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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_True_Shot View Post
    Looks like a nice set, don't get me wrong....but is anyone disappointed that a "ranged" AT is given secondaries that are "melee range" for activation?
    If they weren't disappointed by Blasters having Melee attacks in May 2004, I don't know why they would now.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by enderbean View Post
    These powersets were announced in today's TwitchTV broadcast. They will be in I24 and are free for VIPs:

    Martial Combat (blaster secondary)
    •Chi Push (repel followed by knockback (cool new animation)
    •Storm Kick (melee)
    •Dragon Kick (melee)
    •Dragon's Tail (PBAoE melee)
    •Burst of Speed (AoE self TP)
    •Reach for the Limit (Build up auto power—Chance for +dam and +ToHit on every power)
    •Reaction Time (toggle—+absorb over time, +revocery, -move on enemy; 10 seconds of +speed on toggle off)
    •Inner Will (self heal and ,ez break—only unsable under 50% end or health or when mezzed)
    •Throw Sand (cone foe stun)

    Martial Assault (secondary for Dominators)
    •Shuriken Throw (has a new animation)
    •Thunder Kick (melee—MA port)
    •Trick Shot (chain power—shuriken bounces between targets)
    •Spin Kick (front facing cone like the incarnate power without the teleport)
    •Envenomed Blades (build up power; adds toxic damage to all attacks for a time)
    •Dragon's Tail (PBAoE melee)
    •Masterful Throw (snipe; chance for DoT damage)
    •Explosive shuriken (single target with chance for splash DoT)
    The Blaster one looks really interesting in how well-rounded it seems for Blaster needs. It reminds me a lot of how Ninjitsu is for Stalkers.

    And now the Blaster Secondary just needs a set to go with Archery to round it all out (which will pave the way for a mild Trick Arrow revamp hint hint hint hiiiiiiiiint.... hint)!
  3. Growing more anxious everyday about the possibility of Trick Arrow changes showing up in Issue 24 beta. I mean, there's been no mention of anything like it, but still...

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post

    Night Ward
    • Black Feathers should no longer be able snipe players from beyond the player's visual scale.
    Speaking of the Black Feathers, are we ever going to see a fix to their Unresistable -30% Resistance caused by the Nether Energy patch that their Nether Arrow drops?

    I reported this in Beta. A single -2 Black Feather completely removed all my Elec Armor Brutes resistances within seconds.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    The above average animation times on TA attacks mean it's not exactly the most mobile set.
    Just straight animation time is actually not really a problem anymore. Trick Arrow has the fastest average animation time of all the support sets.

    One of TA's main issues though is... how many of those fast animations have to be played firing arrows to reach a similar perfomance level of other sets that only have to use 1 or 2 powers. That's what tends to make TA feel slow.

    For reference, fastest to slowest is:

    Trick Arrow
    Cold Domination
    Force Fields
    Time Manipulation
    Sonic Resonance
    Thermal Radiation
    Storm Summoning
    Pain Domination
    Nature Affinity
    Dark Miasma
    Radiation Emission
    Darkness Affinity
    Traps (because of Trip Mine and Time Bomb)

    You'll notice that some of the really powerful sets are near the very bottom. Goes to show how much people will ignore how slow a set is if it gets the job done really well.
  6. I think part of what feels off about Energy Melee is that it tends to feel like the same power 7 times in a row with different damage and animations. It's all just Energy Damage, Smashing Damage, and a Stun. No debuffs, no buffs, no soft controls, no other hard controls, etc.

    Battle Axe, Energy Blast, and Electrical Blast all kind of suffer from a similar problem.

    If the devs are satisfied with it's damage and ST focus, and players want to avoid having a gimmick added (like Gravity's Impact), the solution could be as simple as adding additional effects, such as:
    • -Resistance, Slow, or Immobilize to Bone Smasher (based on the name)
    • +Defense or -ToHit to Whirling Hands
    • AoE Knockdown to Total Focus (not damage, just KD in an AoE around the target)
    • -Defense or -Resistance to Stun
    • -Regen on the target or Cone Knockdown (again, not damage, just KD in a cone)

    Or whatever, other similar kinds of additional effects that would increase what Energy Melee can offer without directly touching it's damage formulas.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    I hope you'll forgive me, but I always worry when sets that seem fine and perfectly balanced, if late-blooming, get a once over...
    I'll forgive you if you forgive me for disagreeing with you.

    The fact that it is considered late-blooming at all should be indicative of some kind of balance problem. Oil Slick Arrow and EMP Arrow are crutches holding up 7 other limping powers*.

    *Maybe 6, Poison Gas Arrow isn't so bad, anymore.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    Ax is almost identical to Mace, and nobody complains about Mace under-performing, that I have heard at least. Ax just trades disorient for more KU and KD, which, if you want to keep things close for PBAOE fun, is a better choice IMHO. Solid AOE, and solid single target, with lots of mitigation; what's not to like?

    As for TA, it's fine at level 50. It's just an incredibly late bloomer. And, as far as I can tell, it's not seen as under-performing on Trollers (though my troller TA is only lvl 20ish, so I can't attest to this persoanlly), so it's only on Defs and Corrs that people seem to have problems with it. I can imagine the crashless nukes (Crashless nuke on an OS, with a DA or 2 out, yes please) and other blast set changes might make TA shine a little faster. But, the only thing I can see changing to make TA better in and of itself, is buffing early powers, that pretty much means nerfing later powers to stop it from being OP at 50, which isn't a trade off I want. I have no problem with late blooming power sets, especially not since the XP smoothing have made the leveling process a lot faster/easier. I consider it worth the wait. If they don't nerf it at the same time the buff it, I can easily imagine it getting a nerfing soon after, which is just silly, and frankly, will be a PITA to potentially have to rework a TAs build twice in quick succession. Best leave it alone, and accept that some sets mature faster than others, IMHO.
    By "later powers" I assume you mean Oil Slick Arrow and EMP Arrow. I doubt you would ever have to worry about either one getting nerfed in order to better the performance of the earlier powers.

    The earlier powers perform poorly because they have poor values. Oil Slick Arrow and EMP Arrow perform well because they are well balanced. Believe me, if Oil Slick Arrow and EMP Arrow were in need of nerfs, so would many similar powers.

    For reference, Oil Slick Arrow at 50 only does about ~100 points more damage over 15 seconds than Rain of Arrows does in 1 second. All at 3 times the recharge of Rain of Arrows. And EMP Arrow takes a 60 seconds longer to recharge than Controller AoE Holds, all for about 7.5 seconds longer Hold, and it comes with a penalty for the caster.

    Again, no need to worry.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    I've gotta agree here. Every set needn't appeal to everyone. I personally just can't get into Traps. Should it be buffed somehow? Changed, even? How about Warshades? I'm not overly fond of those, either. Change those? Buff them? Doubt it....
    It's not about appeal, though; it's about performance. I don't like Radiation Emission, but I would never wander in to a thread like this and suggest it should get a buff that makes it more appealing to me, because I know it doesn't need one. The issue isn't how well it works, because I know it works well; I just don't enjoy it.

    Meanwhile, I love Trick Arrow, but it is noticeably weaker than other support sets at offering support. If someone comes along and says,"Trick Arrow is crap and is useless," I will probably be one of the first to show up and defend Trick Arrow's pros. But that doesn't mean I pretend it has no cons, and if someone asks me what gives Trick Arrow a bad rap, I have a long list to read off to them.

    From a business standpoint, this game makes money from the players' desire to roll alts. The drive to make more characters is a major part of what will make a player on a free account give their money to NCSoft. Powersets that are outliers create a problem for that business model.

    A powerset that underperforms is a powerset that won't entice someone to roll an alt with that set, which is potentionally lost revenue.

    Likewise, a powerset that overperforms is a powerset that will make similarly categoried sets feel less like they're worth playing. Again, that leads to NCSoft losing potential money.

    You know what would probably be really interesting? If the Devs gave us a way to rate every set in-game (that way more than just forumites would take part), the results of which updated dynamically and was visible at character creation. The Devs would get to see which sets are considered good by most players, and players would get some kind of way to judge the performance of a set before they played it (outside of the numbers, which plenty of people love to make clear that they don't care for >_>).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    What an interesting idea...
  11. Trickshooter

    bio armor

    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    As I stated on that thread, though: I did not have any data at time to be certain that was accurate. I have been moving all weekend so I have had no time to check, and to be fair, once I get time, I have a lot of other stuff I want to get into.

    If you have time and can check in game, see if it's flagged as no-stack there.
    Can't check straight from in-game. The powers info box comes up empty for Genetic Corruption.
  12. Trickshooter

    bio armor

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Disclaimer: I haven't played the Stalker version of the set past level 8 since I got bored running around solo. Everything I say here is second- or third-hand.

    I did chat on beta with someone talking about how great Genetic Corruption is, though - since its duration is longer than its interval it will stack if you're by yourself and sleep bosses when slotted for sleep, and it will take the chance for Placate proc in any case preventing things from attacking you (no, you won't get extra crits from the Fortunata Hypnosis proc since placating a mob != you being in hidden status).
    Has this actually been tested? I only ask because in the Mids database (which should be up to date with the latest changes, but could be wrong, of course) the Sleep is flagged not to stack.

    It should be autohit, since it also carries the -damage in the set;
    Foes are flagged as Autohit from what I can tell, but it also accepts Accuracy enhancements (don't know if it actually does in game, though).

    as for the sleep effect it only has a chance to sleep but the percentage increases in Offensive mode... which means that you'll be doing more damage while fewer things are attacking you. Numerically it looks inferior for survivability compared to Scrappers but due to the mez you'll probably end up roughly the same or maybe a bit ahead, while doing less damage from the lost -resistance.
    For reference, this is what I see:

    Base: 7.15 second Mag2 Sleep at 50 (66% Chance), -11.25% Damage(All)

    Efficient: 7.15 second Mag2 Sleep at 50 (66% Chance), -11.25% Damage(All), +30% Regeneration

    Offensive: 7.15 second Mag2 Sleep at 50 (85% Chance), -11.25% Damage(All)

    Defensive: 7.15 second Mag2 Sleep at 50 (66% Chance), -14.96% Damage(All), Self +5.625% Resist(S/L/T), +7.5% Resist(F/C/E/N/P)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LAST_RONIN View Post
    I'm thankfull for what I got. I could list countless sets and powers that are not as good as others, but I have them all and like them all. Our flaws define us from the rabble. I like my trick arrow cause it's not powerfull; It means more to have a lvl 50 TA/A than several other sets. What needs to be fixed? Only what's broken... not what's "under-performing".
    No offense, I love Trick Arrows as well, but I'd rather have a set that everyone could enjoy, instead of a set that makes me feel special because I'm one of the few that can make it to 50 without giving up in frustration.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tylerst View Post
    Trickshooter and the wiki are correct on how it works. If you take a look at one of the powers on City of Data(Dispersion Bubble for example) you'll notice the defense portion flagged(The red X icon) to cancel on sleep/hold/stun. This occurs per target, as the buff is cast per target. So if the target, whether the player who has the buff or an ally being hit by it, the effect will suppress on them.

    Just to make sure, I did a test in-game with a ninja/sonic MM and an AE custom boss that only had mesmerize. I set myself to be invincible and untargetable, set the pet to passive, and let the boss have at it.

    As you can see in the following screenshots, the pet has the resistance buff while normal, and has it removed while slept even though it's still within the radius(The Icon is still in his buff bar, too).

    Screenshot 1: Without Sleep
    Screenshot 2: With Sleep

    Note: I do not have a pain dom corruptor, so I can't test that one for sure. However, Supress Pain's Heal does have that same flag according to City of Data

    Seriously, I was beginning to wonder if I'd had it wrong all these years because no one else was agreeing.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Are you entirely sure this is true? I've never noticed my tracked stats decreasing beyond my own self toggles when I am mezzed. Group wide toggle buffs like leadership powers and dispersion bubble still seem to be providing their benefits when I am slept but the toggle user is not.

    Have you tested this or are you simply assuming it works this way?
    This is how it was described by one of the developers when we got the changes. People brought up how unintuitive it was, and were told that it was a limitation of the engine.

    If you read the wiki, it also seems to agree:

    "In PvE, a suppressed toggle will stop providing all buffs except mez protection. For example, a Force Field Defender is hit with a Rikti Mentalist's Mezmerize. The Defender is now sleeping and her Dispersion Bubble is no longer providing her with any defense. It is still providing mez protection and if the Defender is next hit with a Dominate she will not be held. In this situation, the Defender's teammates will still benefit from the defense and mez protection so long as they themselves remain un-mezzed."

    If it doesn't work this way, then it was described to me (and several other people) wrong, and is documented on the wiki wrong, as well.

    Now, after discussing it with someone else and really looking at Soothing Aura (the main issue it came up about), Soothing Aura might be exempt from this just because a Heal is not a continuing effect that can be "canceled" (like actual buffs) because it doesn't have a duration. But I don't know, testing will probably need to be done. >_>
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Flash Arrow: You mention that Flash Arrow is on a par with other -perception powers in the game and that is largely true. The question I have is why should that be true? -Perception is one of the more questionable debuffs in the game. It does have some value as a utility debuff but for the most part -perception isn't that critical. Now that being said it does have value to a TA character int hat in a set reliant on debuffs for damage mitigation it allows them to apply 2 debuffs at the start of combat rather than one so I certainly wouldn't advocate removing it but I also don't think other -perception powers should be used as a baseline. Personally I'd like to see the -ToHit in Flash Arrow increased to about 10% to put TA closer in performance to sets like Time and Dark which also make extensive use of -ToHit for damage mitigation (it would still be weaker than them but not by as much.
    Well, I'm not one of the devs, so I can't tell you WHY -Perception tends to come with only a tiny -ToHit debuff in powers. It's just an observation that when it comes to -Perception/-ToHit powers, Flash Arrow is pretty much in-line with what the devs have decided are appropriate debuff values.

    Glue Arrow: I wouldn't object to the changes you propose but I also don't see them as highly critical. Glue Arrow is a pretty good power as it stands so I'd rather see the damage mitigation in the rest of the set buffed as opposed to Glue Arrow. Still changing it to a chance for hold patch would be an interesting change.
    Well, the issue I have with Glue Arrow is that it's actually a very poor debuff and what it does well, -Speed, already comes in potent amounts in another power. It's just too overshadowed by every other AoE -Recharge support set power.

    Ice Arrow: Personally I feel that the single target holds and stuns in all Buff/Debuff and Blast sets should have their recharge and duration adjusted (as well as normalizing what attribute they use, I'm looking at you Tesla Cage). I would say Scale 10, Recharge 20s for the Blast sets (same as Beanbag and a couple of others) and Scale 10, Recharge 16s for the buff/debuff sets. Also set them all to use Ranged_Sleep or Ranged_Immobilize as the scaling attribute instead of the grab-bag of Ranged_Sleep, Ranged_Immobilize, Ranged_Stun and Ranged_Ones that they have now (I would suggest Ranged_Stun but for some reason Masterminds and Corruptors have somewhat bizarre Ranged_Stun attributes compared to Blasters and Defenders). For comparison purposes Controllers and Dominators get Scale 12 Ranged_immobilize, Recharge 8s for their single target holds.
    Oh believe me, if I were a dev, there are soooo many things, especially in the legacy sets, that I'd love to go back and normalize or rebalance (especially between Defenders and Controllers).
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    No against enemies that are mezzed I mean.
    You mean will debuff/damage toggles stop affecting mezzed enemies? No, they will continue to affect enemies.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    What about debuff and damage auras?
    Any toggle that negatively affects a foe will simply detoggle if the user is mezzed.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I bet that doesn't apply to Soothing Aura.
    I can't think of any example that would suggest that the devs can pick and choose which toggles are affected by the Issue 13 changes. As far as I'm aware, the fact that it's a toggle means that this is how it will work.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    No this just isn't true. Maybe I am misunderstanding something. Are you saying that if a blaster gets stunned, all buff effects from his teammates will do nothing?
    Buff effects on the Blaster from his teammates' toggles will do nothing while he is stunned, yes. This was an unavoidable side effect of the toggle changes in Issue 13 that gave us toggle suppression.

    Ally-affecting toggles suppress all their effects except mez protection on you if you get mezzed, even if you are not the source of the toggle.

    For example, say you have a Forcefield Mastermind running Dispersion Bubble and he has three pets out.

    A enemy casts an AoE Sleep on the MM and his pets. The Mastermind is hit and falls asleep and so do two of his pets; the third pet avoids the attack.

    Dispersion Bubble's +Defense is suppressed on the Mastermind and his two sleeping pets, but not on the third pet that is still awake. Meanwhile, Dispersion Bubble's +Protection(Hold,Stun,Immob) does not get suppressed because it is Mez Protection, so if the enemy now casts an AoE Hold, neither the MM nor his 3 pets will be affected by it as long as they're within the Dispersion Bubble AoE, even though the MM, the source of the bubble, is asleep.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    ...The MM version of Soothing Aura is +Regen, not periodic heal, so isn't this kinda moot?
    The discussion started about Corruptors' Soothing Aura benefitting from Field Medic, while Masterminds' Suppress Pain wouldn't, and whether this was a balance issue or not (my point being that Suppress Pain is already superior to Soothing Aura, so I don't think it's a big deal).
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    No this is incorrect - basically sleep effects are encoded to break any time there is damage - and that includes negative damage, aka heals.
    I'm well aware of the mechanics of Sleep; I'm not debating that. I'm saying that with the way toggle suppression works...

    When someone gets mezzed, all toggles' effects on them are suppressed except Mez Protection even if they themselves are not the caster of the toggle. Which means that if a Mastermind's pets are asleep, the heal ticks from Soothing Aura, a toggle, will be suppressed for those pets.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
    Bizarre. I'll check it.
    This is because Entropic Aura has it's +Recharge, -Recharge, and Taunt effects tagged "StealthOn", and Energy Cloak has a -100% Chance to effects tagged "StealthOn" effect for as long as you're not attacking, being attacked, or clicking on glowies.

    The idea was that when you wanted to be stealthy, Entropic Aura would not alert enemies.

    I haven't tested myself, but I've been told it doesn't work, not even on Scrappers (Brutes are unreliable at testing it since one of the Fury powers alerts enemies to your presence, anyway).
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Yeah but think of the poor Mastermind - if he/she had it you wouldn't have to spam Enforced Morale over and over on your pets getting put to sleep.
    Last I was aware (and admittedly, I haven't tested in awhile), toggle suppression affects the person mezzed, not necessarily the person using the toggle.

    By that I mean that even if Mastermind's had Soothing Aura, I don't think the heals would tick on them if they were sleeping, even if the Mastermind was awake.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Soothing Aura can nullify sleep while Suppress Pain can't.
    On yourself? Only if you're lucky enough to get a heal tick out as you fall asleep. Both auras' effects are surpressed by mezzing. If you mean on allies, I don't consider that some kind of real benefit since both powers are in a set with several heals and ally mez protection, anyway.

    What I meant was in their main effects. +200% Regen on a Corruptor with no MaxHP buffs is equivalent to about ~13.39 HP/s, while Soothing Aura is about ~11.04 HP/s. And that's just on the Corruptor itself.

    Because a regen tick is always 5% of a character's current maximum hit points, regen buffs effectively get more potent with higher amounts of max HP (i.e., a player with higher current MaxHP will regen more Hitpoints during their regen ticks than a player with lower current MaxHP, even if they have the same regeneration rate).

    So for any AT being affected with the +200% Regen that has more HP than the Corruptor, the buff will only increase in the amount of HP/s it's equivalent to.

    In fact, the only AT that gets less out of +200% Regen than the Heal of a Corruptor's Soothing Aura is... the Mastermind, and even then they only need about 12% in MaxHP buffs to get to the point where the Regen beats the Heal.