837 -
How about changing the game mechanics so that any Villain which has caused at least 10% damage to a Hero in Siren's Call will be awarded full reputation and bounty if said Hero then flees back to the safety of the Hospital zone?
While scoring kills with any of my Hero alts usually weren't a problem since any Villains I encountered almost always stood their ground and fought until the bitter end, scoring kills with my Villain alts have proven to be a vastly bigger problem.
I'm simply getting FED UP with Heroes fleeing back to the Hospital zone repeatedly if their health drops below 10%, even if they are there in far superior numbers!
(Incidentally; What usually got my Scrapper killed in PvP was everyone else fleeing back to the Hospital leaving my poor Panther outnumbered.)
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zomgz0rz!!! hey green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just incase any old plastics are about, or anyone wanting in on the forum crazyness that we call chat ;D We've recently had a new (and easier to type) url made
Direct Link -
well u had to ruin it with pyra in teh middle didnt ya! ;D
*hides from tay, using hide+stealth+grant invis ....... :P -
Summon a Mu, Fortunata, Arachnobot or Coralax? Sweeeeeeeet. Finally I get something that makes me feel like I'm actually part of Arachnos.
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unless your a master mind
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rofl mongcapt. mako FTW!
ye but who i am shouldnt get me killed so much in a plaec where there is a time limit between bounty kills/rep kills etc (sirens mainly talking), just cuz i know near enough the whole server dont mean 99% gankage should happen
tell that to mine
could perma RA using hasten n 6 slotted RA + SB
(powa to the kin/emp duo teams!)
Half EXP from PvE Mobs (In PvP zones) and Half Debt In PvP zones.
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i actually agree with that, but in the instances exp reward etc should remain same, just outside in the zone, then its a GO! -
maybe orange name? o.O ah dunno
pvp suxx0rz anywho! ;P
ahem.........i ahve a lvl 40 stalker so i know both sides.....and tbh i dont like it anymore, in the beginning as gan said was fun
now its not worth loading unless something in pve is going down......and since when am i famous?!?! lol
Only just skimmed through this so it may have been mentioned before. With focused senses + tactics, you should have enough perception to see stalkers. Also, which defender sets do you play?
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its not just the seeing, couldnt care less bout that, its the fact when ica n (rarely) cnat hit cuz acc is shot to hell n def is shot to hell, most make claws or spines so using range etc etc, not going into now cuz i'll get angry again and shout lol xD -
*pulls upa chair near gan and sip's cold tea*
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Remember the day we tried to fight off that swarm of pesky villains? *rocks back in his chair* Ahh those were days, now all I have left is a pesky ulcer. Would you be a dear and fetch me some tea as well?
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hehehhehe the 2 defs + 1 blaster vs whole zone XD that was so funnystill cant believe we won and fought e all off =D
Plus, SR has +perception in Focused Senses - so Stalkers don't get away that easily either.
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does sod all syn, scraps ahving lo base percept anyway doesnt help, this +percept is total cack, does nothing -
I whole heartedly feel ya Tyl. I left due to similar reason. I did poke my head into warburg tonight though to see how things were these days (hadn't done any pvp in a months time) and it was ugly, same ol story
What happened to the old days eh ?Seems to me it went from a fun pastime to a serious pastime for a lot of people
Oh well, come sit next to me in the old pvp retirement home
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*pulls upa chair near gan and sip's cold tea* -
like ZOMG thats near enough mega greifing, are the devs now on drugs or sommert >.> >.< <.< that n drone tp'ing just 'get someone outta the way' so annoying, *slaps devs*
and least u got a reply from them, i send stoof and get sod all >.> -
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY someone that actually has the ability to make a different stalker build!!
*points at all the claws/spines /nin/sr freaks out there for a simple and VERY boring life*
go bewilderer GOOO!!!
and as for your build, well, i havent got EM so can only really speak on regen. if going pvp u wanna get integration, at least 1 self heal and instant heal before 30, if you want extra dmg res resilience amybe, but i dont believe its a worthwhile power..... SJ, stealth, grant invis might be nice to have also extra def etc -
very sick to hear about the same things: "boo stalker"
you can say taht for every thing!
-boo blaster that shot from 1545187 miles
-boo contro you can't even approach without being sleeped/holded/feared/confusioned
-boo scrapper with regen
-boo tank they have too much life
if you are sick of stalker play in team , stalker use to hunt lone sheep, they have no life if they AS in a team of foe it mean they die too
group with "tactic" defendeur, with ice controlleur (arctic air got a -stealth), with a FF for the constant repel/knockback (AS can be interrupted)
by the way it not over powered taht an AT is the best in what he do.
controller rock for control, scrapper for scrapping tank for surviving, why stalekr taht are assassin should be bad at doing their job?
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ok you say to team lots, and since we've obviously not met u wouldnt know i constantly team in sirens, my def HAS tactics etc and i cna see stalkers to a certain extent, defiant has low pvp useage anywho, so where i'd get a ice troller n bubbler at my beckon call is beyond me -
lol, you happily 1-shotted me nearly every time you saw me with your stalker!!
Anyway, don't be quitting before I've had a chance for revenge, as soon as I get that I7 respec (pleeeeeeease!) I'll be back!!
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hehe XD i ahvent played my stalker fora good few months in pvp really, had a brief bit with salazzar, but that was to get some inf, other than that, i hate that AT too much to use it now; its not the only biggest reason, my main evil concern is damned SR, not only heroes but on villains, i'll explain...
Take my DM/SR scrap, took her into sirens fully SO's (35's) and char is at lvl 32 so all green n lovely, got all defence cept for the aoe ones ALL 3 slotted etc to max def, (DM same) So stalkers using BU + AS as per usual 9/10 chance of hitting....as you'd expect. Now without BU this goes down to about 7-8/10 still very high and I'd imagine this shouldn't happen...now comes the me being annoyed bit. Stalkers with ninjitsu/SR seem to have VERY VERY VERY VERY high def, i've tested n checked with a few of em and they only have 3 slots also with def in etc, so why do I hit like 1-2/10 and they hit as i said 7-8/10 hardly seems like thats balanced >.> (all my DM attacks have 3 acc btw + even using the +acc+dmg power i STILL miss) see why I am rather peeved? ;D And as usual sent a petition explaining this, and as usual email " working as intended" so its intended to be bloomin cack??!? ............ >.< [/rant] -
u old git u thought u would get away?happy bday and all u wish for my friendHope u enjoy that day most
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get bk to j00r americans u!!!! :P -
heh, with the '0' content at 50, not lookin good...tiny chesty and commander tyl were designed for pvp, and i see no point in getting multiple 50's so teh future is lookin bleak; we'll see how long I7 keeps the interest flowing
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Going to get your stalker to 50 ? O_o
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to gun : nah pointless and to night : you obviously dont know my track records for pvp teams (and teams in general) + the fact that i always get targeted regardless of teamed or not etc....etc... -
rofl XD XD dinged last yr and got told gratz this yr ;D
oh well..................and poor mong not getting any gratz for his WS, he worked very hard on that char an all
oh well whats done is done and all that