1245 -
Methinks logging into Atlas and shouting "TOEJAM" on broadcast is up and coming...
I'm wondering if Richter shows up as a blue glowie every night to Marcus and call's him a jerk, or flushes his slippers down the toilet every night or something. I think a bit of "playful" villainy would suit the undead Praetorian Recluse...
Also, we never found out how he died, now wouldn't it be E P I C to bring him back later having had Cole drown Recluse in the Well and make a dramatic return. -
Quote:I know which one the Circle of Thorns would be distracted the most by too...
Look at it this way -- You find yourself surrounded by ten Circle of Thorns, seconds from having a huge fragging thorn plunged into your heart. Which of these two heroines inspires the most confidence in you from the standpoint of appearing like someone you can rely on to rescue you?
I know which one I'd pick, if I was using the head on my shoulders.
As a suggestion for Hamidon in future, it would be awesome (citing the tentacles in the preview of First Ward having to be attached to something) to have some kind of "maw" in the middle, using Charybdis from "the Odyssey" as an suggestion.
Additionally, given the scale of Hamidon, perhaps when we DO fight the Praetorian version, the suggestions from earlier about the zone itself being sort of the opponent could tie into this quite nicely? Take down some tentacles like Lusca's as an example... -
umm..... thats a tad random! Everything ok now or still chatbanned?
Maybe they were concerned that if you're in Atlas, that I wouldn't be that far behind for Synchro-Dancing, and that no amount of GM's could contain that level of awesome? -
For me, the signature characters have always needed some, shall we say attention.
Statesman has that really cool cape mantle that I want to swipe, but beyond that his costume is very plain indeed and that echoes a lot down the thread with the other Phalanx members, bearing in mind that they were added right at the beginning of CoH so their costume choices are very dated. Scirocco is cited as an example that a lot of people like because again his costume explains a lot about him. Egyptian style, sandstorm powers, undead, big sword enough said
Again echoed by a lot of the posts, you'll tend to find that the costumes that are the best are the ones that fit the characters. Maelstrom, as noted above, has a very technological yet militaristic look which fits his character and powers perfectly, wheras Numina, Swan etc, make it hard to work out what their character is from just the "look" of it.
Positron works, although his textures need a revamp because his costume shows that he is a tech hero.
Suggestions for updates:
Statesman is the powerhouse of the Phalanx, and (to me) comes across as a bit of a jerk. His costume should be simple, yet striking to represent him as a symbol of power with a little flair to represent "him" being in charge of the Phalanx.
Manticore needs to be a little more stealthy in his design, carrying more utility pouches and the like to represent him more as the guy that sneaks in and pins his target to the walls with arrows then is gone.
Sister Psyche could do with some custom sluttery, the pattern she has has been many the though of schoolboys picturing her in her undies, but anyone can make a Sis Psyche clone in the creator which takes away her uniqueness.
Synapse is one of the better ones at the moment, perhaps just updating his textures and head details a little would work nicely. Again we should be able to tell from just looking at him that he's the guy that punches you in the face (a gazillion times like a girl) to floor you rather than others that are more foreceful.
Back Alley Brawler needs to go the same way as Marauder, different "look" and gloves though to distinguish the two however. You can tell from the style of Marauder that he fights up close and personal so that works very well.
Swan definately needs an update, just looking at her leaves me puzzled as to what her powers even do...
Anyways, hope that explains my viewpoint on costumes and signature characters etc. -
To the OP...
Any sentence involving the words "Tennis" and "Courts" together makes me go Hmm and brace myself for the imminent fail if that counts. -
Quote:I can't agree more with Globe, after all games are supposed to be fun!I'm glad the developers have, on multiple occasions, disagreed with this statement. More to the point, that is bad game design. If you set the carrot too far out, the carrot loses its value as a motivator.
Personally I find the the trials each have their own unique angle to them that steadily increases the difficulty, which is a good idea, however new players hitting the incarnate system will generally do the most popular trial, so come I21/22 we'll (hopefully) have a big influx of players, unlocking their first Alpha and then being jackhammered by immediately trying runs of Keyes/Underground/Anything else the devs are cooking. -
Just a thought as well, cape mission heroside may have the same problem.
I'm keen to see Praetoria's version of the Devouring Earth!
Watched the recording last night and was REALLY chuffed for David to mention the iCon billboard I made, really pleased he enjoyed that one! -
I know its a rather clunky comparison, but I do enjoy iTrials in the same way I liked the movie Sucker Punch. You have lots of plot, arcs, taskforces and "living" in Paragon City etc, then every so often, like the massively over the top action fest "dances" of Sucker Punch you have trials.
Again drawing comparisons, I would like to see the trials simplified somewhat, the current Keyes Island trial is vastly overcomplicated with the amount of things going on at once, but the variety thus far has been great. -
Disintegration only effects people not moving I thought, and movement should cancel disintegration?
Apologies, but i'll be a bit late to the party, the missus has roped me into a few jobs this afternoon. Will be on as soon is I can!
Union is the "unofficial" European RP server, although its not European as such anymore!
There is usually something RP related going on in Pocket D, but its certainly not limited to there! There is a lot of base roleplay, plots between RP Super and Villain groups and much more.
With the proposed Galaxy City changes I'm not sure whats going to happen to the Galaxy Girl meets, but in truth I never attended them and I'm not even sure if they still happen. -
I'm pleased to read there is such a consensus here and on the forums for staying true to Union!!
From the looks of the information provided, there will be significant improvements to the trial accounts that we already have. Those trial accounts will be able to subscribe as we do now and attain VIP status, or unlock only the select features they want to, thus injecting money into Paragon Studios.
Our current gameplay and subscriptions will continue, with the addition of the Paragon store, which for our subscription each month we will be awarded free points to spend.
The veteran system will continue in spirit, with rewards being a choice rather than waiting 75 months for the prestige boost as an example.
All in all looking to be an addition all round rather than a replacement system of any sort! -
the poster is incorrect, everyone knows Statesman would send US to flatten the 9CU
Captain Lumberjack rocks
"Are you s*****ng me?" -
Updated Adds team rewards info post I20.5 regarding IXP bonuses being shared throughout the league.
As many of you have seen on the main site, a new hybrid version of City Of Heroes will be released to coincide with Issue 21:Convergence.
As you can imagine the initial wording on Facebook caused the announcement to be immediately withdrawn and replaced with one referencing links to I21 and the new feature writeups.
My first and foremost words of advice to my fellow Unionites is DO NOT panic, this hybrid system still seems to allow subscription, but gives Paragon Studios more access to booster style microtransactions from what I like to think of as *updated* trial accounts.
There is also mention of a VIP server for these subscribers. Again I ask that all that have stood beside me over these last few years hold back their decisions until such time that we can make informed choices and avoid segregating our community between the "haves" and "have nots".
Union has always been my home and I hope that any changes being made to the place that, for almost a fifth of my life has been my second home, will not affect that and the friends that we have all made of each other during that time.
Tsumiju Zero -
Congratulations to EMPulse
an idea was discussed in the "good trials" thread on the i20.5 test section, which kinda went along these lines. An infiltration event could be started, say some Praetorian labs of some sort.
If the guards/security systems along the way are bypssed without a guard raising the alarm, you could complete some sabotage objectives. However if the alarm IS raised, then the trial could switch to different objectives, perhaps about overcoming the alerted security and disabling key systems through more forceful measures.
Each path in the trial could have differing opponents depending on the path taken. -
lol, tis why its in the guide section
And please, don't hate to nitpick, your information and feedback is always concise, so please continue to help me improve this and other iTrial visual aids -
overall I felt it easier for a team to be clearing the reactor towers as an overall objective for the whole trial, as it will be easier to manange Anti-Matter's prescence at the terminals and the Anti-Matter pulse, without the overall concern of fighting Warworks as well! I sincerely appreciate the information however Zombie Man!