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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i'm really digging this SUPER cool poster!!

    i think WW is a tad small in the chest maybe its the angle

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    do a google search on wonder woman's measurments and this comes up

    "Well then... based on the action figure, I'd guess Wonder Woman's measurements are 40-15-35! Iron-Cow Productions review Custom-made action figures at their ... - 61k -"
  2. i'm really digging this SUPER cool poster!!

    i think WW is a tad small in the chest maybe its the angle
  3. yeah i've been wearing google out trying to find pics of the rumored roman armor.

    so spill!!!
  4. i like NeoPets art...not my favorite, but i still like it. take it as a compliment
  5. tickle fights lead to less pouting and couch sleeping due to the fact that there are statisticly less accidental injuries
  6. it looks like kinda neopetsesque. its pretty cool i dig it
  7. Go to a comic or sci-fi convention every artist who has a table (and even some who don't) will be doing art of batman and spider-man, statesman, and anyone else who they get paid for. very rarely do the artists draw their own characters at conventions.

    Now if they were to draw a batman picture and mass produce it as posters to sell it might be something different
  8. it's sad when a beautiful girl is makes me want to start a TICKLE FIGHT!!!!
  9. i like her. she's a pretty girl, but she too looks bored
  10. super sweet!!

    can we get a detail of the face? there seems to be alot going on that's interesting
  11. and the shading on the cheeks make her sunken jawed which brings out some additional boredom. great picture it's kind of saying "ho hum another crappy minion from thugs r us...BAM!!"
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Grats on the art!

    Starting of with an Alex piece is setting the bar real high.

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    Well I couldn't start with crap, could I?
  13. Here's Crimson Sabre Imagesbyalex did this as a part of his baby sale.

    here's what i told him about her...

    Russian swordswoman Crimson Sabre. She's a Super Soldier and spy for Russia during the Cold War. She was one of several projects Russia had to combat the American Statesman. Not a shy woman, some say she's deadliest when using her blades, while others claim she's even deadlier when she's using her femanine charms. She claims to have nearly succeeded in killing Statesman while posing as the original Miss Liberty. She was brought from the past to the now by a criminal genius named Lord Raptor with the purpose of fighting Statesman and other heroes. she uses not only blades, but seduction as weapons. She's sultry without being slutty.

    I think he caputured that nicely. she even look a little mischievious.

    thank you once again alex.
  14. i just shot you an e-mail
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    That's an awful costume and you should be ashamed for making it.

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  16. Actually it's purple and green
  17. TheRook


    *ahem* I would like to take a moment to say... HAWT!!!!