272 -
What is she doing? Stumbling around, then coming to before I could heal her, and on top of that now The Lost have joined us too?? Then she pops over to flirt with Ivory and Lyle or something? Argh... Where's haunt when I need him to commiserate with!
Sly was feeling a bit angry... for some odd reason... so he called forth some phantoms to help deal with the extra Lost threat...
"NEVER... JOIN... A PARTY... UN... INVITED!" He shouted as he brought a tv-head to it's knees with spectral pain. -
Sly knew Haunt could handle the mopping up, especially with the green goons frozen, so he wasted no time in finding Deth again.
As he suddenly teleported into a mass of shivering Outcasts, a puzzled expression lit his face.
"I didn't do this..."
Sly glanced over at Deth, and saw she had made some friends, one obviously handling the crowd control in his absence, and another pummeling the attackers into submission. He also thought he saw Lyle and Ivory off in the distance. He wondered how both those two gunmen had done on their mission.
"Milady, will you cease and desist this constant movement? While I enjoy "the chase," it is often difficult to find you. Not that I can't keep up, of course!
Oh greetings, fair maidens! I am The Sly Fox! I'm sure you have heard of m--ooofff."
Sly's posturing was cut off abruptly as an Outcast, however cold from the snow, apparently was trying to hit a pop fly, with Fox's head.
Falling to his knees he quickly threw out his arms and concentrated, releasing a blinding flash that caused all the T-shirt clad thugs to clutch their head and wonder why everything went dark.
"See what to much TV does? Deth, haven't I told you to WAIT for the blinding flash?"
Sly reached up under his hat, and felt the bump already beginning to form.
"Ahhh... punch drunk love..." He winked at Deth. -
Sly Fox could NOT believe his luck!
"Well well well, thank you Mr. Icegun. I must say I thought you had forgotten that brief time we teamed up. It's nice to know I made SUCH a good impression! But then, I suppose I always do!"
Fox glanced at the paper in his new friend's hands.
"You know, we could head over there, Icegun... I mean, after all, I wouldn't want a lady of Frost's delicate nature to be at the whim of such a lecherous man as Jack!"
Sly suddenly turned to Contact. "You ok, boss? You swallow a bug or something? What's with all the coughing?" -
~Meanwhile, back at the office~
Sly had had enough of this... he wasn't going to run around having people not trust him, just because of his past.
Furthermore, he wasn't going to let his employer, let alone his friend, sit through whatever Icegun had to say with him "hiding" in the next room...
Straightening his hat, he mumbled an incantation, and was suddenly in his FSS Field Uniform. Taking a breath and squaring his shoulders, he marched out to the lobby.
"Yes, Mr. Icegun, what exactly DID you want to talk to my boss about?" -
back to IC:
Sly didn't even notice Haunt's quick thinking that saved him. He waved a hand and nodded absentmindedly at Haunt, mumbling a thanks.
Great, where could she be now? was all that his mind was focused on.
However, his energy had nearly been spent in the excessive use of almost all his powers at once, so when he finally blinked and took in current events, Haunt had just gone down.
Then suddenly, he felt... invigorated! It was almost as if he had slapped on a breath patch! Quickly extending his hands, he blew the troll and any of it's approaching friends back with a blast of wind. Then he reached out to Haunt and used the magic to restore oxygen and nutrients to his blood.
With Haunt no longer stunned or hurt, Sly finally acknowledge the man.
"I am sorry, Haunt... mind was elsewhere... were you the one who restored my magic like that? I must say, that is quite a gift! Why-- oh..."
Since Trolls don't take that long to pick themselves up and run right back to you, Sly realized it was time to slow things down.
He raised his arms and pictured freezing cold around the lead green-giant-goblin. When the snow began to fall, Sly grinned and turned to Haunt.
"If only Deth was here, I could have said 'Is it cold in here'?"
He couldn't help himself... he had to laugh! -
"Oh sure... leave me to 'clean up!'" Fox called after her as she vanished.
Women... can't even take a joke... Sly absentmindedly dodged a swing from a Troll who had just regained it's sight. He looked distractedly sideways at his attacker, waved a hand, and 4 illusionary warriors appeared and began to take the focus off him as the remaining trolls swarmed them.
She's not getting off that easy he thought as he prepared to find her again.
Of course, he didn't see the one Troll slowly creeping up behind him and raising it's meaty fist... -
Sly materialized a few yards away from Deth, and he saw what he had feared. He knew this section of Steel was a hot spot for the leaders of the trolls, and sure enough, there she was... trying to take on a troll Boss all alone.
He sighed, and hoped the others would reach them in time... Preparing his energy, he teleported right into the middle of the group and blinded as many as he could with a brilliant flash of white light. -
I have that exact same problem. And it's Fiore too, I think... I just passed it off because he was a fed...
"Probably... to kill... something." Sly also said in between ports. "My guess would be thorns... but Vahz would do in a pinch."
Sly closed his eyes for a second, and tried to imagine where she would go.
Suddenly they opened. "Follow ME!" He disappeared in a flash. -
Anything thing that would really benefit roleplayers is at each Server section on this Forum should have a Roleplayer Section. Not only one for all the servers. Posts are easily lost and there really isn't much focus on the roleplay that happens at each server.
Roleplayers are out there... we just need to unite and find each other.
Send an email to the Support team regarding this if you agree with me.I have sent them a request for such sections to be created.
[/ QUOTE ]
Done and DONE! -
"%$#@!" was all the two suddenly heard from a conference room off of the main reception area.
"More than you... ugh... know" Sly grumbled as Haunt helped him out. "Thanks."
He frowned and winced as he touched his wounded face... and pride. But then an unbelievable smile popped onto his face. Fishing his hat out of the trash, he threw it on, slightly skewed it, and ran to the door that had just been slammed.
"Come on, I have to catch up to her!" He paused at the door, and turned for a second. Realizing Lobe was probably the only one willing to immediately follow the fuming woman.
"What? OH, the SLAP! And the trash... oh haha haha ha... come on people! Where would the fun be if she fell quivering into my arms!?"
With that Sly rushed out into the night after the woman who never ceased to amaze him, an almost eager look on his hand-printed face. -
I must warn you. Major Flander's chicken is the front for an evil organization, associated in some way with a demon from hell.
For more information on this startling development, check out The Debator's article in the paper...
-The Sly Fox -
I agreed with a lot you had to say, but I also wanted to give you a few suggestions on how to improve your experience, based on the things you are lacking.
First of all, if you have a GREAT RPing SuperGroup, it's pretty hard NOT to role-play. The banter in-between you and the rest of your group should provide constant entertainment. I know I always enjoy asking how everyone's doing, and if they need my help. The best is when we start throwing jokes and playful insults over the coms... SWAT Medbot IX, you are the perfect straight man!
Secondly, remember that role-playing in this game is a lot different than most others. Although it's a different REALITY, it's still present day. WWII still happened, America still exits. Thus, that leaves it open for contemporary culture to be up for grabs. My character, if human, can make jokes based on almost ANYTHING I would know myself.
It's a lot different than only being allowed to say "You art seriously evil, much like the Lord Mordack's soiled lair from the depths of hell!"
Have fun! Don't be afraid to use contemporary facts and events that might also be the same in this reality.
SWAT Medbot IX cracked me up once when I cast my Pet's and said "Kill my little smurfs!" He then proceeded to define Smurfs as "a popular children's show of the 80's that had suspicious drug connotations and themes. See also: Scooby Doo." I mean, how can you not love that?
Thirdly, I have spent time doing some very interesting things despite just fighting. For instance:
My Super Group, First Strike Security, recently hired "Max," an escaped genetically engineered soldier. Well, not 1 day goes by before I get contacted via e-mail by someone offering to employ First Strike to find some "fugitives."
Turns out, one of the fugitives is MAX! We send a few e-mails back and forth, and then last night this guy "calls" me. So now I'm talking to her bounty hunter, trying to find out how much information I can wring from him while still protecting her.
I spend sometimes an hour to an hour and a half "on the phone," as it were, in the game.
Basically I wanted to let you know that good RPers ARE out there, perhaps you just haven't stumbled on us yet!
Another little tidbit for you are binds. You can bind a key easy to say "$target, attack!" Or even "Attack the $target!" This is one quick way to tell someone something basic based on who you have targeted. I know that I recently figured out I could set up a bind to say "I've got the $target blinded, move on him!" or something like that. Binds are great for role-playing combat, because they can get you to say something clever or amusing with each power. You can even toggle bind so it doesn't become boring or repetitive!
Even still though, in a REALLY difficult battle there isn't always a lot of talking, and that's true to life too. Being heroes, a good group should be able to anticipate each other's thoughts, and know what to do.
Although, I STILL find time to type something REAL quick as a power is refreshing and it's set to "execute when refreshed." Little quick quips are my favorite!
I would also like more emotes, AND the hug and kiss, but that could ALSO be EASILY abused
To cut a long story short (TOO LATE) I just wanted to let you know that RPing is alive and well in CoH, for me anyway. I just hope everyone out there can find it as well.
I also think it would have been nice to put a little label on Virtue. Perhaps "Unofficial Role-playing Server." A WHOLE lot of players I meet tell me "Gee, if I had known this was a place where all you crazy role-players would hang I just would have gone somewhere ELSE!"
But overall I think it's a good RPing environment, you just need to know where to look.
THAT is why your suggestions of a DESIGNATED GAHTERING area is, I think, a must. All we need is one building in every zone, a Hero's Bar, if you will.
I mean, Cops get a bar, shouldn't heroes?
See you in Paragon!
-The Sly Fox -
Sly almost sprayed his recently acquired coffee all over the secretary as she uttered "Mr. Icegun here to see you, sir." What's worse, Contact was actually going to SEE the guy.
Right away Fox knew his boss was on to his nervousness. If not the fact that the CEO was a mind reader, then for the simple reason that Sly was gritting his teeth and Contact was looking over at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Now look, boss. I've had a series of serious misunderstanding's with Mr. Icegun. Nobody's fault now, but well, with MY reputation it's not always the case that people completely trust me, right? Just... don't take much of what he says worth a grain of salt, kay boss?"
With that, he put on his aloof face and leaned against the receptionist's counter. He sipped his coffee and tried to strike up small talk with the woman, but Contact seemed to have had her trained since yesterday because he was getting no response... her blouse was even buttoned all the way to her chin... -
"Gah, MMmghh..." was all Sly could say as he smacked his lips and tried to thaw out his frozen mouth.
He walked up behind the fuming Contact and said, "Hey Roger... ack, you got any coffee? Preferably 'lawsuit' hot?"
The Sly noticed who Contact was confronting. Oh no... not Mr. "I kill you if you get in my way..."
Sly could only hope that this little confrontation wouldn't come to any sort of head... he had JUST had his suit dry-cleaned... -
Dark Avatar: Don't worry about Voidchild dealing you any harm . As long as you remain a gentleman, she will restrain herself. ^^
[/ QUOTE ]
Well I guess that counts The Sly Fox out of any chance at safety when meeting Voidchild... -
Sly didn't even need the glance, he was already stepping in front of Contact and offering his hand.
"And what do we owe for the pleasure of THIS charming lady?" Sly doffed his hat to the blue-haired beauty.
"Shame on you, Contact," He playfully chided the CEO, "demanding her name when she has not offered it. You should know a rose by ANY other name would smell just as sweet!"
Sly grinned his mischievous "kiss me or slap me" grin... -
I wonder is Dwarf Star is familiar with "Casanunda" ... the infamous ladies man of the Discworld... he carries a card that says "World's Second Greatest Lover."
You see, he is actually very successful... everyone knows that the World's Second Greatest Lover has one major thing going for him... he tries harder...
Plus he never travels far without his step ladder... -
Sly smiled, and nodded at Haunt.
He turned to Deth.
"See, Milady? Who needs a Fox to clean up when you have in industrial strength Eidolon Vacuum!
Besides," and Sly's eyes glinted mischievously, " Even if our two new arrivals didn't help, cleaning up is women's work, after all!"
He chuckled as he awaited Deth's response, winking sideways to Haunt. -
It's a tough decision alright, void... TOUGH...
Oh, and Boss, thanks!
I'm thinking of getting in touch with that reporter and telling her some facts and details about my experience in FSS... No press is bad press, right?
Besides, what good story DOESN'T have an epilogue!
-FSS Boardmember Sly Fox -
Sly might have added his two cents again, or he may have said something about Kyle. However, after hearing the last remark of "Shoot him if he tries to come in..." Sly was unable to comment further, as he was doubled-over wheezing with laughter.
heh heh! Ok Hedayo, I either hope you're right, or hope I can surprise you
! Either way it'll be soon... hopefully this weekend.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, by the way. I appreciate any and all feedback.