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If there's not already a global channel dedicated to story arcs, why not make one? I know I find many of my teams through various badge and strike force channels, and server chat channels, and the teams send to be running story arcs or story-driven AE content.
It was a lovely run. Wardrobe Malfunction was bugged, so it's back in the queu for when it's fixed. Small Fears was excellent and I'd recommend it to others. And the one shot we tried featured socks. These FFFs are fantastic, making good arcs better and bad arcs bearable.
I won't be available next Friday, but I hear it's going without me (as it should!). So make some recommendations of arcs you've tried and loved, and I'll see you all in game in two weeks.
PS- Later in the week I'll post a list here of everything we've tried so far. -
I have added Friday Flights of Fancy to the community calender for the next 3 weeks. Someday, the calender will allow for weekly reoccurring events and for reoccurances by weekday, not just date.
Text -
No, he's got a dual build. When he's moderating, he's Moderator 8. When he's doing community stuff, he's The Ocho.
Good heavens, there's no need to make threats!
Whew, I'm back.
The roster looks good.
For missions, let's do:
-Wardrobe Malfunction
-Small Fears
-A random one-mission (I'll find something suitable)
And move "Retrive Castle's Database" to the next FFF, since it's 4 missions long. I find one long arc and two very short arcs are what works for me. Of course, just because I go to bed doesn't mean everyone else has to stop the FFF.
By the way, I won't be available next Friday, so I'll pick up again in June. You all are welcome to run without me, of course. -
Thanks, Knight Chill. I have jury duty this week so have been afk.
Post run report:
The three arcs we tried were all good. We started out with something light and amusing, moved on to what proved to be an excellent low-level arc, and ran a more elaborate but also excellent arc. I didn't get to finish the last arc, since since a friend called in crisis during the final mission, but some Friday soon I'll get to see this event through.
As always, it was wonderful teaming with all of you. I'm glad to have found Guardian.
Next week 5/15/09 7 pm PST:
-Wardrobe Malfunction
-Some short arc
-Some other short arc
1. @Textilian
8. -
I dunno, the pepto bismol makes me think maybe a mylar balloon would be better? It's so hard to go wrong with a mylar balloon. Maybe you can find a purple octopus one.
I would like to make up Textilian complaining about powerleveling even though she never did because I can't counter her point about the stupidity of level-locking a game feature so big it got its own box set!
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Look, I can misquote, too! -
Hello new player, thank you for purchasing this new boxed version of City of Heroes: Architect Edition! You'll be able to play with the feature you purchased to play with just as soon as you see all of the other content in the game!
Also, we know you were looking forward to teaming with your friends using the much-touted sidekick system, but they're using a feature you can't!
We hope you enjoy your time here in Paragon City!
I don't think so. -
And I do not want to get into a discussion about the following, but I felt compelled to mention, I am not being bias toward a Magic Origin set. I would also like to see a tech based set, all about robotics or something. Or a science powerset, based on chemical formulas, biological experimentation, etc. I just prefer magic personally, there should be good powersets like this for every origin if possible. I just want to keep this one strictly magical because there is a lot of everything else. Magic is a minority in my opinion. There is a new found popularity thanks to the Magic Booster. But that is mostly a costume thing, it needs powers to back it up.
P.S. I was just thinking about monstrous hats the other day when on my magician toon I created a "dragon" sg costume.
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When I think about monstrous hats, I think about them having teeth and scurrying along the floor.
Someone else, earlier in the thread, suggested having this be an unlockable AT. That would account nicely for it being magic only. I think it would need some more powers, then, to choose from, if it was unlockable.
How about a series of 3 thematic task/strike forces or trials? Something at 30-35, 35-40, 40-45. We could see more of the Midnighter's story, or Ourobourous, or the Shard. Maybe more about the CoT or the Carnival. Three seems like a good number to me, thematic, mystical. Trials in those ranges would also be excedingly helpful to villains as well as providing more options to heroes. (I was thinking seperate, not co-op, trials)
So a current charecter comes along and does those 3, learns more, gets a badge, and unlocks the Magic EAT.
I would expect an EAT to be more powerful than standard ATs, too. And it wouldn't bother me in the least if other origin-specific EATs were unlocked in a similar way. -
Lusca and Sally are both Giant Monsters. They don't interact have to do the same things a pet would. Monstrous and robotic legs still use the basic skeletons. Here's the most recent explanation of why new skeletons require a lot of work. (It wasn't in the Monstrous Hats thread. I had such hopes, too...)
There's nothing wrong with asking for a new skeleton. It might open up things which have been requested before, like a shape shifting set. But it does sound like a lot of work for one power in one set. Is there anything which would work instead of the classic dragon, like an earth elemental? Gnomes? Maybe the classic dragon is the only thing which would work. It just seems like your idea would be more feasible if it could work with a preexisting model.
As for this:
I really do feel like this idea is good, and seems like everyone else that is posting is just trying to poke holes in it. Despite the fact that a lot of people I have talked to in game have said it sounds cool.
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Of course people poking holes in it. It's not out of malice, it's to help make the idea better. No matter how good the original concept is, do you really think you thought of everything? That someone isn't going to come in with something which could make it that much cooler? It's good for your idea to get talked about, to looked at with critical eyes. If there's a reason something should be some way, explain why! Maybe I won't agree. Maybe I never will. Who cares? More thinking is better.
I've already said I liked the overall concept. -
yes the dragons would require a new skeleton, how is that any different than other things that have been put in the game that require a new skeleton. It wasn't a big deal then, and it is not a big deal now.
[/ QUOTE ]
What else in the game required new skeletons? Nothing is springing to mind.
I'm going to see if I can dig up some of the past discussion about skeletons and animations. -
When I read this thread, I don't see any "learn to search" or "no" or "learn to spell" or any posts like that. Just thoughtful responses, testing out the original idea, suggesting ways it might change or be unlocked or be made better. That's the whole point. Of course you don't have to agree with everything, but what you seem to view as negative I would view as an attempt to refine your idea, help, with a few playful asides here and there.
I'd also view the playful asides as a sign of acceptance.
Besides, it doesn't matter what size the rod is, it's about what you do with it (power choices). -
If we're going down that road, it's a powerset centered around playing with one's rod.
Thought of something about the dragons. They'd require a new skeleton, right? -
PvP MA missions? Ooooooh. That would be neat!
The way I understand the market is when the player accesses it, it pulls all of the information about what's available and sales history, everything, from a database. Would having more players having more slots clog up the loading?
(I honestly don't know. This isn't rhetorical.)
Would people renting more sale slots be able to store things in their regular slots while renting others? -
I wouldn't use it myself. But I wouldn't object to seeing it has an option for those who did want it, especially since the missions are instanced.
I like the Dresden Files.
I just have this horrible vision of CoH v. J. K. Rowlings. Also, having thought about it, I think the pseudolatin names limit the concept more than it needs to. There are other languages I think of as appropriately magical. I think it's better to give the powers descriptive English names, and then leave it to the players to set up chat binds to accompny the powers for additional flavor.
With different wand models, it seems like it could be more than just a magic wand. It could be a wand of science, of mastery of physics. And it seems like that wouldn't use pseudolatin.
I can't tell if I'm rambling or not. Someone please send coffee, just pour it into the Universal Speed Boost (USB) port there... -
I'm all for better e-mail control.
I'm also for inspiration trading across factions.
As an aside, if you don't like the spammers, maybe you could take the name of the spamming company out of your post. Most of us will know who you're referring to anyway, but why give them any extra advertisement? -
My main concern is that it's so conceptually limiting. Yeah, it can be altered some with having the wand being able to be (as part of weapon customization,) say, an athame, crsytal of some sort, etc, but... you're not just limiting this to a Magic origin, but a Magic user who would use wands, as opposed to spells, books, scrolls, or just "innate" magic.
Eh. I get what you're trying to do, don't get me wrong. I just think people might feel *too* limited by it. (After a quick skim, that's really the only concern.) While, as BBQ points out, there are similar sets (AR/BS/DB/WM,) they're only weapon-limited, not really weapon-and-origin.
If it were handled like an epic of some sort, unlocked via a task force or some such, I think it'd be easier to get away with.
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Epic is an interesting idea. Think of the possibilities! An expansion of the Ouroborous story, or the Midnighters, why they don't get along, maybe more with the Shard and all of the alternate realities out there...
Plus I adore a good task or strike force.