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  1. Wow, you went from self proclaimed authority figure to petty troll in like... Two posts! Say what you will about me, at least I'm consistent.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    That's it, go nuts man. I'm sure it will go about as well as the discussion of your blaster.
    People have always been intimidated by my Blasters.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I suppose it was opened in your first post to this thread - it was going nicely until then.
    So posting partisan juvenile political rants that have nothing to do with the game is ok, but voicing an opposing opinion isn't? Got it.

    Be sure to polish your forum cop badge so that people can see it, your name isn't showing up red for some reason.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Here we go again!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    For what it's worth nothing's stopping anyone from trying to make a center-right TV show similar to the Daily Show that caters to the "youth vote" with funny material that ultimately paints Obama as "evil". If people like you don't like the Daily Show you should stop complaining about it and support an effort to make something you think is better. For instance I'd honestly think it'd be funny to see a clever "liberal" version of Stephen Colbert. *shrugs*
    I think it's fun to listen to Paul Ryan pwn nubs with his superior intellect. Humor is for weaklings.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Non sequiter. Participating in real life is not optional, unless one suicides.

    My entertainment: optional.

    And since life itself involves tolerating intense, high-stress risk, I am LESS LIKELY to be wanting to endure that in my entertainment, too.

    NCsoft is taking things from me, that I consider to have ACTUAL MONETARY VALUE. I spent thousands of hours of time, and hundreds of real-world dollars, on my alts. NCSoft is taking all that away from me - and from us - without so much as a sincere by-your-leave. "yeah, we love you guys, and you mean a lot to us!" *YANKS RUG OUT FROM UNDER US*

    You bet your bottom dollar I will think once, twice and then thrice before I give them or any MMO publisher the opportunity to do it again.

    Nothing is being taken away from you. All the time and money I spent on my characters is worth it to me because of all the fun I had in the process. All good things come to an end, and it seems to me like you're just choosing to adopt a very cynical attitude. NCSoft can't take away your memories or the fun you had already. You'll just have to look elsewhere for future fun, that's all.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Don't see why they would. BW/EA is the one that has to worry about making a profit.

    As for the setting, it takes place long before any of the movies so it doesn't conflict with any official canon they'll be making.

    So outside of pulling the IP just to be a bunch of Richards there's no reason to do it.

    I just don't trust those people with Star Wars or video games.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    This times one thousand.

    They haven't added any substantial new content since early 2010, yet they constantly have their hand out with the cash shop.

    Our devs added the market and content creation increased substantially. You could see the money was being invested back into the game. Costumes, missions, power sets all released regularly for free and for pay.

    CO added their cash store and they manage to put out maybe a single costume set in a year, re-skins of existing travel powers and zero missions and gameplay content. And none of it 'free'.

    Yes the servers are still on but the game is essentially brain dead. So don't get too attached because I wont be surprised if it's not there a year from now. Especially if they don't get the big population and spending boom they're expecting from CoH closing.

    Another way to look at it is that Perfect World is spending less on Champs, possibly making it more profitable. If they can keep the game going as is with small content updates, I would be happy. I sort of feel like COH got really ambitious towards the end, NCSoft must have dumped tons into the game. On the other hand, there's no risk (or at least decreased risk) of not making a big enough profit when you're not really putting that much in anyways.

    And for the record, the mods system and specializations along with alerts seem like pretty new updates. I would sort of equate the former to the Alpha slot/adding new IO sets and the latter to DFB and DIB. There are also what I understand to be some great new power additions, including their version of Hide/Assassin's Strike. Oh, and there's a Halloween event going on right now too.

    I know that none of that stuff is huge, but it seems to me like a reasonable amount of newer content for a game that probably doesn't make a ton of money. I also just started playing a little over a month ago, so I have all the old stuff to check out too, which is new to me.
  9. Assuming Disney doesn't can this game before the f2p launch I look forward to checking it out.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Hey I'm a Romney supporter and I found it funny. Nothing wrong poking fun at people. I'm just wondering if he got his friends to bring over all their can goods to stage the end.
    I would agree with you that it's just harmless humor if it weren't for the fact that we've seen this before. I think every single person I know who is now eligible to vote for the first time will be supporting Obama because they saw the Daily Show and it was funny and Romney is evil. It worked against McCain too, this cheap way of cornering the young vote. I even know some actual adults who fall for it.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cag View Post
    Nice! Just makes me wonder if my Fire/nrg can handle this too, didn't watch the whole video though, did/do you use barrier?

    If not, which destiny and other incarnates are you using atm?
    Clarion destiny. No hybrid or lore was used for the vid. Void judgment, cognitive interface, agility alpha.
  12. I'm all for humor, but not at the expense of the future of my country.
  13. This is the Daily Show formula at work. When all else fails, be incredibly disingenuous and rely on humor to get uninformed juvenile voters on board with your political agenda!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    Meh, that's ok but build discussions at this point are pointless.

    Build discussions are one of my favorite things about COH! I plan to milk the existence of the game for as long as I can.

    Also Todd, to better answer your question- One of the prominent lines of Anti-THB Rhetoric in the past was that all my Blasters could do is farm AE. I pointed out that my Blaster builds are just as awesome in regular content, though they happen to be good at farming too. 54x8 Malta was a claim I made forever ago and there were tons of naysayers who didn't think I could handle it on a Blaster. Well, tada!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    Nice vid . I remember numerous posts of you debating endlessy in the blaster threads about stuff...w e all did but I never kept track of everything it's all a blur lol. What are you proving again?

    I'm not sure exactly!
  16. A sort of followup to my previous Blaster tangents, but with video evidence! I feel like saying "I told you so," but I guess it's not appropriate given the circumstances.

    I had some technical limitations for my video recording capabilities in the past, and to be fair, this is on the Beta server with my Fire/Ment. But I can do it on live too (albeit at a slower pace.)

    I'll be updating the OP with a farming video and a GM soloing video as I get around to making them.

    C'mon enraged discussion! You guys better have one more in you.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_True_Shot View Post
    So, Nov 30th, we're all gonna be unplugged....we know this.

    I know there'll be nothing "happening" in game to explain why-- but we already have the technology to create a Zombie Apocalypse.

    Why not take us out in a zombie apocalypse?

    With how popular Z.A.s are anymore, might as well make Paragon go down in an undead wave of zombies.....
    Because we're so much stronger than zombies. Duh.

    There is no apocalypse for COH players. We all just got together and beat the game.

    There are COH players who can beat the toughest enemy groups and individual enemies on the highest settings by themselves.

    There are COH players who can solo Master Of TF's and duo Incarnate Trials.

    There are COH players who can turn Blasters into Tanks... And solid ones at that (*points to signature.*)

    There are COH players who can collect every single badge in the game, and memorize the locations of most of them for good measure.

    The NPC's are TERRIFIED of us, and for good reason. They've been our adversaries for years, and they're finally giving up. We win. Game over.

    And don't even get me started on our market aptitude. We've given Wentworth's enough of a fiscal crisis to keep them busy for the next 20 years.
  18. Slight thread derail, but I asked about this on new Zwil's UStream (or whatever it's called now) the other day and he said he couldn't answer it. Does anyone know which Paragon employees were hired by Cryptic?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    You, my friend, did the impossible. You made the goofy-as-all-hell Statesman costume look cool and badass. I didn't think it was possible, but I'm impressed with the result.
    Haha. This is great. And so is the tattoo, nicely done OP.
  20. Is it because my Fire/Mental broke the server?

    Yeah. I'm gonna go with that.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    Is what is being described here the phenomenom that when certain powers are used, the hero using it turns for some unknown reason and the perspective swings with them?

    If so, alas, seven and a half years and I did not know what the Free Camera business was all about. If not... well, I would ask how to fix THAT, but there is only about a month left...
    Oh, no. It's totally worth it. This thread is full of geniuses and wizards. I'm so freaking happy that this setting exists in our game. I just wish I found out about it sooner.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    Yeah, shutting that "auto-spin" off is one of the first things I do.

    It's under Controls, subheading Mouse, change Free Camera Movement from Disabled to Enabled. Voila, no more "auto-spin", and you can play stress-free.

    You are my new favorite person.