anyone try necro/traps?




Is this a viable build or will my pets get wiped with traps as a secondary?



I have one at lvl 32. I used to take him to Siren Call for pvp.

It's ok. I mostly rely on Team Teleport so my pets stay within FFG.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I play with a gent that has it as his main villain. It has a very cool built-in combo: the lich bomb.

Put the pet detonator on the lich, send it in. I blows up, killing stuff, you resurrect it with soul extraction, then summon a 'live' lich. You can have two boss pets around pretty easily, with AoE spike damage to boot.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
I play with a gent that has it as his main villain. It has a very cool built-in combo: the lich bomb.

Put the pet detonator on the lich, send it in. I blows up, killing stuff, you resurrect it with soul extraction, then summon a 'live' lich. You can have two boss pets around pretty easily, with AoE spike damage to boot.
This is the reason I made one. Never got him high enough to try it, but it sounded like it would be fun. And his costume was pretty cool too. He was basically half robot, half zombie, being a more robotic Frankenstein type character. The -tohit from some necro attacks should mesh well with ffg's defense, and seeker drone's -tohit as well. Granted, that's all just me assuming things work out in game as I wanted to with mine. Might get him up past 12 one of these days haha.



I would see it as being a fairly decent combo, especially since most of the pets are melee oriented, the litch's -acc will stack nicely against the seeker drones and FFG's defense, the beauty of traps is that they tend to go with anything