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  2. ta-a-roo all

    i'll load tiny chesty etc some days then maybe on last day, dependant on work etc etc la la do do DODODOODODODOODO......ive had too much ribena again >.<
  3. nope your not allowed anything shiny! XD

    ..........no real reason just cuz i'm mean! :P
  4. Well its happened I am (this time) finished with CoH/CoV on march 3rd / 4th.

    For the good majority this games been drop dead god damn fun Tons of uber peeps made it really good then you got the fools (as with all games)

    I've decided to leave this time and for good, mainly because theres nothing more i can really get from this game fun wise, community yeah, but play wise nah....

    So to the plastics, femms, danity's, goeh, bote, and all the other SG's fair well and gl

    And a special goodbye to teh uber peeps in my spammy circle of total n00bness! XD j00 know who j00 r !!

    So long and Tylantia signing out !
  5. happy birthday pyra!!!

    j00 f0ss1l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :P :P
  6. Gratz icy couldnt ahve happened to a nicer / deader blaster ;D *sirens ftw!!* XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
  7. Tylantia

    Synaptic hits 40

    lmao gratz flik, you crazy bint XD
  8. Tylantia


    [ QUOTE ]
    They both begin with Ty.....grats to everyone whose characters have Ty in them

    [/ QUOTE ]

    rofl XD XD XD
  9. Tylantia


    lmao wth, dinged 40 months ago XD
  10. WOOOOOOTEH for teh tamaeh!!z0rz!!!!1!111oneone!!1
  11. Tylantia

    Radman dings 50!


    gratz rad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GRATZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    famke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11onenoneneone!!eveltnyt entytwo11!1!1!11oneone
  13. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPAH loki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
  14. roflmao XD

    your all MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD *sends out monkeys to kill j00 all and make the PInk Squad : aka Burnin n Tyl, dance champions!*
  15. :O definately nicey n stalk then XD *monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
  16. energy is v.powerful yes, but any stalker type can own bosses easily, it sthe elites/heroes n av's that pose the probs
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok I did not know you have an hammy raid this monday.

    We will settle another day. I will check with the LU Sg and let you know asp.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    zomgz0rz you got pyra's name!!!!
  18. Tylantia

    My sg

    MUHAHAHAHHAHAHH so let the distraction plan commence! :P
  19. Tylantia


    ROFL, ok wrong bit this should be in pvp n arena; secondly, stop tp foe'ing people into boxes n hiding behind drones etc etc blah blah [/end sarcasm] XD

    i hide in my wind with my pet farteh anywho XD