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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The delta Uberguy is referring to is the damage delta from moment to moment, not the time delta.
    Indeed. Thank you.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    I kind of anticipated this in how I phrased my response to you. ;p
    Yes, but I didn't say it because I missed that. I said it because it was an example of what I meant when I said "continuous", which your response indicated was not clear to you. "Continuous" meaning the delta from moment to moment is small, and specifically "small" is defined here relative to your HP.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    If by 'continuous' you also mean 'equal,' yes, of course. But actually spiky on-demand HP recovery is extremely useful to Defense sets, because it can push them quickly out of dangerous health %s.
    No, I mean mathematically continuous, as in a smooth line if plotted versus time at any time scale.

    The closer incoming damage (and HP recovery) are to this, the less likely random walks that will kill you become. More usefully, the smaller the quanta of damage you're facing are as a percentage of your HP, the less likely this is. 10 HP damage per hit is a big deal if you have 50 HP, but not such a big deal if you have 2400.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    1) SyrusB/Liz
    2) Tartyrsause
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beau_Hica View Post
    Defense Based:
    1000*0(0 resistance)-1000*.05(Defense Cap)=950 Damage Resisted. 50 Damage Taken.
    Mistake early on here. Defense cap works out to 1000 * 0.1, not 0.05.

    DamageAdmitted = DamageDelivered * (50% - Defense%/50%)

    = 1000 * .05/.5 = 1000 * .10 = 100
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
    I do quite love how people that quoted me didn't bother to include the reasons I love this game. Focusing on my negative rather than my positive.
    If this is truly what stands out most to you....readjust your perceptions.
    Why would we quote things we don't take issue with or otherwise want to comment on?

    It's very simple. We quote the parts that are relevant to what we have to say. Your positive comments aren't relevant to what I know that I quoted above in any way, either to support your statements or to support my response to them. As they are irrelevant, there's no value in referring to them.
  7. UberGuy

    REVAMP EM set

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    You'll have to show your work on this one, because I flat out don't believe you that EM will beat DM, SM, or TW for single target DPS on a high recharge IO build (and this has been shown in other threads, where people did show the chains used, level or recharge, and their final results). The only time it's best for single target DPS is on SO and basic (non-set) IO builds with low global recharge, and that's only because it has ET - TF is the worst DPA of the "heavy hitting" scale 3.56 attacks by virtue of having the longest animation of any single target attack in a melee set.
    That's what I remembered also, but I didn't recall specifics for easy reference.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beau_Hica View Post
    On a character that has aggro on 10 mobs, the odds stack drastically in favor of the defense soft-capped character. As the Resistance based character will flatline in a matter of seconds... Much like a defense-capped character getting cascading failure of -defense attacks.
    This part of your post is almost certainly not correct.

    If the resistance-based character is hit by one 20% resisance debuff from every one of the 10 foes, they will be at a net of -20% resist. (10 debuffs of 20% is 200%, but this is 90% resisted,) This leaves them at a net of 70% damage resistance. They will take damage at three times the rate they would have taken damage had the foes applied no debuff (30% damage admittance instead of 10%). If they are defeated in a matter of seconds, they would have been defeated in a matter of seconds to start with - roughly three times as many seconds, to be exact. For defeat speeds measured in seconds, even Regen characters don't have the passive regen to recover without using other powerset tools, so these hypothetical defense- or resist-based characters certainly won't have the passive regen to make a big impact on such defeat times.

    There is no resistance equivalent to cascade defense failure. Once one defense debuffing attack lands, it increases the odds another will land, and so on.
  9. It's been a long-standing mantra repeated by many regulars here that patience will eventually win out on the CoH market. All the regulars here know there are some counter examples to that, but I have a rather impressive example of patience paying off.

    Edit: I found the screenshots and logs and updated the misremembered values originally given. I was off by about a factor of 1.7.

    When did we get the new market interface? Issue 18? So August 2010. There's been a bug with it that I deem associated with confirmation prompts. If you have prompts enabled, it sometimes lists or bids on the wrong row in the current item list. Back before I figured out how to avoid this (which is to disable market prompts, even back when we had to do it every game session), I once was trying to list a crafted Posi's Blast piece, and instead accidentally listed a stack of ten Masterwork Weapons for roughly 15M apiece. According to my chat logs, I did this on December 20, 2010. (While the transaction isn't particularly identifiable in the logs, my kvetching about it in globals was.)

    Now, I was annoyed at the listing fee lost, but it was more the principle than the loss of money. I don't market a lot with the character in question, so I decided to just leave the listing alone. If I really needed some Masterwork weapons, I could pull these down later.

    They sat there for a long time, until nine months later, someone bought 8 of them for about 55.55M apiece, in a clear typo purchase. (If you think this is bad, the eight they got from me were apparently the end of a chain of purchases - the last 5 sales was painted with 55.5M inf purchases.) Here's that sale, dated September 22, 2011.

    But I still had two Masterwork Weapons listed. I left them there.

    I just logged this character in, and some time in the last 30 days, someone bought the remaining two for 20M apiece, just shy of a year later. Right now the price for these is hovering in the 10k - 50k range.

    So an ancient accident eventually turned into around 436M inf in income after fees. Awfully slow? Absolutely. Anyone trying to make money for a goal should never think this is actually what we mean when we say to "be patient". On the other hand, this was also completely effort-free income. Apparently, if you wait long enough, even the most ridiculous listings sometimes go through. Even in stacks of 10.

    (In my defense for misremembering that I'd made 800M on the old sale, on the same day I sold LotG specials for another roughly 400M, so I seem to have remembered that total instead of what I sold the Masterwork Weapons for.)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cryosteel View Post
    Stupid question...How do you do a two converter conversion? I was under the impression you could only 1 converter (rarity) or three converter (set). Being able to change sets in a specific TYPE would be wonderful!
    On the same place you do one converter (rarity) conversions. There's a dropdown there, and you need to change it from "Rarity: <whatever>" to "Category: <whatever>".
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    There, I highlighted the important part.
    That wasn't lost on me. But this part...

    New version locks it at 1.5 times a minute.
    ...suggested a pretty significant misunderstanding of what PPM does. The point in replying was only to try and clear that up, and not in any way to flog you for not being an expert in the minutiae. (Well, it wasn't my point for sure, but seebs and Hopeling aren't usually wicked like that. ).
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
    True, we're getting stuff at a more frequent pace. This just shows me that the game developers were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model, but were too.....heck, I'm not sure -why- they didn't. Another slap in the face.
    Seriously? I know a couple of people have replied to this quote, but you really claim this after reading the rest of this thread?

    They are providing more stuff now because the new model empowers it.

    I really think your face doth protest too much. It's claiming incoming slaps that really just aren't there.
  13. UberGuy

    REVAMP EM set

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    No, haven't tested, but as Titan Weapons is an AoE set, it's hardly comparable
    You are aware that, in addition to excellent AoE, Titan Weapon can achieve fairly amazing single-target damage? Damage so high that I suspect it compares favorably with EM, if it does not beat it? Titan Weapons does show up with excellent Pylon times.
  14. This topic has definitely come up before. It's somewhat intuitive, if framed in the right way. Let's say you have 1500 HP. If you're taking 100 HP/s of damage and regenerating 50 HP/s, in perfectly continuous ways, then you're losing 50 HP/sec, and it will take 1500/50 = 30 seconds for you to die. That's the perfectly average view of mitigation.

    Now instead imagine you're being swung at by attacks that deal 1000 points of damage, delivered once every 5 seconds, that have a 50% chance of landing. We'll leave the HP recovery continuous. That's still an average of 100 HP/sec damage actually landing on you, but the instantaneous amounts that land are very large excursions from that average. In this scenario, here's a 25% chance that any sequence of two attacks will both land in a row, dealing you 2000 points of damage in a 10-second window, which isn't long enough to recover enough HP to make up the difference. That's going to kill this character barring other healing.

    Basically, the larger the quanta of incoming damage are relative to your remaining HP, the more likely it is that streak of hits over the next several attacks will kill you. Honestly, the same thing is strictly true of mitigation that's heavily predicated on resists (since foes have chances to miss even players with no defense), but we tend to consider this a dominant effect on defense-oriented mitigation because, at high levels of defense and low levels of other mitigation, large HP% excursions in damage are more noticeable because nothing else mitigates them.

    Edit: The closer incoming damage and HP recovery are to continuous, the less likely this scenario is to arise in practice. If you're taking, say 20 attacks a second at 10 damage each, each with a 50% chance to hit, that's also an average of 100 HP/s damage that will land. But in this scenario, it's much, much less likely that you will suddenly suffer 2000 HP of damage in the course of 10 seconds, because the odds of that many of the attacks streaking hits on you in that timeframe is far lower.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    20% chance to go off every 10 seconds. This sounds like it could go off 6 times in a minute - sure, it's highly unlikely, but possible. New version locks it at 1.5 times a minute.
    That's not what the PPM system does at all.

    All PPM does is make the chance of activation such that the average number of times per minute something will activate will be the PPM if you could activate the power end-to-end without pause. (Which, with toggles and passives, you can.)

    The PPM system sets the activation chance to CycleTime * PPM / 60 (for cycle times expressed in seconds). So for a PPM of 1.5 and an activation cycle time of 10 seconds that's 25%.

    That's it. It doesn't force it to go off once every 60/1.5 seconds. It just calculates the activation chance so that it averages that.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    I know this will be a ridiculously stupid question. Are +damage powers like fulcrum shift tagged unresistable then?
    They are indeed.

    Actually, most buffs are tagged unresistable for related reasons. To give a couple of examples, the +toHit from Tactics would be resisted by Focused Accuracy's debuff resistance, and the +Regen from Empathy/Regen Aura would be resisted by the regen debuff resistance in Fast Healing, if those buffs were not tagged unresistable.

    While these examples are ally buffs, most self-only buffs, such as armor toggles, are also unresistable. Mez protection toggles are unresistable, or mez resistance (often found in the same toggles as the protection) would resist mez protection.
  17. UberGuy

    REVAMP EM set

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    EM has the highest ST DPS of any tanker set, only getting more and more ahead as you add recharge, and drop any attacks that's aren't ET from your attack chain.
    I find that exceptionally hard to believe given the latest crop of powersets we have been given. Has this been verified to hold true given the existence of Titan Weapons and Street Justice?

    Edit: I certainly don't recall seeing any EM/* Brutes clocking top-flight scores in the Rikti Pylon time threads, unless they threw Lore pets at it or something.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
    So, I'm scratching my head here...how are you folks getting a -20% resist on a 90% resistance to land at 88% resistance? .2 * .9 = .18; .9-.18 = .72 .... should be talking a 72% number here after that debuff shouldn't we? I admit I don't know the ins and outs of how it all works but it seems to be a bit skewed here in the discussion.
    Damage Resistance also resists Damage Resistance debuffs.

    If you have 90% resistance, only 10% of the debuff gets through.

    10% of 20% is 2%

    90% - 2% = 88%

    Edit: Note that this resistance to debuffs is always calculated based on your base resistance level, before any debuffs are applied. Because of this, there is no such thing as "cascading DR debuff failure" the way there is for +Defense and Defense debuffs.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadey_NA View Post
    I'd never heard that before. Has this been verified?
    Many times.

    This is a side effect of the implementation of the game engine. +damage and damage are, internally, the same attribute. (This is why there are no powers that globally buff +damage powers, like Assault. They would create a recursive buff scenario, likely driving your damage to the game's largest internal numerical representation.)

    Anyway, since damage and +damage are tied together this way, anything that resists damage also resits +damage. And since buffs and debuffs are the same attribute with opposite sign, resisting +damage means you resist -damage.

    Also worth noting: damage resistance's effect on -damage is per damage type. This is because there's no such thing as "universal" -damage. All things that claim to debuff "Damage (All)" actually apply a debuff for eight standard damage types: Lethal, Smashing, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, Toxic and Psionic.

    This means that, if you have different resistances to different damage types, how much -damage you experience may vary with what type of damage you deal. A Broadsword/Invulnerability Scrapper with a 50% -damage debuff applied will be less affected than a Dark Melee/Invul Scrapper with the same debuff, because Invuln has much higher resists to lethal damage (the type of damage Broadsword deals) than it has to Negative damage (which is a big part of the damage from Dark Melee).
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
    I guess I don't really understand the reasoning behind having the bigger sale on the full set, when the set already has a bundle discount.
    Well, they almost certainly get more money overall if people buy the full sets, even with the discount, and they are discounting the whole set more to promote people to do that.

    If that's the case, it makes sense to me.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
    In other games I would covet a power like Incandescence; in City of Heroes things are straight forward enough that it usually just complicates things. Outside of Avoiding the Green stuff there isn't anything where the benefit is obvious.
    I've been on leagues where people tried to use it for AtGS badge attempts, and, frankly, I think it was worse by far than having people just move.

    Its activation isn't fast enough to reactively save someone who's going to get whacked due to power activation, and it's slow enough that anyone who's on the ball is out of the green stuff anyway. Meanwhile, the "OK, WTF am I now" pause disrupts the ebb and flow of the fight for the people who were on the ball.

    I hated it. I only have the Green Stuff badge on one character, and we got it without Incandescence. Notably, the person leading the (repeated) attempts did try using Incandescence for a while and gave up on it.
  22. I was thinking about this voice-over conversation while watching the cutscene in the Magisterium Trial yesterday. I am fairly confident that I was reading the text faster than it could have been spoken. If it were narrated / voice acted, I think the cutscene would have to be longer.

    I agree with Sam's thoughts here - unless you really make a cutscene worth watching with characers who have body language (or who are engaged in some relevant physical activity) and facial expressions, I think spending the time and money for voice overs is largely wasted, unless the voice actors are fantastic.
  23. UberGuy

    Of TankMages

    I certainly agree with the sentiment that this game's ATs don't map to narrow roles. I think the very original release thought they did (or would), but it didn't pan out like that, partially because everyone was very powerful, partially because most everyone has been made at least halfway decent at dealing damage (a common role), and partially because this game lets us usually get away with "just" being decent at a role instead of massively qualified. I think the design of the CoV ATs was a clear recognition of that - most of them are generalists. (Stalkers were something of an outlier here, possibly because they were given a secondary role/capability that really didn't have much value in PvE.)

    I think a lot of CoH's players really like that about it. Its one of the things that lets us take whatever character we're playing and complete most content with it, which lets those of us prone to such interpretations feel more like each character is a super-being in their own right. Not everyone who plays CoH likes a game to fit together this way, but it seems to have attracted (and kept) a decent core of folks who do like it.

    I think the OP topic really gets us into the question of how far does this need to be taken? Does liking the ability to have lots of role crossover among ATs mean we should generalize them more? Or is there value in having a kind of role focus for characters of a given class?

    I'm of the opinion that focus is good as long as it allows for diversification. I like the idea of having a core thing (or set of things) that a character is good at "out of the box", so that you can be very good at one thing if you want to. But it's also nice if you can choose to be passably good in enough other things that you're not constantly looking for help from other specialists. Making specialists attractive is fine, while making them required can be frustrating.
  24. UberGuy

    Of TankMages

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Your parenthesis is where this stops being a role, that's what I'm saying. When people ask for a role, what they're really asking is "Why should I invite this character INSTEAD of that character?" and this is a question that City of Heroes very rarely has an answer to. The simple fact of the matter is I haven't seen a team that turned someone down for not bringing the right AT. The usual answer to "What should I bring?" tends to be "Whatever you want."
    I do want to stress that this is the usual answer. I don't think it terribly undermines your point, but there can be a use for roles in this game. Basically, how important they are depends on how challenging we expect whatever we're doing to be.

    If a bunch of 50+1s with Tier 4 Incarnate powers are going to steamroll a +0 taskforce, roles become pretty meaningless. Everyone's role becomes "win", or even "do whatever meets your fancy", since it's often possible for a team to succeed with just one member doing the needful in such circumstances.

    If you've got a bunch of 35-45 characters on SOs and common IOs running the same TF at +2, making sure a few roles are covered becomes much more useful. Someone who can act as meatshield, someone who can provide shields, someone who can debuff AVs, and people who can deal damage would all be roles I would try to fill in such a situation. The roles I would apply are broad, as you can see, and if I could not fill them all, I'd probably not sweat it too much, but if I couldn't fill enough of them, I'd probably change something else, like the difficulty target or at least the expectation of how long the TF will take.

    I know you prefer a kind of coast mode of playing CoH, and in that mode, roles don't matter much. Playing in that mode is usually always an option, barring a few missions or TFs (such as Apex/Tin Mage), but not everyone chooses it for a variety of reasons, so they might have more use for roles.

    I think your proposed Ranged/Armored AT (your tough guy with a gun) fits in the existing broad roles we already do have, so I don't think the existence or use of roles would be what bars such an AT (or powersets for existing ATs) from being created. I would expect that to be driven by some other design constraints or balance considerations.
  25. I believe that, once you have summoned the storm, the PPM will be based on the stats of the attack the storm entity uses. Here are the relevant stats from City of Data.

    Cast time: 1.17 seconds
    Recharge time: 4 seconds
    Arc: 360°
    Radius: 5'

    Since most pets are now immune to recharge, I assume the recharge 4s recharge time is fixed for I24 PPM purposes.