, so there might have been a few more.

    By the time we were done there were several Numina (WST) teams forming.
  4. UberGuy

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    But even then at some point in time the death certificate is written and or the plug is pulled after a while.
    Very few people seem to be operating as if that's not true. It seems needlessly pessimistic to bother pointing it out. It's like reminding everyone that, yes, we will all actually die someday. We all know that. Some of us even make plans regarding it, especially as we grow older. But even when we're at an age where it's likely we'll keel over, no one really wants to be reminded over and over "hey, you know, you're probably going to die soon."

    CoH ending isn't comparable to dying for its players, no matter how upset they may be over it, but they still really appreciate someone reminding them constantly how likely it is that CoH is going to end forever on November 30. The game is still here, and for some of us, we plan to make use of that fact until then.

    And if someone pulls off a miracle, even a delayed one? That'd be fan-fricking-tastic. You can remind people to have well-grounded expectations without being a sourpuss.
  5. To this day, I for some reason remember what IMDB informs me was the episode "Jouney to Oasis". I remember very little about the episode except for a disembodied voice warning the characters to "Beware of Ezerhaaden!", and a floating sword.

    As an aside, it's more than a little amazing that I could use the internet to find details of a 31-year old television episode, knowing only what series it was from and having a vague, qualitative description of that disembodied warning. I had no idea how one spelled "Ezerhaaden", and less idea what the episode was named or who was in it besides the core characters.

    I found it on my second try, in probably less than 60 seconds.
  6. Update

    I am moving this attempt to Friday at 9 PM Eastern time, which is 6 PM Pacific. It is taking us 30+ minutes to form, and we usually try three times, so that should hopefully give West Coast folks some time to show up. Hopefully East Coast and Midwestern folks won't mind staying up a bit later on a Friday night.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post
    1) Make All Enemies Level-less - All around, everywhere. What's Green is Green and what's Purple is Purple. What increases as you get more powerful is your ability to deal with them more efficiently.
    Original Guild Wars did something very much like this, and I really disliked it a lot.

    I get some of the reasons people dislike the level-based combat threat systems, but I think, ultimately, CoH ended up somewhere that really gave a best-of-breed combination of them. (Notice I said "a", not "the" best-of-breed.) Against stuff that it made gameplay sense to have be a roughly equal challenge to everyone, you had (mostly) leveleless foes. Against stuff that it would suck to have to worry about (hellions in Atlas park attacking 50+1s), you didn't.

    I think that, done well, there's room for both systems, and I would dislike one where everything is levelless as much if not more than something where everything had a fixed level and would be "gray" or "purple" to based on relative levels.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm sure that's why you remember that episode:

    Actually ... I completely did not remember the episode ... until you pasted that. So I suspect you're on to something there. Seriously, I now vaguely remember the plot and everything, and I did not at all before.

    I did have a serious boy crush on Erin Gray, though, so, yeah.
  9. I really don't see what's so awesome about the Monster Hunter animations. Seriously, they seem pretty comparable to CoH's.

    I'm talking about the actual animations of the attacks, rolls, etc. of the player characters we see.

    What's I see different is that there is more stuff going on with the characters' costumes, which makes them look a bit more detailed. The character has a rather dynamic ponytail, which has no direct CoH equivalent, though capes are sort of close. (I happen to think CoH capes are amazing, and have never seen anything I consider as good even after all this time.) The animations for the dragon-esque creature he fights are pretty nice, but then there's nothing terribly like that to compare them to in CoH. Maybe some of the new quadruped rigs, but none were used as big lizards or dragons.

    But other than the ponytail, I'm not at all seeing what's so superior about the moves the player character is doing compared to ones in CoH. I compare them directly to things a Titan Weapons character would do, and I'm not seeing a lot to differentiate them.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    who was Positron ? Doctor Theopolis* ?
    Either that or Citadel is.

    Hm, or maybe he's Twiki. I would probably run screaming if he broke out "bidi-bidi-bidi", though.
  11. Woo, FQBARN! (First Quote By a Red Name.)

    * ducks and runs before Zwil throws a rubber chicken.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    Is that why Aion is still up and running why COX is shutting down?
    That's almost certainly because Aion was designed with (South) Korean customers in mind, where CoH was not, and was never popular there. There's more going on here than just intrinsic game quality or even profitability.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DustyFarrell View Post
    All it will take is real leadership from someone at Paragon Studios.
    That leadership is apparently in place. However, they almost certainly cannot publicly share details of what is being negotiated. So far, they have only let out that negotiations are still ongoing.

    I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that such leadership is "all" it will take. A lot of other things have to fall into place - the best leader in the world might not be able to get NCSoft to play ball. But the leadership is in place, and "someone else" is indeed working on saving the game.

    Nothing at all might come of it, but people are trying.
  14. For a lot of the people upset, there are two factors.

    The first factor is that you seem to assume that people would have had the same reaction no matter when CoH had shut down. Perhaps a few people would, but the problem here is that this shutdown is extremely dramatic. Server populations had been relatively stable for a very long time. Revenue was on a very gradual decline. There were active plans from the dev team for easily a year into the future. A lot of the reaction you're seeing is because the shutdown was not clearly signaled at all. If the game had gone into a visible maintenance mode spiral, far fewer people would be as emotional about it.

    The other factor is that CoH is the MMO that a lot of people who don't otherwise play MMOs actually play. That means its the only similar time sink that they indulge in, and when its gone, many of them do not expect to be able to replace it. Some folks spend 2-4 hours a day on this one thing, and have been doing it for 4-8 years. That's a big chunk of a person's time to suddenly have become a vacuum.

    Then you consider that, for those same people, most of them weren't just spending all that time grinding in some AE mission. They were teaming, chatting, participating in forums, participating in the community, forming events, leading SGs, etc. It was a hobby and a social experience that will now end, or at a minimum be forced to dramatically change.

    I think it's pretty clear you no longer had an investment in this game. The people who are upset still did, and got no graceful wind-down so that their expectations could adjust.
  15. Threadjack - are there any threads lurking, possibly on the beta forums, that explain the mechanics of Absorb? I got curious about them last night due to experience in a Hamidon raid, in which I had a very large absorb buff that seem to provide me no benefit against Hamidon yellow mito damage - I lost half my HP bar and my absorb bar did not move.

    That made me realize I know pretty much zip about this mechanic, as I did not get involved in the betas where it has featured, and I decided I'd like to know how it works while I still have the chance.
  16. It's fun watching you try to lord your e-peen over people on the internet, THB. Fun in that guilty way that it's fun to watch the people on shows like Jail or Repo Games on Spike TV.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    While I tend to agree with this statement it seems to characterize the game as having a much more consistent vision than it actually did. IOs are a good counterpoint to that. They are all heavily biased to max level builds as difficult as it was for some people to make IO build, making exemplar friendly builds truly a PITA.
    While I agree strongly with this, I will at least say I doubt that was the original intent. I think they just didn't think it through that well. Granted, a lot of us told them that it was going to work that way, but probably very late in the total design.

    The issue wasn't so much the IOs themselves. You can build pretty decent exemplar builds assuming unlimited access to the IOs you want. Not as rocking, perhaps, as a build slotted with straight 50s, but still way, way better than it would be otherwise. The problem is that "unlimited access to the IOs you want" was not close to typical. I gather it wasn't an insurmountable problem for a lot of posters in this thread, actually, but I don't think we're very typical.

    It had been getting worse with newer powersets where the builds fell apart without particular powers. Time without farsight comes to mind, Kin is an old one that I try to forget about without set bonuses and pool defenses it became really painful. With the upcoming snipe changes you would have had even more brittle builds when it came to exemplaring.
    I will definitely concede that some powersets are way, way stronger with one or two of their powers, and that they can be comparatively mediocre without them. The thing is, whether people can have fun progressing stuff we consider mediocre is very subjective. As long as a powerset met a certain basic level of functionality, I could play it through 25-odd levels on baseline or near baseline difficulty, then start bumping it up once I picked up the heavy hitters. I realize not everyone has that patience. To me, though, this was more a matter of "could be done better" as opposed to "is really bad".
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jester View Post
    Thursday is the Positron's Ally Event isn't it?
    I totally did not think about that. I believe that means this is not a good day/time for an attempt. First of all, I don't want to force people to decide between trying for the badge and attending a SaveCoH event. Second, I doubt we can afford the drain on players it would create to split attention that way.

    I need to figure out my weekend so I can decide whether to try for Friday or Saturday instead. I will aim to start an hour later for west coast peeps either way, however.
  19. UberGuy

    Final Thoughts.

    That really sucks. I'm sorry that happened.
  20. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Armath View Post
    This has nothing to do with personal preferences. All of these questions bundled up together encompass a huge part of the game, if not the whole game and pretty much the standard phases i've seen were these two above.
    Either you and I were reading the same document, or you were reading it through a filter that very much did have to do with your personal preferences. I can say that simply because I read the document, and while that answer was there for some things that disappointed me, it was there for somethings I frankly didn't care much that was the answer to, and it was not there for everything they answered.

    Moreover, this was a document primarily on lore. People were asking about various story elements, some just stubs, some more filled out but old, and some new. While lore is usually used to explain movement in the game, such as new TFs, zones, enemies and sometimes even powersets, fleshing out old lore is not key to progressing the game. I like the lore to move forward, but, to pick an example, I don't need them to revisit and extend Cimerora to get new powersets or new TFs or new Incarnate powers. They could give us completely new lore that provides those things. I want new things to do and new shinies, and I don't really need them to update old lore to get those things.

    I'm not a big fan of tons of dangling lore, but the game likely never depended on them tying up loose ends.

    Edit: One other thing. The questions were not something we could consider a good statistical sample of things we could use to make broad conclusions about how often the devs left something dangling, and I don't mean because its a small sample set. I say that because people were most likely to ask questions about lore that's old and incomplete because its old and incomplete. What the answers tell us is that a lot of things which are old and incomplete are that way because the devs didn't have time to revisit it. We can't, however, safely extend that to say that the devs leave everything incomplete.
  21. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Armath View Post
    Because in every other question the phrases "we didn't/don't have time" "too much work invovled" keep crawling up like maggots. I'm sorry, but i'm talking genuinely out of interest and not personal spite. If you can't do this or do that or you have no time, why did you bother with anything at all? Why did you bother creating things if you cannot maintain them? For example, you said that Grandville (as you have described), was a "poorly made in the first place" and you explain us in the end that it "It would’ve been, I believe, 2 solid months of an artists time to fix it; unfortunately, it was time we never had.", or that a second ouroboros, which is pretty much new content would put a huge strain on your resources. Well, that happens with new content now doesn't it? I was very dissapointed by these answers. All these interesting (and sometimes vital proposals for the modernization of the game) would probably never come to fruition even if the studio hadn't closed. Meh...
    I don't understand the complaint. Did you enjoy the game? Did you enjoy the things they were doing? If the answer to that question was yes for enough players, then they were doing the right thing by focusing on those things and not stuff that would be nice to have. They could either go improve old and/or unfinished stuff, or they could work on new stuff. And given that choice, they simply often did not have time to work on the old stuff.

    I completely understand that different players have vested interests in different parts of the game and/or its lore, and if you're saying that the parts of the lore or game you cared most about were never going to get fixed, then yeah, you were probably never going to be satisfied. It's ludicrous though, to ask why they ever did anything to start with. You always start things thinking they'll have the use and focus to justify maintaining or improving them ... and sometimes you're wrong.
  22. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Yup. Instead we got two years of Praetorian storylines. And we know how well that turned out :\
    I almost certainly enjoyed the Praetorian War story more than I would a Rikti-inspired archetype.

    And no, that's not meant to be damning with faint praise. While the Praetorian War wore on a bit longer than I might have liked, I had no major issues with it as a concept for them to dwell on for an extended period.
  23. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
  24. UberGuy


    I had already seen the Mythbuster homages in another thread, but those others are really great.
  25. Hi, Gang, me again.

    We've gotten RHW once each night on our last two outings.

    I want to form at least one more for people who don't have the badge. I'm aiming for Thursday, 09/20.

    Do please come and help if you can. Some folks don't have the badge yet because they played what we needed in order to succeed instead of what they wanted the badge on. That's awesome of them to do, and we should pay them back in kind.

    See my previous thread on what we need.

    We have been doing this very early by Pacific coast folks' standards. Since this is a weeknight, I am going to try to keep to the same schedule. However, I am also going to try and check with known west coast folks who I have not seen at prior attempts, and potentially reschedule for later on Fri or Sat, so that it's more reasonable for East Coast and Midwestern folks to help out without being half asleep at work the next day.

    So, tentative date/time: Thursday the 20th at 8 Eastern, 7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific, but watch this space for a reschedule.