E-Mail and Friends and Chat Bubbles.
Rather than a Delete All button, I'd rather see them add better controls to email. Like an option to shut it off entirely, and an option (on by default) that would allow email to only be received from friends, those in your SG, and those in coalition with your SG.
I'd certainly like cross-faction trading; dunno if they can allow insps without also allowing influence/infamy (which they don't want to do). It'd be very nice if they added insp gifting/trading though. Add the ability to search for the other faction when in a co-op zone.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I'm all for better e-mail control.
I'm also for inspiration trading across factions.
As an aside, if you don't like the spammers, maybe you could take the name of the spamming company out of your post. Most of us will know who you're referring to anyway, but why give them any extra advertisement?
I just got it.There should be an option where you could also program your E-Mail to deny e-mails with certain key words in it like the powerleveling offer that begins itself with the letter G or "Powerleveling",and certain numbers as well!
Using specific site names is a no-no on the forums, I'd suggest you edit it out.
Incidentally have you noticed that ******.com is actually coming accross starred exactly like that via a text substitution now.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
1)Maybe it still does happen,I guess,but I still believe it to be a rare occurence when friends recieve e-mails from friends rather than that stupid G,Powerleveling program and problem.After about 50 days of being offline,I log in and I discover that I have recieved 101 emails from the G,Powerleveling offers,or whatever it is,so here is what I propose,and it could help in the war against the powerleveling offers that begin with the letter G on their website...add a "Delete All" option to the email in-game system.If I were the G,Powerleveling offer program,I would be angry to see all of my hard work in sending emails to players gone in one second.Just something to think about.
2)I also think this...People should be allowed to add both Heroes and Villains to their friends list.I dont see what it would hurt,and also,whenever heroes and villains meet up in any zone that they could possibly can,we shoud be allowed to give them any inspiration we think that they might need.In comic books,some Heroes are optimists and believe in super-villains changing for the right in the end,and therefore should be helped out in anyway possible.I know that isnt the logic in this game,but I think that this idea has merit,and should be considered,but it would only be where heroes and vilains could meet up peacefully,or in areas like the Rikti War Zone.it certainly would mke rezzing them when they fall easier so they dont have to continue by going to the hospital and making that long fly back to the mission.
3)I notice that a player can change the color of their chat bubble and their spech,which is a good feature,but what about changing the exterior of the bubble?..Like,you can add bumps to it,or flames,or spikes,or whatever you want...It could help if your charachter was a demon,or a plant monster,or a bird,and you wanted your charachter to sound as such.You could ad flames to it if your charachter were a demon,for an example,and you wanted him or her to have that demonic,firey speech-sound
The end : )