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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    I thought about that, but "12 trillion on Scrappers" includes everyone's scrapper alts, unless we're assuming that storage alts are preferentially some other AT. So if it's out there, we'd be seeing it. (I don't see the overhead as prohibitive; making two billion inf takes a few hours, levelling a storage alt to 10 adds maybe half an hour. I could store 100 billion personally on characters with actual names and playtime and not run out of alts. )
    It's entirely possible, though, that there is skew in what people who do that sort of thing use as the AT of their "bank" characters. Especially if such players are rarefied enough that their personal preferences don't "average out".
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Suppressive Fire. I can't log in to actually check, but (s)he has 5 slots of Lockdown set + the 6th slot Lockdown SBE proc. She's 44 so I don't remember the levels but I'd imagine the levels are all 40+
    Right now, you have around a 72% chance for it to activate.

    In I24, two things will change: slotted recharge will affect the final number, and the PPM rate of the proc will increase.

    Assuming level 40s and all five Lockdown non-procs, you have about 83% recharge slotting.

    The current Lockdown Proc is 2 PPM. The current plan is for all PPM values to go up about 25%, so that would increase to 2.5 PPM. The new forumula for the proc's chance to activate is:

    PPM*(enhanced cylce time)/60

    The cycle time of Suppressive Fire with 83% recharge is 1.67s (cast time) + 20s/1.83 (recharge time) = 12.6s.

    Plugging that back into the formula above, you'll have around a 52% chance for it to activate.
  3. Actually, you have to know the foe's normal current and maxHP to know how much it loses

    If it's got a max of 10,000 HP, is at 7,000 (70%) and you lop off 1000 from the max, I believe you lop off 700, because that's (1,000)/(10,000) of its current HP. But if it had, say 36,000 HP, it would lose 2520.

    Edit: The chances are, like reactive, 25%, 50% or 75%, depending on which branch and tier you're using. Folks going for the higher rate of DoT (which probably is more useful against non-AV foes) usually go Radial, which maxes out at 25%. I believe the debuff can stack up to four times.
  4. Not really. If the AV has full HP at the start, then yes. Once it's damaged, the effect of -maxHP on actual HP is proportional. So if it has 70% of its max HP when you whack it with -1000 maxHP, it still has 70% of its new (lower) max afterward.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Sorry, I meant 1 endurance in attacks, mostly the likes of roughly 4 vs 3 end, or 5 vs 4.
    Ah, OK. Well, to actually try and help with a quantitative answer, how often do you actually activate the attack, say, while executing whatever you use for a standard attack chain? (If you don't bother with a fixed attack chain, it's probably close enough to just use the enhanced cycle time (enhanced recharge time + activation time) of the power. Divide the activation cost by that to get the (rough) cost in EPS that the power costs you. From there, you can figure out what you're saving with the enhancement slotting.

    My apologies if that was all terribly obvious.
  6. This post talks about how to compare Degenerative and Reactive. The short version is that, against foes less than AVs, Degenerative is actually a bit stronger than Reactive in terms of letting you defeat a foe sooner. When I wrote it, Degenerative only gave -150 maxHP vs. hard targets like AVs, but the same general comments apply, except that obviously -1000 maxHP is a lot more effective. It's actually somewhat close to what it would do if it had the -3.5% maxHP against AVs, but is less effective vs things with more HP. (Which includes zone GMs, Hamidon, iTrial AVs with maxHP buffs, and Reichsman.)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Without that, I'll have to lower her difficulty to no bosses
    What power is it slotted in, and how much slotted (not global) recharge is in it? Include Alpha, if you use Spiritual.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Hmn, edited my build a bit now, chopped out the more expensive DA auras, put CoD in at a later level and added more end red to the AoEs.

    How much difference, in reality, does -1 end cost really make?
    As in "one Endurance point per second" improved in the build? Because that's potentially a huge difference in how something plays.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Sideways of the point, damage auras screw with your Streakbreaker. Under normal circumstances, a miss at 95% to-hit forces the following attack to always hit. With a damage aura, however, that forced Streakbreaker hit goes to the damage aura and your next attack might still miss.
    If you think that's bad, tanker Gauntlet has the same effect.
  10. If you're fighting a single foe at a time which all have relatively low HP (minions, LTs and bosses), then no, the aura isn't going to make a lot of difference unless averaged over many foes, which is potentially deceptive.

    If you're fighting a single, high-HP foe, then that DPS can become a significant contribution to how fast you defeat it unless your single-target attack chain is fairly spectacular. When you consider that it adds directly to the DPS of your attack chain with no cost in activation time, and deals its damage every few seconds, a damage aura can represent a lot more DPS than you can gain through other means. Slotted Death Shroud is around 12.5 raw DPS (on a Scrapper), assuming no procs are added to it. That's a pretty big increase if you've already tweaked out your attack chain.

    Where a damage aura likely affects performance the most is against lots of foes with relatively low HP. That situation probably describes what most melee characters spend most of their time doing - being surrounded by 3-17 standard mission foes at a time.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Frankly, I don't see why some of Darks toggles are so End intensive. Given how situational Cloak of Darkness is, why does it cost .52 base? And Cloak of Fear, with fear being pretty much useless except when solo (and even then it chops off your AoE potential)
    CoF is the only expensive toggle in the set. Its other, more standard armor toggles are cheaper than normal.
  12. Sorry, information on the forums are not "advertisement".

    This is an MMO. Stuff changes. They handled it poorly, but this stuff of "they advertised it and changed on me" is tiresome.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Combat View Post
    How do you know that devs ignore numbers? Do you contact them regularly and know on a first-name basis?
    Actually, we've had a number of posters through the years, Arcanaville being one of them, who've very much given the impression (to me at least) that, the devs haven't historically accepted math-heavy "proofs" of under-(or over-)performance. A particular dev might choose to look at something because someone made a case for doing so that resonated with them, but I'm not sure we ever heard of that happening based on modeled data.

    The devs seem far more interested in data-mined performance, with maybe a dose of seeing outlier performance in action with their own eyes. If someone went to them with lots of repeated experiments, conducted in game, that showed some performance issue, they might be interested in that, depending on what "showing a performance issue" meant. If they start finding out that Staff characters level slower than other melee characters of the same AT, they are probably going to start trying to determine why. Theoretical performance is not very interesting to them. Playerbase-wide practical, measured performance is.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    this deluge of merits (and also AT IOs, I ended up with 15 or so) has me hoping against hope that the days of poor-whining on the forums are over- it seems to me anyone with a couple of tokens to burn can rake in a few hundred million in the time it takes to flip some cards.
    I still see people post in wonder at folks with billions of inf on hand, but for a long time it really has been just "huh, wow" not "omg not fair!@#" or clamoring for a burning of witche...er marketeers.

    I forget the context, but someone was wishing for a market transaction cap not too long back, but it was definitely pre-converters.
  15. I think that all the concerns about merged markets originated in the idea that Infamy and Influence would remain independent currencies that would be linked only through the auction house. While I was all for merged markets, there were some arguments I thought were sensible about how "economic" problems could arise in such a situation.

    However, pretty much all the legs were lopped off of all those theories when they went whole hog and removed any currency barriers whatsoever - Inf is Inf is Inf. I think most of the forumites debating the topic would have known that such a merger would been almost completely painless, but no one actually imagined they would take the merger all the way to the currency level. I'm pretty sure everyone talking about it assumed there would be an "exchange rate" between two distinct currencies.

    But then the devs tried adding a third currency, realized along the way what a colossal pain in the posterior they were creating for themselves, and just merged it all completely. And I am incredibly thankful they did.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    I got the badge without hitting him at all, or even being on a team at the time. I didn't even see the guy, I was still traveling (although within a couple blocks of the fight at the time that he apparently went down). So I feel pretty confident in saying this badge doesn't have the 10% damage requirement.
    That lines up closely with reported experience by someone in a channel I frequent. He reported only beating on a few minion/LT type invaders, not on a team or league, and getting the badge.

    Maybe you just need to be in the general vicinity when he goes down? That would be pretty different from other similar critter rewards.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Probably, because they're probably going to be the attacks that you use the most often. But if you tend to not use them (due to low enough DPA not making the proc rate worthwhile, a need to fill in gaps with controls, or whatever reason) then it's not the best spot.
    Case in point, my DB/Regen does not have the T1 DB attack, and almost never uses the T2. My "smallest" attack that's part of my usual chain is actually the T3 attack, Ablating Strike. I normally only activate the T2 attack, Power Slice, when I've been so badly recharge debuffed that nothing else is available, or sometimes by accident.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blazing_Fist View Post
    How do you convert reward merits into HAMs? I didn't know that was an option.
    Visit the appropriate contact in Fort Cerberus/Trident - the same one you spend H/VMs at. One of the options is to buy a H/VM for 20M inf and 50 Reward Merits.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Also, the overwhelming majority of defeat badges require that your team do at least 10% of the damage to kill the target. I've seen reports that the invasion Nemesis does not use that system.... but who knows...
    It might be intermittent somehow, but it unquestionably did not require that for me.

    On one character, I showed up after switching characters to a fight in Founders Falls. Despite switching as soon as I saw the announcement, when I arrived he was already present and at around 10% health and falling fast. I was alone, not on a team or a league. I got off exactly two shots against him before he went down, and I got the badge.

    I can't imagine it would matter, but I was on an Ice/Dark Corruptor, and the two attacks were my T1 and T2 Ice blasts. I consider it unlikely I did damage equal to even 10% of the health he had left when I arrived, let alone 10% of his total.

    Having experienced that I've taken to just making sure I get a hit in (though I certainly beat on him as much as I can) and I've gotten the badge every time he actually showed up. I'm up to 10 grants now.
  20. That's odd that you didn't get the badge, assuming you harmed him at all. I've gotten the badge by getting in just 1-2 shots on an extremely low-heath Nemesis just before he died.
  21. Looking at my characters who have flat-rate purple procs in their T1/T2 attacks, all of whom are PvE-spec, I am looking at ranging from very small improvement (things like 37% proc rate instead of 33%) to pretty significant improvement. (Broadsword/Hack is going to 53% despite having 95% recharge - but Hack is a bit odd for having an 8s recharge.)

    Part of this is that my builds tend to explicitly exclude putting large levels of recharge in attacks with 4s recharge times or lower. This has nothing to do with the pending PPM changes - I've been building this way all along. The only exceptions have been if I wanted set bonuses and the set forces me to include a ton of recharge, and for some reason I couldn't put that recharge to better use in a longer-recharging power.

    I will take a hit on most of my ATE procs, but as was pointed out...

    Originally Posted by Morganite View Post
    Of course, that's pretty much one of the *points* of the whole exercise, so it's not all that surprising.
    That said, I'm pretty sure I'll make out positively on the few ATE procs I've put in AoEs for a variety of reasons.
  22. -50% per attack. That's a lot to a non-AV/GM critter, but pretty modest otherwise, at least vs. 50+ critters, where ~85% resists are typical. I doubt they stack it very high given their attack rates.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Edited to add: Delicious mammoth. It's even better as sandwiches the next day. I'll have to see if I have anything I can throw on the fire.
    Be sure to frame the secret entrance room doorway with the tusks.
  24. I managed to get the badge on seven characters last night. I experienced one invasion where the GM apparently went somewhere other than the main mosh pit - he announced himself and no one ever saw him.

    I have to say, the GM Nemesis is wicked brutal if he gets too much Vengeance. At one point he showed up and wiped literally half the league present with the first blast from his staff, and that included a fair number of tricked out 50s. I kind of pity lowbies fighting this stuff unless they can find a team with lots of +toHit buffs.

    Color me annoyed that, based on what I was seeing, Nemesis troops can benefit from Vengeance cast by defeated buddies before you can even see them, let alone target or attack them.

    Overall, I enjoy the event. Nemesis are actually somewhat challenging foes to face in this format. It's not very novel in that it's "just" Nemesis stuff, but I think they work well for this.
  25. In the time I've played CoH, I...
    • Work for the same company, but changed teams once and managers four times.
    • Bought a new car.
    • Moved twice, once to an apartment and once to a suburban home.
    • Upgraded my gaming rig twice. (I build my own, and making them pretty cutting edge future-proofs them pretty well.)
    • Have seen my internet download speed about go up about a factor of six.
    • Have seen kids who were babies when the game came out with their own accounts and self-designed characters, including playing with Mids.