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  1. leaping pool -- combat jump / super jump / acro

    medicine pool -- aid other / aid self

    fitness pool -- swift or hurdle / health / stamina

    as i really dont like ngy sets, i cna only go by what ive ever tested. the first punch u get i wouldnt bother slotted tbh, seems rather low dmg. the 2nd one, ith ink bonecrusher (or somthing close) slot that alot

    build up = very nice when slotted for recharge for max DPS

    the elec part i dont really use either for the evul end drain, but the first elec power isnt that great (up to you if you like it to take it) the 2nd one is a must most people would prolly slot it 2 accuracy / 3 dmg / 1 recharge or end mod

    rest is trial and error unless someone posts a build

    but as you have ngy secondary id say slot the 2nd elec power 3acc/3dmg, build up 3 recharge, and the ngy melee ones 3acc/3dmg and your a walking solo blasting machine :P

    snipe you can get away with either 3acc/3dmg or 2 acc/2dmg/2range, that + build up in pvp is nice, not too bad in pve either
  2. Tylantia


    [ QUOTE ]

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  3. damn right an :P

    pure utter complete dmg pwnage

    mines @ 30 atm, not far off 31, dull as hell solo'ing ofc >.>
  4. Tylantia

    Melee Defender

    hehe @ title.................roll scrap ? :P
  5. Tylantia

    Is possible?

    gah, u poke me on here too! :P
  6. Tylantia

    Is possible?

    tis cyn, he'd wtfpwn teh forest!
  7. erm no offence, but wth is this thread about n for? O.o
  8. confront ftl, tanks job to taunt not scrapper, get rid! :P

    even in pvp i dont see its use other than getting the vill off a target and by that point if your doing that u should be dps'ing it to death anyway :P
  9. Tylantia

    Moving on

    [ QUOTE ]
    Have fun on your temporary break

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ever the optimist :P

    cyaz sass :P
  10. pah, just keep with the buffing jo0! :P
  11. Tylantia

    Sayonara for now


    load wow, u know u wanna :P
  12. SG logo capt...... needs colours other way round and its fine :P
  13. BOOO, sin h4XX0r'd me :P

    but ye, tis rather irritating, IF they ever make the 5 channel limit higher, would be even worse i guess
  14. *pokes cam with a giant nubcake*
  15. Tylantia


    fear teh \/\/[]\/\/ GG!
  16. fire / elec ftw, made one the other day, spammed its way to 26 already. dmg n dps is great.
  17. pffft, gales a waste of a power, space n time, hurricane is all you wantt tbh for the "removal of mobs when close" really, gale is more of a OOOOOOO jo0 blowed away kind of move....completely cosmetic
  18. lolz london...i really gotta ask, why so many? :P
  19. Tylantia


    cyaz on WoW mary
  20. hehe was fun in sirens the other night raven....even if u did get whamped :P
  21. Tylantia

    More Villains!!

    h4xx WB code into Sirens :P