575 -
Quote:I've been reading her novels for about ten years now. (I have two of her Valdemar trilogies, Arrows of the Queen and the Mage Storms)It would make sense, actually. I had never heard of this Lackey chick before everyone said "omg! Mercedes Lackey wants CoH saved!" But now I'm aware of her existence. And I'm sure a lot of goodwill will be going towards her after CoH dies, and that may just translate to higher book sales. It's a good marketing scheme, if true.
She also has her name on several of the "Developer's Choice" AE arcs. She is definitely a long-time player, and even has a series of stories based on her CoH characters (the Secret World Chronicles, not to be confused with the unrelated MMO The Secret World). -
And people just cruise by the question I asked.
They say "Find another game! CoH just stole stuff from other games! You'd be surprised how much CoH was just stealing the bad stuff from those games!"
Then I make a list of what I enjoyed about CoH and would want in a replacement, and ask what game they're talking about, the one that does all those things better than CoH.
And then those same people suddenly stop responding to me.
Did you think the question was rhetorical? It wasn't.
If you point me to a game that does even half of that list better than CoH (and runs on a Mac - that item on the list is not optional) I'll happily go check it out. -
Quote:"Being accurate about its chances" doesn't mean resorting to namecalling, but that's what certain people are doing. There's no need to call anyone "delusional" or "mental midgets" or "whiny losers" or "mentally ill" because you don't think its going to work.I don't see anyone not wanting them to succeed.
What I see is a few people being accurate about its chances and people that violently react to the assessment.
They don't necessarily think it's going to work, either, but they're giving it a try anyway, because what do they have to lose? The game's closing, there's nothing to replace it, so what else do they have to do?
They're focusing their energy into being creative and productive, whether or not it pans out in the long run. You're focusing your energy into namecalling and making insinuations about their mental health.
And you're the "reasonable" one? I think not.
Quote:Really have you given champions online a try ? I have played with people there that are recreating peacebringers and warshades. There seems to be very little limit on the concept for your character in that game.
Crowd control is very very limited (there's maybe one hold per power "Framework", if even that), and buffing and debuffing almost as bad (like most MMO's, "Support" on Champions means "Healer", and what few buffs and debuffs there are tend to have durations of 10-15 seconds), so I could possibly make a CO character with something resembling Earth Assault or Robotics (well, the T1 and T2 pets, not anything like the Assault Bot), there's no way to do Earth Control (or any control sets, for that matter) or Storm Summoning.
There isn't even a way to recreate my Electric Melee/Invulnerability Brute. There's no Electric Melee, and CO's Invulnerability is just a "Slotted Passive" power that provides, when completely maxed out, about 28% damage resistance to all elements and provides no mez protection whatsoever. So it provides neither the playstyle nor anything close to the durability of my Brute.
When I say "I've been looking for two months and haven't found anything that lets me play these types of characters" that doesn't mean I skipped over the most obvious alternative. I've investigated Champions very thoroughly, and the only thing it does better than CoH is the ability to make mix-and-match characters (which it also does badly, because their stat system will not support mix-and-match characters).
But that's more fodder for the "Champions Online: Just Doesn't Cut It" topic, not here.
MMOs where I can support my own army of controllable minions or where I can completely shut down multiple opponents for longer than 2 seconds at a time don't exist. Or if they do, nobody's telling me what they are, just insisting that other games do things I want them to do "better than CoH" without any sort of specifics.
If the Plan Z crew are even going to attempt to do that, then they're already doing more for my gaming wants than all the people offering me "advice" on other games. -
Quote:Hm...I'm not blaming anyone for anything. Yes, it's called City of Steam but if one takes more than a cursory look at the game's information they'd quickly be disabused of the notion that it's a "Steampunk" game. Or they'd be disappointed that it's not a "Steampunk" game.
And who are you calling hostile four-eyes?
"Browser-based steampunk"
"Is That an Elf in My Steampunk?"
"...as the steampunk MMO heads into its final alpha test weekend."
"Mechanist Games' steampunk MMO is nearing its closed beta phase..."
"The browser based, slightly Diablo esque Steampunk MMO..."
So when all the preview sites are calling it steampunk, I continue to be disappointed that the game is just the same old generic fantasy races and classes with "steampunk elements" rather than a full-on steampunk game.
The devs sound enthusiastic, and the game has potential, but it's being advertised as something it's not. And I want to play what it's advertised as, not what it actually is. -
Quote:There's a big difference between "talking about things you don't like" and outright disrespecting people.Yeah
Before now I am sure you would have just been a whiny loser that would have pestered mods until they made the thread disappear. God forbid people talk about things you don't like
I honestly don't think "Plan Z" will succeed. Even if it does succeed, there's little chance my old Mac will be able play it, so it's not really a replacement for CoH.
But that doesn't mean I don't wish them the best of luck and hope they do succeed.
I don't understand why people would outright not want them to succeed, or mock them for daring to try to make a game that captures some of the spirit of CoH.
(Of course, all of those same people are the ones that keep telling me I can play a Bots/Storm Mastermind or an Earth/Earth Dominator on all sorts of games, and those other games are even better than CoH, so I guess I shouldn't be that surprised) -
I would have thought a steampunk setting wouldn't be the place to have "races" at all, just variants of humans.
The problem I have with it is that I can easily see the "fantasy", but I don't see the "industrial". -
Quote:Here's what I want:"The graveyards are full of indispensable men"
Look around not only will you find MMOs that do what CoH did but better, you will be truly upset at how our devs were copying the least fun parts of other MMOs.
• Full character customization, with looks not tied to powers. (Granted, I can think of a few other games off the top of my head that do this, but only a very few)
• The ability to play villains
• A lot of different character abilities, and a lot of different variations of those abilities. (i.e., if I want to have lightning powers, then I should be able to shoot lightning, or use it as armor, or use it to lock down enemies, or use it in melee, with a full powerset for each of those options. If my only choice is "shoot lightning with maybe one hold thrown in", then that doesn't satisfy the requirement)
• Little to no grinding. I expect some, sure (even CoH wasn't without its grindy bits), but it should be short-term grinding. I should be able to grind out short-term goals (a badge, for example) in an hour or two. In one game I've literally been trying to get one piece of equipment for months, and I still don't have all the ingredients to craft it, and there's still seven other pieces in the set with just as many ingredients each. I'm looking at years of grinding for one equipment set, which will be too low level for me by the time I get the whole thing. I don't want to grind that long, sorry.
• A feasible solo path. I should be able to get to the level cap in a reasonable amount of time (a couple of months, at most) without ever teaming if I don't want to. I should also be able to get most equipment (or the equivalent) solo fairly quickly (i.e., not the year-long grind mentioned above) and easily.
• Dozens of character slots to satisfy my altitis. I like to make at least one of each character class, and often multiples of each class if they have different build possibilities. I rarely have just one "main character".
• A game that doesn't abruptly stop at the level cap (and, for that matter, a game that doesn't abruptly start at the level cap). I want to be regularly gaining new powers and new ways to play from the moment I create a new character until way past the level cap. Endgame rewards should give me new powers, not just tiny stat boosts.
• Primarily an older and more mature community, not kids screaming "LTPUNOOB" every five seconds.
• No reliance on the "Holy Trinity"; no class should ever be required.
• As a follow-up to that, a game where "support class" means a class with heavy emphasis on buffs, debuffs, and mezzes, not where it's nothing but healing.
• Difficulty selection that goes down, not just up. The "default" game should be average, and I should be able to turn it down if I'm using a character that doesn't solo well.
• A story on an epic scale. I want to be facing world-shattering and even universe-shattering threats, and I want the various NPCs to acknowledge that. I've played games where the only "reward" for completing a dungeon and beating a difficult boss is to be insulted by the NPC at the end, and I'm not interested.
• Frequent updates from an excited and communicative development team, with that communication being a two-way street. The team will listen to and implement ideas from the community (or at least explain why they can't or won't).
• Oh, and lets not forget: a game that will actually run at full speed on my old low-end Mac laptop, the way CoH did. This one is not optional. If it won't run on my computer, it doesn't matter what features it has.
Those are just some of the things that attracted me to CoH and kept me playing (not even a full list; I removed items to keep this post from getting even longer), and those are the things I've been specifically looking for in a "replacement".
So what miracle game am I missing that does all of those, or even a majority of thsoe, "but better"? Because I sure haven't found it yet.
I know nothing will ever be exactly like CoH, but all these cookie-cutter medieval fantasy need-or-greed grindfests aren't even trying. -
Quote:This. Exactly this.ok, lets recap:
1. Liking stuff and being upset when it gets snatched away from you for no reason is not only wrong, but stupid. [And we were never given a real reason, so dont start about that.]
2. Morality is idiotic. Only fools think that others should behave by moral norms. Corporations are people too, as we are oft' reminded here in the States, and so: ditto.
3. It is wrong to be upset when someone else takes your stuff with no warning, and then refuses to give it back when asked politely. Refuses to give it back, when offered money! Wow.
4. Hell, emotion, PERIOD is wrong and is the province of fools.
Some of you must be a real hoot in real life. Jaysus.
Also, don't forget:
5. Just move on and find another game. Just because you've been playing video games all your life and CoH is the only MMO you've ever played that does just about everything in a way you enjoy doesn't mean you can't just instantly replace it with another game.
My main form of relaxation is being taken away, but it's okay, because I can console myself knowing that NCSoft is doing whatever they like with their own property without any regard to its customers' wishes!
I should be happy, knowing that I am a powerless gnat who can lose things he enjoys at on the whims of faceless corporations thousands of miles away!
I should be thrilled as I watch as one of the few development studios to actually talk to and care about their players is gutted and scattered to the four winds!
... seriously, what the hell is wrong with some of you people? -
Quote:Four of the nine races are explicitly just humans of different nationalities, and elves compose two of the other nine, with the other three being goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins (all of which are far more human-looking than those races are usually depicted, especially the females). A pretty standard selection. (The tenth race in development doesn't help with that impression, since it's dwarves)You have won todays' prize for observing 2 of the 9 races
That said, I'm more put off by the lack of classes and, worse, how the classes are just the usual generic fantasy classes with a very thin steampunk veneer, rather than being actual steampunk.
I expected absent-minded inventors wielding wacky makeshift weapons and/or wearing steam-spewing mechanical armor, not the usual fantasy MMO assortment of medieval-armored Tanks, staff-wielding DPS mages, faith-based Healers, and magic gunners (possibly more DPS, possibly ranged thieves - their main stats are Reflex, Luck, and Speed).
So, combining the bog-standard races with the bog-standard classes, I wouldn't call it steampunk so much as "Tolkeinpunk" or perhaps "WoW-punk". (Except that's not really fair to WoW, which at least has some interesting hybrid classes and more monstrous-looking races)
It's browser-based, so I could probably get it running, but it's not really impressing me or drawing me in at first glance. -
I would have liked to see the game end the same way Everquest ended.
(That is, by staying open for 13 years and counting, with no actual "end" in sight) -
Quote:Whatever game it is. Unless it runs on a three-year-old low end Macintosh laptop and lets me play as a robot-controlling supervillain, I don't really care.They're not making NWN2. As I understand it, they're making a game simply called "Neverwinter" which is merely based in the same established D&D setting. In any case, if it were a sequel in the Neverwinter Nights series it would be the third game.
Quote:Companies now should not be 'allowed' to stop products and services they no longer wish to continue?
So Windows '95 should still be sold and supported? Really?
Nice job making up some completely irrelevant argument and then pretending I'm the one that said it, though.
As for Windows 95, that's not a similar case at all. Windows 95 still works, even after all these years. Microsoft didn't push a button and cause all copies of Windows 95 to stop booting. You can't buy new copies, and they won't give you tech support, but if you want to use Windows 95, and you have the software and a compatible computer, you can still install it and run it the same as ever.
As of December 1st, however, City of Heroes won't work. NCSoft will push a button and suddenly our clients won't connect anymore. I have the software, I have a compatible computer, but it just won't connect anymore. City of Heroes will be gone from the face of the earth, despite tens (and possibly hundreds) of thousands of people who want it to continue.
There's a big difference between "not actively supporting something" and "destroying it". If you can't tell the difference, I don't know how to explain it to you. -
"It's not CoH" only scratches the surface of what I don't like about CO, but I've ranted about that at length elsewhere. (In short: it doesn't support the playstyles I like, and major content updates are literally nonexistant, with all of Cryptic's development resources going to other games. Where CoH was constantly updating and improving, CO is just coasting and acting as a money sponge they can redirect into NWN2 and STO)
NCSoft reportedly asked for $80,000,000, utterly refusing any attempts to negotiate their price down. That's way beyond NCSoft merely thinking the game still had more life left in it than they'd thought, and is well into the realm of "asking an outrageous price just so they can claim they tried to sell it but nobody would buy it." -
I don't know what's left to do. NCSoft has made their decision quite clear by demanding way more money than the IP is worth (when they bother to reply to investors at all). I sent my plea to NCSoft's CoHSunset e-mail address, and never got a response, so I suspect that was tossed into the circular file.
I don't have any video game inside connections. I can't put any pressure on anyone, NC Soft or otherwise. I don't have any media connections to make NC Soft look bad. I can just follow what others who do have those connections do, and even they're doing less and less.
The devs moving on is what really clinches it for me. Even if NCSoft changed their mind and let another company buy the game today, Paragon Studios has scattered to the four winds. There's nobody left to develop it.
I'm extremely sad about finally finding a game that was perfect for me only to have it killed while still actively developing, and I don't know where I'm going to go from here.
I haven't exactly "given up", I'm still hoping that somehow the efforts being put forth turn someone's head (and would be happy to contribute if I can), but I'm no longer hopeful that NCSoft can be made to care or is even paying attention anymore.
.... and yet, as I type that, and edit that, and reword that.... it makes me angry all over again that they should be allowed to get away with this. I still have NCSoft's CEO's e-mail address. Maybe I'll try re-sending my CoHSunset e-mail to him. -
I only played the first Hulk game, but I enjoyed it a lot (except, of course, for the ill-conceived Banner levels).
1. My three favorite classes are Brutes, Masterminds, and Dominators, in no particular order. Depends on my mood exactly which one I play, but they all had aspects I liked. (Brute for pure HULK SMASH goodness, Dominators for a more subtle lockdown game, and Masterminds for when I wanted to just have my minions do the majority of the work)
2. My Electric Melee/Invulnerability/Energy Mastery Brute, based loosely on Black Adam. Level 50, all T4'd out. Not the best against single hard targets, but damn good against groups, and extremely durable. I really liked his costume, too, to the extent that I've never significantly changed it, even after two years. (I added a secondary color to the Tech Wired parts, and added the Electric Fists aura back when I hit level 30, but that's it)
3. Dominator. I didn't like them at first because they felt so vulnerable. (My very first Psi/Mind is still sitting on one of the servers somewhere, mostly disused) Once I got the hang of playing them, though, they quickly moved into being one of my favorites. I now have two L50 Doms, Gravity/Electric and Earth/Ice (the latter of which I created after the shutdown was announced and got to Level 50 only a day or two ago) -
To be fair, "three types" of basic currency in CO are just subdivisions of one currency. 100 L = 1 N, 100 N = 1 G. Just groupings, like dollars and cents (or Gold/Silver/Copper in certain other MMOs), not different currencies altogether.
And Zen are more like Paragon Points than an in-game currency.
No, of all the problems I may have with CO, the various currency systems aren't among them. Both CoH and CO have far fewer than several other games I've played.
(To give some examples: I've lost track of how many different kinds of "Tokens" are in Dofus - there were about eight or nine last time I counted - in addition to the regular in-game currency and the cash shop currency. Kingdom of Loathing has more than 20 different types of currency, including the regular currency and the cash shop currency, though about half of those were used for only one world event each so are deprecated now - but that still leaves nearly a dozen different types of currency) -
... wow, this topic got derailed pretty quickly. How did we get from tracking the new jobs about he devs to having another argument about Incarnate solo paths?
(Again, I feel that, had the game gone on longer, we could have talked Positron around to at least removing the 20-hour gate on the arc rewards). -
Hasbro itself has a history of absorbing a lot of formerly-independent companies (WotC, Parker Brothers, Tonka, etc), so, presuming the rumor is true, Disney absorbing them would put an incredible number of well-known IPs and brands in their hands, including Transformers, GI Joe, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, almost every well-known board game, and even Bronies would be under their thumb.
That they'd also own Monopoly is just sort of an ironic cherry on that corporate sundae. -
There was already an Incarnate XP arc outside of DA in Issue 23, in Night Ward. (Belladonna's arc that sets up where Shadowhunter and Nega Pendragon come from, story-wise leading into the Magi trial)
Another arc was going to be added in I24, in the Rikti War Zone. You can play it on Beta.
I24 was also going to let you get Hybrid XP from all Incarnate content as long as you had Lore unlocked (pretty much removing the line between iXP and AiXP), but since that was actually a last-minute change added to the update at the behest of players, I don't know whether they finished adding it to all the Incarnate content before development was shut down.
So, while DA is still the only place you can street-sweep for Incarnate experience, DA is not the only place for solo Incanate arcs even now. I like to think that if the game hadn't been canceled so abruptly, the solo Incarnate path would have gotten even less restrictive. -
Quote:Yeah. Some part of me still can't believe that the game is going down and I only have a limited time to play. I mean, it's still right there, where it has been for the two years I've been here. I have trouble wrapping my mind around the idea that one day it'll be there, and the next it'll be gone - not due to a natural disaster or an unexpected accident, but becuase a bunch of guys in suits couldn't even leave it running for the sake of posterity.Some part of me, deep down hopes that when Nov. 30 gets here, they'll feel so bad they won't *actually* pull the plug on us. Still cannot believe they are going to actually do this; kill these characters we have labored for years over.
Maybe MMO gaming will change somehow in the future as a result of this, so that people will never completely lose access to their avatar "children" again. One can hope and dream, anyways.
'Cause this **** really ain't cool. At all. In fact its very upsetting.
... I wonder if we can get CoH declared a national monument? -
This may be the last one (because they're not actually manually updating these, they were pre-loaded by the devs when there were still devs working there, and that list is about to run out), but don't quote me on that.
I give this topic a +1, a Thumbs Up, and a couple of Likes. Well-said.
Quote:... are you seriously asking if players would be happier if the game weren't closing? Are you suggesting that there is some version of reality where closing the game makes the playerbase happier than keeping it open in any form?So if they did sell, it would have been considered handled better? The game could go on in one way or another and they could have washed their hands of the matter and everyone would be content?
As E-K said (... note that we are not the same person, by the way), at the time of the closure announcement, the game was making money (not as much as NC Soft would have liked, maybe, but it was not in the red), new things were being added to the game regularly, the devs and players were all excited for I24 and beyond, and NC Soft crushed all that in a single day.
So how can you even ask whether keeping the game open under whatever publisher would be better than closing it?
But if you need an answer: yes. Of course yes. Of course that would be handling it better than simply deleting one of the oldest MMOs from the face of the Internet, never to be seen again.
I'm starting to wonder at this point if you're deliberately trying to misunderstand what people say to you, or whether you're some sort of alien that doesn't understand human emotions.
Quote:Yeah but if I was them I wouldnt want to waste any server space that I was paying for merely for someone else benefit, even if it was pennies. That is akin to letting my neighbor use my internet but not paying a dime towards the bill even if I wouldnt miss the bandwidth. Could it have been ran on someone else server or buy that space to run the game on that particular server?
Edited to respond:
Quote:That's not what I've seen in their statements. World wide bandwidth costs 2Q 2012 was 5,634 million KrW which converts to around $4.9 million just for that quarter. I don't see anything in their financials that list their hosting costs, even the more detailed spreadsheet version of their consolidated income statement. They do list their "Cost of Goods Sold" as 139,100 million KrW in 2011 (the amount deducted after "Net Sales" to get "Gross Profit") but there is no further breakdown as to what that number covers. I would assume server and bandwidth costs would be included in that number. -
Quote:The three-months-to-closing was part of the whole "Bad handling", so I took that date out as well. Good handling would have required easing into the closure more gently, giving devs enough time to "finish" the game.hmmmm, I was talking about the handling of this situation, Closing on Nov 30th. That is what I mean I dont think there were many ways in that they could appease the crowd closing during that time.
Yeah but selling might be a good way to continue on, but according to them, they tried that and exhausted that option.
And with the maintence mode thing, who's server would the game be ran on? Would it still be NCSoft stuff or switched over to another person. How does that work?
They didn't try to sell the studio. After the studio was gone, they tried to sell just the IP and game code for $80 million (so reports several people), an outrageous price. At least two companies were waving more reasonable sums of money right in their faces (Valve's offer reportedly even included giving NC Soft a share of any future profits, so even if the game became more successful, NC Soft would still win), but they refused to budge on the price. Two other investors were completely ignored and never got a response at all. So NC Soft's statement that they "exhausted all options" was a flat-out lie.
For maintenance mode, the game would stay exactly where it is. NC Soft's own financials show that their entire worldwide server structure - not just for their games, but for all their offices as well - was only $2 million a year. The cost of keeping CoH online themselves (particularly since all the CoH servers were virtual, and could all be run on one physical machine in their server farm) would have been a pittance in their overall costs.
(And since the Paragon Market would still be open under my proposed plan, that means the game would still be providing income - not as much as it had before, because there's no subscriptions anymore and not as many players would stick with a game that was no longer being updated, but it would also have no development costs, so any revenue from the game would be pure profit for NC Soft)
And, yes, I sent that exact suggestion to NC Soft themselves, when they gave out their "CoHSunset" email address back in September. They never responded, and clearly never acted on it. But they can't pretend they never thought of it.
So, yeah, they could have handled it much, much better. Even if they didn't let the devs "finish" the game's story for fear of sabotage, they still could have handled it much better.