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  1. My journey shall live on. My COH toons will live on thru CO and DCUO.

    Oh so many memories, roaming the streets, looking for silly lines from baddies. Running portal farming as my bubbler. Herding the entire street of hellions back to the AP gate. Memories....

    So many families I have used as my children. Probably the largest groups is the Hustlers. No doubt you've ran with a hustler or two on your team, Gangland, Reverb, Midnight, Ember.
    Or the younger kids, Lil' Runt Jr. and Sr. , or the doggie family. How bout Onyx Obtunder, or Geostone, or Swift Kill. Or perhaps the Toxin family.

    Nuff said.

    Hot chicks welcome in Nebraska, cause i'm lonely
  2. Very good information, thank you. Will I even be close to getting phantom army perma at lower levels, or is this most likely a later build scheme?

    And if I join lower level teams and you are set to a lower level, do I lose those benefits?
  3. 43 views, no replies, unpossible...
  4. While I could look at Local Man's guide and others for hours, its too much info. I do not have expereince with using IO's, its rather confusing. So an easy, quick answer to this question would be helpful. So need this info for my new Ill/Rad troller.

    So I know I need 3 luck of the gambler global recharge. What other IO's do I need and at what level should I be getting them? As I understand the magic number is around 208%?
  5. I've noticed that when I cast the terror I get no screetching sound effects at all, just the other sounds effects when I cast it. I thought that I would hear the screeching sounds?
  6. end of line...(walks off)
  7. What are the good sets to get for my thug/ff build, and when is it a good time to get them? What sets are the ones for extra def that you need?
  8. Anyone remind me how we switch status from villians to heroes? I know we do the tip missions, but when do we get them again?
  9. Ok so chance to hold in PGT. Name of the proc for chance to hold?
  10. Can anyone advise me on proc slotting for my Traps Defender?
  11. Is this a viable build or will my pets get wiped with traps as a secondary?
  12. About every other time I go to click on the tailor, and my popup screen comes up showing me different costumes. At this point the game locks up and I have to get out of it and forcably end the game. This has never happened before until the last patch. Any ideas?
  13. I am close to getting granite and need some direction. My guess is to max out recharge/run speed, while trying to keep damage.

    I need to know which set IO's to buy and how to slot up my hero. Also which powers to pick and how to slot them.
  14. I am confused about IO'ing out my toon. I'm lvl 27 and was hoping to slot for the Luck of the Gambler global recharge, and for speed because of the running penalty. Is it possible to slot for both or just one?

    And if I was to slot for both what sets would I buy and where would i place them?
  15. I'm planning on brining my MM over to heroes for some team fun or solo. Having a hard time deciding which I would like to do more. I have tried both and both are equally fun in different ways. Any thoughts from you all? Which do you think would be better. Help me choose!
  16. So I just purchased Going Rogue. Does this automatically update in the background on my updater or what? Does the serial code apply itself to the game or what? What do I need to do?
  17. I have yet to create a fire/kin troller and am interested, but a few questions first. All I seem to hear about is the hate from other players concering fire/kin controllers. Why are they considered to be so bad?

    Also I've played a kinetic def build and found it to be a very busy build. I think fire/kin will mesh well together but it seems like a very busy build, and quite powerful. Is it too busy that I wont be able to do both?
  18. I'm thinking about making an Ill\Rad troller and had some questions.

    Could you give me some suggestions concerning IO enhancements that I could make to get Phantom Army as close to Perma as possible. I have around 400 mill that I could spend, any suggestions would be helpful.

    Any other sets that would be helpful for enhancing?