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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    ooh ooh me! I wish I had pots of honey.
    To slather all over your body and see if people can catch you?
  2. Yezzir.

    Attended Columbia Elementary for a year. Then, went to Southwest, Central and some other school that I got expelled from before heading back up to New York.

    I'm going to be moving a character from each side over to Virtue in a few days.

    So, feel free to give a shout if you find yourself needing something else.
  3. He's aware his membership is pending as a substantial fee has to be sent to the first few posters of each thread of this sort for their card.
  4. .. is guaranteed to kill ninety-eight percent of you.

    But, increase your odds of being in that two percent with this.

    I was really looking forward to being both mindless and undead, until I saw this and was given a reason to survive.
  5. Back Alley Brawler : 52
    pohsyb : 53
    The Ocho : 25
    War Witch : 120

    + Ocho
    - BaB
  6. If you have not found anyone for this, I can likely help you out.

    And, your location .. I lol'd. I used to live in Palm Bay.
  7. It works.

    I have seen builds with them in Snow Storm, in the default slot, as well.
  8. You had me up until that last line.
  9. Back Alley Brawler : 53
    pohsyb : 53
    The Ocho : 24
    War Witch : 120

    + Ocho
    - BaB
  10. Back Alley Brawler: 83
    pohsyb: 62
    Ocho: 50
    The Television: 9
    War Witch: 46

    + Ocho
    - TV
  11. The_Bronx

    Statements Only

    I hated the pin the tail games.
  12. Elf is really just conducting a Twixt experiment.

    He's writing a paper and planning to upset you all with his conclusions.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
    The best part of that LGTF was when I pulled the AV and he runs straight up to bronx and does a massive Disembowel.
    Haha, *******. I seriously tried to forget that ****.

    I mean, that was bad. But, the worst part was that Silas had just teleported me to the group.

    That ******* ran right passed you all and Ginsu chopped the **** out of me.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
    Discussing CO's impact on the in game market is a valid topic. Straying from that topic to discuss CO will get this thread moved to Comic Hero/Villain Culture. Comparing CO and CoH is not acceptable.

    The rules are designed to contribute to a free and open exchange of ideas. Unfortunately threads which contain much direct comparison between the games devolve rather quickly into a free and open exchange of criticism and personal attack. Hence they are against the rules.

    For the record, I'm not concerned with CO's release in regards to my market strategy. I'm going with a combination of buying recipes and crafting them (a.k.a. manual labor) and long term stocking for the next double xp weekend. My target goal is somewhere in the billion profit range, since I have a perma PA Ill/rad to finish and a soft capped nin stalker. These strategies are netting me a comfortable 100 million a week plus I am steadily filling up my reserves and setting up long term sales.

    If I were concerned with CO causing any sort of market fluctuation or unpredictability, I would focus entirely on short term profit strategies and hold almost no inventory. Given what I'm seeing on the market this morning (I was away for the weekend, which seriously limited my profit) I'm guessing the majority of the ebil agree with my assessment because I'm seeing a lot of activity that indicates to me that others are doing some serious bulk purchasing or at least making significant market manuevers perhaps because of the increased price volatility since the last double xp.
    Ocho stole my monies at Comic Con.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hell_Jumper View Post
    I will bring the Patron
    Finally something interesting.

    Line the shots.
  16. The_Bronx

    Thank you all...

    Originally Posted by Infernal_Jester View Post
    Wait . . . . .what?

    On both accounts
    I swear I was right there with you, J'.

    Especially on the base raid thing.

    I could swear Twftw caved all of the Protectors **** in.

    You were the only large Sg actually willing to base raid, though. So, kudos.
  17. I feel your Disclaimer should have been at the end.

    I would have preferred to have been lied to. By revealing the truth of the matter, I no longer had any inspiration or motivation to create a Kinetics.

    Thus, I stopped reading and merely enjoyed the pictures.

    lol octogenarianisms
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smilin_Joe View Post
    I've made that extra zero mistake while bidding on a stack of 10 once. I managed to hit the cancel button fast enough such that i only bought 4 Pangean Soils for 18 million each...good times
    I've done this before.

    And, was very grateful the entire stack wasn't instantly bought.
  19. Breathe easy, Zo'.

    I'll sell you purples real cheap when you get back.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    Now I wonder if there is an accolade in the horizon for people who have all the Master of * badge.... Something useful like a +10% rech or +5% def or resist... anything that could actually encourage people for running them and get a reward for it.
    An Accolade for all of the Master badges would be serious business.

    I'm with it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
    Kahlan, you do know that you'll be the 2nd on my list to look up to get these Master Badges. The 1st being 'Boss Penguin', Ping.
    Also, I gotta tell you that ITF we ran last weekend with you was epic fast! I'll run one of those with you anytime.

    Oh, and Ping? Kahlan ran the ITF in 32 minutes, and several on the team agreed that was slow for him. Think the Pingus can do it in under 30 minutes? I'll Kin for it!
    I actually played yesterday.

    And, I'm pretty sure we broke records on the Imperious and Lady Grey.

    I don't remember the Imperious, but the Lady Grey was twenty-four minutes.

    It was all Arli, though. She was carrying the team with her Kinetics that she learned to play from Silas' guide.

  22. Pretty sure it can still be added.

    It just isn't shown in your posts, but you can see it in your control panel.
