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  1. Thirty-Seven

    ID cards image

    You could also screen shot the giant "penny" behind Blue Steel in KR... and I know I remade a version of the logo in PS, but I can't recall precisely where I got the image from which I "traced."

    Edit: I just figured it out: The fansite kit!! There are two desktop images that feature the logo you are after. Just go to the CoH site (while it lasts) and download the CoH fansite kit!
  2. My favorite is where a sign advertises a product for ".50 cents," I always want to give them a penny from the penny cup and ask for change... but that wouldn't work.

    Neither would this.
  3. You stalkin' me, Agge?

    Seem to be posting right after me in a few threads now.
  4. I will likely be going to SWTOR along with a few of my in-game friends and significant other. I will be playing on the "The Shadowlands" Server on both Imperial and Republic sides.

    My main character there will likely be a Sith Marauder named Sêth (and yes, the ê is important [Alt+0234]). When and if I get to unlock the Legacy system he will be Sêth Ventra.
  5. Me wants! *makes grabby hands*

    Anyone able to get the ancient version from the Korean City of Hero? It shouldn't be TOO hard to add in the more recent assetts via some... well... SWINE investigation.
  6. Marking this on my calendar!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    I am not going anywhere til they turn off the servers. I have a video to finish making.
    @Thirty-Seven wants to help you film on Justice!!

    It'll be the first of your videos I will have helped with, which depresses me a little.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Where is a game addicted Tony Stark wannabe when you need one.
    Where indeed.

    The closest we have is the Titan Community and TonyV, methinks.
  9. Well... this server has at least two Devs (Castle and BaB), that makes it pretty awesome!

    I love this server, it's official: way better than Infinity.
  10. I suppose... if you can get a server working... you should call it Titan!!
  11. Thirty-Seven

    To all of you...

    My avatar is officially changing to include a tear on behalf of the game's closing. Much sadness.
  12. Thirty-Seven

    To all of you...

    Originally Posted by Mallerick View Post
    Though you don't know me, I'm going to miss you a lot Z., and the fabulous employees of Paragon too.

    This game will always be the bright spot of my gaming life!
    This! So much of my this.

    I will miss this game. It's something that my boyfriend and I could truly love doing together. I have met many awesome people in this community as well as gotten to know many of the devs who have worked on this fantastic game over the years.

    I will truly miss everything about this game (except for the 8 million different kinds of Merit and currency ).
  13. Feh, I wasn't going to buy it anyway... but if you all want, I can count it as a boycott now.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    How can we come out ahead after the game has been shut down?
  15. Would love to see this become a reality!!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    You guys are without a doubt the best in the business! I can't tell you how sad I am for you. You don't deserve this. I want you to know that your efforts are more than appreciated, they are cherished.

    City of Heroes has been a lifeline for me during some really rough times over the last 8 years. It's a place to play, unwind, argue with Math Smarties, and have fun. This game is the best of its kind. Good luck, and please post on your blogs, linkedIn pages and elsewhere where you wind up. If you're on the game, I'll know it's quality!
    For one of the first times... I agree with every word of what Geko just said.

    (But also, )

    (Also, FPAFormerRN)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    My heart just broke.
    Bad time to poke fun... probably... but this surprises me.

    I didn't know you had one!

    But seriously, I am sad too.
  18. Time for some frantic screenshotting of some of my favorite characters?

  19. I... I don't even know how to react.

    I am sad, angry, disappointed. I feel like one of my pets died or something.
  20. One thing's for sure... I will be here until the lights go off.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
    Is this real? I hope not, but.. wow. If so, it feels like it came out of nowhere. Things looked like they were going so well, and there was so much development happening on test, with the new systems and everything.
    So... what of Issue 25 and the roll-out of Battalion?!

    The Incarnate system lies unfinished... so much to do!

    Does this mean Bio Armor will never be released?

    So many questions!!
  22. It certainly looks real to me!

    I has a sad!!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
    Shouldn't cost more than an normal respec token honestly.


    Are you joking? I really can't tell.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
    There was a 30 minute tangent followed by the same thing being said over and over.
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Tunnel Rat stopped by.
    These sum it up nicely.

    This was perhaps the most skippable Coffee Talk ever... considering anyone who wants to know about Techknight can simply log into Beta and take a look. At least the "Logitech Ad" wrapped in a Coffee Talk had something for the hardware enthusiasts among us.