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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Since the IH nerf they've buffed: Dull Pain, Resilience, MoG, and Revive. Regeneration is significantly sturdier than people give it credit for.
    I have four /Regens, two Scrappers and a two Stalkers.

    I find these threads silly.

    You want to buff me, I'm not going to complain. But I kind of laugh at them.

    And I don't IO out until I'm 50, and I haven't PL'd anything since ... Issue 1 or so.

    Edit: Frankly, Regen is one of the things I find easiest to play at 50 against Incarnate stuff. The claims that it lacks debuff resists ring hollow, and sound like people who are spoiled by +defense sets. Nothing I have that's not SR or maybe Shield has enough debuff resists to avoid being stripped of +def by x8 Banished Pantheon or even Malta. They all get screwed by that. And I find Regen extremely forgiving in iTrials - more so than most other sets that have weaker self heals, because few of my melees have sufficiently strong resists to Psi and Energy, so they suffer strongly from those attack types (which are very common in iContent) and don't have the HP recovery to deal with it, outside of a fresh Rebirth).

    But I have a metric butt-ton of experience playing the set, so that probably affects my view of it. I am pretty tuned towards that good reward from playing it well. Everyone has bad luck sometimes, but overall, I find Regen very easy to survive with. It takes a lot of clicking, sure, but I don't consider that "hard" any more.
  2. I thought this was a lot of fun, despite it being held for a sad reason. It was a great celebration of someone we will miss, even if some only knew him in passing.

    As expected, as there were too many to fit in a single instance of the Hive, we had two raids. Since there weren't enough people to start them simultaneously, they were basically back-to-back. The initial Hive completed its raid first, and completed it at a fairly typical pace for Justice Hami raids. I suspect it got the bulk of "regulars", with attendant tricked-out characters and folks so familiar with the modern raid they could do it in their sleep. (Some probably dream about attending it.)

    Raid 2 was a bit more sedate in pace, both in forming and in execution. I think because it was more heavily composed of folks who weren't as familiar with the modern raid, who weren't as tricked out (due to long absence, lack of access to their goodies, etc.), or both. In practice, while some stuff went "wrong", the raid really went fine. It just had a bit more chaos.

    As a regular at Hami raids, I found the 2nd raid very enjoyable. Don't get me wrong - my personality is such that I love seeing how fast we can plow content to get to the shiny at the end, but that wasn't the point last night. This was about community and communal activity with people we haven't seen in a long time. Taking a bit longer and having to work maybe a little more vigorously to complete the task at hand (while still completing it quite successfully) felt right for more of a bonding experience.

    I really want to thank the CoH Community team, and Zwillinger specifically, for taking part in this. Showing up in the form of the Titan was not only a great work-around for not being able to spawn him usefully in the Hive, it was, in my opinion, more effective by a huge amount. Zwil acted hilariously, and at one point channeled Lucas' AFK-ranger behavior, which I thought was fantastically awesome. He also helped with the raids, which probably didn't make that huge of a difference, but was damn cool looking.

    I like to think that Lucas would have really enjoyed what we did last night. I hope he got a laugh out of it, wherever he is now.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    3. Focus more on the quality (maturity)of the writing and the quality of the graphics. My characters look too much like they belong in a cartoon instead of looking real, and the stories all read like they're for a 14 year old.
    I vote no. I like how the characters look. I want them to look like a cartoon, but not as as much like that other superhero game.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I consider being able to maintain my base's upkeep as more than a "minor perk" - and this is VIP only

    I consider incarnate advancement/content more than a "minor perk" - and this is VIP only

    I consider the incredible number of character slots I get as a VIP as more than a "minor perk" - I suppose spending an extraordinary number of points can buy this

    I consider the server transfer tokens (even if I use them just to get a bootleg name change >_>) more than a "minor perk" - you can spend points to buy this as needed.

    I consider access to the beta server a minor perk but a really nice one - and this is VIP only

    I consider full forum access a minor perk - and this is VIP only
    I'd say +1, but that's more like ... +6.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Hush_ View Post
    Not all powers release are top notch so if I am going pay for points and dish out the green it better be damn good.
    There's an incredibly simple principle at play here. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

    Now, there's a limitation here because you can't return something you don't like if you buy it and then decide, oops, I don't like that. That's a glaring limitation that I don't particularly like, either, but it's also one I very much understand - it's literally not worth it for the parent company to let us make returns with all the fraud exist out there. This is one of those cases of "this is why we can't have nice things" - the butt-heads out there make it so on-line vendors have negative incentive to support a better system. I don't particularly blame NCSoft for that, and I certainly don't blame Paragon Studios.

    All that said, there is a lot you can do to test new things as a VIP. You can try them out on beta servers, or you can wait after release and see what people say about them. You don't have to buy things you don't like, and you shouldn't. Part of the way this should work is that people vote with their dollars, and that gives the devs an idea of what players do and don't like.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Hush_ View Post
    I do like the current development team and as a player I enjoy what is being distributed within each issue ( well issue 23 seem kind of ok IMHO). I am looking forward to I24 personally .However, you shouldn't have to pay for powers as V.I.P period their apart of the game. Everything else doesn't matter me that's my only "gripe".
    If we didn't have to pay for any of the new powersets, then, most likely, we wouldn't be getting them at the rate we are.

    By definition, things we don't get with our subscription are things that the devs (and or the marketing team) expect to be underwritten, at least partially, by direct purchases. Said more plainly, they can staff up or make other investments that allow them produce more stuff more quickly because we (or some of us) are paying extra to get it, over and above our monthly subscription fee. So if there was no extra money in it for them (by virtue of including all of it in our base subscription), then they wouldn't have that extra income to staff up or invest in better tools, etc., and they couldn't pump out new stuff as often.

    If they were not pumping stuff, such as new powersets, out at a rate higher than we saw before the model change, I think you'd have a fair point. But they are producing new things faster, while still giving VIPs "free" powersets at what looks to me like a higher rate than before.
  7. If your stance is that being a VIP means "they implement my suggestions", then there are not many places that will make you feel you're a VIP. I earnestly wish you luck finding one, but I have very little faith in your chances of success.

    It seems to me that your problem is as if you have a VIP membership at a Brazilian steakhouse when you're a vegetarian. As part of your membership you're offered all these neat steak offerings that others have to pay out-of-pocket to get, but you don't like steak.

    Don't complain that you don't think the proprietors are running a bad VIP system. They aren't. You just happen to need to go somewhere that actually serves the food you want.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Hush_ View Post
    Well, I am VIP player and I've been playing the game for about almost six years now. Something that really bothers me as that I have to pay for new powersets. Before the launch of Freedom powersets were included in the sub ( correct me please if I am wrong) now it seems almost every powerset has to be purchased off the market. Now as VIP we don't even get a discount. First off, I understand we get new content in itrials, some costume sets, and story arcs ..etc trust me I aware of we get, however it doesn't feel VIPish at all!
    So apparently, getting a powerset every year or so made you feel more important?

    So far, we've gotten free powersets faster than we used to get any powersets, period. And VIPs get 400 points a month (minimum), which means we could be buying a new paid powerset every two months.

    Sorry to be blunt, but I think you're perspective is way whack.
  9. It's great to see all these long-time/old-time players popping in. I'm sure we all wish it was for a different reason, but I do think it's a great tribute.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Is the cape not included in the Nature Affinity bundle?
    It seems not. The bundle appears to be the powerset, the "standard" aura and the travel aura.
  11. UberGuy

    Goodbye Horses

    You know, I figured you were gone too, Arwen, given that I knew Brax was leaving. I poke my nose in the server boards so infrequently, it never occurred to me to look for a departure post. I know from FB that you're still reading this, at least occasionally, so I'll leave here my belated best wishes and sadness at your departure from the game. We didn't hang out a lot, but I enjoyed when we did, appreciate your contributions to Justice's community, and generally thought you are a cool person.

    Best of luck wherever you wander to.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    It's a shame we can't make Kronos Appear anymore, that would be truly fitting for a tribute to Lucas
    I was thinking that.

    Barring family obligations, I will be there for this.
  13. Probably the most telling thing in my opinion about how this change has provided increased funding to the game is the rate of non-critical, QoL and/or requested feature changes have been coming in. It seems that the devs have more manpower to work on things that have been on the back burner for ages. Some of this may simply be a different focus by new staff in the drivers' seats, but I suspect it's more than that, because the rate of delivery seems much higher to me - especially when you consider we're also getting new stuff in parallel.

    I'm sure I'm hardly a representative player, but I spent a lot of money on CoH when we went to the new model. I bought a bunch of points on my main account to buy things I wanted, and I also bought a bunch of points on my second account to push it to Tier 9. I'm now less likely to buy points again because I have Tier 9 stipends coming in each month, but I do still maintain two VIP accounts, so while "bursty", my big initial spend was nothing but profit relative to my prior outlay on the game.

    For a lot of the things they sell at the prices they sell them for, sale prices of 25% off is tempting, but 50% off is often a "no-brainer", meaning I'll buy most of the stuff they sell at half the usual price, assuming I want it at all. (I won't blink much at things with a base price of 400 points or less - those things don't need to be on sale for me to buy them, if I want them.) Ironically, if they put enough stuff on sale for half off at the same time, I would probably have to buy points in order to buy all the things I was interested in.
  14. I was so blown away when Flea mentioned this in game. I used to hang in Con's chat channel in which Lucas was a regular fixture pre-I13 and for a while after. He was a really fun guy that I always enjoyed playing and chatting with. It's hard to wrap my head around him being gone. I am deeply sorry for his family and friends closer than I.

    Rest in peace, Lucas. The rest of us didn't get enough time with you.
  15. Very interesting thread.

    Setting aside the racism themes for a moment, I always found something interesting about Lovecraft's horror. It was apparent to me that he considered the concept of great age to hold a quality of horror. It's frequent in his works to directly tie ancientness with negative adjectives, implying that things that are old are intrinsically terrible.

    It might be that for truly epic time scales, hundreds of thousands or millions of years, he meant for this to convey a sort of alien horror - gulfs of time so large might imply that anything so old is automatically alien to mankind. However, I'm not sure this is really what he was going for, as he presented it on much smaller time scales as well. For example, I remember him once describing houses so old they had thick layers of shingles on the roofs from generations of re-roofing, and this was written in a way that suggested to me that this great age made this place awful, even though it represented very approachable human time scales.

    On the topic of his racism, I always believed he was intensely racist long before I read any analysis of his works. I enjoyed what he wrote, but not all the messages therein.

    And I didn't always find scary at all things he seemed to think were the pinnacle of horror, even though I liked how he wrote about them.
  16. Among the characters who benefited from multi-summons of pets, I fondly recall being able to get as many as three Dark Servants out on my Dark/Dark Defender. Admittedly, though, that was one of the only awesome things about a Dark Miasma in the early days. Old DM was nothing like it is now - it is vastly more effective now. (Many of its powers actually changed for the better in I4, and it was the significant beneficiary of buffs aimed squarely at making it functional in Arena PvP - something I consider deeply ironic, since it has never been good for PvP, but the buffs made it excellent in PvE.)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    You can just farm for Demonic and that accepts global recharge. Knockback hole plugged via IOs. This power is going to have to make me immune to all magic-oriented damage (Circle of Thorns, Midnighters) or be a lot more Win More, meh. I see how this might be good for Freemiums though.
    I already have Demonic/Eye of the Magus on everyone that's 50, so yeah. Now this could be back significantly faster than Demonic/EotM, because you can slot it for recharge. (You can, right? I haven't fired up beta yet, but I'm not seeing anyone mention that it's not slottable.) But still, while it's attractive, it's not attractive enough for me to cram in already delicately balanced builds. I'm not saying no one will want it, but it's not that attractive to me at its current stats.

    I might buy this pool for the other powers, but I definitely would not buy it for this one.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    The crash on it is going away. Does that change your mind at all?
    See edit posted 2 mins after your question. (I wish the page would update when you edit a post. Ah well.)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    10 minutes... the thing is that people are forgetting is that it offers KB resistance. This is VERY good for sets without it.
    I have several characters with KB "holes". As you mention, when faced by KB issued by certain entities, they go flying pretty much no matter what.

    Despite that, I would not take this power on them with its current stats. First of all, one minute isn't very long unless your team/league is crushing the foes in question anyway, in which case I'm not sure there's much value in you being immune to its knockback. Secondly, there aren't that many such entities in the game. I'd rather use KB protection bonuses to become fully immune to KB from the vast majority of the entities in the game than invest in a crashing power that makes me immune to a few remaining entities but that lasts only one minute.

    Edit: I caught up on the thread and see now it will be losing the crash. That makes it much more attractive, but I'm still not sure it's worth the investment. If I were to want enough of the other powers in the pool, it might be. Having a small-ish godmode on characters that lack one, like Fiery Aura and Dark Armor (who also happen to lack KB protection) might be nice.
  20. I still own a Vectrex. It's been a few years since I turned it on, but as of relatively recently, it still worked.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Orthicon View Post
    I'm having flashbacks of trying to get programs from the back of Byte or Compute! magazines typed in and running. ::shudder::
    Especially the assembly ones. MLX, anyone?

    After, what, 25 years? I still remember the memory addresses for changing the C-64 screen background and border colors with POKE commands. I think I even remember the byte values for some of the colors. That's a pretty heavy weighting for information my brain hasn't really needed to access for that long.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    I think that the lesson I learned from always owning the "second tier" systems, computers, etc. was that if I wanted to be at the forefront, I had to adopt what was popular, even if it was technically inferior
    I owned an Intellivision when everyone else seemed to have an Atari 2600. I knew plenty of people who had Atari systems, and the Intellivision blew its pants off, but not many people knew about it even back then.

    My take away was to buck the trend and get involved with stuff that's "second tier". It does mean I'm sometimes left trying to hack things to do what I want instead of them "just working", and certainly sometimes it means I have to change standards more often. ("Second tier" ecosystems tend to be shorter-lived.) But I mostly enjoy that DIY kind of approach, so I'm usually OK with that sort of thing. I learn a lot, which I enjoy, even if a lot of what I learn isn't all that practically useful.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Aww yeah, I remember my Everex 1200 baud internal modem. Holy smokes that was awesome.
    A buddy of mine and I grew up hacking Commodore 64s together. (30 yers later we work on the same team in the IT organization of a multinational corporation.)

    We started with 300 baud modems. We used to download all sorts of games and programs from BBSes, and we definitely knew ones that weren't run by local school districts. >.> C-64s had an extended ASCII character set that included lots of block graphics characters, and the download program we used would display display characters matching the bytes as they downloaded, basically just as a progress indicator.

    When we upgraded to 1200 baud modems, we were really excited about how our download program was displaying screen updates too fast to read.

    That's right - 300 baud was slow enough to read as it transferred, assuming it contained readable text. Even binary executable code usually contains at least some readable text, and very little back then was compressed. Even less was encrypted, though some things were obfuscated in ways we'd laugh at today. Home computers back then didn't really offer even the illusion of multitasking, so we'd sit there, chatting (with our mouths, not a computing device) while we watched things download. And 1200 baud was too fast to really glean much from watching.

    These days, if I'm downloading something from a small or heavily-loaded site, I expect something in the 20kBps to 60kBps range. If I download something from a site with a big server farm, like when I grab commercial software download from IBM, CA or Symantec, I can saturate my home internet at 2MBps. 300 baud was around 30 Bps.
  24. Heh. Amusingly, I was motivated to find this thread thanks to Quatermain telling me head heard about the self-outing ... in IRC chat for a completely different (and long-gone) game.

    Good to see you Tic/BaBs. (Yes, I knew )
  25. Oh, man, we are going to have an invasion of DP/MC Blasters in trench coats.

    Seriously, though, these sound quite nice.