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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    All of the players behind the characters are very mature. If we find your maturity level to low, you're out. But to get kicked, you'd have to do something like make a racial slur, insult us, or you're just plain irresponsible.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Sly Fox puts down the paper. Smiling, he thinks
    Good thing First Strike Security hired me... never would have got in there with those high standards...
  2. Everyone should know who The Sly Fox is by now... so to all you out there... I apologize.

    but if you don't... well...

    Hi! My name is The Sly Fox. I'm really not that bad a guy. Ladies, get to know me!
  3. "Contact has never been one to turn down Pro-Bono work, sir... and how did you get that armor? Was it a gift? Did you craft it yourself in Siberia? Well, regardless HOW you got it, he pays for his employee's technology and outfits. Without him, there would be a whole lot more people out there who could make a difference on these streets stuck at home because they didn't have the right amount of funds to get their dreams off the ground..."

    Sly knew Contact had the situation well in hand, but he couldn't resist! He LOVED going toe to toe with the boy scouts... so he continued from his position in the doorway,

    "... I can't tell you how faster I've been able to hone my skills because of the freelance work this agency brings my way. Better magics allow me to get the real evil that's out there faster. Which saves more lives. Sure, he asks for payment... but not more than anyone can afford.

    Sometimes Communists forget I guess, that while that type of government is "ideal" in that everyone is equal no matter what... and most services are meant to be "free," people are corrupt, and communism would only ever work in a 'perfect' society... something the world, comrade (let ALONE Paragon) is definitely not..."

    Sly winked over the armored hero's shoulder at Contact, doffed his cap and said, "But I digress... And I really do LOVE your choice of red! My compliments!"
  4. Fox had to laugh that Contact said basically the same thing as him. Perhaps he would get that guy's card later...

    Sly just began ignoring Kyle now. The man obviously didn't get the fact that with all these different dimensions and realms and headache inducing portals, demons were different things to different people. Granted, Kyle must have been through... well... HELL with the demon wherever he was from... but that didn't change the here and now.

    He admitted to himself he hadn't gotten it before either, but he quickly learned the Big B demon in Deth's head was as much a part of her as... well... her beautiful smile!

    Whoa fella... stop thinking like that RIGHT now. A woman is supposed to be interested in YOU, and YOU are supposed to be the aloof one. Got that?

    "Shut... up..." Sly said to himself allowed as he ran.
  5. What is she grinning at? Sly thought as he followed Deth. It's the only way to go... I don't have a CHOICE whether to follow her or not... argh...

    When Fox heard Helsing's outburst however, he stopped for a moment and kneeled down next to the man.

    "I can't begin to understand your pain, Kyle. But that demon is a part of her. It's who she is now... and she keeps him at bay just as much as he might vex her at times... she made quite a sacrifice to become the Essential, Kyle. Trust her judegement. Please."

    As he stood up, Sly looked after Deth, then without taking his eyes off her he lowered his voice to Kyle, "Oh... and if you ever tried to harm a hair on her head, I'd kill you myself..."

    A bit shocked at these words that had come out of him, Sly still nodded to himself, and then took back off after Lobe and someone who was beginning to severely affect his normal, predictable life...
  6. Sly looked above him and sighed.

    "Yes, follow Deth, Lobe... after what I saw you do, big guy, I'd rather have a Frontal Lobotomy than a Ferocious Lobe on me..." He smiled in kindness at the "super punch savior."
  7. Sly didn't have time to reassure Lobe and congratulate him. He went to move past the big bruiser in supreme haste, ready to plunge through the door after Deth... when she appeared. He stopped... sighed audibly as he saw she looked fine as well... then regained his aloof composure. When she informed him he could "count," he humphed... as she turned towards Ivory, Sly put his hand on Lobe's arm and said "Thank you, friend... thank you..."

    As Sly saw Deth glance towards Helsing, He walked over to her and took her hand, opened it, and placed her medallion in the center. Then he took her by the shoulders. "Why do you have to scare me so?" He said, looking in those smokey eyes.
  8. Damn these hard directions! And what's with the bobble head? Sly thought as he stared after Deth... huh... 'if I have feelings for her...' what's that supposed to mean...? she's the one with feelings for me. I can smell it on her. She practically just undressed in front of me... not that I was LOOKING... I, on the other hand, am never tied down... yeah... that's right

    But Sly forgot about playing mind games with himself when he finally noticed the three jewels come together and begin to blink...

    "oh ****... ok... I got this... Uhhhh... ok, turn it three times completely around..." Sly did this and as he turned it counter clockwise the first time he shouted out "Infinity!"

    When he began the second turn he shouted out "...!" because he at first forgot what the other one was, but it hit him in a burst of insight as he exclaimed "Nothing!"

    Finally, on the last turn he was utterly stumped... so he turned it Slllloooooowwwlly as he thought Do I call out Deth Aszicen...? Or Essential...? Well it's not her EVERY time, right? Oh... this better be right "Essential!" He exclaimed finally...

    He did this two more times, and after the 9th turn and the last shout of 'essential,' he shouted "GO Lobe! Show that Gideon what you do to people who hurt your friends! ONE PUNCH!"

    Sly, however, was right behind Lobe... he wasn't going to just leave her inside, no matter what she said or how many slaps it got him afterwards.
  9. When Sly was forced to abort his entry into the door, he was a bit surprised. Then when Ivory shoved him and the old man back to let Deth... and ONLY DETH AND IVORY in Fox was furious! But before he could try and get Lobe to break the door down, Deth came tumbling right out again.

    Sly headed towards her, but after the boom on the other side of the door the old man... who he supposed was not Nevur after all... asked him to teleport some grenades behind the door. At this point, Fox didn't care if they were only an annoyance to what he was SURE was Gideon back there... an annoyance was the least he wanted to do... but ANYTHING would suffice.

    After the muffled explosion, he grinned at the old man briefly, then scooped up Deth in his arms and ran back the way they had come like the wind.

    "Well!!! What are you all waiting for!!??" Sly shouted over his shoulder as he ran.

    He looked down at Deth's face and flashed his pearly whites when he saw her eyes were open. "See..." he said, breathing hard as he sprinted, "I am... good... at... running... and sometimes... comes in... handy"
  10. When the large man offered to take Deth, Sly reluctantly gave up carrying her to Lobe. He knew the giant would take care of her, and he had to speed this group up before Deth suffered permanent damage from whatever was going on inside her soul.

    He only took Deth off Lobe's hand breifly to let him turn the large crank to reach the door they needed. As he waited and he let the others count for Lobe, Deth's physical display of what Sly interpreted as pain, but then turned to laughter, had him fearing for her sanity... When Lobe was finished and the door arrived, Sly parted with her once again... he needed this to end, FAST.

    Rushing to the door ahead of the others, Sly quickly pushed it open. Suddenly there was a loud bang behind him like a champagne cork! He whirled around to find an old man in Nevur's place...?

    Standing, [the old coot] slung the rifle over his shoulder, glaring at the group in front of him.
    "Who the hell just did that."

    "Ummm... think that might have been my fault... Nevur?" Sly said, rasing his hand...

    "But, sorry to rush! Come on people! Lobe, stay close to me Deth is not leaving my sight!"

    With that, Sly rushed through the door... regardless of what lay beyond...
  11. So this "Barkish" demon was MEANT to be in Deth? THAT was what was constantly warring inside her? It and something else?

    As Contact awoke and walked over to the demon, Sly look down at Deth's almost sleeping face. There was so much about her he didn't know...

    But then, once Lobe had released Contact, Sly realized Lobe was not handling the pain Deth was in very well... and he was looking at the demon while the Demon looked ready to attack Helsing, while Helsing looked ready to fight to the death right back... and now Contact was demanding the demon to return to Deth...

    Sly figured he could only handle one thing at a time, so he carried Deth over to Lobe.

    "Easy big guy... she's hurting, yes, but I got her. You and me won't let anything happen to her, right? I need you to think about how we need to help her... if you beat up that bad demon over there you would only be hurting Deth's friend, not helping her. Deth needs that guy back inside her... unharmed... ok?"

    Sly wished his teleporting skills could reach beyond this "prison," then perhaps he could appease the ready to rage giant with some OJ... but alas, he couldn't pull ANYTHING to him from here...

    He hoped Lobe could control his fierce rage that was triggered when his friends were in trouble... heh, not like I could... I exploded myself back there... he did think... he looked at Ivory walking ahead to see if they were holding her up with this new problem... he wanted to get OUT if here... only if to just get that Gideon thing out of Deth's head...
  12. Sly finally thought he was beginning to understand... well... ok... he was STILL completely lost... but at least he knew no foul entity would be appearing to curse his ever-lasting soul and shun his sprit to eternal hell... OR try and sell him life insurance...

    Besides... he needed that outburst. It made him feel better.

    Contact also had lent a hand to help Deth, which Sly was more than grateful for... he only hoped there would be enough time to get wherever... the new Ivory... was taking them...

    "Lobe, you'd better help Contact, think he's concentrating a bit too much helping Deth here to follow us."

    As Lobe picked up the meditating CEO, Sly lifted Deth completely to his arms and followed the true form of Ivory...

    ...walking by the single horned demon Sly stepped on it's foot... probably on purpose.

    "Oh! I'm sorry, my bad!" was what escaped his lips though... then he continued on.
  13. I remember running into Ironycon once... I was running along Steel Canyon, going to meet Positron for a lead on this water poisoning plot I had discovered (it turned out bad for me by the way... DON'T ask)...

    Well, I get there, and Positron ISN'T THERE!! I mean... you know and I know, he's ALWAYS there. He NEVER MOVES... he's like one of them, beefeaters, ya know?

    So I am just stumped, I mean... the world as I know it is at an end, isn't it? Someone got to POSITRON! Was it the Rikti? Tsoo in the area?? Did Dr. V rise from the sewers and pull Pos down to a slobbery death?

    I'm standing there, wondering what to do next... when all of a sudden Ironycon nearly knocks me over running by... I tried to tell him to stop, but he didn't seem to hear me. Kept right on running, gods know where...

    Then, scaring me out of my boots, Positron suddenly steps out from behinds the giant statue's feet. He'd been hiding there the whole time!

    "Sorry about that," he says, "I just hate that guy..."
  14. Fox saw the way Lobe was looking at Deth, and his heart went out to the giant. He saw this wasn't the poor guy's cup of tea either, and he tried to nod and wink at him, hopefully to get the big guy to smile at least...

    All we can do is trust Ivory knows what he's doing... but so help me, if Deth is hurt by all of this...

    He looked down at her...

    All Sly could gather from Deth as he helped her along was she was fighting some kind of test of wills inside her head. Her forehead creased now and then in what looked like either concentration, or much worse, pain.

    When Helsing went to place his hand on her forehead, Sly's first reaction was almost a protective rejection of him touching her... but, he let him, anything anyone might be able to do for her was ok by him.

    When Helsing informed Sly of something ELSE in her head, he had truly had enough. "What?? How the hell did this... 'Babushka' thing get in there? Ok that's it..."

    Sly looked at Deth Aszicen, hoped she could hear him, and prepared himself to offer something he was not exactly keen on... but if he could help her in any way...

    "Deth... if there is anything I can do... I dunno... share some of the load... I don't understand this as you do but... lend some of my energy? I'd even take that thing inside me if it would help!"

    He didn't get an immediate response from her... he couldn't even tell if she heard him. Sly was beginning to get desperate...

    "Not sure if you can help her Contact... but if this is some kind of... mental battle, maybe you could give her some strength?"

    But his request was forgotten the moment he heard the booming voice cry out "Welcome to my prison, my gilded cage built for eternity."

    This may have been the point where Sly snapped... or he could have slowly been losing it since he was whisked away by Morningstar into the first statue... regardless... people that new The Sly Fox would not at all have been surprised by his reaction...

    "Oh for the love of... Look, can't anyone just appear face to face with me, as they are, right here, right now?? What is the deal with you higher entities, huh? Corporeal form too "good" for you? Don't like the chaffing of clothes? I have had it up to here with you "all-powerful" demi-gods... and I'm telling you that if you think you can mess with my head, or any of my friends here you have spent WAY too much time in the 'vacuum of space!' Your heads might as well BE a vacuum!! So?? Let's see how your omnipotent minds can handle that!"

    Sly perhaps had gone a bit... too far... but the fact that he was basically carrying Deth's light form was enough to fuel this outburst... (altough under normal circumstances he would have welcomed this "boon")

    So, there was the increasing concern for Deth... and, of course, the fact that he hadn't seen a decent skyline for more than two minutes since he met Morningstar...
  15. Letter to the editor in the Perez Park Press

    Ok, so I'm finishing up YET ANOTHER god awful mission in the sewers, shaking my clothes off trying to remove the stench of soiled sludge from my newly dry-cleaned outfit...

    Well anyway, I materialize at the tram in Skyway, and then I get a call on my comm from Contact. We're expressing our opinions about another interesting topic, when a commotion at the payphone causes me to tell my friend to hold on a second...

    This brave hero, The Ascendant, is apparently trying to fight City Hall... through a PAY PHONE. I couldn't believe the gumption this fellow possesed. He was taking all our complaints, RIGHT to the big-wigs door... well, to their phones, at any rate.

    Seems he didn't appreciate the sewers either! And man, did he have some good suggestions. If you're listening, Ascendant, I wouldn't mind teaming up to save a sorority house from a mad archvillain EITHER!

    If those d**n detectives didn't keep putting him on hold, I swear he would have gotten somewhere with his complaints. Plus it must be hard trying to articulately explain the determents to hero-kind by forcing them to muck around in human and gods-know-what-else excriment. ESPECIALLY by constantly having to listen to The Girl from Ipanema while you wait for the next pencil pusher to pick up the line...

    All I'm saying is, if we band together perhaps we CAN fight City Hall... and get some decent "locals" for our future missions.

    Join me, heroes and heroines, in voicing The Extraordinary Ascendant's mighty battle cry:

    "Don't they have evil in Cancun???"

    -The Sly Fox
  16. Uh oh... Sly thought when he saw what the helmeted hero was up to... Contact seems to have upset yet another boy scout... oh dear, well, best see what the commotion is about...

    Sly raised his arms and teleported down to the thrown guards, just as they were picking themselves up again.

    "Hi there, Roger, Steve" the quick-witted Sly said, unknowingly checking their nametags. "I have an appointment with Contact so I'll just head right in, shall I? Give my love to your wife and the kids, Steve!"

    "Oh... umm... thanks" Steve of the Steadfast Security guards answered shakily.

    After The Sly Fox had walked past them, Roger turned to his partner and said "He knew you? Who was that dude, Steve?"

    Steve, with quite the perplexed look on his face, looked back at his friend and said "I have no idea..."
  17. Sly didn't like this... no... he didn't like this one bit. Ok, he could handle an undead retching toxic bile all over his nice new jacket... he could handle a robed maniac with glowing green eyes of fire sapping his strength as it's thorned minions prodded him with curved swords...

    ...but not this. These different dimensions and realms were giving him a headache. What's more the sacrifice Deth had to make to get them here, and what they had to do next did not bode well...

    As Deth stumbled and clutched to him, and a spine shivering laugh from her lips went up his spine, he was ready to force that thing out of her himself by any means necessary into this prison of Ivory's and be done with it... but he was controlled from any rash (and, let's admit it, stupid) action when she looked at him and said in that oh so sober and direct way of hers: 'If it happens again, slap me.'

    Sly felt his eyes well up, but he shrugged the emotion off and tried to smirk... "After all the slaps I deserve from you that hardly seems fair, Milady... but I will... try..."

    Helping Deth stand, he looked to Ivory for their next instructions. Then, he glanced to the beautiful winged-woman and whispered in Deth's ear "I don't know about you, but my guess is she's had some 'work' done..." He tried to grin, hoping his lame attempts at levity would keep her spirits up...
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Really excellent. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this (I am up to part III so far). Just wanted you to know your hard work is appreciated.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you Paladiene, altough I must say it's all the work of the that lovely young reporter doing the piece on me... she may get certain facts wrong, but she has a nice smile, so it's all good!

    OOC: it IS surprisingly hard... either I spend my time playing, or trying to write... wasn't AS pleased with Chapter 5 as I would have hoped... not enough happened, and a lot of exposition... hopefully the final Chapter 6 will be back to more action and adventure! Hope you enjoy it!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Short version: I was a bad guy who was left to die on the operating table for years, found by a nice old person, and rebuilt as a cyborg who wants to undo his evil past that he no longer remembers.

    I think it is origional I could be wrong

    [/ QUOTE ]

    PERFECT example! See, it's an original twist to the classic "Evil past, must revenge it!"

    Almost like Robo-Cop, but using a BAD guy!

    Then as I was reading this I also thought "We can rebuild him... we have the technology!" Heh!

    But it's STILL very original, IMHO. Hell, even if the origin was "good cop, killed in line of duty, brought back as a cyborg" as long as the story was original just in the writing style and character choices I would never point a finger and yell: "He stole da Robo-Cop idear!!!"

    The fact that he doesn't even REMEMBER his evil past is a good twist, by the way... would be interesting to watch him if he gets flashbacks as he fights Paragon's badguys...

    He knocks the last Family Member out and then suddenly has a flashback to handing the guy he just pummled MONEY in a drug deal!! Very good idea Calash01...
  20. We've been on this earth for a looooooooooooooong time... therefor, EVERYTHING is technically a "copy" of stories before it...

    What I look for in originality is writing style, and maybe the slight twists to the person's story that are interesting ideas. I don't mind when I read someone's origin and see an old tale I'm reminded of, as long as the story ITSELF is good and I like the characters.

    In other words, I'm trying to say don't feel bad if you can't think up an absolutely TOTALLY original origin story... with the origin's they GIVE us that is nigh impossible...

    I think The Sly Fox's origin is fairly unique... but then I'm sure if someone else went through they would point out to me "Actually, this happened in 'issue 236' where..."

    So have fun, be creative with your chracter, but don't fret if the basic origin behind them feels slightly unoriginal...

    Well, it's easier to SAY than do, I know, but hope this helped a bit...
  21. The Sly Fox was teleporting along the streets of King's Row, heading toward his friend Contact's office... being March 5th, it was his birthday, and he hoped to look up the CEO of one of his favorite organizations to perhaps get a cup of coffee and throw the dangerously hot aforementioned "lawsuit waiting to happen" in a Hellion's face...

    Sly often wondered why he enjoyed the kinetic psychic's company. After all, police organizations and The Sly Fox did not have a... friendly past. However, there was something about the entrepreneur that Fox had taken to right from the beginning...If only I had seen his blasted commercial before I joined the Legion of Virtue he mused... I might now be able to land chicks who had a thing for "boys in blue..." The Sly Fox chuckled to himself. Yep, he still cracked himself up! ...even if often he was the only one laughing...

    As Sly materialized above the doorway, he noticed a bit of commotion outside the entrance to First Strike Security below him... it seems someone was making it very clear they wanted to see Contact himself... right NOW, in fact...

    Oh wonderful! Sly thought with glee... This oughta be GOOD! Breakfast AND a show!!

    Folding his arms, the red rascal hovered above the impending scene of conflict, eager to see what would unfold and how his friend would handle the situation...
  22. Welcome back, recurring readers, to Chapter 5: A Fox Among Heroes... all part of our investigation on who is that red bedecked rascal, The Sly Fox.

    When last we left Fox, you should recall he was beaten and wounded without a friend left in the warring city. His price for finally breaking the leash that had bound him for 7 years to the wicked Simon "The Wrangler" McPheely was death... The death of McPheely at Sly's own hands... but, even more importantly, the death of his few friends during the Rikti Attack… and the deaths that ultimately drove him to the involuntary murder.

    This was also the turning point for The Sly Fox's current identity to emerge, as he had gained his powers from an unknown instigator in his life... one "Tristam." Whether this mysterious man behind the scenes is connected to Sly's lost love Aura, or whether he has other motives on his mind, we have yet to discover...

    We now pick up where we last left our "hero." Awakening after his collapse on the street during the first Rikti invasion, he must figure out where his life will head next...

    Chapter 5: A Fox Among Heroes

    Harsh fluorescent lights leaked through Sly's eyelids... dark dreams and nightmares from his past slowly faded away, as he was gradually brought back to reality by the glare. As he slowly opened his eyes, he heard the sounds of life support monitors and people talking in hushed voices trying to hide their obvious anxiety. Sly moved to sit up, but the pain in his now bandaged shoulder told him that would not be a good idea. He slowly turned his head to look around him...

    Whatever hospital he was in was filled to its capacity with wounded and groaning Paragon citizens. There even seemed to be people simply seeking shelter form the distant "storm" outside. Apparently, he had been brought to whatever area near the pound had been chosen as the field recovery station and "fort." He could only hope it was well defended...

    Sly tried to think back on the night’s previous events. Was “The Wrangler” really gone…? The fat slave-master had been such a large part of his maturing life, that it did not seem possible. What’s worse, the feelings of remorse he felt for actually killing the villain, however much he had it coming to him, shocked him all the more. True, at the moment of his anger he had wanted the man dead at his own hands, but he never actually intended to follow through with the emotion. He took little consolation that it was in self defense… all he knew was that he had taken the life of another human being.

    Another human being… heh… if I even classify now, Fox thought dismally to himself. What did McPheely do to me? This… jewel inside me… what AM I? Some freak? I don’t even remember how I did what I did… and that parchment… Mordafallo… was this Tristam trying to save me? Or kill me…

    Fox was only able to search his own brain for answers… the silence that greeted him there was not welcome, but nevertheless expected.

    As Sly looked around at the doctors and nurses, hoping to grab one’s attention that he was awake, he noticed that one Doctor was staring at him. Now that the man saw he had Fox’s attention, he walked over to him.

    He was wearing the traditional surgeon’s attire, with a mask over his face. All Sly could see were light blue eyes. They reminded him of… someone… who?

    “Feeling better, Sly” The man asked in a gravely voice… as if he was the consummate chain smoker. Fox’s heart froze at his nickname… one that he called himself all the time, but was only remembered (as far as he knew) by the people from his old home, St. Uther's Church.

    “How did you-” he began trying to sit up despite the pain.

    “Hush,” whispered the stranger, gently easing him back down on his good shoulder. “I have been learning all I can of you for quite awhile. You are, after all, the only one who has seen my sister since her kidnapping. Therefore you have become quite a, priority in my eyes. You are quite heavier than you look, though.”

    “Your sister…? You saved me…? What are you-” it didn’t take that much longer for Fox to fit the pieces together, especially when he noticed odd movement coming from behind the Doctor, as if he had something alive behind him hidden in his pants.

    (Despite your expected snickers here, reader, Fox had been through a bit much recently to notice how funny the previous sentence could be, however base the humor…)

    “You’re Tristam! And you’re… Aura’s BROTHER!!??” Sly exclaimed this loud enough to draw attention from the room around him. Tristam gave him a warning glance, looked around at the crowd with jest in his eyes, and said it a raised voice full of good humor (if more noticeably rasping), “Sorry folks. Guy needed bit to much morphine. Don’t mind him.” The crowd went back to worrying about their own problems.

    You must use more caution, young Fox His hopefully “future brother-in-law” (What can we say? Sly had a one-track, determined mind!) whispered back to him. “There are eyes and ears everywhere. Yes I am who you called me. Yes I am her brother… but we must not talk here. I have reason to believe this recent invasion is somehow going along with The Sorcerer’s plots. Hush now! Yes, you know of whom I speak. Suffice it to say it could prove my entire life’s work over the last two decades pointless… but there is yet hope. That hope is that the heroes of your Planet pull through. And that you must survive!”

    “But what have you done to me?” Sly whispered fiercely back, “How could you get your hands on that… scroll… how could you know what it would do? That McPheely wouldn’t have succeeded in killing me? Why did you give me these… powers I have no grasp over and do not understand??”

    A look of almost regret passed through the man Tristam’s eyes, but it was replaced by a cold determination. “Whatever I have had to do, I have done for my family. For my sister. I am sorry you had to be a tool in this manner, but you were the only way Fox. You must in time forgive me… how I got my hands on the… scroll… and the difference between what I suspected about you and what I know can not be discussed, either here or now.”

    The would-be-answer to all of Sly’s burning questions suddenly looked up sharply. “I have lingered here too long! He has spies everywhere! Remember that, young Fox. He has not forgotten you, and he is NOT as incompetent as you may think… only lazy in regards to what he does not conceive to be a threat! If he thought for one moment the power from his ‘priceless jewel’ had been awakened, he would have you killed outright! Keep a low profile until I return!”

    was all Sly could manage before the mysterious brother quickly left, disappearing into the throng of refugees…

    The Sly Fox laid on his hospital bed… looking up at the ceiling. He was being used? To help Aura perhaps? He could live with that aspect… but the fact that HE was a pawn… that did not suit him.

    He had too many questions for this Tristam to obey his every command blindly! Who was he to tell Sly how to run his life? Would Tristam like it if Sly told him ‘those things will kill you, you know, try the patch…”

    No! Sly had been pushed, forced, and coerced to do everything someone else desired almost his whole life. He was finally, truly, and utterly FREE! And he had almost SUPERHERO powers now! He could use THAT to his advantage!! Maybe he would save Aura if he ever got the chance, but he would do it on HIS terms. HE would be the hero, not this “puppet-master” of a brother.

    As he gradually began to fall back asleep, Sly's own look of supreme determination remained on his face. He would become a successful man, on his own, with no one to look after but himself… once again…

    …outside, A dark figure removed his doctor’s mask and replaced it with his usual concealment of black cloth wrapped over his face. He lit a cigarette, but unknown to the drowsing rascal inside this was not the cause for his wounded voice. It was merely a habit he had picked up while visiting this oddly self-involved world... As the smoke wreathed around his head, the dark man calling himself Tristam looked to the early morning sky filled with flashes from the ongoing conflict, and sighed.

    Forgive me sister, but I shall save you no matter the cost… I can not protect him now, I have to leave to insure I am not discovered… I only hope the young man can heed my words and not disrupt my careful plans. I have waited this long, sister, I can not risk failure now… may our father give me strength…

    With this last private pledge the figure faded into the darkness…

    What could possibly be the answers to many questions we have left in your minds, oh avid readers? Read on to hopefully discover more.

    For the next five months during the invasion, Sly was of course focused entirely on surviving the war. He never let anyone know about his powers, mainly because he had little to no control over them. More importantly, however, he did not want to become a blazing target to the attacking Rikti, who soon realized the power of Earth’s superhuman defenders and focused their attacks on them.

    Sly became just another citizen trying to help the world’s defenders battle the never-ending onslaught, never revealing himself or his new-found potential.

    However, when he was manning a recovery station near the border of Steal Canyon and the battle zone that had once been Baumtown, Sly noticed an unknown hero fall from the sky, landing close to the station.

    Without a thought to his plans for secrecy, he sprinted out to the crashed hero, and felt a rush of Oxygen and life-force within him. He quickly transferred it to the fatally-wounded heroine, probably saving her fading life. As she awoke, he became a simple citizen helping her up to get to the station. Although she gave him an odd glance as he helped her along, the brave defender must have been too battle weary to make a note of Fox, for he never saw or heard of her again.

    This brief display of heroism, however, was just that… brief and not common. Sly mainly kept to his role of helping the war efforts normally…

    When the battle had finally ended thanks to the sacrifice of the Omega Team, Sly was one of the few left to rebuild. With the Rikti threat diminished, and everyone around him getting back to their lives, Sly was finally able to face his new situation. He had no life to “get back to…” Whatever life he had lived in Paragon was over. No more master, no more pack… just him alone. So, Sly resolved to become the success he had promised himself to be since he first left St. Uther’s almost a decade ago.

    He reverted back to his confidence man ways, but with a radical change from his last attempt. With the hero force decimated and crime beginning to return to Paragon in droves, a simple con man was not as primary a target as he once had been before the war. Plus, he now found his powers increasing as each day went by! He could teleport things to him at the merest wish… could become invisible by his will alone. He could even exert his control over someone to shift their perceptions over reality. He had always dreamed of using magic to solve all his problems as a kid, but this was actually happening!

    He was right under all the heroes of Paragon’s noses… a man with powers much like their own… and yet not a soul knew it! It was invigorating, to be this secret “Fox…” hidden in the very "City of Heroes," with every super powered detective and mental mystic non-the-wiser!

    Sly predictably began his career on the wealthy individuals he deemed “worthy of his specific attention.” This typically meant gang leaders, crooked politicians, and anyone he saw as a detriment to mankind. However he was far from a saint, and he kept nearly his entire score for himself, rarely doing anything for “charity.” As he saw it, the world owed him a lot, and while he might never turn his back on anyone in need, he hardly went LOOKING for anyone to save, either.

    Whether it was becoming invisible to get the dirt on a mark, or it was deceiving them with a magical wave of his hand into thinking their goons were out to get them, Sly used his new powers whenever he could. However, he focused not on these gifts, but on his wits. A blackmailed politician had to pay SOMEONE, otherwise there was no blackmail! Quite often the politician needed to hire a “professional” to root out the blackmailer and put a stop to it… a position Sly was already poised to fill. Even a deceived mob boss needed the “new advisor” to protect his fortune by the suddenly suspicious “greedy minions.” In short, Fox had his hands full.

    This reliance on his wits and the overshadowing of his powers are probably what saved his life, for it completely kept him off the radar of anyone who might be looking at him. Plus, with his quick rise up the affluent ladder, he soon lost all similarities to the grubby “pack member” he had once been. Despite his rebellious pledge not to follow Tristam’s warning, he seemed to be safe from discovery for the time being.

    He became quite successful. However, this line of work only introduced him to the ugliness of civilization… the aspects of our society that no one can be such a part of without becoming quite cynical. Sly was not unaffected. He had immense fun playing the one guy who was one step ahead of the herd… but he never turned around to make sure the herd was still behind him. He grew rich, now sported a “dashing” goatee, and became quite the playboy. He even procured a sizeable Penthouse in Atlas Park through rather “creative” means… (as the owner had no idea his property was in use and lived permanently in England, this was quite creative.)

    This reckless and exciting lifestyle changed one morning in March of 2003, however, when Fox awakened from quite a wild night spending off his recently acquired score…

    Once again, we ask the reader to suspend his or her disbelief and imagine the following reenactment as truth… for The Sly Fox was again unable to be reached for comment…

    Sly awoke to the sound of someone busy in the kitchen. Oh, he enjoyed when they made breakfast! Whatever this one’s name was… Susan? Sheila? Samantha? Well, regardless, he enjoyed not having to worry about a cold bowl of cereal. He could of course afford a maid, but that would lead to too many questions down the road for said employee. Besides, he got by alright! He quite often awoke to the pleasant aroma of frying bacon after an equally “pleasant” night. His life suited him just fine!

    Getting up wearing only his boxers, Sly left his bedroom and strolled out to wish good morning to… whoever. He loved it when a woman would wear his shirts as they cooked breakfast! He hoped that she would… be wearing a black ninja outfit with a mask concealing her face???

    “Oh hell!” Sly exclaimed. “Not Wu… anything but Wu… ok, how did you find me and… wait, excuse me, but if you are a hired assassin why are you cooking me breakfast? Is this some kind of new Japanese Torture? Pain with Pancakes?”

    As the man turned around from the stove, his light blue eyes scored instant recognition with Sly. More to the point, as he walked around the counter and Fox finally saw the allusive tail, the recognition was brought home like a fierce kick to Bull-Dog’s unmentionables…

    “Ah… sleeping beauty arises. And with such little modesty too!” That familiar gravely voice greeted him. Sly quickly glanced down at his garb, turn red, and rushed back into his bedroom.

    “Don’t you go anywhere! I got a lot of questions for you. And where is… um… that girl who was here!! What did you do to her?” His voice shouted and was muffled as he threw on last night’s clothes that had been strewn over the floor.

    “You mean Tabitha?” Tristam inquired.

    Damn not even close with that one… must be slipping a bit… Sly thought as he raced back out to confront his uninvited guest.

    “Yeah, Tabitha! Where did she go?” he returned as he entered the room.

    “Sabrina, being her actual name…

    (Do’h! Well at least I WAS close…)

    …little Fox, left with the impression I was your long lost brother returned from the Far East. Do not worry, my true “tail” was concealed. My sister would hardly approve, Sly…”
    He said the last with a disproving stare.

    Sly hadn’t thought about Aura in quite some time. It only brought back heartache and something that obviously was “not to be.” But an odd guilt did penetrate his tough shell just the same. Of course, he was soon on the defensive.

    “Unless you know where your sister is, or if she’s even still ‘available…’” He paused at this last barb… sadly thinking how tragic it would be if the poor girl had been forced to marry that awful Mordafallo… “Anyway, unless that’s the case, I hardly think my private life is any of your concern. What’s the matter, jealous? Can’t find a decent alien girl around here? Try Galaxy City, Mr. Mystery, and leave a man to enjoy his morning rituals in peace!” Fox finished the last and walked past the masked man, preparing a plate for himself from Tristam’s work. Hey, he was hungry… why let a meal go to waste, no matter who cooked it!

    “You have stumbled upon my point exactly, little Fox… Aura is here, in the city…”

    Sly’s plate dropped to the ground with a smash, he rushed over to Tristam, stepping on forgotten breakfast in his haste.

    “She is! Where is she? She escaped? I HAVE to see her!!” He exclaimed, grabbing the informant’s shoulders excitedly.

    “So… now I have finally captured Sylvester Trotter’s interest, hmm? Easy now. She has far from escaped. In fact Mordafallo still has her under lock and key… he has only returned, in fact, to arrange for the pending nuptials. An event I am sure you would care to prevent?” The world traveler explained.

    “She will never marry that Hair-Club-For-Men reject! I won’t allow it! Where is she!!” He demanded again.

    “Regardless of what she “will” or “won’t” do, little Fox, my sister has little choice in the matter. Yes, of course we must rescue her. But calm yourself. I have awaited the perfect moment to undertake such an event for many years… I will not fail because I suddenly became ‘rash.’”

    Sly stopped at this… and removed his hands from the man… then looked at him, his eyes narrowing…

    “You’ve been using me from the start… to save your sister… that’s why you gave the parchment to McPheely…” Sly stepped away from Tristam.

    The gravely voice sighed, sounding like an exasperated victim of emphysema. “Yes Sly, I have. If there had been any other way, I would have used it, believe me. I’ve tried so many different methods. None have been anywhere close to success… but YOU were the only who opened this door for me by swallowing that jewel… you made my plan possible. Please, for my sister’s sake, for the girl I know you care for, you have to work with me… not against me.” The blue eyes pierced his heart, genuine in their plea.

    Sly wasn’t really considering the refusal of such an honest request to save the only girl he had ever truly felt a deep connection for… he merely enjoyed having the upper hand in any situation.

    Finally… “Very well, Tristam… I’ll do this… your way. But I won’t work with a man who won’t show me his face.”

    With a solemn nod, almost as if the traveler understood this request as a matter of course (if still regrettable), removed his mask wrappings…

    Sly gasped in shock. Scarred tissue covered the man’s mouth and neck… he barely had lips to speak with. So it wasn’t excessive smoking that gave him that voice like Orson Wells with laryngitis… what could have caused such disfigurement?

    “Mordafallo…” Was Tristam’s rasping answer to the unspoken question in Sly’s gaze. “However, I am one of the lucky ones, left for dead. My parents, along with most of our race, were not so fortunate…” Coldness had swept over the dark man… coldness that filled Sly’s heart with dread… and sympathy for what this man must have gone through…

    “I will help you, Tristam… we will save Aura. But how can you know all this? If you know so much about his plans, why have you been unable to defeat Mordafallo and rescue her without me?” Sly still needed to know.

    “The Sorcerer can sense my race, little Fox. Through my sister, he does it… I would not be able to get within two miles of her. However, I have one current spy within his organization. This spy allows me to gain what information I can gather. It was this individual who got me that correct incantation I inscribed on the parchment you saw in McPheely’s hands.”

    “Who?” Sly wondered allowed.

    “I can not reveal that identity at this time. If we should fail, and you captured, I will still need that resource if I am to somehow continue in this task.” Tristam saw the look of doubt on Sly’s face. “Fear not, little Fox, for failure is NO option here… I am only very cautious, which I’ve no doubt you understand. You are the key to unlocking Mordafallo’s link to Aura. This will not only free her, but it will obliterate the powers he is able to siphon from her. We shall use this to our advantage! No, sit, eat the food I have prepared, and let’s commence!”

    The two plotters then sat down in the early morning to begin the plan to free the girl they both loved… in their own way…

    Thus ends Chapter 5: A Fox Among Heroes! When next we meet, the last ditch effort to same Aura, and the ultimate fate and destiny of The Sly Fox is finally revealed! Hope to see you there!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    maybe not the horse

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But I liked the horse

    Very good post, perhaps we could convince someone to sticky this?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah Contact... you liked the horse... of course, of course...
  24. Definitely that "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air!" song from that short lived but highly enjoyable TV show, The Greatest American Hero from the early 80's... MOST definitely!
  25. occ edit(after seeing Deth's response I didn't see as I was typing mine):


    Fox liked Deth's idea... and knew she was on the right track, but an ultimatum to a child never went well... he knew that from experience. Plus, Deth's intelligence was shining through, and while Sly admired that in her... it still felt too "adult" to him...

    Sly felt the tension in the group, and once again found himself deferring to Contact's wisdom. He had been prepared to insult the little green monster... almost as if, because he had calmed himself before, his frustration at their predicament was still finding a way to manifest.

    Even if he had helped discover the way out, and even if the creature was honoring it's promise, Contact was right... it did NOT say where the door led... and if they continued to "act like adults" in here they might escape, but he had a feeling that route led to the Gideon-side escaping as well... The former demon hunter was NOT a child after all... perhaps the child he kept seeing was part of the imprisonment... they had to play by THAT side's rules to escape without letting Gideon escape as well, perhaps...

    Sly looked at Lobe... he looked harder at the look of innocent understanding and friendship directed at the demon-girl from his massive face.

    Lobe had seemed to be the only one who had been able to deal with that first mental onslaught and then completely forgive and forget what had happened... there was something to that, if he could just figure out what.

    If this Gideon, or whatever Ivory called the girl was really some demon hunter imprisoned so long he had grown mad... or if it was merely a manifestation of this "place..." Sly was at a loss how to deal with this...

    Dig a hole... he mused to himself... I think I was on the right track with thinking up simple answers would save us... This, "being..." goes from violence to games in a heartbeat... yet it even TOLD us NONE of that means anything... much like a child's fantasy world. No... "death", "fighting..." is not the answer. It even said it wanted us gone, why? Is it truly just mad? Or does it want us gone before we let the Gideon side out? WAIT... the child side was the one to blurt out not to trust it's promise... almost to delay us going through the door. It was the ADULT side... this Gideon perhaps, that had formed the rules of the game... and let me win, perhaps?

    Sly had honestly had enough of this... Dig a hole... he thought again. He suddenly remembered something. The "doors" had come from the ground. Even Contact had shown that, and he obviously wasn't beholden to any rule this former "Gideon" had set down... there WERE no rules here, yet why had Contact brought the doors up from the ground just as the creature had? Dig a hole... Lobe's innocent suggestion struck him again.

    Placing all his bets on Lobe's simple yet direct intuition, Sly began to jump up and down. The mirrored floor vibrated the tiniest bit, but he knew his mind didn't believe his physical strength to be strong enough...

    "Hey little girl," he directed at the being, "How about you join me and Lobe in a game of jumping jacks! First one to 100 WINS!"

    The impish face lit up... here was someone who wanted to finally just PLAY!! And it grinned at Lobe as well, seeing the one person who it generally felt no animosity from!

    It dropped to the ground and mimicked Fox's jumping.

    "Come on Lobe! Let's play! First one to reach 100 gets some fresh OJ!!" Sly smiled to the giant as he jumped slapping his hands above his head.

    When Lobe began to jump... the entire room hummed... and Fox began to see a tiny crack form under the giant's feet.