The Artificial Intel

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  1. Bump for views. Also, please send all questions and concerns via in-game email to @Artificial Intel. I will answer it.

  2. You said something about freeing me?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post
    I'm seconding this. The devs even added NPC text around him.
    Did they really? I've never seen this guy in person...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
    I would like to nominate Seethers. Partly because he's amusing and awesome, but mostly because he scares me and I want something to appease him with so he won't sting me anymore.
    We honor Seethers twice a year by the bi-annual "Seether Swarm" server event.

    AKA Roll a Seethers, level them up as high as you can, and swarm different zones. At the last day, every Seethers swarms Sirens Call.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    OOC: I appreciate what you're trying to do with the colors, but on both forum color schemes, the text is painful to try to read.
    This should help. Picky picky -_-
  6. Can I has popularity star nao?
  7. This is a dual recruitment thread for both the Arachnos Espionage Division, and its blueside 'sister' supergroup, the Longbow Infiltration Branch.

    There will indeed be a wall of text here, but I will try and make it as simple to read and as organized as possible.

    Arachnos Espionage Division
    WHO WE ARE: The AED is a SoA themed VG, but open to all other Villain archetypes. They are a supreme espionage group delved into the workings of various other RPVG's on the server, even if they do not know about it (We pay insiders with influence for RP information). The VG is directed to extending Lord Recluses will across the planet, and uniting Earth under one banner.
    Much more extensive details will be added in a seperate post.

    WHAT WE DO: We roleplay within our base, across the isles, Pocket D, and (soon to come) across many various Warzones. We are also very friendly, and we focus alot on group leveling, prestige earning, and more.

    IC EXPECTATIONS: We expect dedicated, loyal soldiers who show proper discipline and respect to their superiors. The AED has survived five grueling months, and we're proud to show that we can fit into the Darwinistic society of the Rogue Isles, both IC and OOC.

    OOC EXPECTATIONS: Be kind, be courteous, show respect, no bashing. RP is a must, and a valid backstory is a good way to get us to notice you. We're always watching and looking for new recruits, yet we rarely, if ever, go out and publicly search for Soldiers/Widows.

    We come across as 'elitist', but we pick and choose our RPers for various IC and OOC reasons. Don't take it personal if we do not accept you, since we have a very long list of other Spider themed VG's you can join

    Longbow Infiltration Branch
    WHO WE ARE: This RPSG is a recently created 'sister' SG to the AED, in order to be the main combatant and enemy to them. We plan to make this as superior as the AED in every way shape and form, so general rules still apply.
    Longbow themed Characters are -greatly- appreciated, but all hero archetypes and backgrounds are accepted. Our main motive is to protect the city of Paragon and any outlying nations from super-powered threats.

    WHAT WE DO: Roleplay, group leveling, and soon to come RPPVP. Doesn't matter if you're decked out in IO's, its all for fun and games. Arena and planned zone events.

    IC Expectations: We expect the stereotypical Longbow types to join, as well as any truly dedicated Superhero, planning on saving the planet from threats. Same expectations apply from the AED.

    OOC Expectations: Same expectations as the AED. Keep in-fighting to a minimum, drama, ect. Be kind, courteous, and friendly to all players, inside and outside of the SG. We are not a Clique, we are Longbow.

    On an OOC note, you can contact me in the game through my global, @Artificial Intel, if you wish to join either RPS/VG. My two 'main' characters within the two groups are Fortunata Sanguine, and Warden Delucey.

    Thank you for paying attention to the thread, leave a post with questions, concerns, and comments, and I will get back to them as soon as I can!

    Thanks all, and help us kick this RP idea into fruition!

    -Love your favorite Pervbot, Artificial Intel.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roleplayer606 View Post
    By leaving you are not bad roleplayer but your tableside manner lacks, I know this from personal experience.
    -_- You can go away now. Shoo.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moderator12 View Post
    Post! Have fun! Share your knowledge!

    And cookies, lots of cookies.
    Hooray! A mod posted in my thread. Thats a first on any forum. Alright, will do.
  10. Simple topic, but I'm curious. There doesn't seem to be as much trolling on these forums as on certain other games, so I think I may as well try and become useful here.

    As you may know (that is assuming you know me), I'm quite an active player, fond of hanging out in the D, and rolling a few mastermind or two down the road (currently leveling Tsuki Kaido, Ninja/Poison MM), and I'm curious on if there are any good RP events I could host on Redside/Blueside. It seems quite dead in terms of RP (within the isles) on Redside, mostly restricted to supergroups, bases, coalitions, ect.

    Any suggestions on me being useful both in-game and the forums are much appreciated, as I'm hoping to become an active poster.
  11. My main weakness is my low-tolerance with those with bad grammar. I'm too quick to judge.

    Also, another weakness of mine is whenever my VG's do IC missions... I fall asleep at the wheel.
  12. 9/14/2010 5:30 pm CNT - 6:00 p.m.

    Major major major lag spikes.
  13. The Artificial Intel

    Post a Character

    "Artificial Intel, Professional Mastermind of the Rogue Isles, and Supreme Pervert of the Pocket D, at your service."
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scooby_Dont View Post

    Deathlock and the Doctor.

    I read that as Doctor Crom. I need to get off the game and get back to the comics.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nadya View Post
    For four years running, The Cape and I have put on some sort of Halloween event. The first two years, we held such an event in Pocket D. It was too small a venue. So last year, we tried something different, a night full of heavy metal, rock, and Halloween themed music. It was a grand time had by all.

    Now for the information:
    Name: The Cape Presents* Nadya's 4th Annual Halloween Bash

    Date: Saturday, Oct 30th.

    Time: 8pm est to Midnight est.

    Location: RWZ1.

    Musical styles: Metal/Rock/Halloween

    Contests/Competitions: TBA

    Contact information: @Nadya

    *The Cape has yet to confirm/deny attendance for said event. But Posthaste has never let me down.

    I hope to see everyone in RWZ1 for what promises to be a night of fantastic raiding, Vanguard merits, badges, hardcore music, and an overall good time!
    -Hug- Just had to. <.< >.>
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mistah_H View Post
    That isn't remotely possible at all... the Nazis letting in someone who didn't have blonde hair.
    He has somewhat blondish scales.
  17. Mine? Of all times in terms of originality and awesome?

    Tyrannosaurus Reich. A German Nazi T-Rex.
  18. The Artificial Intel

    Terribad lag

    Everything outside of the game seems fast, but when I log in? *raspberrys* Five second text responses, rubberbanding, you name it. Any solutions/links to fix?
  19. The Artificial Intel

    Walkin' away.

    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    Seriously? D:
    Im a sad A.I....
  20. Play Mechwarrior 4 Mercenarys, of course!

    And if it wasnt a cracked version, I would be playing it online, too >:O
  21. apparently some characters have been deleted. Database crash. If A.I. is deleted so help me god... I will go cry in a corner.

    EDIT: Nope, A-holes in vent messing with me.
  22. Are you sick and tired of the so called "RP" guilds that do little to any actual Villain Role-playing? Do you find yourself wishing you could be that one awesome villain that you pictured yourself being when you first started the game? Do you wish to Roleplay as an actual Villain?

    Well then, stay tuned for I have the perfect/slightly corned up Villain Group advertisement for YOU!

    Villain Group Name: Axis of Evil Villains

    Type: Roleplaying. ERP is strictly prohibited.

    Recruiting Who?: All Villain Roleplayers who wish to actually RP as a Villain, not a person who thinks Roleplaying = XXX.

    Why?: To prove that there is indeed some RPers that are willing to act as villains, not bondage fanatics.

    Goals?: Recruit the best Villains, raid a few Supergroups, expand our base, and our influence. And overall, enjoy some relatively good Villain RP.
    No In Character goals as of yet, due to the "fresh out of the oven" status of the VG. As of yet, MOTD: "Rob Banks, Kidnap Civies, Push Old Ladies down the Steps, Enjoy a Cup o' Tea after a hard days Villainy."

    Why do you hate ERP?: Why do you think I left WoW?

    You played WoW?: Played is a past tense verb.

    What will make me want to join this VG?: No Cybers anywhere. Decent Villain RP. An Aspiring RP VG. If these dont suit you, I'm sorry I could not recruit you better.

    Just who are you exactly? O.o: A newbie to CoH/V. An average person at Roleplaying.

    Your a newb...: I know this and admit this. Any in-game help is deeply appreciated ^-^. But do not look down on me for my lack of knowledge. I learn fast.