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  1. Is the invasion not on auto-spawn at this point? I've been logged into Justice for some time and not seen one in either hero or villain event channels.

    Edit: They started up again.
  2. Very nice. Thanks for the investment in time this had to represent.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    I got there while Nemesis was being attacked. Only minions spawned after that. So I am guessing I missed the build up phase.
    That's not how invasions work.

    Past the initial spawn, the faster you defeat stuff, the higher rank of stuff appears as a follow on.

    At one point one of the devs explained the mechanics of it. People that stand in large groups get high efficiency from AoE damage (and buffs/debuffs) which help them clear invasion spawns very rapidly. That leads to rapid escalation in the ranks of what spawns to replace it.

    So the group you were with just wasn't able to clear the spawns fast enough.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    I see! Although arguably, even though it's 7.5% Damage to the team, might not edge out over the fact Eye of the Storm itself is garbage, costs you 15-20% Damage Bonus as well, the endurance cost of EotS, and so on and so on.
    Well, let's assume a team full of damage dealers beating on a hard target with no other source of -DR than their one Staff Scrapper. Not a good assumption, I know, so I'll come back to that. Let's say they're not Scrapper Forum hot-rod builds, so they mostly pump out something on the order of 150 DPS.

    Since we know that DPS after the DR debuff is DPS * (1 + debuff), the added DPS should be just DPS * debuff.

    8 * 150 DPS * 0.075 = 90 DPS.

    I don't think there's anything we could get the devs to do that would add something like 90 DPS to the baseline damage of Staff. (And as the team gets more hot-rod builds, it gets better.)

    Now let's turn one of the characters into an actual debuffer of some kind. I'm going to completely make up their raw damage contribution and say it's 1/2 of the damage dealers' (75 DPS), but they add -30% DR.

    7.5 * 150 DPS * (0.3 + 0.075) = 337.5 DPS + 84.375 DPS = 421.875 DPS

    So the Staff character is adding about 84 DPS, which is still a lot, but is now a smaller part of the total DPS. The more sources of -DR you get on the team, the less each one contributes proportionally, and the Staffer(s) will add a smaller proportion of the debuffing pie. But even if it was one staffer and 7 debuffers...

    4.5 * 150 DPS * (2.1 + 0.075) = 1417.5 + 50.625 DPS = 1468.125

    That's still around 51 DPS added by the Staffer's debuff.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Remember, this is just ONE of his ELEVEN level 50 characters. I'm not sure how many non-50's Uber has, but I suspect it is more than one.
    The truth is summed up in a couple of points:
    • I play my existing 50s way, way more than I think most people do. My lowbie alts, who are somewhat numerous (but not as many as I suspect a lot of forum regulars have), have in some cases literally languished for years without gaining a level. My 11th 50 hit that level in April, was level 25 in March of this year, and had been level 25 for five years.
    • I'm single with a very comfortable income, which almost certainly lets me goof off more than most. I still put in my 8-hour days, and a lot of times I don't play that much on weekends or Friday nights, since that's usually when I socialize or do stuff around the house. But other than that, I'm free to play games. And this is the only game I play.
    I'm also fairly sure that he's not just sitting around playing the same small handful of characters all the time. He can swap to whichever character is needed most for particular activities are being run or whichever one he needs the rewards most from what particular activities are being run.
    And trust me, as I get more 50s, I'll either have to get faster at earning rewards or earn less per character.

    Plus all of the time he spends testing on Beta and posting on the forums.
    I actually don't spend tons of time on beta. I used to, but I eventually started to be more focused about it, because it's my live characters I enjoy achieving things on. I don't have enough time for both.

    I'm not sure when he finds time to hold down a full-time job.
    Well, being able to post while on the clock helps. Sometimes, I just don't have that much to add to teleconferences I need to attend, and it's usually easier to post than to write (working) code or (correctly) reconfigure systems while listening to a call with one ear.
  6. I voted on the one I prefer of the two (it's image #1), but to be honest, I find both overly large. The way the look on your screen, they'll end up badly cropped on my browser.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    Thats a lot of astrals
    Well, that's from enough trials to earn:

    T4 Reactive Interface
    T4 Pyronic Judgement
    T4 Lore Phantasms
    T3 Lore WarWorks
    T4 Clarion Destiny
    T4 Rebirth Destiny
    T4 Barrier Destiny
    T3 Ageless Destiny

    Plus I ran enough iTrials beyond that to get six Catalyst drops for this character's set of ATEs. (I did solo in DA some also, but didn't get a Catalyst there until after I was "done" with this character.)

    You probably don't want to see her Incarnate Salvage tab.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Compared to the number of empyreans, even moreso. I'm assuming Uberguy burned a lot of empyreans crafting very rares or something, but kept his astrals mostly untouched altogether.
    I spent 60 of them on a PvP +3% Defense IO, quite a while before Converters were on VIP beta. (I don't regret it.)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Or, if you sometimes get lazy like me: ...
    I actually have the "fat client" version of Mathematica 5 installed on my PC. But that doesn't show the derivation.

    Also: Parenthesis fixed... maybe. >.>
  9. DamageReceived = DamageApplied * (1 - DamageResistance)

    I'm going to shorten that as...

    Dr = Da * (1 - R)

    So if you have 60% DR and 100 points of damage are applied to you, you suffer 40 points of damage.

    ResistanceFinal = ResistanceInitial - (debuff * (1 - ResistanceInitial ))

    which I'll shorten to...

    R' = R - debuff * (1 - R)

    So if you have 60% DR and a 10% DR debuff is applied to you, you resist 60% of the debuff and lose 4%, leaving you with 54% resistance.


    Dr = Da * (1 - R')
    Dr = Da * (1 - (R - (debuff * (1 - R))))

    Let's call this Dr(debuff).

    Dr(debuff) = Da * (1 - (R - (debuff * (1 - R))))

    When "debuff" is zero, this simplifies back down to...

    Dr(0) = Da * (1 - R)


    Dr(debuff)/Dr(0) = (Da * (1 - (R - (debuff * (1 - R))))) / (Da * (1 - R))

    Expanding and simplifying that...

    Dr(debuff)/Dr(0) = (Da - Da * (R - debuff * (1 - R))) / (Da * (1 - R))
    Dr(debuff)/Dr(0) = (Da - (Da * R - debuff * Da * (1 - R))) / (Da * (1 - R))
    Dr(debuff)/Dr(0) = (Da - Da * R + debuff * Da * (1 - R)) / (Da * (1 - R))
    Dr(debuff)/Dr(0) = (Da * (1 - R) + debuff * Da * (1 - R)) / (Da * (1 - R))
    Dr(debuff)/Dr(0) = 1 + debuff
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Remind me, is that 7.5% Unresistable? if not, it'll get resisted to silly, pointless values.
    That is never true for resistance debuffs, even resisted ones. 7.5% resistible resistance debuff always translates into 7.5% increase in applied DPS.

    I can go through the math if you would like. (That's not snark, it's a genuine offer, but I don't want to assume you need a proof.)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Combat View Post
    (Not to interrupt the thread or anything, but I've decided to cool my Stalker for now. This isn't due to a lack of power or anything, but mainly is because I am concerned about the PPM change, which should make the Stalker ATO far less valuable by lowering its odds of firing and making it random. I don't want to put a lot of effort/investment into the character with such a large playstyle change on the way)
    I'm seeing a Superior version of the proc right at the 90% cap, even at ED-"max" recharge. I can't see a change from 100% to 90% chance as a large playstyle change". I'm going to play exactly the same way, and I'll get slightly less numerical benefit for doing so. It's still going to be the optimal way to play.
  12. I play level 50s on double XP weekends. So no, I didn't buy these. But I know people who probably will, and will enjoy them, and I don't begrudge them that. I'm not sure these are a smart idea for the devs to sell, but since they are selling them, more power to the folks who will enjoy them.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    Are you just talking about the name "defender" vs "corruptor"? Because as has been said repeatedly the buff/debuff of defenders is not noticeably different than that of a corruptor.
    Actually, this has been stated in the thread, and I find it untrue, especially solo. And this is going to point out an area of balance that's going to mean the devs will likely never address the argument brewing in this thread.

    Defender debuffs and self-buffs are noticeably stronger than those of a powerset-equivalent Corruptor. I have several Defenders and Corruptors with the same buff/debuff sets, and when it comes to their own survival, the Defenders do noticeably better, at least for the difficulties on which I play them. The numerical superiority manifests, among other things, as it being easier to build for high +defense with IOs. Compare the resist and defense numbers from identical Epic Pool shields some time, or for powers like Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist. Edit: Oh, and Defender control power duration scales are second only to those for Controllers, tied with Dominators - Corruptors have 80% of that value.

    Given that, before Scourge, with ED-slotted max damage in attacks, a solo Defender does the same pre-Scourge damage as a Corruptor, and more pre-Scourge damage if they both have Assault (because Assault is stronger on a Defender), I'd say the two are very well balanced in solo play.

    If you want to deal damage on a team, or if you happen to have an edge-case build where the higher Corruptor damage cap dominates (such as a Kin), then go Corruptor. If you want to solo, honestly, you might prefer a Defender for the survivability. Scourge is nice, and I agree it "feels" good, but against the stuff we all fight the most of - LTs and minions, it's not all that. If you are wedded to its subjective feel, then awesome, play a Corruptor. But if not, Defenders are actually very numerically competitive.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Are we choosing to ignore IOs? I disagree. As they are now part of the monetary business model, while they may be ignored (questionable) in game balance, they are easy to get during this point, eight years later, since launch. Granted they weren't out at launch.
    The devs don't balance the game that way. They design around performance SOs and try to give thought about what IOs will allow a set to do. They do not assume IOs, but they do not ignore them either.

    So, yes. It's a serious question. What defines a Defense Set? Titan Weapons has a lot of soft mitigation in Stuns, Knockdowns, and raw damage. Is it not a Defensive Set unless it has also +DEF, +RES, and/or a Heal? TW has +DEF. Is it not a Defensive Set now?
    The only reason I would consider it a defensive set is because of its +DEF. +Smashing defense is considerably weaker in general than +Lethal defense because of the way so many ranged -DEF debuffs are delivered on Lethal-typed attacks. +Melee defense is, of course, useful against melee-typed attacks.

    Lots of sets have stuns and knockdowns, but I do not generally consider them "defensive sets". I consider them sets that have mitigation in them. It's only when the degree of mitigation is so strong that it becomes a dominant factor in how the set plays across large categories of situations do I consider a set to be a "defensive" set. I believe Dark Melee has that in Siphon Life. I believe Katana and Broadsword have historically held that label due to Parry/GD, though I believe the benefit of those has slowly degraded over time as the devs have given more and more ranged attacks to critters that have no Lethal component. So I think that, in the modern game, TW deserves an honorable mention for offering Smashing/Melee defense, but it's definitely not what dominates its performance. It's an incredibly offense-oriented set, with some mitigation benefits.
  15. But that in itself doesn't make sense.

    First, if we're waiting in the queue, it should tell us we're waiting in the queue. It shouldn't deceive us into thinking it's doing something that happens after we've made it through the queue.

    But second, even if it is "lying" to us about the queue, sometimes it takes a long time to load the character list at times when is absolutely inconceivable that we are actually waiting in queue, such as late at night on servers that have primarily US populations and show green in the list.

    That suggests several possibilities to me.

    One is that the message about leaving the queue is actually a bug - backing out of any incomplete log-in might trigger that message, whether or not we are actually in queue.

    Another is that we are being processed by the queuing mechanism, but it is actually slow to even get to the point where it checks to see if we even have to wait on a slot on the server. Imagine, for example, if all of our sign-in requests are handed to the queuing system, and it has to handle them one at a time. We might be waiting on other log-ins to process. In this case, exiting counts as "backing out of the queue" even though there isn't a queue of people waiting for slots. (If this is happening, the queuing system may need beefier hardware, or some tuning.)

    Personally, I wonder if it isn't because the character list is now tied to our account status. It may be that it has to check the account server for each character, to see if we're allowed to play them based on our status. My understanding is that each shard has caches of this data, so I'm not sure this is a likely cause, but it is something we know changed with Freedom.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Yah....none of the 'repeatables' look like a good use of tokens to me.

    My rule 'don't waste merits on stuff you can buy with inf' applies here too- don't waste tokens on stuff you can buy with anything else.
    I do buy with Merits things I can't buy any other way, but I also buy things that Merits are the most per-unit efficient way to buy, and use the inf saved (or earned if I sell the item) to buy cheaper things.

    Similarly, I can buy things like Enhancement Boosters or Unslotters with Tokens or Paragon Points, but I can't buy powersets or most costume pieces with Reward Tokens. I also tend to consume points for new powersets and costume pieces faster than I consume them for "consumables". So I'm better off spending points on powersets and costumes and tokens on my occasional need for consumables.
  17. There's questions of whether something is useful, and then the question whether its useful enough to warrant buying it. For me, Super Packs aren't useful enough to warrant my spending extra on the random inclusion of things I don't really need. Are they useful? Sure. Useful enough? Not to me. (Note: I am referring only to myself, and making no claims whatever about how valuable Super Packs might be to other players.)

    While I like the costume pieces, I'm not willing to spend points on them randomly, despite the high weighting towards getting them. If they make the costume sets in Super Packs available for direct purchase, I'll probably buy them, but don't want them badly enough to pay extra for the bundling with other goods and/or the chance of not getting a piece.

    ATOs are available in-game, which I lobbied hard for, because the random factor involved in getting a set them was going to be a lot higher than that for costume pieces.

    Store-bought Inspirations? Certainly nicer than standard ones, but I don't need them, as I literally have 50-100 of every T3 inspiration in the game socked away in a base. (Actually 100-200, since I have that on both Hero and Villain sides.)

    Unslotters and Enhancement Boosters I do use, but again, I'd rather buy a quantity of them outright. I can also get a pretty good supply of them from Reward Tokens.

    And Reward Merits... Well, I'm sure I could put them to some use, but here's a screenshot from a fairly representative example of my eleven level 50 characters.

    (Bear in mind that an Astral Merit can buy many of the things a Reward Merit can, at a roughly 6.25:1 conversion ratio.)

    Obviously, someone who plays less than I do, or who lacks the kind of access to high-merit-rate activities I enjoy access to (like multiple Hamidon Raids per week or lots of speed TFs) would get more use from bags of Reward Merits than I do.
  18. Are you asking that question in seriousness? Because I think the answer is an unambiguously obvious "no, it is not a defensive set".

    Titan Weapons doesn't kill at Plaid Speeds unless it's tricked out. With SOs it becomes pretty good in the mid-20s to low-30s, but is still not as outstanding as it is with IOs, though combining it with certain armor sets improves on when it starts to shine, and to what degree it can shine with or without IOs.

    Edit: I see conversations like this as extensions of the same mindeset that says no "armor" set is worth playing unless it can be softcapped to L/S or Melee defense.
  19. I don't put anything but Practiced Brawler on auto. Every character I have (that is high enough level to reach it in their build) has Hasten, and I don't put it on auto. Actively chaining / queuing other powers interferes with auto-click, and therefore I consider it extremely unreliable. (And this sometimes bites me on PB, too.) After 8 years of play, I've just become accustomed to paying attention to my click powers and refreshing them when it makes sense to do so. For example, if Hasten expires while I am between spawns, I don't click it until I get to the next spawn.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
    If you have a Grey alignment, you summon a pack of wolves who you can ride on to your mission.
    BEHOLD! They ride upon wolves!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    I'll always say the best Defense is an Overwhelming offense, in the end. I could stack -ToHit to high heaven with Dark Melee but I'd rather just kill everything with Titan Weapons infinitely faster.
    Then play Titan Weapons. If you can't abide anything but the highest AoE kill rates (edit: or even single-target), then you should play the sets that do that.

    You of all posters should know that they will never balance the other sets up to those levels so long as those sets do anything else. Other sets do other things that you clearly don't value because, essentially, your primary interest an edge case in the game - the case of high-synergy builds with functionally infinite endurance and high recharge. But no matter how important that context of gameplay may be to you (and to others in this thread), it is not the only context that exists, and therefore it is not the only context for which the devs will attempt balance.
  22. UberGuy

    Happy 8 years

    I used to carpool with a buddy who's an MMO butterfly. He and several other friends (all of whom were buddies from college who I also played P&P RPGs with) were in CoH's beta.

    I played on-line FPS games, and was not at all into MMOs. A big part of why was that MMO versions of PvP which were prevalent at the time - mixing PvE and PvP - turned me off big time. PvP was fine with me - non-consensual PvP when trying to grind levels, not so much. The idea of being defeated and looted? I was never going to pay someone for that "opportunity".

    Of course, CoH didn't have PvP at all at release, but that didn't attract me to it - it just meant that CoH wasn't actively distasteful to me in ways that other MMOs usually were. But my carpool buddy's descriptions of things like the core ATs, travel powers, and the FPS-like mobility characters enjoyed? That attracted me. I wasn't what I consider a serious comic book geek, but I did read lots of comics in the 80s and 90s, so the genre did attract me.

    Because of those friends, I pre-ordered and got into the head-start. We pulled in some other friends from my FPS world plus one of my best real-life friends (who also still plays). While most of those other players have moved on (many being gaming butterflies, as mentioned), the experiences I had with them anchored me here for the long run.

    In FPS games, my avatar was a digital representation of me. Eventually, in CoH, I learned to create characters who were not supposed to be me. They were comic-book (ish) characters of my creation who lived in the game world. The brilliant simplicity of a free-form "Description" field for our characters combined with the flexibility of the costume generator let me make characters who I could feel were wholly my own. And that let me develop an attachment to them that no "pure" FPS can offer. And that ability to grow attached to characters has kept me here for the better part of a decade.

    Hats off to Cryptic for lighting the torch and Paragon for carrying it high.
  23. It bugs the hell out of me.

    It's not the queue. Most times it probably takes 5-10s. But sometimes it takes upwards of 45-60, and that is some bogusness.
  24. The QoL impact that'll have on me is worth the price. Some part of me cringes at that price, but I'm buying it anyway.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zybron1 View Post
    Just thinking, it could be a decent way to "place" a heal in the middle of a mob for melee characters while still staying at range.
    Even if you pull that of, if PPM procs obey the 1 activation per 10s throttle that standard procs do when slotted in toggles and passives, the most you'd get out of it is two procs, 10 seconds apart. That doesn't seem terribly appealing to me.

    And if they don't obey that kind of throttle, I'm kind of thinking that's broken.