OOC: Roleplaying pros and cons




Recent personal events have made me think about the roleplaying (or lack thereof) in-game. Obviously, a scan of this discussion board shows that we have plenty of creative talent. The question is, why doesn’t it show up in-game very much? So, I started thinking about the Pros and Cons of how the game’s support for roleplaying.

If your feel these topics have been discussed ad nauseum and you'd like to avoid this discussion completely, feel free to hit "Next Thread" and ignore my ramblings.

1. Character Creation – from costume design to power selection you can pretty easily create the character you envision. May be a few things that are still missing, but some planned power set improvements should help that.

2. Player History – Its kind of cool that you can put your origin on your hero card and have other people see where you came from. Although, heaven help you if you try to type in that box. Better cut and paste from notepad or something.

3. Emotes – The emote support is pretty decent. Newspaper, taunts, etc. are kind of fun and can be used effectively.

1. Combat – Let’s be honest, this is an action/combat oriented game. Nothing wrong with that in the least. I enjoy the combat in CoH very much. Good tactics actually mean something most of the time. … BUT … combat is so faced paced and chaotic that most of the time trying to RP while fighting is suicide. By the time you can type “Storm, blast these guys.” She better have done it, because the Eidolon isn’t standing around waiting for you to toss out your pithy sayings.

2. Lack of Other Activities – Because of the strong focus on combat, there really isn’t anything else to do. Pretty much you login, solo or find a team, fight for a few hours, and logout. I’m not saying you CAN’T do anything else. And I’m sure some of you hang out around town and roleplay in a more free form manner, but there isn’t anything in the game to encourage doing anything other than fighting. I also know Statesman has said he plans to include some crafting in CoV a year from now.

3. Lack of Places to Gather – Unless you want to stand around Ms. Liberty, your chances of meeting someone else and talking to them are very slim. Sometimes people hang out around tram stations, but there really aren’t any good gathering spots other than that. And with instanced zones you almost have to know who your meeting and where and when to get there. Just bumping into someone new is kind of a crap shoot.

4. Always a Hero – You don’t really have a choice but to be a hero 100% of the time you’re online. When I played Anarchy Online, I spent more time in street clothes than I did in armor carrying around a weapon.

1. Alter-Ego – I know its been mentioned before and have seen some really good ideas from folks on how to work this. But I think most of them border on being too complex. All I’d like to see is the option to have two “costumes” and switch between them. I don’t need to lose my powers, change my name, etc. Just let me get out of the spandex and into some jeans and t-shirt. Make me pay for the costume (just like I will have to pay the Tailor to change my hero uniform). But let me switch between one or the other based on whether I decide to be “on duty” or not.

2. Gathering Spot – This could be as simple as adding a lounge to the Freedom Corps HQ. A nice place with couches, some plants, maybe even a bar. If it could be accessed from any instance of Galaxy City, that’d be great, but even if it was instanced along with the rest at least you could go there expecting to find some people who wanted to relax / RP in a non-combat fashion. Make the seating wide enough and the yoga emote is fine for sitting. I can suspend disbelief enough to not require that I actually sit in a chair. SG headquarters may have this feature next year, but what if I want to meet someone not in my SG? Or what if I want to meet them now?

3. New Emote Animations – My first thought was a few dance moves. Used to enjoy going to the clubs in AO once in a while. A hug or kiss emote would be nice too. Personally, I’d put this whole category low on my priority list.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I know very well that you don’t NEED any of them. Roleplaying is about imagination first and foremost. I just think that if a few things were added to the game, it would encourage more people to try.



Kudos! I agree with you 100%. I think this game has great RP potential and will definately add to the fun and growth of it within the players.

Plus roleplaying gives characters "life" and growth both personally and socially. Just like in the comic books.



I agreed with a lot you had to say, but I also wanted to give you a few suggestions on how to improve your experience, based on the things you are lacking.

First of all, if you have a GREAT RPing SuperGroup, it's pretty hard NOT to role-play. The banter in-between you and the rest of your group should provide constant entertainment. I know I always enjoy asking how everyone's doing, and if they need my help. The best is when we start throwing jokes and playful insults over the coms... SWAT Medbot IX, you are the perfect straight man!

Secondly, remember that role-playing in this game is a lot different than most others. Although it's a different REALITY, it's still present day. WWII still happened, America still exits. Thus, that leaves it open for contemporary culture to be up for grabs. My character, if human, can make jokes based on almost ANYTHING I would know myself.

It's a lot different than only being allowed to say "You art seriously evil, much like the Lord Mordack's soiled lair from the depths of hell!"

Have fun! Don't be afraid to use contemporary facts and events that might also be the same in this reality.

SWAT Medbot IX cracked me up once when I cast my Pet's and said "Kill my little smurfs!" He then proceeded to define Smurfs as "a popular children's show of the 80's that had suspicious drug connotations and themes. See also: Scooby Doo." I mean, how can you not love that?

Thirdly, I have spent time doing some very interesting things despite just fighting. For instance:

My Super Group, First Strike Security, recently hired "Max," an escaped genetically engineered soldier. Well, not 1 day goes by before I get contacted via e-mail by someone offering to employ First Strike to find some "fugitives."

Turns out, one of the fugitives is MAX! We send a few e-mails back and forth, and then last night this guy "calls" me. So now I'm talking to her bounty hunter, trying to find out how much information I can wring from him while still protecting her.

I spend sometimes an hour to an hour and a half "on the phone," as it were, in the game.

Basically I wanted to let you know that good RPers ARE out there, perhaps you just haven't stumbled on us yet!

Another little tidbit for you are binds. You can bind a key easy to say "$target, attack!" Or even "Attack the $target!" This is one quick way to tell someone something basic based on who you have targeted. I know that I recently figured out I could set up a bind to say "I've got the $target blinded, move on him!" or something like that. Binds are great for role-playing combat, because they can get you to say something clever or amusing with each power. You can even toggle bind so it doesn't become boring or repetitive!

Even still though, in a REALLY difficult battle there isn't always a lot of talking, and that's true to life too. Being heroes, a good group should be able to anticipate each other's thoughts, and know what to do.

Although, I STILL find time to type something REAL quick as a power is refreshing and it's set to "execute when refreshed." Little quick quips are my favorite!

I would also like more emotes, AND the hug and kiss, but that could ALSO be EASILY abused

To cut a long story short (TOO LATE) I just wanted to let you know that RPing is alive and well in CoH, for me anyway. I just hope everyone out there can find it as well.

I also think it would have been nice to put a little label on Virtue. Perhaps "Unofficial Role-playing Server." A WHOLE lot of players I meet tell me "Gee, if I had known this was a place where all you crazy role-players would hang I just would have gone somewhere ELSE!"

But overall I think it's a good RPing environment, you just need to know where to look.

THAT is why your suggestions of a DESIGNATED GAHTERING area is, I think, a must. All we need is one building in every zone, a Hero's Bar, if you will.

I mean, Cops get a bar, shouldn't heroes?

See you in Paragon!

-The Sly Fox



I'll definitely support the request for a gathering area. Really, we need some bar areas that we can go into and kick back in game; how else is the Institute's leadership supposed to make fun of caped crusaders and carouse with mutants in other supergroups?

Perhaps a first step might be to select an area where people looking for RP can hang out, then set up a weekly time for the RPers to gather there. This sort of thing has met with moderate success on Firiona Vie (the RP server on EverQuest), at least with a certain group of players.



I agree full heartedly. Role play is made by the role player. It's everywehre if you look for it. When I request help in the request channel I'm in character. For example, the other night: "security level 16 blaster and 17 gravity controller looking for assistance to take down the nefarious Dr. Vahzilok. This villain has proven impossible for us to apprehend. Please call if you can help." I had a response from someone in character back.

As to the local nightclub/bar, definately needed. And why is Major Flanders never open? I got this coupon in the paper the other day and have not yet been able to use it.

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



I must warn you. Major Flander's chicken is the front for an evil organization, associated in some way with a demon from hell.

For more information on this startling development, check out The Debator's article in the paper...

-The Sly Fox



One thing that would really benefit roleplayers is at each Server section on this Forum should have a Roleplayer Section. Not only one for all the servers. Posts are easily lost and there really isn't much focus on the roleplay that happens at each server.

Roleplayers are out there... we just need to unite and find each other.

Send an email to the Support team regarding this if you agree with me. I have sent them a request for such sections to be created.



Nice post.



Anything thing that would really benefit roleplayers is at each Server section on this Forum should have a Roleplayer Section. Not only one for all the servers. Posts are easily lost and there really isn't much focus on the roleplay that happens at each server.

Roleplayers are out there... we just need to unite and find each other.

Send an email to the Support team regarding this if you agree with me. I have sent them a request for such sections to be created.

[/ QUOTE ]

Done and DONE!




2. Gathering Spot – This could be as simple as adding a lounge to the Freedom Corps HQ. A nice place with couches, some plants, maybe even a bar. If it could be accessed from any instance of Galaxy City, that’d be great, but even if it was instanced along with the rest at least you could go there expecting to find some people who wanted to relax / RP in a non-combat fashion. Make the seating wide enough and the yoga emote is fine for sitting. I can suspend disbelief enough to not require that I actually sit in a chair. SG headquarters may have this feature next year, but what if I want to meet someone not in my SG? Or what if I want to meet them now?

[/ QUOTE ]

For a gathering spot, if the Dev's would put one in, a neutral bar where hero's and Villians could hang out (when CoV comes out). It could be called Tigerman's Secret Hideout Club. For more on the history of this name go here;
