Tiny Bolt

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  1. I wouldn't mind re-rolling everyone. Losing the vet rewards would be tough. But doable. Levels have never mattered much to me, so that's not an issue. I think I have maybe two characters that have even unlocked Incarnates. No slotting though, so that's not an issue either.

    My main concern with this would be names. I know for a fact there's at least one other Tiny Bolt running around in game, since I couldn't get the name on all the servers when I tried a couple years back. I also know that there are other Tiny Bolt's out there in the bigger internet world, since I can rarely get the name without modifications elsewhere. So, I know I'm not special with my name, and that doesn't bother me.

    That being said, I'm still attached to the name. A lot. It was a stupid, throw away name on a silly, throw away character that has ended up enduring. I made her on my second day of playing. She's still taking up a spot on my main account even though I've deleted and re-rolled every other slot at least once, if not ten times. While I don't claim that I should be the only person to use that name, if I couldn't get Tiny Bolt (or three other names almost as dear) it'd be a huge blow to how much/if I want to start over.

    So, tl;dr, if we can transfer our names? Do it in a heartbeat.
    If we had to try and scramble for "our" names? Debatable. I'd probably still play here and there, but definitely casual status only.
  2. Er, definitely not blaming ArenaNet/GW2. But I am also not going to touch current or future NCSoft games. I understand that all games come to an end, and that's ok. Sad, but ok. But it matters HOW it comes to an end. And how a gaming company treats its players. And ArenaNet could give every single player a pony and I still wouldn't play GW2 right now because NCSoft has proven over and over (and over) that they have no problems killing any game in their stable without warning, or in some cases, a clear reason. And...I am not ok with that. It's not like GW2 is the only decent game out there right now. I can easily find a decent to great game that isn't likely to be killed off because the last box of Lucky Charms the board member ate didn't have enough rainbows in it for his liking.*

    *Obvious hyperbole is obvious.
  3. Tiny Bolt

    one last try

    I have a whole lot of corrs that I can use to help out. I'll try to be online around that time on Wed, since I will be home from work at that point. I'll be on either @Tiny Bolt or @Tinier Bolt. Let me know if you want the help.
  4. Errant and I are on our way home at the moment. If we get home in time, we would love to come along, but no promises on making it on time.

    Asgardian Blade and Saint Jon--I understand about not wanting to play, though I will miss you guys. I know I am quiet and/or crotchety, but I always enjoyed teaming with y'all.
  5. Yup. Great idea, awful execution.
  6. Ewww, Synapse. I'll bringing someone, don't know who yet. Some kind of support-flavor.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    It was horrible. We failed to get Master of Apex in a single run.
    Ultimate tears of sadness.
  8. I wanted to apologize for my no-show this afternoon. Life got away from me. Hope it went well!
  9. And since evidently I can't read instructions: Harpy is on my @Tinier Bolt account.
  10. Since we're starting over, Chaos Harpy (Water/Storm Corr).
  11. I'll join. Little Lady Luck, ice/cold corr.
  12. Ice/Dark tank: 31-35 (I think she started there?)
    DP/Time corr: 27-28
    Grav/Poison cont: 10-18
    Sonic/Traps corr: 37-39
    Elec/Thorn dom: 22-24

    And a couple other odd levels here and there I don't remember. Pretty satisfied considering I was really not here much. Most of the characters I played were at painful levels, so it was great to get them past that point, even if it was just a level here and there.

    So, happy overall. It was great running some regular missions in addition to my normal tf gaming.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    I was always amazed at the people they managed to get on Batman. I mean, Otto Preminger was a world-famous director, so conservative that he typically wore a three piece suit on set. Yet he played Mr. Freeze, one of the most absurd villains on Batman. That role was also played by George Sanders. WTF? How did they get serious actors to play Mr. Freeze???
    I can't believe I'm about to do this, but...

    While I'm not as up on the older Batman movies and tv show, I do remember the storyline of ye olde Mr. Freeze, and while he was intended as a joke character, he was vengeful and angry in the comics, though I'm sure they handled the storylines with all the subtlety of a jackhammer in the tv show and movies (and probably missed the basics in every one). "Absurd", especially in comics, doesn't always mean stupid, or asinine (despite what the movies want us to believe). Take Joker. Until the Killing Joke, he was absurd. Up until Ledger in the movies, he was a much lighter, campier force for chaos. I'd nominate Penguin, Clock King, Riddler or even Croc for absurd before Mr. Freeze (being honest, not sure how many of these are newer vs older villains--I'm not a big Batman fan).

    Amusingly enough, come reboot time for Mr. Freeze's backstory (ala Batman, The Animated Series) and suddenly Mr. Freeze is a giant joke in the last movie to have him (Batman and Robin). Which is a shame. The redone backstory started by BTAS and continued through newer story-lines would have fit in wonderfully in the new, gritter comic book movies that are popular at the moment.

    Anyways. Back to the regularly scheduled conversation.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Asgardian_Blade View Post
    I don't think this list is accurate any longer. I am a lowly apprentice and I don't see that listed anywhere. Also, I think I read somewhere that Cuppa Incarnate has been, ummm, discontinued.
    Ding. Cuppa was discontinued a while ago. Don't know if they have a new list.

    /lazy, unwashed student of the masses who doesn't like to do research so can't tell you what the new list is
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Errant View Post
    Yeah, but if you're going to drink bad, imported Mexican beer, why Corona?

    I don't drink BIMB often, but when I do, I drink Dos Equis...
    Tecate, s0n. If you're going to drink BIMBO*, go all the way.

    *Bad, Imported Mexican Beer Ohgodsmakeitstop.
  16. Beskytter, again, if you didn't get too sick of her the first time.

    Smashy smashy!
  17. I made the pie. Then I was all "Self, I should share the pie!" But then I realized that I never took teleport,* and had no way of transporting the pie to others. So I ate the pie myself. It was delicious.

    True story.

    *Because teleport is for n00bz.


    Do kids these days still use n00bz?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Still hot out of the oven a la mode. Mmmm.
    And now I'm hungry. Thanks, Siol.
  19. Are you taking alternates? Or should they just be around the day of?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngelicaVenger View Post
    Pie? I like pie.
    Dutch apple, all the way. Mmmm, crumble topping.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
    No, no, pi is 3.14
    But pie is always appropriate.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
    - better values on Steamy Mist
    Fixed for a total nitpick (I know they're interchangeable).

    Like the others have said, it's a mish-mash for what percentages get assigned where. It depends on what you want--are you looking for more of a debuffer/team player, or something that acts more like a blaster with debuffs? Personally, I prefer corruptors over defenders just because the damage difference is fairly noticeable to me while playing, and the difference isn't made up in the debuffs. The downside is I sincerely miss having my favorite powers sooner (Hurricane and Freezing Rain).

    However, with Whirlpool, it's not as much of a drag up to Freezing Rain. And with the self heal, it smooths out the lower level pain of storm. So, I'd recommend corruptor. I'm leveling one right now (water/storm corr), and it just plays well, period.
  23. I'd like in this week. Beskytter (ice/dark tank).
  24. <3 You guys make me smile.

    ...I know it's not lulz. It's a Kodak warm fuzzy. DEAL WITH IT, GOSH!!!
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
    Well if you really must know (and by your reply I guess you do), they took up EVE, STO and GW. I understand STO because it's not complete therefore you can't have more drama (accept for the whiney pvp'rs), and EVE is pretty straight forward and the only drama there is again whining over pvp (or how badly the game needs anti-pirating locks). But GW seems to produce enough drama that many people loathe it and would play CoH/CoV over it (and do), though I never experienced the drama in GW myself.

    And kudos to you for being the most grouped player ever in the history of Inifinty! /golf clap for effect... There may be broadcasts and people grouping, but my comment was in comparison to then and now. It is clearly not what it used to be, as many have stated. Once the "new" of GR is gone and the shine is dull, the pop will drop again.

    To set you in your place, as you seem to desire - The basis of my accusations is experience. What have you got? It's not rocket science. It doesn't require much to see the drop, or the status, if one had played from the beginning. And who's accusing anything of anything? WTH is the deal? You want to play on Infinity, cool. Enjoy it! I stated my view and there's no need for the drama over it. Sheesh...
    Ok, bubba, take a deep breath. I wasn't stirring up drama, I was asking a question, with snark attached. Amusingly enough, those MMOs you posted? My friends play those. Guess what they complain about from those games? You got it.

    While I realize your experience is Infinity is a low-pop server with lots of drama, unfortunately for you, there are actually a lot of people in the game, and a fair number on Infinity, so different people are going to have different experiences. I am actually not on teams a lot lately. Why? I can't sit for more then ten minutes before something comes up that I have to handle, whether for five minutes or an hour, and I'm not teaming with that situation. But when I can team, I don't have issues finding people to join up with, even if it's just one other person for a couple missions. But guess who are on a lot of teams? People on my friend's list. People inviting me to nearly full teams. People in the global chat channels I haunt. I am sorry for whatever reason you can't find them, but I swear they're out there.

    To sum it up, what have I got? Experience. I would apologize, but I'm giggling. And before you accuse me of gloating or some other random what have you, I'm giggling because I never took it seriously in the first place. You accused Infinity of being low pop and high drama. I was just curious where you got the idea from. Sorry I rubbed you the wrong way, bubba, but I'm here to play a game.