382 -
Hey sorry about vanishing last night. I was trying to see if I could get into the base again, and after it crashed I was just too wasted to bother loading it back up again, and fell asleep.
I'm not sure what's up with my comp lately. I think it could be time for a new PC...
Anyways, will catch yas tonight! -
do u mean that these cossies r to be worn all the time, if ur toon is in the sg?
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lol, nah course not, we just thought we'd have something 'uniform'ish that we could wear on special occasions or something. Though you and Puma are really the only active girls in the SG at the moment, so I'm sure you can come up with something for our girls
Heh I'm kinda looking forward to getting Dutch an outfit that I like for a change -
Hmm, interesting ideas dude, reminds me of Dark Bubble
I'm thinking of moving away from the armourish stuff a bit, I dunno.
Main thing though, switch the colours. Gold is just for the trim, the main colour should be White. The costumes are too brown and I know that Puma would say the same (she used to comment about when Dutch wore mostly gold too)
I'm also thinking of steering clear of spandex, so that kinda limits it a fair bit.. Still not ruling it out though, if anything good comes from there.
I'll whip something up tonight when I get home, and see what ya think of it. You'll need to come onto defiant though to view.
Heh. -
Oh, just a note too:
At the bottom of the page is a 'favourite thread (toggle)' option, which adds the thread to a list favourites on your 'My Home' page (top right link). When someone posts something you get a little [new] pic next to the thread on that page, so easier than having to try to hunt down the page.
Also if you make it a favourite it wants to email every reply to ya, but you can change that in the options in My Home too. -
Sorry Red I don't really know what you have to do to unlock it, probably what Blade said, rings true to me anyway. I just spent my 20's in Striga doing all the missions and eventually Hess popped up.
Oh can also do Moonfire TF too, if anyone wants. Not sure if it's awarding a badge or anything, so maybe not, but it's a great way to get the defeat vamps and wolves badges, and helps out for the spelunker badge, and is a good way to get some xp for ya
Level 30+ should be fine Blade, like I said I'll bring Tech along, and Dutchy will most likely bring on Dutch Barbarian. I'll see if Puma wants to bring on her controller, Miss Mindreader. She's around level 26ish I think, so good level for the Striga arcs.
Glad you're feeling betta Red -
So....if you're gunna be doing that Hess TF this weekend, maybe I could come along for the ride with Black Lace, that is if I can whack her upto lvl 26, sure it won't be a problem. So who is up for it?
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Well I was hoping that you'd get to the point where you could unlock it for us
I have a feeling that both Tech Tower and Puma have it unlocked anyway, possibly Dutch Barbarian too, even though he hasn't done it. Apart from Tech and Skull I don't have anyone high enough to take part, so I'll bring one of them along.
Anyone have a preferred time? I'll throw out Sunday 10am as an idea.
You still home sick today Red? Am starting to wonder if this sickness isn't levelling-inspired the way Black Lace is rocketing! -
Does anyone think they'll be operational anytime this year?
I'm betting they won't be up anytime soon, and that it has a chance to go the way of the Faultline TF and Skills system.
Shrug. -
lol, sure your disco gal totally works retro-style, but wouldn't work as a SG outfit
For one thing the Afros on the male models are way too small! -
Dutch don't forget on the Hess TF that when the AV is destroyed you have to get out of there quick(learned that one from first hand experience and it was a close call)
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Ah but one of the reasons I want to re-do the TF is to stay during the explosion
I heard in another thread that it's quite impressive, so want to see it for myself (debt schmebt).
Oh and about the costume contest. Can I use Blademans pants outfit as a model for DK
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Dutch and I were talking the other night about an SG costume, of some sort (not parts like the toga since not everyone will have it), so I think that's what he's meaning, everyone roll a toon on defiant (er, since a couple of us have no more slots on Union, heh), and throw in any ideas for it.
Best time would be over the weekend sometime I think.
Go ahead and use blades pants outfit lol, sounds interesting.
Oh, and dutchy, remember you still need to get to minimum TF level for Hess before you can enter, I think it's 26 or so (can check closer). Could always bring on the barbarian if you don't get there with any of your alts. -
Ok guys and gals! I see this board is rife with SG-based threads, so let's go ahead and make our own!
Feel free to post anything you feel like (within board rules and guidelines) for our little SG
Ascended has turned into a nice close group of marras, and we can use this thread to organise it, make plans, and generatlly keep in contact with all the other members, once everyone is set up to have access to the forums, heh. I'll put a little info into our MoTD about this thread so everyone can find it.
First things first! Big GRATS to Shade of Red and Bleach for recently dinging 50! Our first level 50 kheldian and Bleach's first 50 also, great stuff
Ok, so we discussed the Hess TF today as we finished off Bleach tonight, and it seems a few of our number haven't yet seen one of the best TFs in the game! Hopefully we can rectify the situation soonish, Red is bringing up a new scrapper that is about to enter Striga, so we should have access to the TF in a week or two, all things going well. I'll join her with Dark Bubble who's been stuck around that level too, heh.
Well, if this thread helps us out then great, if it fades away, then, ah well, it happens, lol.
Great stuff all!
Tech -
Big grats matey
always great having ya around, hope you enjoy your kheldian if ya make one
BBC News Link
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I am so glad it's not just me that gets bothered by this.
[/ QUOTE ]I've lost track of the number of times I've said that... I think I need to set up a bind.
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Squid is quicker to type. I'm sure most people know she is an octopus, but it's not a big deal when those that don't know don't care anyway.
Besides, this giant squid was caught months ago, and a similar thread erupted discussing her gender after someone posted that she was caught, and had many cries of 'Lusca is an OCTOPUS' etc then too -
As I mentioned last night on the badgehunters channel, I'd like to jump in on this mission too, if there is still room.
Will be skulking around the steel canyon train station (yellow or green btw?) at the appointed time.
Thanks in advance -
Yeah wish theyed add some sg missions, and i wish the tpers were more useful, ie beacons to all zones and back to mision doors upon death. *grumble grumble*
Only problem with our tp solution is only the arcane raid teleporter fits in the small tp room so we're using that rather than the tech one...
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Hmm we've found that with the next size up TP room (the only reason we got it was cause it was the same price as the small one iirc) is that with a becon TPer and a raid TPer we still couldn't get them in as Tech style, so our room is Arcane styled too.. which looks mega-cool compared to the tech rooms... Might redecorate in Arcane... shrug.
Might go on to test and make a SG base. They give ya 36mil prestige there starting a SG, should be enough to try out a few different base layouts
Am hoping that I7 will introduce a load of new (read: useful) things into bases. Yeah I read about the temp-power thing, but we want bases to be more useful!
Heh. -
I'm curious P14273059. What rooms do you currently have?
Our base is fully raid capable with a vault and we have the smallest base plot at the moment with 9 rooms:
Control Centre
What do you have instead or have you gone for rooms larger than the smallest available?
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Hmm not too sure off the top of my head, it's been a while since I was in there last, since bases aren't overly useful/interesting apart from raids (for heroes). Might have put more effort into it if the SG missions for CoH hadn't been completely ignored and not-implemented. Bah.
You have 2 teleporter and 2 workshops? Interesting.
Anyway, I think we have:
We did go for the next size up TP room, to have the TP and raid TPer in one room, but looking at your list I can guess that splitting it into 2 small rooms would give a better layout and better floor utilisation, I should check it out. I'm guessing that's why you have 2 workshops also.. I didn't purchase the workshop so I'm not sure of the size. It can support 2 tables, and didn't think it was bigger than the smallest, but it might be 3x3? I assume that everything else are the smallest rooms, but might be mistaken.
We have a fair bit of room left over, but our layout is currently slap-hazard, and we need to reoganise to fit anything else.
Like I said, bases are kinda low priority and just a side-effect of playing rather than something we strive for.. We haven't put much effort in, and buy stuff at whim, heh.
Shrug. -
as it stands now there's not really much hope for a small supergroup, in getting a big base.. so it's a real shame it doesnt convert better than that
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Hmm, what do you mean by a small sg? My sg has about 3-7 players online most nights, I definitely wouldn't call that a big sg, and we've got a decent sized base. It's up and raid-able right now, though we probably won't do raids for a while because we have so few to defend it, shrug. We're currently saving for a bigger plot so we can add a vault, which is about all we're missing to be ready for the IoP SG missions. Bout halfway to the next plot I'd guess.
Granted big SGs get big bases faster, but, like getting to lvl 50, just 'having' it isn't as much fun as getting there. And if you think the base is that necessary, you can always join an established SG with a large one.
Level 50 is hella boring.
Just one thing I noticed while rereading my post here, current base systems highly favour established bases. Startup bases are kinda ridiculous. I can imagine a lvl 10 making a SG and base 'because they can', getting to 30, and deciding to throw away the sg and get into one of the big/established ones (with a good sized raid-able base).
That's really quite [censored].
Shrug. -
April is too far away to be thinking about right now
I'll likely be there, but I'm still hoping for someone to put the call to arms up for next week or something.
Edit: woops, forgot to mention. I'd be coming as Skull Bender, illusion/empathy, happy to be bombing, but need aerial support (TPer).
Gratz Xan
Now get out there and update your sig! -
Just an observation, but the ones who seem to get on with Kheldians the least are those who hit 50 with a tanker or a blaster.
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Sorry, I'm not sure if you're including me in this observation, but since my post was 2 above you maybe you did. Just wanted to note that though he's not listed my main used to be Skull Bender, an Illusion/Empathy controller. He dinged 50 before I started working on Tech, but has been erased from most people's memories as I5+ really hurt him.
I knew that MIB neuralizer would come in handy one day.
Oops, by the way, take a look at this glowing red dot O *pushes button on neuralizer*.
Muahaha. -
I want to throw my support in with those 'you can have mine', 'they suck' type comments above.
I don't like them, I don't think that they are very much of a worthwhile reward for reaching level 50. I don't think the word 'Epic' describes them at all.
Maybe when you ding 50 it should instead say 'Congratulations, you have unlocked new ill-conceived ATs!'.
Shrug. They don't seem well thought out.
Personally I don't think we should need a reward at 50. It promotes powerlevelling far too much. I wonder, if the khelds were in fact unlocked at 40 (for example), would we see as many 50s? Or would those PL bunnies just stop at 40, since now believe they are 'epic' *spits*.
'Congratulations, you played through pretty much everything we have made for you, now do it again, with an AT that we haven't finished.'
They should make reasons to BE 50, rather than reasons to stop there.
Meh. -
You can find out abit more about us on our website here.
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Oooooh that's real evil max! Putting a link up to a page that doesnt work/exist. -
Sorry to re-raise this but I had to share this revelation I just had.
Watching people using Point and Click play CoX
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Oh wow. Six you really don't understand what people are saying here, and I just realised what you think we are saying.
I don't know anyone, ANYONE who uses point and click to move!
You really think people here are talking about never touching wasd? That's insane. I'd guesstimate 90%+ of the playerbase of CoH/V has an FPS background.
As you said in one of your previous posts:
Of course I use the mouse to execute powers on occation, it's not that doing this in it self is a bad thing.
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That's all we're saying too. Mouse+WASD is used by almost everyone, I'm sure. What you said in your first post was that anyone clicking powers was killing their team. That was what we took exception to. What we continued trying to express to you was that clicking works just fine by a lot of people most of the time, which surely you shouldn't bother trying to argue with.
I have a LOT of keybinds. All my friends come to me for help for keybinds. Several of my 'panic' powers are near WASD. Yes, on my empath I have binds for things I don't care to have in my tray (TP, Recall Friend, Heal Other, AB, Fortitude etc).
It would be very helpful if you posted your toon powersets. I find buff-type toons make a load of useful binds. Melee (including blappers), shrug, not as pertinent.
But I still stand by my original point. Most of my powers will be executed with my mouse, and I do this because it is my (altogether now) personal preference.
I hope that this cleared up your point and click issues.
Shrug. -
Oh mate thats suckful news
Cliff mate it's always been fun teaming with you, and it was fantastic joining you with the guys above to kick unions butt through S4.
Keep in touch man, we'll always be around I'm sure, easy as pie to renew your sub sometime in the future
Good luck and hope to see ya round dude.
I'm totally in for the infernal farewell mission guys. Skull Bender for old times sake even.
Name the time and place.
Ciao for now.
/em salute -
Bringing level 1 villains to the arena is no problem sulph dude.
My slots are full on union or I would join um. If it's on the Test server then I might come along anyway
Laters. -
Now for the really silly questions...
If I put an anchor in our base, and a couple of "friends from the other side" (well, question (b) : can you raid from a hero base to another hero base or vilain to vilain ?) have a raid TP, how do they request to raid us ? How do I know ? What do I have to do to accept or refuse ?
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If you right click on someone you get an option for an instant base raid (or some such). I have no idea what happens after that but probably you schedule it and then when both agree it's on.
Now from the looks of the posts here, players on both sides have to go into their SG tab, and there is a Raid button, where you can view and sign up to raids that are scheduled. From the previous posts if you don't do this then when the raid starts only those who have signed up will be allowed to be in the base defending or on the tp attacking. I assume.
Might have to give this a go soon. There's likely a /ir <user> command (maybe not /ir though) so heroes can issue instant raid requests to villains and vice versa, so there shouldn't be any restrictions on challenging to a raid that way.
AFAIK, heroes and villains can raid both heroes and villains, so you can happily raid against anyone.
Hmm. A guide would be nice for this. Maxipad is doing a lot in this area maybe he'll whip one up when he gets a successful raid underway!