Size isn't everything - origin of Dwarf Star




A lady draped in a ragged black cloak, streaked with blood, walked up to the orphanage. With her, she carried a tiny baby wrapped in a blanket with a note attached. She left the baby at the berth of the St. Frances Orphanage of San Francisco on that cold December morning in 1974.

He was brought in by the workers and nursed back to health. The note that was attached to the blanket read, "Please take care of my baby, his name is Erik."

Erik was raised in the orphanage. At the age of 14 he had grown to be an attractive young man; long blonde hair, and an athletic build. However, he only grew to the height of 3feet 8 inches. He was quite athletic however. He joined a community field and track team where he won some trophies in the shot put and to everyone's astonishment, the 100 yard hurdle dash. The newspapers called him the "Dwarf Star". So the Dwarf Star began training hard for his Olympic shot.

On October 17, 1989 at 5:00 PM, Erik was in the basement of St. Frances lifting weights and training. After one set of arm curls, he tossed the weights down and noticed the building was starting to shake. At first he thought that it was just because he had dropped the weights, but then it began to shake more violently. It was an earthquake, and a big one.

Erik ran upstairs. It was utter madness, the 5 story building, built in 1909, was crumbling around him. Everyone was panicking. Then something amazing happened. Erik raised his arms and appeared to hold the walls up. The ceiling started to give way, and again it stopped as Erik raised hands higher. The ground was still shaking but the building was defying gravity and remaining erect. "Everyone get out, now" he yelled. He held the building until he thought everyone had made it out. He started to head out himself when he noticed another child, a girl no more than five years old, cowering in a corner.
"We have to go, now!" Erik pleaded with her.
"I want my mommy", the girl cried.
This hit him hard; he wanted his "mommy" too. He was an orphan after all, as were all the other kids here. But this wasn't the time to dwell on this. Erik did one more amazing thing on this day, he took the girl by the hand and they teleported outside of the building just before it completely crashed to the ground.

Everyone was grateful to have gotten out alive. The newspaper did a full-page article on the hero Dwarf Star and how he saved countless lives. This caught the attention of Freedom Factor, a government sponsored super group created in World War 2 to battle evil. They adopted Erik and he took on the name Dwarf Star. In his new guise, he would be a powerful force for justice.

A nanny on the payroll of Freedom Factor raised him after the age of 15. His Olympic aspirations were all but lost, but he had a new focus; fight evil and women. Although heroic to the core, Dwarf Star was also a little lecherous.

He advanced quickly in his newfound career. After the Ritki invasion it was Dwarf Star that was chosen to head up the Freedom Factor chapter in Paragon City to quell the criminal activities.

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



Dwarf Star! What's up, bud. It's Nighttide, remember me?

nice story



thanks, and yes I do. Perez Park if I do recall.

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



His Olympic aspirations were all but lost, but he had a new focus; fight evil and women. Although heroic to the core, Dwarf Star was also a little lecherous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great story! The above made me think you were saying 'Fight evil and women' as in 'fight evil and fight women' which sounded like an oxymoron to me... hehe

If it was 'women and fighting evil' it would be in the correct order btw!



Oops! Have to change that I meant chase women and fight evil

[edit]ack, won't let me edit the original thread anymore

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



Freedom Factor was established in World War 2 as a covert government sponsored supergroup to deal with the 5th Column and other terrorist threats on the US shores. In 1944 it ws overseen by a Major Douglas Monroe.

Today a five star general, Douglas Monroe still oversees the department operations. With branches in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, New York City, and Paragon City. Freedom Factor has become the new front on the fight with evil.

Paragon City branch was established shortly after the Ritki invasion in response to the heightened criminal activity. It had been eluded to that the "Lost" are actually Ritki induced mutations designed as a precursor to another invasion. Dwarf Star was sent in to investigate this and to set up a team of heores.

more to come soon...

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



I wonder is Dwarf Star is familiar with "Casanunda" ... the infamous ladies man of the Discworld... he carries a card that says "World's Second Greatest Lover."

You see, he is actually very successful... everyone knows that the World's Second Greatest Lover has one major thing going for him... he tries harder...

Plus he never travels far without his step ladder...