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Issue 13 solicits untold amounts of rage in me, and I joined in i18. Or was it i17?
Stop being lazy and dig for a link.
Well, we can actually set this thread up to become the official thread. It's going to be awhile until i21 comes out, but we can plan ahead of time.
The whole purpose behind my act of generosity is that I don't want this server/game to crumble (as unlikely as this will happen), and I also want to introduce people into the throes of CoX RP. -
Quote:And how could we arrange something like this?Greeting parties in Atlas/Mercy/Nova.
I'm serious. A bunch of vet players with their Helper status turned on. Waving, saying hi, asking if anyone needs help, maybe even offering to run missions with the newbies and mentor them.
I'm not one for catering to trolls, but I'm all for helping them new folks. Unfortunately, I can't be at the meeting area 24/7 to help people, and I know there are others out there who might be dedicated to the cause. -
So, I was recently inspired by a story in General.
So, it made me think of a few things:
I'm generally hostile towards people with bad grammar, but I'm also one of those sympathetic bastards who is always willing to introduce people to the roleplaying that is on Virtue.
How can I best go about doing this as an individual, and how can we as a server accomplish this as a whole?
WARNING: i21 is coming. Many of the free players will have difficulty using the controls (as I have when I first joined), and may not be familiar with the fact that Virtue is the unofficial RP server. Without being an asshat, how would you help these rookies? -
... This is inspiring me to stand at Fort Hades/Cerberus when i21 comes around, valiantly wearing my "Helper" tag for all the new Villains.
Quote:Theeere's the PDF.Re: villain-side writing - hmmmmm... well I know that John aka Bloodspeaker (my husband) has occasionally mentioned doing one-off stories from the villains' perspective (especially from the perspetive of Banestar, the leader of the Nova Dominion - the nemeses of the Star Patrol). But that's not happened as of yet.
The link to the story (on the forums) is always in my signature as "Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting"... as is the link for "Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting".
If you want to read Book I all in one go in non-forum format, here it is on Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/21414784/T...erhero-Romance
You can also download it from my website in PDF format here: http://www.samuraiko.com/Other_Fan_Fiction.html
Glad you're enjoying it so far - and feel free to continue to post questions and comments here.
Yea, I'll see what I can do about promoting it on Virtue. While there are a few dumbasses running about over there, I know a few that actually have a bit more positive feedback than myself.
Still, reading and writing down criticisms.
The life of an Arachnos Soldier would be an interesting story, even if its short. I'm a Lord Recluse fanboy. -
Quote:I see... Well, I'm reading through it and finding it quite enjoyable. Any chance of you doing a novel featuring viewpoints from the villains side?That's okay, so am I.
2002 - Rikti Invasion 1.0 - Positron, while fighting the Rikti, loses control of his powers. (Exactly how it's never said, but stranger things have happened.)
2007 - Back in Issue 10, I believe it was, when the Rikti Invasion 2.0 kicked in, they released the last of the Top Cow comics, where the Phalanx, ignoring the warnings of Vanguard, decided to take on the Rikti and the Honoree... who promptly killed Synapse, Positron, Sister Psyche, and Manticore (Ms. Liberty and Statesman barely survived, only thanks to divine intervention, for lack of a better term). Lady Grey, the Dark Watcher, Borea, Levantera, Gaussian, and Serpent Drummer showed up to save the Phalanx's bacon and sent the Honoree fleeing.
Dark Watcher then rezzed the deceased Phalanx members, and in the process, 'cured' the mutation that had caused Positron to lose control of his powers. After that, he continued wearing the armor because it still enabled him to focus and better use his anti-matter-generating abilities, but he no longer needs to be Sealed In a Can, as it were.
Since then, Posi in Steel Canyon stands around holding his helmet under one arm.
Also, where's the link for the main story again? I can't seem to find it this morning, and I despise forum reading. -
... Not to be a scrooge, but where and how was Positron able to leave his armor without irradiating all of Rhode Island?
As I read more, I'll keep asking questions. I'm a lore-bastard. -
*Parries the Hamlet Cannon and jousts with the Drama-Llama-Lazor*
*Saddles the Drama-Llama and equips it with a Drama-Lazor*
There will be dramas. -
Well, as the thread says: Have you ever had a character concept you've never gotten to use, or had to shelve due to inactivity?
Baron Von Victoria: Magician who uses illusions and magnets to defy gravity and astound his foes. Deleted. Ill/Grav Controller.
Rage of Calypso: Petty thief who gained (some) control over storms. Storm/Ice Defender. (Shelved)
Teen Hawk: Want-to-be Captain America fanboy, who was beaten by thugs after preventing a womans molestation. Body was discovered by wandering Crey and was spliced with Hawk DNA. Archery/Trick Blaster. (Shelved.)
Speeding Wasp: Russian infiltrator who discovered a suit that could be used to run at super-sonic speeds. Claws/SR Scrapper. (Deleted) -
Personally, they shouldn't fix bases. That would mean that stacking would be deleted, and all these amazing bases we all know and love would poof.
Now if they would add more base construction items, and kept the bugs as they were? It'd be fine. -
.... I'd rather just have real football in CoX. Maybe something like Bloodbowl.
Coincidence that this was less than two clicks away? -
Artificial Intel seems to be presseing the detonator to something... And yet there's no reaction. At the top of the shaft, you see several Combat Drones, Protector, and an Assault Drone. They seem to be juggling what looks like unarmed EMP mines. Artificial Intel looks up at them, and then back down to the Iron Rooks feet, as plumes of fire erupt from its soles.
Artificial Intel is bathed in fire, his frame easily absorbing the atomizing heat... When all is said and done, and the Iron Rook is in liftoff, there is nothing but a scorch-mark stretching behind A.I., with a spray-back of soot covering his front.
"... Screw you guys, I'm going to go screw a succubus."
He pulls out a Pocket D teleportation device, as it begins to glow and shift. -
The pile of C4 is hit with the railgun round. A single second before ignition of the entire stockpile occurs.
The explosion sends him sky-high, before landing with a thump in front of the Iron Rook, raising a finger while lying face-first.
"Implying I don't use EMP's." -
... I demand that DJ Shecky draws attention to the boards during his hours on the CAPE.
Far down the runway, you see Artificial Intel. He seems to be next to a pile of C4 bundles, next to a giant slingshot. He places several high-powered magnets onto each C4 package, before loading the sling.
"Wait for it..." -