87 -
So as a Robot/FF mastermind, I had to have a 2 min timer on PFF...WHY?
Please explain to me why it is that the damage I take goes to my minions and IGNORES their resistances and defenses! They should still get a chance to apply their own resistances. Lets assume it automatically hits, because they are leaping in front of the attack or some such, so they don't get their defense...ok.....why don't their RESISTANCES apply?????
I took forcefield so I could help DEFEND my minions...now I'm happy they can help defend me, but I'm not at all happy about the way all the bubbles that I take the time to renew every 4 minutes ARE IGNORED!
Why should any hero in PvP ever target a robot? They're harder to hit than I am, and they would get to apply their resistances to the damage. NOW, the heroes can just attack me directly. I'm MUCH easier to hit, I have FAR fewer resistances, and the damage will get transferred to the minions anyway!
We wanted a reason for the heroes to have to kill our minions. You just gave a solid reason for them to NEVER target them.
Sure, this is better than nothing...but it sure wasn't very well thought out. This may be a nice boost for PvE (which we didn't need a boost for) but it will be of little help in PvP which was where we were hurting.
40 bots and bubbles
Justice -
I still say the best possible solution is to give MMs a 20% chance per pet that is in range of supremacy to intercept any attack aimed at the MM. Any pet that successfully intercepts an attack then gets to apply their defenses and resistances to the attack normally. Of course, any AE attack would still us anyway (assuming we're within the area after it hits the pet).
This would mean:
5 or 6 pets = all attacks aimed at the MM are automatically intercepted by pets.
4 pets = 80% chance of an any attack being intercepted.
3 pets = 60% chance
2 pets=40 % chance
1 pet = 20% chance.
This wouldn't make a huge difference in PvE, since we normally don't get aggro anyway, but in PvP it would be a HUGE survival boost. It wouldn't be overly powerful either, since we aren't able to move around freely with our pets (anyone can outrun our pets, and we'd have to be very careful not to outdistance our pets and lose their protection).
I've posted this multiple times. Just hope the Dev's are reading and giving it consideration.
40 Bots and Bubbles
Justice -
It's mostly dependant on you choosing to solo(and the number of opponents in the zone, of course).
Your experiences of a great deal of kills one night vs. running for your life the next would even out if you were consistently working on a balanced team.
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Actually, I team more than I solo. The point is, even in a team, my MM will be killed some nights on a near constant basis (2-3 minutes spent summoning and buffing, then 30 seconds of play before a blapper 1 shots me). Being in a team doesn't change the fact that on some nights I die with apalling frequency and other nights I can survive massive battles and come out ok. The difference is the AT and build of my opponents, and their skill level. There are a couple of blappers who seem to specifically target me, and will kill me instantly. There are others who actually go out of their way to avoid me in the zone. Being teamed doesn't really change my survivability, because nobody can prevent my being 1 shotted. -
Actually, it's not aimed at PvP -- it's a general change. Useful equally everywhere.
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This doesn't fill me with confidence. I am already extremely effective in PvE, I don't need any help in that area. PvP is where MMs need the help, and we were told that the buff would be primarily for PvP but would also help somewhat in PvE situations.
PvE I never have trouble with mobs attacking me and ignoring my minions, that ONLY happens in PvP. If something to fix this isn't what the "buff" is going to entail, then it won't be an effective buff.
40 bots and bubbles
Justice -
I'm so tired of hearing the prase "kill to death ratio". This has NO bearing on anything, because any K
ratio is relative to not only to your AT and build, but also to your skill and the number of opponents in the zone, their builds, and their skills.
I regularly PvP on my stalker as well as my MM. There are days I can get 5 or more kills on my MM in a matter of minutes. There are days I get killed every time I come out of the hospital. It is all relavent. On my stalker, there are days I can zone in and rack up kills just as fast as BU resets. There are also days that I spend long periods of time just to get one kill and end up spending most of my time perched on buildings watching my targets or running away.
It isn't dependant on my build or my skill. It is primarily dependant on the number of opponents in the zone, their level of skill, and their builds. -
Nevertheless, the way GI functions has been known to those of us who have been using it since suppression was added. Nothing Castle has posted indicates a change of any sort in how GI has worked.
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The point is that the huge advantage that multiply stacking CM, and multiply stacking TACTICS give, simply cannot be balanced by GI in the current way it works. I would like, just ONCE, to see something balanced. Why is it that every single aspect of the game has to be geared towards giving the heroes the advantage? -
So a single use of Clear Mind makes a hero virtually immune to dominators, AND gives them perception bonuses for the duration of the buff....but a single use of Grant Invis only grants -perception until you attack, and after that you never get the bonus again until it is re-allplied? Even if we attack and then avoid being hit long enough to re-establish hide, we don't get the -perception benefit of GI again?
Does this seem unfair to anyone else? -
Pick up grant invis and get your friends to do it too. Brings us to the stealth cap.
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Stalker with hide + stealth = 892
Stalker with hide + stealth + grant invis = stealth cap
Scrapper with tactics + FA = 1034 (almost perception cap solo)
SR or DARK scrapper with tactics +FA =way over perception cap.
Even if we get grant invis used on us, scrappers will be so close to the perception cap that any perception bonus will put them over the top. Also, keep in mind that we got no defensive bonuses at all. We got absolutely no accuracy bonuses either. Scrappers all have an option of focused accuracy which not only helps negate any stealth we may have, but also allows them to hit us more easily. We recieved no such benefits in return. -
Well, the patron powers have been released, and of course we got NO stealth options. This means that any stalker regardless of dark or SR, will be able to see us from 100 yards away, even in stealth + hide. SR and dark stalkers will see us from even farther. In addition, we didn't get any kind of an accuracy increasing toggle such as Focused Accuracy. We are going to be hit a LOT more, because our defenses don't get any better, while their offense gets MUCH better. We will be seen nearly 100% of the time, and from much longer distances. On top of everything else, we got a pet for our high end patron power choice. Great....even if we aren't seen, our pet WILL be (even with grant invis on it, there is no way to get our pets boosted to the same level of stealth we would have).
Our snipes would be nice, if they weren't at a base damage of HALF what a blaster gets. We have to crit from hidden status just to break even.
What a crock. -
As an interested ovserver, I'd like to ask some questions and make some comments. I don't mean any of this as flames or to be rabble rousing.
A. Increase Blaster Total Damage potential
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Blasters already have tremendous damage potential. Why does it need to be boosted further? Blasters are already doing more burst damage than any other AT in the entire game.
B. Increase Total Damage Blasters can deal at range
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I understand you are looking for an incentive to get blasters to quit blapping, but allowing them to do rediculous damage at range isn't the answer. If they do the same damage at range that they do currently in melee, things will be even more broken.
C. Eliminate Blaster need to close to melee
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This I totally agree with. I disagree with the idea of increasing your ranged damage in order to facilitate this, however.
D. Increase AE damage contribution of Blasters in typical combats
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This sounds fine to me. Unfortunately, the devs wanted to nerf fast AE leveling, so placed a limit on the number of targets an AE attack can effect. I don't think they're going to change their minds on that score.
E. Increase survivability of Blasters
[/ QUOTE ] Blasters seem very survivable currently. Those who run in to Blap take risks, yes, but those who stand back and actually blast have a very high survivability. Boosting blaster survivability (such as increasing health or giving them more defensive powers) would completely break any balance between them and the melee ATs
F. Give Blasters a secondary role in a team (other than Blapping)
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Lets face it, Blapping isn't a secondary role for the blasters who do it, it is their primary role. Many times blasters have said that the primary role of a blaster is to deal damage...to those ends, blasters are constantly looking for ways to deal more damage (as are all ATs). What role would you suggest blasters play in addition to this? Depending on the build, blasters can already have controll, slow, knockback, defense, etc. Which AT would you suggest they start infringing upon as a secondary?
G. Replace Defiance with a more appealing inherent
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A lot of blasters don't like the idea of having to lower their health to get the most damage and accuracy, but there are a lot who do as well. Blasters have a real advantage with defiance in the way it allows you to front load even MORE damage into your attacks. Corrupters on the villain side don't have that advantage. Their damage is back loaded, which means they have to nearly have something dead before they get any benefit. Sure, you are running a risk by keeping your health low, but the damage output and corresponding accuracy is substantial.
H. Make range a real "defense"
[/ QUOTE ] If you can't be hit, you are pretty well defended. The majority of NPCs deal substantially less damage with their ranged attacks than they do with melee. Range seems to be a defense in that regard. In PvP, no melee based AT can hit you if you maintain your range (except spines or claws, and even then they have a very limited number of ranged attacks). How is range NOT a defense currently? -
A tip to the OP, if you are going jitsu secondary get the trops....it helps, toss the trops on a door way, run in AS one guy, run away...granted I have not tested this, just something that I thought would be good to try out. My only question is, will you be able to rehide even though the trops are doing damage?
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This does NOT work. Every time the trops deal damage, you are unhidden. Once a hero lands on your trops and takes damage, you will be visible, even if you placate that hero, you won't be able to AS him due to the damage dealt by the trops canceling your placate effect. -
This is true, for now. It is my understanding that due to hero whining about placate, it will be changed to have a chance to hit as of I7.
I hope this is false, but I have heard it so much that I tend to believe it.
Angry Cheerleader