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  1. I want my endgame to be more stuff to get. I like that. It motivates me to play my existing characters more, which is exactly what I wanted from CoH. I never, ever wanted my characters to be "done".

    I don't actively dislike large team content, but I now know that I do not like for it to be the dominant focus. Greater access to standard team and/or solo content which can allow meaningful progress would be much more desirable to me than the sole focus on "raid-sized" content.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vaelynn View Post
    Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I have ever read a superhero comic book that didn't originate from North America, but then again I mostly read only comics by Marvel and a little bit of DC/Image.
    Super powered beings are almost universal. Superheroes in the American comic book sense are fairly, but not entirely, specific to American culture.

    I do think that the closest things I have seen to superhero themes outside of American comics have been Japanese television shows. Often the characters in question were aliens of some sort, but if any of you remember the way cheesy 60s and 70s shows like Ultraman, Spectra Man, and Space Giants, these were people with extraordinary powers trying to protect the helpless and/or innocent, and often had secret identities. It was like an American golden age superhero crossed with a Godzilla movie.
  3. We will be denied a fine photo if TJ's controller who raids only in a cowboy hat and high heels.

    Wait, that might not be how he wanted to be remembered anyway...

  4. Justice had a good stab at the Really Hard Way iTrial badge, and we had a full league for three tries, with spare people each time. And there was an all-Brute teaming event running at the same time.

    Now, part of that was that I announced it in advance. There's no doubt its quieter. But there are still peeps around and looking to just have fun, fill out their bucket list, or just stubbornly ride the coaster to the cliff at the end if it comes to that.

    I count as all three of the above. >.>
  5. Hey, all. Per this thread, we had some success but not the full success I wanted to achieve on Master of Magisterium badges tonight. We did finally pull off Ready to Rumble, and we got Hard Way twice pretty handily, but we need a lot more work to get Really Hard Way.

    Basically, we need to front-load the team with Corruptors. Preferably, we want ones that can dish out -DR debuffs and maybe +damage.

    Tyrant is immune to -regen debuffs. Only -DR, +damage and -maxHP are likely to be meaningful.

    We need everyone who remotely possibly can be to be +3. I don't want to accept anyone on the league who is not at least +2, and I'm only going to accept a few of those at most. I don't like forming leagues that way, but it's too hard to meaningfully DPS or debuff a +6 AV.

    For those that don't know, the lower Tyrant's HP are, the higher his regen rate goes. This means that any given net DPS can hit a kind of floor where his HP won't really go down any lower, because his regen eventually balances the incoming DPS. This is why Corruptors are such a big deal - right around the HP levels where that really kicks in for Tyrant, Corrs start dealing more and more damage due to Scourge. Naturally their debuffs are also a huge help.

    If you need this badge on something that is not on a Corruptor or primary damage dealer, you may need to help others get if first. Basically, we're extremely unlikely to be able to get this badge for everyone who wants it in one pass - too many folks with lower DPS contribution will mean no one gets it. We need to load up the team with a bunch of Corrs, mix in the badgers (paying attention to how much we dilute DPS if possible) and run multiple times, hopefully swapping people in and out to get the badge.

    If you want to contribute but don't have a +3 Corruptor, that's OK. I'd appreciate all the help we can get given the community's current mental state. If things go well, though, we may not need you for every run - just the ones where you're up for the badge.

    Given the above plan, I will keep scheduling this until we get peeps the badge. I may accelerate the scheduling to get more times per week in next week if we need to.

    Edit: It probably helps if I state a start time, eh? I blame being fried from tonight's trials. Let's say 8 PM Eastern, 7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific. We will likely go for a few hours at least, so if you can't get into the first wave, don't sweat it. Please bear with the initial trial being slow to get rolling, as we figure out who can bring what, etc.

    Thanks again to everyone who helped tonight, and my apologies to those who couldn't really help out.
  6. Well, we had some success, but it was kind of painful. Let me thank everyone who came, and Ullikummis, I'm really sorry I couldn't get you back in on the last run.

    We ran three times, and got Hard Way on the last two, and Ready To Rumble on the third.

    Every time, someone different ran into the zone early on the IDF. That was really frustrating.

    We really didn't make a dent in Really Hard Way. I think the lowest we ever got his health was 20%, and that was super brief. Most of the time he was in the 35-40% range and we couldn't really move it lower for any meaningful duration.

    I still need Triple Threat on my badger.

    I'm going to start another thread for the next run. We're going to have to be smarter about Really Hard Way. I think am going to be more hard-*** than I usually like to be about what characters come on the trial.
  7. Defeating a zone AV solo, even with all that temp stuff, is a pretty big deal. They're way, way tougher to take down than a standard AV. Pulling it off solo was a pretty big deal before I13. If you did that after I13, you deserve some serious props.
  8. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Oh, also, I have replaced quite a few sounds in-game for various reasons. Mostly the annoying ones into blank/no sounds.
    Extremely soon after they were changed to make noise at all, I replaced the blinkie/glowie sound with another sound I found by poking around in the PIGG files. I always struggled to hear the default sound, especially in combat, and in a game where glowies all too often ended up in horribly-hard-to stumble-across places, I damn well wanted to be able to hear them.

    You can hear the sound here. (Converted to mp3 format for ease of opening.) Be warned. It's a terribly obnoxious sound.

    A related confession: I never disliked looping sounds in CoH, and was quite irritated when they were made to fade without the option to keep them. Quills, Targeting Drone, Super Speed, none bothered me. In fact, it took me a long time to adjust to the fact that no longer hearing them did not mean they were not running in situations where it was hard to see, like a big team fight with lots of buffs and attacks flying around.
  9. There are more times that I can remember that some character of mine was the last one standing and who managed to survive alone, without retreating, until everyone else got back. Many times there was a huge dose of luck involved, but it still always felt good.
    • I remember one time in Talos when my Dark/Dark Defender was probably still in her 20s, maybe early 30s, that I was ambushed in Talos island by a vastly over-sized Family ambush. This was way before IOs, probably well before I6/CoV. For some reason, you occasionally would be ambushed by a spawn much, much larger than made sense for a solo player. (These days that bug would actually be nice.) I fought them and won. I remember it being a touch and go thing, very hard on my blue bar. It happened outside the Magic store in Talos, and so one or two other heroes came by and they only watched from the sidelines. When it was over, people congratulated me on pulling it off. Back then, it was likely much more impressive for a lone defender to win against that much stuff solo.
    • I have always been proud of these character descriptions. They have gotten me many comments and compliments through the years. Back before we had Global Names, I can't tell you how many players assumed I was actually female based on Nightfall's bio. For Noir's bio, I had another player actually ask my permission to use it as a springboard for a character with a related backstory.

    • I was on a team once with some friends, and I noticed a bunch of foes swarming towards a Controller on the team. We were all knowledgeable players with strong builds, but I recognized that this much stuff (successfully) swarming her was abnormal. I ran over and started firing AoEs to either defeat or aggro critters off of her. She said in team something to the effect of "god, I love playing with observant players".
    • I played with a group of players who normally strove to run TFs as fast as possible. Not as in we sat down and planned a team that could do that - to the contrary, we let people bring whatever they wanted. But given what we had, we always tried to run it as fast as we knew how without making use of bugs or the like. I think the best ITF we ever did was 14 minutes and change, the fastest Kahn around 16 minutes, the fastest Lady Grey about 17, the fastest Eden around 10. The fun part about the Eden was that we didn't know that some of the other people who were clocking times like ours were actually using bugs/exploits to do it.
    • Pulling Siege and/or Nightstar on my Dark Miasma characters when none of the Tankers or Brutes stepped up.
    • Pulling Antimatter to terminals using my Dark/Dark Defender when we didn't have a Tanker or Brute who could survive his aggro.
    • Saving pre-I9 Hamidon raids from wipes using Howling Twilight on my Dark Defender. Saving it for real emergencies was something of an intuition art form, because having too many people dead at once risked letting Mitos concentrate fire more on surviving players, which could lead to a kind of cascade raid failure. The raid wouldn't literally fail, but suffering too many defeats would slow it down a lot as people regrouped. My DDD got the 10M HP healed badge before I9 primarily from casting HT at Hamidon raids.
    • Soloing yellow Mitos at post-I9 Hamidon raids. Originally I didn't go fight them on my own to showboat - it was an intentional strategy to try and divide the attention of Green mitos among multiple damage targets so that the main melee team could bring down their targets faster. Over time, that became less important, and I got interested in just seeing if I could pull off defeating them on my own as a test of my burst or sustained DPS. I get a kick out of succeeding on ATs or powersets that are not obviously good at it - Stalkers before their recent buffs, Night Widows, etc. I also got a kick out of defeating multiples before the main melee team caught up with me from the other direction,
    • Soloing Baphomet as an AV on my MA/Regen Stalker before any of the recent buffs. Because he had Healing Flames, I expected this to be horrifically difficult and so overdosed on temp powers like temps, Warburg Nukes, a Shivan, etc. Result? I killed him in under 60 seconds. My Rage inspirations were still blinking to warn of impending expiry when he went down.
  10. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    While the homages are all rather excellent, I love that costume / look all on its own.
  11. The 40' range limit needed to go because it was not a sensible trade-off. Fighting at 40' range in order to use that power effectively limited all your powers to a 40' range. And 40' is a fairly trivial distance for lots of mobs to move in order to be in melee range with you unless you are hover-blasting them. If you did not move immediately after firing the 40' blast, and instead fired another attack, it's pretty much guaranteed that something that was trying to melee would be in your face before the 2nd attack finished animating, unless it happened to be slowed or subject to some other effect disrupting its movement.

    Range is supposed to offer a survival advantage. That's part of why Blasters (and other ranged ATs) didn't have specific survival tools built in.

    It also had no comparable equivalent in melee attack sets. There's no functional penalty in any melee set for using your larger attacks.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The game: The Muppets Online
    • Why it would be like City of Heroes: devs hire Venture to play both Statler and Waldorf in-game.
  13. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
    Oddly enough, after using this name in CoH, WoW, RO and other games, I see Pitho as much my name as my birth name. Hearing Pitho grabs my attention just as much as my real name does.
    Since "UberGuy" was my online handle from before CoH, I've been seeing people refer to me as "Uber" in text mediums for, jeez, 14 years or so. Because I gamed with them over the years, I have real life friends who actually refer to me as "Uber" out loud, expecially in a gaming conversation context. I respond to it in the ways you describe for your handle.

    I play this game with my boss, and he has, once or twice, accidentally referred to me by name as "Uber" in front of other coworkers, which is somehow both embarrassing and sort of awesome.

    In chat, people have called me "Ube", "Ubes", and "Ub".

    Along those same lines, I have a couple of close friends with whom we will say "BRB" out loud, even when not gaming. We pronounce it "burb".
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Why it would be like City of Heroes: the HEROES IP is the only comic book related property that has a worse sense of powers balance than City of Heroes, so we'd feel right at home.
    I'm not sure if they're the only ones. I used to have (and should still have in my book room, somewhere) a supplement that I think was for the Role Master game system. I remember listings of powers in it that were aligned by functional theme, such as translocaiton, summoning, energy emission, etc. Within each theme, they had names indicating their escalating scale of power. I would have to find the book to give specific examples, but think "Basic Energy Control", then "Advanced Energy Control" on up to "Ultimate Cosmic Energy Control". In retrospect, that kind of reminds me a bit of how Incarnate Powers are named within there tree here.

    Anyway, the reason this is relevant is that even though I never played that game system, and even though I have not looked at that book in probably at least 10 years, I remember the top scale of powers. If "Basic Translocation" was "instantly transport up to 100 pounds up to 100 yards to a destination you have seen before, "Ultimate Cosmic Translocation" was along the lines of "transport up to of 100,000,000 tons up to 2d100 light years to a destination you have only heard about".

    I'm not sure the scale growth of power would have been a straight line plotted on logarithmic scales.
  15. DDoiD's SG costumes have been a recognizable feature to me for a very, very long time. It's somehow comforting to experience that continuity and see something recognizable for years on end, be it individual characters or things like SG uniforms.

    So some sort of congratulations are in order to folks who managed to remain recognizable for so long. Heck, Liberty Justice was on an iTrial I led last night.
  16. UberGuy


    Yeah. Compare the name of recharge SOs and IOs. IIRC, SOs enhance "attack rate", while IOs enhance "recharge". Granted, if am recalling that correctly, IOs were probably the devs adopting player terminology.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    that huge pile of..500 billion? is such a huge comfort, considering we have 3 months to go.
    Is having 300 alts comfort now that we have 3 months left? 1890 badges? 50 level 50s? Tier 4 of evey incarnate power? Soloing pylons? Soloing to 50 on a MAN build?

    If someone felt that something was worth doing, the impending end of the game cheapens that no more or less than any other player's achievements. It all becomes equally lost to us if the game shuts down, and yet equally valuable if we treasured the experience.
  18. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
    No offense to the people at Titan or the people that pushed for "real numbers", I think that that was one of the worst things added to the game because it popularized min/maxing even more.
    People who wanted to min/max were already doing a decent job of it. Yes, there were players who campaigned for more information to be provided in the game, but things like Real Numbers were added in large part due to recognition by the devs that systems like Inventions were unmanageable for most players without some sense of what the system actually did. Yes, Mids and Real Numbers enabled more people to min/max than might have been inclined to with less information, but it did so because without it, more people had no idea what their powers really did.

    I'll confess that I don't think worrying about what min/max players will do with information about what a character's abilities actually do is worth keeping everyone in the dark.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vaelynn View Post
    As compared to WoW or any fantasy themed MMOs out there. People all over the world seem to be more exposed or can readily accept the fantasy genre despite how saturated and tired the fantasy mmo market is.
    Yeah, I've noticed that. It seems odd to me, not that comic superheroes would be a more American notion, but that the rest of the world would be quite so accepting of games that are, at their core, usually based on medieval European fantasy settings. Maybe it's that somehow fantasy MMOs got in the door first and somehow insinuated themselves in the modern consciousness even of non-European places? I'm not sure that really makes sense, though.

    Modern CoH is pretty open to what I think of as decent fits for stereotypes of "super powers" we often see in manga and manga-inspired animated shows. Of course, any cross-cultural appeal that gave us is still probably tied back by the way the the main NPC characters, setting and core fiction are all fairly firmly rooted in American culture. I mean, let's face it, Statesman was practically wearing an American flag. (This is not a complaint, simply an observation.)
  20. Hey, all. Tying in to @Redshadows' thread on Master runs, I would like to try and get some Magi badge runs together this Thursday.

    Unfortunately, Red and some other folks I want to help get this badge have some fairly incompatible on-line times. (Red can't be on until 9 Pacific, which is midnight Eastern.) However, I am also willing to make a go multiple times. I would like to initially shoot for an attempt around 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain which is only 5 PM Pacific.

    I know I need Ready To Rumble (Defeat the 4 AVs within 8 minutes of the 1st teleport in) and Triple Threat (defeat the 1st 3 AVs within 5 seconds of one another). My understanding is that these may be best done in separate attempts, with different strategies. After attempts on either or both of those, we can go for at least The Hard Way (close no more than 12 Lights of the Well) or (if we're really hot stuff) The Really Hard Way (close no Lights). Achieving RHW gives you HW automatically.

    R2R is a high DPS challenge. I've been on a lot of leagues that have likely had the raw DPS to take down big sacks of HP like AVs fast enough for R2R, but they often lose too much time taking out the 250 IDF. We need to be smart about pulling, debuffing and AoEing the IDF to speed this up. If your contribution is single-target damage, bear in mind that minions and LTs count towards the 250, and are far faster to defeat than bosses. I recommend prioritizing those foes defeat unless there is just nothing but bosses in sight. (I have read that Battle Orbs count for the 250, but have not confirmed it. If anyone can confirm here, please do. These are very fragile. AoEs usually kill them fast anyway, though.)

    While I do not wish to be exclusionary, these badges really call for +2 and +3 characters as much as possible. Assault Hybrid is very helpful for DPS, as are -Resistance debuffs and of course things like Kinetics. -Regen is very useful against the 1st 4 AVs, but Tyrant is immune to it.

    If you can, I recommend bringing Ultimate inspirations. While we may not need them, having them is still a good idea. Each one grants a +1 level shift, additive with any other shifts you have. Each Ultimate lasts 3 minutes, during which you can't use another one. Ultimates are very expensive on the Auction House / Black Market (10-20M), but "only" cost 2 Astral Merits at Astral Christy in Ouroboros.

    My goal in posting this in advance is to try and get folks to set aside time to attend. For obvious reasons, iTrial attendance is a bit thin currently. I'm sure that in addition to less people being on due to general malaise, folks who are playing are also busy trying to achieve other goals. If we cannot get enough people, or if we do but don't get the badges on Thursday, I would like to try again on the weekend, probably Saturday evening.

    Please reply here if you're interested, so we can get a sense of how may people might come.
  21. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Bohmfalk View Post
    Did anyone ever find the "right" way to defeat Hamidon? I always wondered this.
    No one ever found it, but someone did talk about it at one point here on the forums. It may have been second-hand info. If I recall correctly, it involved drawing Mito fire in direction while beating on Hami from the other direction. Whatever it was exactly, I remember thinking it sounded like a pain in the butt.

    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    In LGTF, you can wormhole him into Rikti and have them do it.
    I'm thinking he must have meant the original one. I'm pretty sure we all know the right way to defeat the Weakened one in the LGTF.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?
    Have you actually read the news on most national and international news organizations. I have. Daily. And that's why I know how astronomically idiotic what I have quoted here is. Really, I want the energy back from the lit pixels on my screen that showed me the rampant stupidity this illustrated.

    First of all, gaming news isn't going to displace warlords in Africa unless no one was reporting on those warlords to begin with. News organizations will report on what they think is news, and I promise you, for CoH to get their time, there was nothing else going on they cared about more.

    News isn't a zero-sum game. It's not like CNN.com is a newspaper where only so many stories can fit on the pages available. It's a website. They can slap on as many web pages as they have people to create. The only contention is for those man hours. And I promise you, the people vetting stories like ours are not the ones looking for stories about what's going on in Africa, Syria, Greece, or wherever else life-changing (or life-ending) news stories are breaking.

    Wake the hell up.
  23. Deleting your characters does absolutely nothing to keep them out of NCSoft's hands.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Of course, in our case they closed down the first project and fired the 80 people, so "reallocation of resources" probably isn't the real purpose here.
    We can't really conclude that, because they could plan to reallocate the costs for running PS elsewhere, to something they think will earn more income.

    Remember, PS was not just 80 people. It was an office space in California, a set of shard (and web?) servers in Texas, and CS reps who needed to spend time responding to CoH petitions (and had to be trained/experienced in how to respond to them), just to name a few things off the top of my head.

    They could view any and all of those things as money they could stop spending on CoH and start spending on, say GW2 (educated guess only, here). They don't have to move people - in theory they can fire the people they have and hire other ones, and they can see that as a better return on investment (despite that firing people incurs added costs) particularly if they are firing expensive, highly skilled game design people and replacing them with added CS reps for GW2, or something like that.
  25. I've been on every night but one since the announcement. That night, I was out late with friends.

    I have soloed. I have attended iTrials. I have led a few. I have raided Hamidon. I have gone on TFs. I have plans to help channel-mates get iTrial badges (and am hoping to get a few myself). I joined another SG's ongoing efforts to complete the 100 CoP SG badge. (They're really close now. )

    The game itself hasn't changed, nor are my characters any less enjoyable. We may have changed, but we have control over that much, if nothing else. I know it can be depressing - it can feel a lot easier to just give up on it. But there's still fun to be had, and still people there to have that fun with. Don't give up on fun you can still have. If we have to go out, go out like you played before - enjoying the game you love playing