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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Just another issue I'm having Ex:

    The missions I've transferred from my folder are all older versions of missions from Test. Changes that I made later on Test are gone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is because, once published, you stop working from your local files, and instead edit the published arc directly. Since you made 'published' changes, the local files were never updated.

    This is a BIG gotcha that people don't know about. If you make ANY changes to a published arc, once you've republished, you need to go back in to the Edit screen and click on the Save Locally button. This will 'copy down' the Published data to your drive, overwriting the outdated version.

    Otherwise you won't have the latest and greatest as your 'local' version.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *bangs his head* Oh darn... Wish I had known that, but thanks for the answer.
  2. *points up*

    I reviewed your first act tonight, Psythe.
  3. Just another issue I'm having Ex:

    The missions I've transferred from my folder are all older versions of missions from Test. Changes that I made later on Test are gone.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Review of "A Deal With Destiny"

    You put a lot of effort into it, but alot of my enjoyment - at least of the first few missions - was hampered by many little things like lack of punctuation and typos. All the Circle of Thorns characters seems very out of character, too. However, the overall concept of the arc was really cool (I love stories written for lower level heroes) and the fourth and fifth missions were really great. I laughed at out loud at "Force Multiplier" and PPD Sergeant Johnson, and you did a very good job of making the huge Kings Row map feel full and busy.

    In the fifth mission I thought the backwards-speaking Hellions were nothing short of brilliant, and the Prince of the Damned - as well as a the fake ending with the Shaper of Destiny - pleasantly surprised me. I gave it three stars, but I writing this I think it deserved four.


    My Arc!

    Operation: Black Heart, Acts I and II

    Arc IDs: Part 1: 17874, Part 2: 20957

    A favor for a friend puts Maxwell Christopher onto an evil plot that could shake the city to its core. Can you crack the conspiracy linking the city's villains to it? What is the "Black Heart"? And how far will they go to protect that secret? Can you help the FBSA agent find out the truth?

    Looking for feedback! This arc was written before we knew the specifics of the Architect, and alot of it is a bit awkward due to text limits and mission limits. I'm happy with how it came out, though, and you get to fight Crey Tanks powered by the Half-Life 2 portal!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Black Heart: Act I

    Mission 1: Overall I liked the concept of this mission. The freaks with impervium armor was a nice touch and the contact dialogue was well written along with the clues.

    There were a few tweaks I thought could be made to the freaks themselves, perhaps a couple of different versions of the Thunder Freaks? Three (including the boss) seems a bit small... Or perhaps just have the two that are there have a couple of different versions. I was slightlly dissapointed that they didn't look very.. freakshowy (maybe throw in some cyborg/robot parts?)

    The only other suggestion is to give Thunder Pulse some long range capabilities, because I was able to hover directly over him and shoot him down without taking a scratch.

    Mission 2 (Search the Vanguard Warehouse): I really enjoyed the mission, the clues, it made sense! Enjoyable overall! The only thing that could spot wrong was at the end there was an "alot" uttered by the contact that should be "a lot."

    Mission 3 (retrieve Nemesis Finances): Nice mission, felt like a little bit of a filler mission. I think it could easily be enhanced by a bit of dialogue from the boss or maybe some patrols.

    Mission 4 (search copperpoint shipping): I liked this mission, the dialogue was good and the ambushes actually did surprise me on this map. Thumbs up.

    Mission 5: Another good mission, I enjoyed the updated Crey Forces and the odd mystery of some of their abilities. I liked the extra clues that weren't integral to the mission and enjoyed the banter that came out of some of them.

    Summary: I enjoyed the arc pretty well and I'll be trying the next one to see where this Nemesis tale goes. Good work and with a bit of minor tweaking I can see this being a real gem.


    Ok, here is my mission now on live servers everywhere =P I've updated the original arc I posted before, so it's more fan-tastic than ever before!

    Mission Name: Don't rain on my parade!
    Arc ID: 1614
    Mission(s): 1
    Genre: Comedy

    Description: The 23rd Freedom Phalanx Parade has been sabatoged! Can you save the day?

    I've added in new clues which act as a sort of side mission within the mission, new dialogue from wandering patrols, and hopefully a pinch more comedy. I hope you guys enjoy it!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thargor do you have unlockable content in your mission? If so you will have to wait until you have unlocked that content on live.

    To avoid this issue you can republish without the unlockable content in your mission and it should validate.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    What happens if you didn't use any Unlockable content?

    My Exact error is

    Field Descripition Contained improperly formated HTML

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Had the same problem. What it means is that you can't have space inbetween paragraphs for descriptions. This problem was a bit more involved for me as well because it seems like the space for descriptions have also decreased, so it is quite possible you have more text than allowed.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Thargor do you have unlockable content in your mission? If so you will have to wait until you have unlocked that content on live.

    To avoid this issue you can republish without the unlockable content in your mission and it should validate.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey Ex, thanks for the quick response.

    The mission I referred to had no unlockable content. I figured out the problem which I might as well state here.

    The problem was a custom character that worked on Test, but for some reason didn't work on Live. MA claimed it was due to his description having HTML tags in it when it didn't.

    First I attempted to retype it from scratch after re-saving him with no description. Didn't work.

    Then I got rid of the spaces inbetween paragraphs (3). Didn't work.

    Then I edited down the description so it was one small paragraph and it finally saved.

    When it didn't work the game still claimed that there was html code in his description when there wasn't any. But that was not the only problem.

    When I hit "save and test" it told me that there was a problem with the rescue dialogue from one of my npc's, that it was too long. This wasn't an issue in Test. Unfortunately there was no error message popping up to direct me to the line so I had to search through all of the dialogue in the mission.

    I discovered that one line that had 105/100 characters. I fixed that and then the mission was fixed.

    Hopefully this can help out some others that might have had this problem when transferring.

    Good writing everyone!
  7. Hmm... Nice thread and I'll put a couple of my own when I get a chance a bit later tonight...

    I was thinking though, perhaps there should be a few sub category tags that we can put on to some of these...

    I was thinking: Refers to Canon and Non Canon. The first as "refers to canon" since none of what we make can really be considered canon unless the devs officially declared it part of the lore...

    Still, I think these two sub-categories might help since I've seen a few people interested in playing mostly stuff that sticks to established canon and it will give warning beforehand to suspend some disbelief if it goes against canon...

    Just my $1.25... (inflation)
  8. Hmm... I seem to be having a weird issue with a character I transferred and the mission doesn't work because of it.

    MA claims that the character has html tags in his description when there are none.. Anyone else encounter this?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I have 2 arcs I wouldn't mind getting a little assistance with:

    Arc Name: Cat in a Tree
    Arc ID: 5433
    Faction: Neutral
    Creator Global/Forum Name: Yogi_Bare
    Difficulty Level: Mid to Hard
    Synopsis: Pretty much, get this cat out of some trees. The current version has been made easier.
    Estimated Time to Play: Short
    Link to More Details or Feedback: Really looking for constructive feedback before I plunge into more complex arcs

    Arc Name: Lights, Camera, B-Flick
    Arc ID: 9123
    Faction: Neutral
    Creator Global/Forum Name: Yogi_Bare
    Difficulty Level: Mid - Hard
    Synopsis: You're getting paid big bucks to star in a couple of low-budget movies.
    Estimated Time to Play: Unsure
    Link to More Details or Feedback: Please PM me for feedback, or comment ingame. . . heck, drop me a line here if you feel like it.

    One or both, all comments and critiques are welcome

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey Yogi, could you read the first post please? This only rules for this thread to get feedback is to first give feedback on the last posted arc above you, and then choose ONE of your arcs to get reviewed.
  10. Mission Arc Critiquing Thread


    Hey guys! Thought this new section deserved a thread devoted to all of us getting a chance to get feedback on our work!

    The way this thread works is you're allowed to post ONE of your arcs for people to look at. The next person to reply will post a critique of your arc, then post one of their own arcs. Then the next person will critique their arc and so forth...

    The only rule is to try to keep the critiquing as constructive as possible. We should all be try to be friends in this new endeavor

    Also try to keep at least five posts in between a request for another critique. You don't want to hog all of the feedback.



    "Don't rain on my parade!"
    Arc ID: 4754
    Length: Short
    Missions: 1
    Genre: Humor

    Description: Arachnos had staged a devious kidnapping to disrupt the 23rd annual Freedom Phalanx Parade! Do you have what it takes to save the day?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm actually surprised that nobody has come out and suggested this yet... especially after the Mac ads...

    Shoe Salesman.

    I mean, come on, just for the heck of it!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I second that one! I have a few ideas for new ones, it seems like the devs might of listened to this thread in the past


    Job: Shoe Salesman
    Location: Random building designated as a shoe store (new sign or billboard in front of it? )
    Effect: For every X hours logged out you gain a 10% increase in salvage drop rates for Y.
    Special Effect: Unlocks feet auras
    Description: There is nothing you don't know about shoes! It might not be the most presitigous job around but you are secure in the knowledge that you have defeated armies of potential bunyans and blisters.


    Job: Hero for Hire
    Location: Log out next to a HeroCorps analyst
    Effects: For every X hours logged off you experiance a 10% increase in influence for every mission completion.
    Special Effect: Unlocks HeroCorps costume pieces.
    Description: Might is right and you know it. You've hired out your services to HeroCorps doing what you really do best, except this time you can pay the bills.


    Job: Freedom Fighter
    Location: Log out next to Freedom Corps Field Trainer or in Freedom Corps Store
    Effects: For every X hours logged off you earn Y time with a Longbow jetpack.
    Special Effect: Unlocks Freedom Corps costume pieces
    Description: You have selflessly volunteered your time assisting Freedom Corps with their responsbilities. Feels good, doesn't it?


    Job: Baker
    Location: Log off at the Donut store in Faultline
    Effects: For every X hours logged off you receive a large inspiration upon mission completion for Y amount of time.
    Description: Your time dedicated to baked and glazed goods have made you popular within the city... especially with the police.


    Job: Dockworker
    Location: Docks (various) around Paragon and Rogue Isles
    Effect: For every X hours logged out you experiance a small endurance increase for Y amount of time.
    Description: You've put in long hours at the Docks each day and have helped the flow of goods continue to get to the public.


    Job: Sailor
    Location: Tankers (various) around Paragon and Rogue Isles.
    Effect: For every X hours logged off you experiance a small hp increase for Y amount of time.
    Special Effect: Shoulder Parrot costume piece unlocked.
    Description: You've spent long days and nights at sea. You've seen the barren surface of the water around you and looked within... Well, at least you got paid.


    Now for the accolades for these babies...


    Accolade: Franchiser
    Required Badges: Shoe Salesman, Baker
    Effect: For every X amount of hours logged off you can sell all enhancements for 100% their value at any store for Y amount of time.
    Description: Your time in low wage jobs have paid off and you've begun your own franchise! No longer will you have to deal with sweaty feet or day old donuts!


    Accolade: Team Player
    Required Badges: Hero for Hire, Freedom Fighter
    Effect: You gain the use of a modified Longbow flamethrower. You gain charges for every X hours logged off.
    Description: You've played both sides of the hero game and you've come out better for it. Extremes are for lone wolves, team work is the only way to truly battle evil.


    Accolade: Admiral
    Required Badges: Dockworker, Sailor
    Effect: You gain the use of a harpoon. You gain charges for every X hours logged off.
    Description: You've mastered the art of shipping and have become an Admiral of the seas. There's no white whale that could escape your grasp!


    Whelp, hope somebody enjoys these
  12. She could always just be some sort of psychotic fan-girl of the Statesman that has just gone a wee bit too far... In the face of that I could imagine any technology related power would be feasible...
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    the earliest version of Neverwinter Nights came out six years before that!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What game is that? NwN isn't that old

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep, it is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow... A subscription fee of 6 bucks an hour... Oh no! Change the post, we don't want the devs seeing something like that
  14. Ah, didn't see this thread when it first went up... Thanks again for the pic Juggertha, I really loved how it turned out. I love my new little avatar too =P
  15. Hmm... With this limitless expandability I see stockpiling of salvage in the near future. Bases be darned!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    I don't recall Incarnates ever being mentioned in the same breath as any particular upcoming Issue by a developer. They've been pretty consistant about not mentioning any time frame about new EATs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I'm remembering correctly, the devs said that they want to put Incarnates in one of the upcoming issues after 8 (either 9 or 10 I believe) since those issues were from the former retail expansion and a new EAT was supposed to be included as well, however the EAT doesn't fit into the new storyline the game will move into with those issues, so they're having trouble fitting the EAT in for a proper release.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't ever recall them saying incarnates would be the box set EAT. All I recall them saying is that a) there would be an EAT in the box, and b) issues 10-12 would take up what was going to go into the box.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah, but they still haven't announced the three year vet reward yet. Posi did say it would be something spectacular and worth the wait... What better reward could there be in this game then rolling up an Incarnate for all your trouble?
  17. Adon nodded his head to Gal solemnly, "Thank you, madam, this is most generous of you. I am sure that the troops on the front will appreciate this generous contribution..."

    His lips turned upwards in a small wry smile. "Portal Corp, however, might have some difficulty with it, but it's nothing they can't afford with all of the patents of new technology they bring in... And I will see you before I leave, madam. You do not need to be formal with me, anything I did to warrant that was in the past, not the present."

    Adon Banma had become President Black the moment he came to the US as a man expelled from his home. It was not widely circulated knowledge of his whereabouts, or even the fact that President Black and Adon Banma were one in the same. He did not go around telling everyone his real name. President Black had been his second chance to make a difference in the world by saving people from disasters. A second chance to make a difference. He had failed as a leader of his country in the end, all because he had allowed the others to see his mutant healing abilities due to the death of his wife at the hands of the Rikti. The people of Monban were not as enlightened as those of Paragon, it had given the military the excuse to take over like in so many other countries in Africa, making a 1st world democratic, industrial nation into a wartorn territory... He would not fail again.

    He looked at Vegas. "Miss Vegas, I can haul quite a bit of supplies, since I have the ability to call in a teleporter from Portal Corp itself, I told them to be ready to accept some supplies later today."

    He withdrew a few small disks from his pocket, tiny transmitters that closely resembled those that heroes carried to be teleported to the hospital. They had the Portal Corp emblem on them.

    "Any food that would keep would be appreciated too... There isn't much in the way of defrosting or cooking supplies over there, so dried food would be best... Anything to take their minds off the military rations that they've received from Portal Corp and the government."

    He gave a backwards glance to Gal and chuckled. "I do not work for Portal Corp directly, they are only in it for the technical details of continuing the link between our worlds. I am the coordinator of the government efforts between our people and theirs. The envoy if you will... Much easier than uniting tribes into a nation, but Nemesis has been full of headaches..."

    He made a motion that he would follow Vegas, nodding to her that he wouldn't be in her way. This had turned out to be a very interesting day indeed...
  18. The white of President Black's smile contrasted with his pitch black skin and his graying beard. He quickly looked at the lady and was impressed with her stance and appearance. His mother, the one his dead tribe called Grandmother Sha, would have called her a Zulu if she had ever saw them. Not one of the people from the Bush, but close, so close.

    "I do not wish to do anything illegal," President Black smiled. "The items in question would not be resold, they would be distributed to people in need of some relaxation after suffering horrible hardships for the past several years. I made a promise before I left that place to a friend that I would try and bring something back for them... They would have been happy at just a few bars of chocolate, but I think they deserve more than that..."

    He paused and put his glass down on the bar. Even after all of that he wasn't even light headed. It was a shame, since it had been of good flavor too.

    "The place is question is not of this world. If you know Portal Corp, then you know of what I speak of. While the information of the world's quordinates and name is classified to those whose security level is below 50 with Omega level clearance, I can tell you some things... These people have been battling with Nemesis for several years, only recently have we from Paragon come to their assistance. They have managed to hold out against a thread from another dimension for so long, when uniquely their world has no heroes, at least none of our sort. Their industry, their entertainment has been gone since Nemesis first invaded their world. We've been giving them supplies, but it has just been the basics," President Black paused and looked hard into her eyes. "I've been assigned to working on their frontline for the past month or so, and they could use some relief from the constant war."

    He managed to smile again. "But where are my manners? My name is Adon Banma, what is your's madam?"

    *Just noting that his full name would probably be known casually by anybody who paid attention to national affairs. The details of his presidency are in a past post.*
  19. President Black let the music wash over him... The memories were still vivid, still so real to him, as if she could still be touched. That first day that she had seen him across the dusty street of the capitol, the way she swayed, the sweet perfume of the plains covered her. She was an african goddess, one that he never had thought he would find... He built a country with her, a life with her, and a family with her... But all these things had come to an end.

    Perhaps over time he would be able to overcome them. He looked to Narshawn and waved her over to get her attention.

    "Thank you for the music. I must depart soon, but before then I wondered if you could assist me?" He said, pointing to the back of the bar. "I am going back on assignment tonight, I'll be heading to a world that's currently under assault by a Nemesis; not this one's world though. Their supplies have dwindled to just military rations and packs, so I was curious if I could purchase a few boxes of alcohol. It was one of the requests of their soldiers at the time..."

    That and some mutagenic sludge... he thought to himself... But it was still a great secret that some of the Rikti were helping to defend this world against Nemesis. Nobody had to know how strategic this world was.

    "Could I purchase some?" he asked again.
  20. President Black nodded. "Yes, my wife found it very soothing, she said it reminded her of the day she first saw me... And now it reminds me of her, just her..."

    He let his voice drift off a little, haunting memories just at the edge of his consciousness...
  21. President Black listened politely at Mr. Lawhorn as he waited for his meal. Today was going to be much difficult later on, and he wanted to postpone it as much as possible. When he returned back to his apartment, "temporary" lodgings he had aquired almost a year ago, he knew he would shut down. The alcohol hadn't worked here. Jamael was off fighting in Striga Island with a host of other heroes. He would have to bear the pain alone...

    "Excuse me, madam," he said, gesturing to Narshawn. "Would you be able to play any music in the bar? And if so, would you happen to have the song "Summer Daydreams"? It was a popular song in Africa quite some time ago, my wife's favorite one. I wish to listen to it while I eat, to commemerate her death today."

    He gave Narshawn a small smile, his eyes much dimmer than when he came in. It was a small lapse, but the small amount of sadness still showed. The buisness with the Nemesis on alternate Earth's had distracted him, he hadn't realized it was a year since she had died. Maybe it had done it's job too well, it was all starting to hit him at once... But whatever he felt, he knew he would be able to stay in control until he went back home. One did not run a country by letting his emotions control him, and that had run right into his heroic career.

    "Please, if you are able to..."
  22. President Black took a nice large piece of steak in his mouth and chewed it, eyes squinting. He gulped it down and the corners of his mouth turned upwards. The meat was done medium-rare, was juicy and had great taste. He would have to give compliments to the chef... After he finished another one that is.

    He looked to the side at Buck Lawhorn. The man seemed quite normal, not used to Paragon. It was quite understandable, he'd gone through a similar process of culture shock when he had arrived in the city. He had only visisted the United States on State Visits, being here as a costumed hero was quite a different matter...

    "Well Mr. Lawhorn, this steak is very good, worth the wait, much better than the military rations I've been having the past several weeks... I find it good to find somebody who has been to my country. It was a tragedy that it collapse, it was a shining jewel in Africa to show that we were truly able to compete with the rest of the world and beyond..." President Black looked past the bar to the wall, but his gaze went far beyond that.

    "So Mr. Lawhorn, what is it that you do as a hero? I know from experiance and observation they only accept people with considerable skill to be one."
  23. "I'd also like a steak, madam, and whatever special you have tonight. The steak should be medium rare, if you have more than one special I'd like a surprise. Anything would be better than military rations that I've been having for the past few weeks." President Black nodded towards the waitress, finishing another bottle of alcohol, which, to his distress, still had no effect on him.

    "Haven't been in Paragon City long Mr. Lawhorn? Just register?" he said towards the man seated next to him at the bar. His eyes had lit up (metaphorically, they were already literally) at the mention that he had been to Monban.

    "Researching anything imparticular in Monban? I consider myself quite the expert on the nation. Before it's collapse the ruins of the forgotten tribe of Mondani were the highlight of the archaelogical community in the nation."
  24. President Black nodded to Narshawn, downing another glass of his liquor. So far it wasn't having any affect on him at all... The older he was getting the better his immune system was. Probably, some day soon, no amount would be able to make him tipsy. A pity too, but at least he could enjoy the taste.

    "Thank you, I would appreciate that," President Black said. "And you can call me Adon, I'm never one to stand on formalities."

    He pushed aside the bottles to the side of the glass, giving her room to pour more. "Unfortunately this stuff rarely affects me anymore, the disadvantage to an evolving immune system. Don't worry about me getting drunk... Though perhaps a steak would be good with these drinks? I do believe you mentioned them when I got in."

    President Black looked down at the bar infront of him, a light scattering of gunpowder littering it. He wiped some on, but some bits were sticky and persistant. Damn rain.

    "I'm sorry, but I seem to have messed up your counter... I would be careful with it, it does happen to be gunpowder," he said, smiling. Another burst of white flame erupted from his body as more nanites were expelled, but the powder on him didn't react...
  25. President Black looked down at the man next to him, giving him a little nod. A thin smile showed from out of his beard.

    "It isn't Monban, but Paragon is very... unique. It is the only place to be if you want to face certain challenges and enemies," he said, looking over the bar. The little bartender was taking awhile with his order, he had replied to her ages ago now... Though maybe the quantity was difficult. Hopefully she would accept his payment.

    Not to be impolite, he continued to talk. "I'm called President Black, it is nice to meet you. I assume you are also a registered hero here?"

    (OOC: Just a little background info for those interested. President Black was the former president of an African country called the Allied States of Monban. In recent years it had become quite famous, through his unique practices and laws it had risen to a first world power and had become industrialized. This all came to ruin from the Rikti War when an invasion force came into the Monban Capital city. President Black (real name Adon Banma) helped his guard fight against the alien threat before the army arrived to drive the small force off, but during the fight his wife was killed. Added to his grief, his guard and the army witnessed his mutant regeneration skills. There was a military coupe and he was exiled from the country. The country fell apart due to internal strife months later, and is currently being fought over by neighboring countries for land. Adon Banma was given sanctuary in the US and diplomat status. He is considered quite a high profile hero and uses his feats and fame to secure relief for his people back home and to fight the Rikti.)