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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    And my guess is that is because one major difference between the real world and the City of Heroes economy is that most players don't expect to be here forever. Influence's future value is strongly attenuated relative to real money for that reason, and that makes it less attractive to accumulate for many players.
    Yeah. This is another category of player I meet often when I get to know players well enough to discover their spending habits. Hoarding inf is not especially common among them. I play with other players who are good at earning inf, both on the market and in the broader game, but they consider me unusual for having lots of stored inf. One significant difference between me and most of them? They create more 50s than I do, and they tend to spend money on a 50, trick it out, play it a while, then start over. Inf on prior 50s tends to be rolled into the next one(s). While their instantaneous inf on hand may become high, their average inf on hand tends to be low.

    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Fourspeed's assuming 10% of 500K accounts; Uberguy is assuming 15% of 100K accounts. Someone's misunderstanding someone there [possibly me, misunderstanding both.]
    No, it was me. I saw the reference to the old 100k player count estimate and that stuck instead of the 500k.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    That's their nature. If they nerf a power in the Staff set, do they need to offer refunds?[ If they know right now that they are going to nerf it, do they need to pull it off the market in the interim?
    The answer to both questions was in the same post you pulled the quote from. I don't think either was particularly buried or obscure, so why are you asking, when I've already given the answers?
  3. What springs to my mind with that is that I don't think it lines up very well with any of the analysis I've seen done for estimating the number of active subscriptions we've seen done in the threads that crop up when the NCSoft quarterly numbers come out. I may be on shakey ground here, because I didn't do any of those analyses, so I can't readily defend their conclusions, but let me at least mention them.

    Up until Freedom, and if I remember correctly, the latest of those subscriber estimates put the number of paid subscriptions somewhere in the 65k-85k range. So the low-end estimate over 4x larger than what's required to make the Inf numbers line up. (For 85% or more of 100k accounts to be inactive, then that's only 15k active accounts, and 65k is more than 4 x 15k.) If the 65k number is even close to right, that doesn't seem very Occam's Razory to me. So I think something has to be really horribly wrong with those subscription estimates (not impossible) or for some 40,000 people to have been paying for subs they weren't really using (that seems to break Occam for me), or we're still missing something in the market usage model.

    I do think it's unwise to ascribe to in-game markets the same assumptions that are valid in real-world markets. The actors have related but potentially critically different drivers. No one in an MMO will starve if they don't make money. (Well, OK, not in this MMO.) Being rich in an MMO almost certainly won't earn you the same things it often will in the real world - better health, financial security for offspring, maybe a bigger pool of sex/relationship partners.

    I know that Pareto shows up in more places than (real world) wealth distribution, but I think it's a reasonable concern that the absence of directly comparable drivers might at least shift k away from 20%.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    I look forward to examining the grammar in your apology.
    Grammar is "the set of structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language." I was not commenting on your grammar, because I did not take issue with how you composed your sentences. I was commenting on your misuse of an idiom, which is a larger construct relating concepts used in your post. And you did misuse the idiom, unless you are claiming you were saying something for which you provided no context. I'll get back to that.

    As you highlight, you said "the new content is so much better." That statement is not praising the content in the Hollows. So if you are "damning" the content in the Hollows, which certainly seems to be the thesis of your post, then you are praising the wrong thing altogether in order to be "damning (the Hollows) with faint praise." You do not "damn with faint praise" article A by praising article B. To use that idiom requires that you issue (very weak) praise directly on article A.

    If you are claiming instead that you are issuing "faint praise" on the new content, then you offer no support for that claim in the OP, because you charge the Hollows content with poor quality, and go on to say you wish you had played the new content in Atlas, Steel Canyon, and Talos.

    Do please come again.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    I guess my point is that you and Uber are arguing over the first time as if this were a one time thing and that's not really what is going on. That they refused to refund your points and they turned around and did it again shows me they lack the character to stand behind their product.
    My main difference from possibly either you or Cheetatron is that I had, I suppose, a low bar for how this situation would be handled if it came up. Of course,, I don't view it as that low a bar, though I don't think it's high, either. I think I set my bar somewhere rather conservative, and I view your bar (that they issue refunds) as a pretty high one. (That's not a bad thing, but high bars are harder to hit.)

    All that said, I think it's worth adding that they missed my bar by an obvious margin, even though I set it a lot lower than you seem to have yours. See, I expect them to sell things, have to change them sometimes, and offer no refunds when they do. I do not expect them to sell things, make a pending change ("nerf") announcement that only a fraction of their customers will see, and then continue to sell the product that will be changed some fairly significant way down the road. That doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me. It sets them up for pissed-off customers and makes them awfully easy to ascribe money grubbing motives to, whether that's really what's going on or not. Neither of those things seem like smart things to do from where I sit. IMO, they either need to stop selling PPM pieces with the current specs or post a much more clear and easy-to-find announcement of the pending change.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    Sorry I answered with current PPM procs in mind, my bad
    That turns into a question for Synapse then. The I24 system certainly shouldn't count slotted recharge against proc chance in toggles. That wouldn't make any sense. Only activation rate should matter in toggles (or passives).
  7. Does that include caring about slotted recharge?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    I love it. I love moving faster without spending endurance to do so.
    None of my characters need to worry about, say, Sprint's endurance cost for long enough in play time terms for that to be meaningful to me (and I don't PL characters - it's just that easy to level). By the time they're 50, they move at speeds that make it hard to notice the buff, and can easily afford to run travel powers any time they aren't in heavy combat.

    Everything's relative to how people play, but moving a bit faster for free is generally one of the last things I need improved.
  9. Just to add some more nitpicking of the thread title to the pile, the opening post is not remotely "damning with faint praise". That means to offer praise that's extremely minor to such an extent that it's apparent you're actually condemning it. Your OP in the thread does not do this - it plainly and directly condemns the story telling in the Hollows. There's no praise involved, faint or otherwise.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Zot View Post
    I stopped having anything to do with the Hollows when I ran into Frostfire. Seriously Paragon? An AV with double control powersets in a level range where only a fraction of characters have any sort of mez protection and NOBODY is geared to stand up to the power of an AV yet?
    Frostfire is never an AV. He's an EB, and I've soloed him on every AT at this point. A tray full of inspirations, even the small tray you have at that level, has been fine for me. I've died doing it, but I've always taken him out.

    He does suck, but not nearly as badly as your description here makes out.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    It may be even more direct than that. It may be that the vast overwhelming majority of players do not want to spend any time marketeering at all, but do use the markets for two things: they dump stuff to sell at low prices and buy what they want at the minimum execute-now price.
    Actually, I think you probably nailed it here. Every other category of player we've discussed, from the guy who builds his supergroup base using laminated Inf bills, to the most extreme market-o-phobe, are all players of sorts I have met, but none are something I experience frequently ... except the ones you describe here. I run into this sort of player constantly.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    I'm also a big fan of Secondary Mutation and Mystic Fortune. Even the "bad" buffs are good buffs!
    I don't know. Heightened Speed is pretty sucktastic, IMO. I do like most of the Mystic Fortune ones, and the rest of the Mutations.
  13. In my opinion, the full-time mez protection alone would sell it. But being able to lay out one-shot boss mezzes with all the main mezzes in your arsenal is pretty fabulous.

    Before, when Domination was also a major source of +damage, the prevailing sentiment was that a non-permadom Dominator was sub-par and a permadom one was amazing. Now a non-permadom Dominator is pretty good, and a permadom one is still amazing.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    I've never heard of such slotting - I always omit the pure enhancement.
    Doing so leaves you at around 7% less enhancement of that aspect. That may seem negligible, but on attacks with 4-second or lower recharge times, the recharge time enhancement is largely pointless. On a 4-second recharge, it shaves off 0.13 seconds of recharge time. Given how much of such short-recharge powers' cycle time is dominated by the activation time, and the nature of DPA's impact on chain DPS, you almost certainly do better with the pure enhancement in attacks.
  15. I wonder if the answer to the implied prevalence of poorness is simple, but seemingly impossibly mystifying to those of us who regular these forums. To this day there are people who almost completely avoid the auction houses. Some find the market thematically distasteful, some are afraid of the learning curve, and some just don't care if their characters have the best enhancements, even if that just means SOs at 22.

    It may suggest assume that actually only a small part of the game population uses the market with anything like expertise, and only a small part of that subset of the population is actually toting around even hundreds of millions, let alone billions of inf.

    Another thing to consider: it may be common for people to use the market effectively, but only to the degree they need to buy what they want, when they decide to try and get it. In other words, they may not use the market to earn inf which they keep, but rather only earn enough to buy what they want and then stop, presumably until the next time they want something. See the earlier question wondering why people are storing billions of inf.
  16. I'm really confused by people's answer to his inspiration question.

    He didn't ask if we use inspirations. He asked if we buy better ones.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Wait, people not using inspirations? IO'd and/or 50 I suppose, but I'd like to meet the guy who's gone through an entire Inspirationless playthrough 1-50.
    His list mentioned buying better inspirations.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    1. crafted powers - envenomed dagger is big vs AV's, stun grenades give everyone an AoE mezz, lots of other powers as well
    I used to use these more, but eventually stopped, as I got what I was using most of them for from other places. I still use Resuscitators on characters who lack another means to rez people, though, which is most of mine.

    2. Safeguard temporary powers just for doing them - sure there is flight, but there is also END increase and Health increase
    I rarely use the travel ones. I use the auto ones because, well, I don't really have a choice. I try to always to SG and Mayhem missions for the badges, so I usually get these, but they're just gravy to me.

    3. Safeguard temporary powers for side missions
    Pretty much never.

    4. Day Job buffs - recharge buff, regen buff, etc
    I end up with lots of these due to parking for the badge, but I don't really care about most of them. I park in Ouroboros for the extra recipe drop on mission completion, but that's it.

    5. Temp power from patrolling PvP zones - stealth or phasing
    I never use the patrol reward stealth or phasing ones. I still use Shivans sometimes.

    6. Temp powers from regular missions - wedding ring, holy shotgun
    Almost never. I treat these more like badges - something to have as a marker for completing that content.

    7. DfB and DiB temporary buffs - through level 20 or 30
    Never. I ran these with 50s for badges and that was it.

    8. Kal SF has a buff up to 50, +Max HP, +Regen, +Dmg
    I don't seek it out, but obviously use it if I happen to go on that SF.

    9. Buying better inspirations and emailing to self
    Never. I do keep inspirations in mail, but they're just drops.

    10. Special buffs SG's can get from their base
    Rarely, and usually for very specific purposes. The main ones I ever use are +Recharge, +Recovery and KB protection. I typically only snag those on lowbies or old characters I have not yet given IOs to.

    11. Accolades with buffs/powers
    All the time. All my 50s have the full suite.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
    Technically? An infinite supply, as one can simply run missions to earn inf. AND there's now inf boosters, which will increase "earning" rates, not to mention all the other toys we now have to play with our play money.
    That's earning potential, not actual inf in existence. And even then, it's not really correct to say that there is infinite supply. There is some rate at which inf can be created, and there's an upper limit on it based on the number of active accounts that can have characters in-game creating it.

    So the current amount of inf is always finite, and the earning potential is only infinite if you assume an infinite number of players or infinite time spent playing.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    A thought occurs:

    This change seems to have a larger impact on those who slot entire Purple/ATO sets, rather than frankenslotting - Purple/ATO sets have some of the best bonuses in the game, but come at the cost of almost halving the rate of their set's proc. (Purple sets give 89.92% Recharge enhancement, and Catalyzed ATO sets hit the high end of ED, recharge wise).
    I understand your point, which is that if you slot the whole ATE set, or even just five pieces, you have no choice but to get high-slotted recharge. Heck, the procs include recharge slotting in the ATE sets.

    However, consider that it's possible that this is intended. ATE and SBE purple procs have pretty high PPM values, ranging from 4-5 currently (which will become 5-6.25 in I24). This already serves to offset this effect somewhat.

    As far as people who have slotted IO purple procs (non-SBE ones), they're mostly going to see a buff (in PvE). Assuming you slot five purple pieces and omit the <effect>/recharge (which is highly typical for everything but Coercive Persuasion), you get 59% recharge enhancement. Using the presumed 5.625 PPM for a purple proc in I24, to hit 33% proc rate or higher, your cycle time needs to be 3.52s. Assuming a 1.2s activation time, that means your base recharge time needs to be around 3.6 seconds. Very few powers fall under that - most T1 powers have 4s recharge times.
  21. Only if your maxHP is 10,000.
  22. I know someone who makes "banker" characters, and I think he uses Stalkers.

    I have no idea why.
  23. Caltrops is handy as mitigation if you're playing something where you'd rather enemies scatter than pile in and beat on you. (Say, when playing a Blaster who can't readily AoE all their foes to death). I think it's dandy to add procs to Caltrops so it deals extra damage to them while it's serving in that mitigation role, but I don't do so with the expectation that it's great damage.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Their behavior may not average out, but it also might not be very large compared to the playerbase as a whole.
    Agreed. I only meant to suggest that it might not be safe to assume that the ratio of Scrappers to other ATs might not follow among those who use characters as banks. But I don't mean to suggest that means they are actually hiding inf of the magnitudes being discussed. I mean, they might be, but I think the effort required, while not immense, is potentially distracting enough to make it a relatively rare approach. Even using Fulmens' 100B number, it would take what seems like an awful lot of people creating a lot of banker characters to hide on the order of 100T.
  25. MaxHP changes change your current health proportionally. So if you lose, say, 10% of your maxHP, you lose 10% of your current HP as well. (The same thing happens when you gain maxHP, but obviously then your currentHP go up.

    1000 HP is 2.78% of 36,000 HP, so when you lose that much from your max HP, you lose 2.78% from your current HP as well. It keeps your current HP at the same percentage of maxHP as you had before the change.