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  1. No. It is no longer up for trade.

    Unless you're planning on doing it.

    The name is yours.
  2. So, after acquiring Death amongst some other names (incredible thanks to the parties involved), I figured I would consolidate the list.

    Here are those that are on the table:

    - Aphrodite : Empathy/Archery Defender
    - Blues : Sonic/Sonic Corruptor
    - Breathe : Storm/Psionic Defender
    - Cartilage : Spines/Regeneration Scrapper
    - Epidemic : Radiation/Radiation Corruptor
    - Glory : Martial Arts/Shield Scrapper
    - Herald : Some Tanker
    - Lightcrawler : Peacebringer
    - Reign : Gravity/Force Field Controller
    - Spearmint : Cold/Ice Blast Defender
    - Tulip : Plant/Kinetics Controller
    - Wisdom : Peacebringer
    - Shield : Super Strength/Shield Brute

    Again, I know I have this last name on two servers. One being Freedom and I believe the other is here on Champion.

    As for names I would like:

    - Bronx
    - Dirge

    .. And, any other simple singular words I can put a concept and build to.
  3. I was actually waiting on a response from Star.

    I've already replied to your message.

    EDIT: Dinah. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from Star.
  4. Farming purps and [censored] your market just got easier.

    Electric Melee going to Tankers also was cool, considering I was complaining that my Tanker, Odin (Thanks, Star), needs Lightning Rod just a month or two ago.

    The idea of Black Phantasms and Phantom Army pets is also somewhat cool.

    People on Virtue are likely flipping out over this [censored].
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    PS you actually might want to remove the pic or censor your chat log before mod8 smacks it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eight only comes around when our primary-colored police reports [censored].
  6. Just spent $400 at the Gin Mill on Amersterdam, and just getting in. Good [censored]' times.

    If you tryin' to chill, Shinobi, and you're okay with drinking, let me know.

    My cous' is throwing her birthday bash over at this spot tomorrow night, and my BFF got her [censored] poppin' over in Harlem on Saturday night.

    It'll be about a four to one ratio. So, I don't know how your game is, but it'll be in your favor. Shoot a response here or a private message and I can give you all the info.
  7. If someone wants to lead, that's fine. I will not be available for one for another month.

    I am in the Miami Airport, awaiting my flight to New York. I'll be there for a week before heading out to San Diego Comic Con.

    I won't be back in Cuba until the second week of August. So, I'll be out of game until then (unless I can manage to get my computer at my house in Texas running the game).

    If another one doesn't occur in my absence, don't flip as I'll likely set one up sometime after my return to Fidel Land.

    Breathe easy, and try to keep my market alive, villain players.
  8. If you make a villain, I want the prize on Villains.

    Aphrodite - Mind/Energy Dominator .. or a hawt Fortunata.
  9. I have a house in Texas, actually.

    But, I only came in here 'cause of the avatar.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    What kind of name are you after?

    Concept wise

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I tend to build around a name. So, that first, then a concept that fits.

    But, I heart Villains. So, I suppose something sinister.

    Waiting to hear back from someone before posting more and consolidating the list, but here is another I have:

    - Spearmint : Cold/Ice Defender

    After seeing Cutlass' Peppermint, I checked for it and scored.
  11. I know the owner of Red Riding Hood.

    And, if he still plays, the name is not going to be given up. It is his main Villain on Champion.

    His account may be inactive at this point, too. So, that name selection may be a lost cause.
  12. Not enough money.

    And, provide a list of the purples you have that will be in this random selection.

    Picking one Fortunata Hypnosis from a stockpile of sixteen isn't all that enticing.
  13. Wtfux.

    But, I was lagging that bad. I don't know who died, but we said we'd go back for them.

    I hit the elevators, and rush towards the mob with two other people. Next thing, I am back in the elevator. I come out, then I am back on the other floor entering the elevator again .. and taking damage.

    Someone says I am already dead, but I am still riding this [censored] for about three minutes before I appeared dead .. nowhere near the elevator.
  14. My main character's bio says:

    "I .. am .. BATMAN!"
  15. You can be honorable and broke.

    But, I thought all the nominations were supposed to be e-mailed?

    Not to mention, it seems people keep taking this [censored] out of context.

    It isn't about the person, it's about that person's in-game character. There's definitely more of a Virtue-element to this [censored].

    So, the person could nominate their character 'cause for all you know, that really is all you know.

    The same people you love on your team can be baby eaters when logged out .. or something.
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    Hope this does open up to more runs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I would like to, but that will have to wait about a month.

    I am leaving next week for vacation. I'll be in New York for a week before heading off to Comic Con the following week.

    Then, Northern California, the home in Texas and South Beach.

    Once I get back, I'll need a week or so at the market (reviving it back and all) and then I'll see when I can plan a more scheduled run.

    Something where people know about it well in advance, and I can actually allot a period of time where I will not have to go into work or be interrupted by anyone calling or stopping by.

    lol doorbell
    (Omega, where are you?)

    .. I forgot another highlight of last night's run:

    Me: Bang. They'll all be out in a second. Pull Psyche.

    Freedom Phalanx is out of commission.

    Me: Go. Grab her.

    Bang proceeds to shoot Manticore .. and, Positron.

    Me: ...

    Oh, and the time I did die. It was from Synapse. With Whirlwind.

    I almost /uninstall'd ..

    EDIT: Bang pulled Manticore and Positron, rather than Psyche.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Alright I have given some thought to who :

    and unmistakably one person stand out among the rest:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I lol'd.

    I am not knocking the nomination, nor confirming nor denying its validity.

    I do, however, find it funny that it is you that is nominating her.

    You should feel honored, Kat.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    They were lookin' for a kin, then they filled. Judgin' from that, yes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We never got the Kinetics. So, we took the next person on the waiting list. It was Gulver on his Mastermind.

    It was rough. But, I've been on far worse.

    Seriously, it was mostly my fault. I did not have tons of time to explain everything, as I was juggling phone calls from work and trying to avoid having to go back in, while battling my lol cuba internets.

    My intention to blow through it proved difficult since there were fresh fish on the run. First timers and all.

    I'm trying to knock out mission objectives, but people don't know where to go. Ambushes are coming from everywhere. And, I apologize if it was frustrating to some, but I was seriously cracking the [censored] up.

    <ul type="square">[*]Our Thermal is lackey'd to the Stoner, who, without the benefits of a Kinetics, never uses Rooted.[*]The Thermal is dropping at every other ambush.[*]Cutlass and Kat don't know where to go, running circles around the map, before into each other, only to then die.[*]The surprise Nullies and Wardens are showing Gulver that Masterminds really do have the lowest hit points in the game, as I would swear their NPC dialogue was, "lol one-shot".[*]I can't keep Domination up as if I were having a fit of impotence, as I lag out only to see it drop after clicking the refreshed icon a million times.[/list]
    Pure comedy.

    All in all, I had to go back to work and I was later than they wanted me, but I had some good laughs.

    Two or three people got the Marshal Accolade. A few more actually seen the Strike Force completed. Several others were the proud recipients of the [censored] [censored] merit reward. And, hopefully everyone had a laugh at it at one point or another.

  19. I just remembered that I'll need someone who can start it, laf.

    I rock. I know.

    You got anyone that can talk to Recluse, Obi'?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    By the way, Bronx, you need to turn that excess influence into infamy or move it around. And I need to help.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So, I'm a part of this global channel of people from Infinity and Virtue, right?

    This guy asks a random question about Lion King, which I happen to [censored] love. So, I answer it .. incorrectly.

    But, the guy thought it was funny and gave me 500M on Virtue.

    So, now I don't know where I want the infamy as I sold a set of Apocalypse on Freedom, which should be enough to get me started. I only have babies on both.

    Any suggestions?
  21. I have an ASI this evening, after work, from 5:00PM EDT to 9:00PM EDT.

    Unfortunately, given the amount of equipment I am upgrading and consolidating, it will likely take me close to the entirety of that window.

    At the earliest, I would be looking to start this around 9:00PM EDT. 10:00PM EDT, at the latest.

    Being the first with this badge on the server and having completed it with some very questionable teams (three Masterminds and a Stalker, fo'serious), I have ample experience with this Strike Force.

    Spots'll be reserved for those needing any of the badges*, so if you want to come along, do eeet. I'll likely set up impromptu runs, such as this, a bit more often.

    I'll do this like those street games. So, tag ups on me ..

    Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force: Roster

    1. @Bronx : Mind/Energy Dominator
    2. @Cherry-2000 : Fire/Kinetics Corruptor
    3. @SkitchNM : Something/Thermal Corruptor

    If you have something you've never taken on this, bring it.

    If you have something you've been wanting to run this with, but couldn't find anyone to go through this agony, bring it.

    If you simply have a favorite toon and want to grab some lol [censored] villain merits from this, bring it.

    I am doing this to do this. I don't need the badge(s), but I know there are some people who like villains and want to get this [censored]. So, let's get it.

    * Archvillain, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force. (Is there another?)
  22. Was checking monies on an account and noticed ..

    - Cartilage : Spines/Regeneration Scrapper

    .. It was basically going to be my male Marrow rip, before she became a care bear.

    I was digging it until they [censored] Impale's range.
  23. Some valid points.

    A purple build will cost over two billion.

    So, there are reasons to have more.