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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    You're right in one respect: they might not know exactly which element of their multi-featured Super Packs was more important to their overall sales than another. I simply contend that that kind of elemental information might not really be as important as you think it is.

    The Devs are going to look at the overall sales of these Packs as an indicator as to what will come in Super Packs set #2, #3 and so on. If they determine that this first Super Pack set is a failure they will obviously go back to the drawing board and try some other formulation. But if they determine that this Super Pack was a success (by whatever criteria they measure that by) then you can rest easy that the next Super Packs will once again incorporate both exclusive and non exclusive features.

    Ultimately I think your only chance to convince them that putting an exclusive costume set in these Super Packs was a mistake will be if the the Devs conclude that the overall sales of the the Packs were dismally below their expectations. Unfortunately for you I simply don't see that happening.
    Yes - and wouldn't it be a stupid decision if they could have both pleased a greater percentage of their playerbase and made more money by doing it a different way?

    As it stands, nobody knows (I suspect) if that would have been the case. I don't blame Paragon for being willing to select income over player desires - that's fine, they're a corperation and have to make the rent. I just think that they might want to at least see if they can have their cake and eat it too.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Again to answer your questions all that I will say is that you need to look at things from the Devs' point of view.

    If the marketing guy saw that the Super Packs were selling well the ONLY thing he/she would care about is that the company was doing something right for them to make money. The "distinction" you're trying to draw here is only something that a player might care about - the Devs couldn't care less. What does it matter to Paragon Studios if people are buying them because they like the generic random mechanic of the packs or because they feel obligated to in order to get something exclusive? Either way people are buying them.

    To use a real world example car companies these days usually try to throw in all sorts of extra features into their cars like rear view cameras, built-in GPS, satellite radio and so on to make them distinctive in the marketplace. When a customer comes in to buy they might be motivated to buy for all sorts of reasons. For all the dealer knows maybe the ONLY reason a customer ends up buying his/her car was that it had a feature that couldn't be found anywhere else. Same goes for this game's Super Packs.

    The Super Packs of this game offer an array of features any one of which might motivate someone to buy them. Some people might like the ATOs, others the costume items, still other might only want to chase the Wolf. Some of these things you can get via other methods, some of them you can't. Your quaint idea that one of these various features (the costume set) has no place being an exclusive is flawed because for a certain subset of people that might turn out to be the only reason they'd buy the packs. Sure a given player X might find that "annoying" for whatever reason, but again from the the Devs' point of view all they'll care about is that they sold a Super Pack to player X for SOME reason regardless of what that reason was positive or negative. Paragon Studios can't force anyone to buy anything. What excuse do you really have to complain if you decide to buy something even if you for some reason don't like WHY you are buying it? You vote with your money - either stick to your guns and don't buy the packs or buy them with a smile on your face.

    Basically the company is going to make more money off of selling his new costume set via super packs than they ever would via direct sales. It worked for Wizards of the Coast - it'll work for Paragon Studios as well. The people who hate Collectible Card Games don't buy them and WotC still laughs all the way to the bank. *shrugs*
    Because the company might want to know what will happen the next time they introduce a Super Pack. The distinction is important to the Devs, because they would be well-served by knowing if they must include a much-sought-after exclsuive costume set in every Super Pack offering to get them to sell. Right now, they don't know that.
    Paragon doesn't know if people are buying them with a smile or a scowl... which wouldn't make any difference if they weren't planning on doing it again. If you don't know the reason behind your success, it's hard to replicate.

    I'm not questioning if they will make more money off of Super Packs versus direct sales. I'm questioning if they will make more money off of Super Packs versus Super Packs and direct sales. I don't know the answer to that question, and I don't honestly think you do either. I suspect Paragon doesn't, either.

    If we drop the 'quaint' assumption that Paragon cares about pleasing their customers, this is still a matter of income efficency. The question is: are the Super Packs competitive with our currently-in-place method of delivering content? In the interest of maximizing future profits, how much content should we release this way? All of it? Half? None?
    Without an apples-to-apples comparison, I'm not sure they can intelligently answer these questions.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    We're just guessing, but Paragon is actually going to know, because they will know what the revenue stream is from the super packs and they will know what the average revenue is from costume bundles, and they will be able to reasonably extrapolate which would have been better.

    Rest assured that if they determine you were right, we will see more costume bundles and less super pack-like items. This early in the development of the hybrid model, each new thing the devs sell is an experiment, one that gives them data as to what we collectively will pay for, how much we will pay for it, and under what conditions we'll pay more or less.

    They were, in fact, performing the same experiments to a lesser extent with the booster packs before Freedom was announced.
    My only concern is that people are buying the Super Packs not because they like the Super Pack mechanic, but because that is the only way to get the exclusive costume set. That's one good reason to release both at once - it would give the Devs actual feedback on the Super Pack mechanic.

    As it is, sales figures will be hard to parse between "I like the way Super Packs are set up" and "I don't like Super Packs, but I love the EO pieces". If the majority (or even substantial minority) opinion is the latter, the Devs have set up a system by which the only hard data they will receive is positive... that might be good salesmanship, but it's lousy marketing.

    Let me put it to you this way: if you were in Marketing, and you saw the Super Packs selling well, what would you assume? That the playerbase likes the random mechanic of the Packs? Or that they are willing to deal with it to get things they can't get in any other way?
    And, given that you have limited resources for working up the way content is to be released to the game, do you think that's an important distinction?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elianta View Post
    But I think it's pretty telling that this argument has been going on since Tuesday without really slowing down much. There's clearly a large portion of the player base that finds this idea horribly bothersome to their idea of CoH and Paragon Studios in general.

    I'm frankly rather bothered by the decision(enough that I'm posting here on the forums, which I almost never do[mostly I check out announcements then go and play]) because I want to give Paragon Studios Money for things and they're not letting me except through a roundabout, uncertain method I have no desire to use.

    I think we need to bring the discussion back to the fact that the majority of the people in this thread against the packs are not against the Super Packs. They're against the thought of not being able to purchase the things found in said pack separately with a 100% guarantee of getting them.

    I personally think it's stupid of NCSoft to not want to take my money for the costume set/vanity pet. And I think it's even sillier that they have no plan to introduce the EO set at a later date/are considering doing this for further sets.

    So again

    Super Packs aren't evil/horrible hellspawns that make Cole look like small time in comparison


    Super Packs should not have exclusive items that you can only get without any guarantee by spending far more than you would otherwise. The draw of Super Packs should be that you can potentially get far more for your points than you did buying individually.
    For myself, the only part of this I might find substantial issue with is the statement that's it's a large section of the playerbase that's upset with this. I have no idea if it's large or small, or going to change in either direction over the coming days and weeks.

    The only thing that I do know is that, whatever section of the playerbase it is, the Devs have decided it's the unimportant section, as far as this issue goes. Which is, of course, their option.
    Given some of their marketing missteps in the past, I wonder if they've gotten this one right. We'll see.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    As long as there's no guarantee of success, some people will spend more on the super packs than it would have cost to get things separately, and if the separate option later becomes available, those people will be infuriated.

    Having both options up front might well have worked, but it would have taken away one of the big draws super packs were offering. Part of the point of that draw is that a lot of people wouldn't buy super packs without some kind of exclusive, but once they've bought a couple they may decide it's fun and buy more. It's an inducement.
    I agree, to a certain extent.
    In my mind, an announcement in a week or two that there would be alternate methods available, due to player requests, is 'up front' enough for me.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    That's because you haven't bothered to look at it through Dev-tinted glasses.

    From their point of view dealing with a relatively small up-tick in short-term player angst is worth the money they are making from this. They're looking at the big picture here - they honestly don't care that much about individual players. I know that sounds brutally harsh but it's completely realistic and logical from their point of view.

    Exclusivity of the costume items in the Super Packs is the very quality that makes them good sellers.
    It may be counter-intuitive to some, but it is what it is. *shrugs*
    I don't want to misrepresent your position here, so let me see if I understand:

    You're arguing that the Super Packs would not be popular if there was some way - even a (generally) more expensive but certain - way of getting the EO pieces?
    Am I getting the thrust of your argument?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Two separate questions:

    1. Effect of originally making the EO pieces available separately: Fewer angry players, but a lot of people not buying super packs who might have otherwise.
    2. Effect of now, after the fact, making the EO pieces available separately: Tons of angry players who bought super packs only in order to get those pieces.
    But both of these make the assumption that the Super Packs are only worthwhile for the EO costume pieces, in essence. Let me see if I can break down my thinking here:

    If we make the assumption that the seperate EO pieces would be substantially more expensive than their breakpoint in getting them through Super Packs, then either:
    1) Many people still buy the Super Packs, while a few spend more money on the EO pieces (presumably good)
    2) Many people spend more on the EO pieces while abandoning the Super Packs (still good)

    If we make the assumption that the EO pieces would be offered at or below their Super Pack likely cost, then either:
    1) Many people still buy the Super Packs because they like the other things offered, and/or the mechanics of the system (still good)
    2) The Super Packs are abandoned because all people were really buying them for was the EO pieces. If this is the case, then it has been demonstrated that people didn't really like the Super Packs, but were 'holding their noses' and using an unpopular system anyway. Knowing this is good.

    I personally suspect that Super Packs would be, and would remain, popular, even without having numerous exclusive pieces. If not, than it's not the Super Packs themselves that are a success, just the costume pieces.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I think Arcanaville's main idea here was that for every "angered player" out there there's going to be another player who's going to buy dozens or even hundreds of packs. I suspect very few of the "angered players" are actually going to quit playing entirely over this issue, and the few who do will eventually be replaced or mitigated by the revenue generated by the Super Packs.

    Couple this to the fact that just about everyone is managing to get the entire Elemental Costume set parts within the first 10-12 packs means that in the long run almost no one will stay "bothered" by this.
    And my point is that making the EO pieces available to purchase seperately results in even fewer angered players. I've not yet been convinced that more angered players is a better plan than fewer ones.
  9. Being the cat I am, you're not talking to me, but I'm going to answer anyway...

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    But the question is would you rather get predictable and less rewards, or unpredictable and on average more rewards, with the chance you may get less than average, and more importantly would you sentence all of the rest of the playerbase to the same fate.
    My answer to the first question is: yes. I am more than willing to pay more and be certain than gamble on a method that might cost me less.

    As to the second part, I would prefer to give every player the option of doing one or the other, and thus not force anyone in either direction.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    There are players that say NCSoft is losing money on the Super Packs because if they simply sold all the elements separately, more people would buy the individual elements. That's possible, but psychologically speaking the smart money is betting that they are making more money on the Super Packs because for every person electing not to spend money on them, another player is more than compensating by spending a lot more on them than they would spend on buying the individual items in a targeted fashion. That's the nature of these things, and its been generally true in most environments where such things are bundled and sold.
    My contention is that they could make even more money by offering a sure buy at a (probably) higher cost. This would also result in fewer angered players, which I would have to assume is better for the bottom line.
    I don't object to the Packs existing, I just don't care to buy them myself.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Less revenue means less game, for everyone. So the problem with saying that predictable is better is that that is not the whole choice. The choice is really is predictability worth costing everyone less content, and conversely is having more content worth introducing unpredictable rewards. That's the decision the devs face here. Its not a straight forward decision.
    It certainly isn't a straightforward decision - that's one reason I'm dismayed they've already made it (We have no plans to release the EO pieces in any other manner) so early in the process.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    To late merits are already something in super packs which buys IOs and can be sold on the market for influence and ATOs can also be traded on the market.

    Though I will add the devs did a good job not actually selling influence cause with all this supply suddenly prices are in fact dropping on just about everything worth while from what I've seen.
    Ah, I had been under the impression that the Super Pack ATO's were non-tradable. In reviewing, it's just the Enhanced (Purple) versions that are not marketable. Thank you for correcting me on this.

    Well, then, given that they've already breached that wall, I would suggest they they make the cards themselves tradable. Perhaps reset the flag operations for the costume set so that a player would have to actively claim the costume pieces to stop getting them in subsequent packs. Or allow Null to flip the switch on that... that way, players interested in marketing the costume pieces could continue to receive them after getting them. This would also have the effect of breaking the exclusivity of the EO pieces and thus remove my primary objection to the Packs.

    Win-win! (All except for those people who don't like to watch other people get nice things...)

    Note: No, I don't think this is likely to happen.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
    I do have a legitimate suggestion for the Super Packs.

    Considering you guys have gone out of your way to make a "card" system with a numbered order and everything, could you guys give us a way to see which "cards" we have unlocked and which we haven't.

    I know its completely meaningless, and entirely superficial, but they are numbered and I would like to see how much of the "set" I have gotten. You have the list of costume pieces in the "collect" area, you just gotta add the rest of the set.
    This seems like a good idea - it would increase the 'completionist' aspect of the cards, which would (I suspect) tend to further the interest in buying them.

    Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
    Also I would like to be able to "trade" the cards to other players. I may not need all these enhancement boosters, but a buddy of mine sure could, and he has some enhancement unslotters I could use, so it would be nice to be able to swap. But I know that is not something that can be added easily, so I'm just saying.
    This, on the other hand, dives right into the problem of purchasable INF. If a player can purchase something with real-world money, and then turn immediately around and sell it on the Market for a gain in INF, that's essentially just laundering one currency into another. There are pros and cons to this, of course, but as far as I know, the Devs have always come out dead-set against this sort of thing. Being able to sell cards to another player is not complex, obscure or at a great remove... it's tatamount to paying real world currency for INF in a very direct way.
    It has, of course, been suggested that an official source for purchasable INF would essentially destroy RTM operations, and this system would allow the players to set the price point (by determining what the cards were worth in the open Market). I don't know enough economic theory to know if that's a good idea or a bad one, though, so I'm not offering an opinion on that. I'm just saying that the Dev team have always seemed very resistant any cash-for-INF system.
    (I'm assuming that you're suggesting the cards be allowed as tradable items in the Market - a direct card-for-card seperate system would mitigate these concerns, but would be a lot of work.)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
    Wow, what a mess this thread has become.

    In all my years playing the game, the one key factor that seemed to preceed every aspect of this game was:

    Risk vs Reward.

    So, for all of you who hate this, you are proving thier point.
    The reward is SO GOOD (costume pieces seem to be the big point) that your desire to obtain those clearly and easily is clouding the very simple equation. The RISK part, take 5 cards, flip them and see what you get... To you, the mere chance of uncertainty seems overwhelming.
    With, of course, the major difference being that in this case, what we are risking is actual money - or something with equivalent (if not recoverable) value.
    If the game charged me $1 for every character defeat, I imagine I wouldn't play.
    Would you?

    Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
    Sounds like the Risk vs Reward equation is working as intended.

    I DO NOT think the costumes should be offered anywhere else but in packs. This allows the packs to have a special reward that you can get nowhere else. You take the risk of puchasing the packs, you have a chance of reaping the desirable rewards. It seems some of you are one sided here, you only want rewards.
    No, I like knowing what I buy before I buy it. I'm not interested in purchasing consumables in this game, especially consumables that I can't select. In this system, about the only guarantee is that you will purchase an uncertain number of unselectable consumables.

    Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
    I think the rewards justify the packs. Here is an outstanding costume set that is obtainable by only doing *this act*... One could have said that for the Roman pieces before they let them loose. How about the Rularru pieces? Why arent people up in arms that they cant buy those? Its costume stuff only obtainable by doing *this act*...
    How much money does getting a character defeated in the ITF or the Shard cost again?

    Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
    Some say Time is Money.
    So, is the hours sludging through the shards compriable to paying out a couple bucks to obtain the costume sets? For some, yes it is. Some people cant spend hours upon hours doing those TF's or Trias, but they can buy some cards, flip them, and feel connected to the game in ways they couldnt before.
    And I wish them the very best of fun and fortune in doing so.
    Yet, when I ask for the same dispensation from you - the ability to get things that I want in the game in a perfectly reasonable and much-done manner (buying them directly or earning them through in-game content), you tell me I am being unreasonable.

    Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
    Badges are attached to doing *this act*

    So much of the game is, and now, people want thier cake and to eat it too.

    No way Jose'

    thats the brilliance of the Super Packs. Heres the coolest thing ever. Buy the packs, you may get them, as well as some other cool stuff. If you dont buy them, no costumes. If you dont do the TF, no badge. If you dont sludge through the shards, no pieces...

    Its all the same agrument.
    Same formula, different application.

    So why are we complaining again?
    Again - how much does the ITF cost to run? $1? $5?
    I'm strange (apparently) in that I enjoy playing the game. Getting stuff for doing so is a nice bonus. I like the ITF - the Roman armor set is a nice perk, but I like playing my characters.
    I don't enjoy watching my bank account balance drop. If I can get something directly and predictably for that, I can decide easily if that's a good use of the unpleasant act of handing my money over to another person. If it's a crap shoot... sorry, my money comes too hard for that.

    If your preference is to get the EO pieces through random means, please, be my guest, knock yourself out - I sincerely hope you enjoy the experience.
    Now please extend the same courtesy - to acquire these costume pieces though the means I prefer - to me.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    I have not bought a single pack.
    Which is why I was quoting, and responding to Techbot Alpha rather than yourself.

    In any case, thank you for not doing so. Unfortunately, if the ratio of 'buying to not buying' gamewise is anything like what we're seeing in this thread, the Devs will believe - apparently correctly - that this is what the playerbase desires for future add-on sales.

    I'm indifferent to the Packs themselves - personally, I prefer to know what I'm buying before I buy it, but I don't begrudge anyone else feeling differently. I do hate and loathe, however, that a beautiful costume set has been gated behind a lottery system, however lenient. So long as it is, I will not make any effort to obtain the set.

    I'd be happy to buy it, if it were available. Apparently the Devs either did not forsee anyone desiring this option (hard to imagine, as often as it was expressed), or prefer to deny that option conciously.

    Thus have the Devs decided to have less of my money than they could. I don't like that choice, but it's their call.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    I did pony up for a 24 pack bundle, but only because I had points spare from my initial binge when the market hit live.

    I did get all the Costume parts, which is what I was after.
    HOWEVER...I do not and will not approve of costumes being locked behind methods such as this. No. Just no.

    There needs to be an alternative. If people would happily plunk down 400 points for the set, so LET them. More options is GOOD, less options is BAD.
    I'm sorry to put this this way, but you did and you do approve of these packs being offered the way they are, and you voted with your currency to prove it. You sent a message to the Devs that you support the system as it stands... because you supported the system as it stands.

    Words are cheap, and I'm afraid you put your money behind the system on this one. You've voted. You might regret your vote - I have no idea - but you've voted for the packs as they are.

    I love those pieces, and want them for more than a few of my characters. Several of my characters are steampunk-based, and almost all of them have a variant along those lines. The helmet, the mask, the jacket... I have literally dozens of costume ideas for those pieces.
    But I do not and will not support these being a random-pick-only offering. Therefore, I will not support this by spending a thing on it. If enough people do what I'm doing, the Devs will know doing this was a mistake. If enough people do what you did, the Devs will know it wasn't.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    2 things:
    1. Let's reserve judgement and wait and see how the story plays out. As I said after we announced States was shuffling off to the great hereafter, there's still 2 more chapters to go, and anything can (and probably will) happen.
    2. When writing these stories, we have to make them personal, and yet still all encompassing as they have a definite impact on the game world. In talking to Dr. Aeon, I know for a fact that he does everything in his power to convey a truly villainous experience, but please understand that we cannot take each and every character, origin or backstory into account. Don't get me wrong, we would *love* to give you all the opportunity to take over or destroy the world, but unfortunately that particular story telling mechanism is a bit difficult to convey outside of a medium like console games.

    In a world (tell me you didn't just hear Don LaFontaine's voice)...where other people would be affected by it, how would we get to chose who actually presses the button? I mean, aside from the obvious...

    The obvious is I push the button.
    Of course, the other option is to stop playing the 'Destroy The WHOLE WORLD! AH HA HA HA HA!' card.

    Allowing me to take over the world... well, let's say I defeat Recluse and thus really impress pretty much the entirety of Arachnos with my sheer bad-self-ness. So much so that no matter their factions, they would only ever fight me in self-defense.
    We, of course, have the technology to code enemies yellow.
    Having Arachnos in Grandville ping yellow to me would really grant a feeling of rulership, control and accomplishment.

    Likewise, having (possibly invisibly) tracked stats regarding your status with various baddie groups, so that working with - or intimidating - them sufficiently would make them reluctant to engage you would be a fun thing to have as badges: "Invader Ally", "Master/Mistress of the Carnival", "More Trouble than He's/She's Worth" (Malta), "Arbiter Emeritus", "Honorary Freak", "Enemy of the State" (Council), "Gear not Turned but Turning" (Nemesis), that kind of thing.

    That's just my opinion, of course.
  16. My own story comes from the Numina TF, way back in the bad ol' days. I was trying to get all the TF's done on my main and namesake, a DM/Regen scrapper. We were only able to get a PuG of 4 together for the TF - a fire Tanker, Fire/Emp Controller, some form of Blaster and myself. The Tanker, who was the only one who had done it before said there'd be no way we could finish it - we'd run through it for the ExP, take a look at Jurassik, and then bail.

    The TF itself went well enough, we had a lot of fun. At the very last room, we try to pull some of the mobs for a bit more scrounge, and HERE COMES THE BIGGIE! Jurassik flattens the pulling Blaster, and beats the Tanker into submission as the Controller wisely beat feet out. I figured I'd give her (the Controller) a bit more cover with a heroic death, so I start swinging.
    I have always sacrificed damage output for survivability on Tetsuko, so I wasn't able to make any sort of real impression on Jurassik's green bar. However, his attacks were so slow, and I had slotted my heals so heavily, we stalemated. With Regen's END recovery, I was END-neutral, so I just kept going and going... and the Controller got the Tanker back on his feet... then popped away the Blaster and rezzed them as well, whereupon they came storming back to finish the job.

    That's exactly what I had built Tet to do - to survive and continue battling when all others fell. That's not the only time I've done that, but it was the craziest. I couldn't have done it without the awesome PuG, and I'm just glad they all stuck it out for a helpless fight that, in the end, we somehow won.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Erm... There's no problem with people dressing their female characters in a way specifically designed to please men. That's kind of the point of having such a powerful costume creator. Whether you or I would isn't really relevant to whether someone else should, or whether someone else could. Postulating that isn't a call for sexism or objectification, but merely a call for not excluding costume pieces which could support it. I, personally, happen to be a great proponent of open expression. If people want to use this expression to be sexist ********, then let them. I simply won't have anything to do with it, but it's their subscription, their time, their characters.
    I do not disagree with any of this at all.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    You seem to be coming from the stance - and correct me if I'm wrong - that people wanting or making sexist costumes is somehow wrong and people should be ashamed of this. I disagree with this on a fundamental level. If people want to make sexist costumes, let them. If that's what they want in their entertainment, let them have it. Players aren't the issue. What the art team makes and, moreover, what the art team DOESN'T make is.
    Ok, I'll correct you.
    I was objecting to MOO's apparent statement about what happens in the real world, not the costume creator. Yes, the overall discussion is about the costume creator, but some statements have been made about the real world.
    Comments about what sort of clothes (not virtual costumes) women (not female characters) need strike me as sexist, and I'll tend to say so.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    "He's a good guy, he's just sexist" is pretty much still this. I don't know whether to call it damning with fine praise or just masking attacks as compliments, but it doesn't sit well with me.
    Let me clarify: Most people are a little bit sexist. I know I am.
    I try not to be, and I suspect MOO does not want to be, either.
    When I say something unconciously sexist, I would want people to call me on it so I can examine it and see what I was thinking. That's the thing about unconcious sexism: you don't see it yourself.
    Neither you nor MOO have to accept my definition of what's sexist (heck, you don't have to accept my belief that MOO is a good guy, either), but if I see something that strikes me that way, I'm likely to mention it. If I do that with too much snark, that's a fault of mine.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm probably the last person to talk about being nice or polite, especially given my posting history, but it's generally my belief that keeping the forums a nice, friendly place where people feel comfortable enough to open up and share their ideas is a good thing. Personally, I'd never consider speaking in favour of Furry artwork on any other game's forum but this, just because I know it's an "easy to hate" target that will get me mocked and ignored. That's why the City of Heroes community is different. We're tolerant of people's vices and virtues and look for ways to incorporate both in the game.
    And in this, you're quite right. This is one of the most welcoming and friendly forums around and we should keep it that way. I need reminding of that, and I thank you for doing so.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Sure, if someone's being an *** an making a mess of the forums, then kick 'im in the shins, metaphorically speaking. I'll be right there with you. But when someone makes a relatively reasoned post, it just feels... Mean-spirited to cut them down like this. I know that's not what you were trying to do, but it comes off like this.
    Let me point out that you seem - to me - to straying kinda close to "I know what you meant, but what you asid was..." which is exactly what you are unhappy with me doing. I was trying to bring MOO's attention to something he said that I thought wasn't good. it looks like I failed at doing this well.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I should point out that I'm not really making this point entirely on MOO's behalf, or because I feel he's hurt. Like I said, it's just a principle thing with me. I don't like seeing people accused of things in what I consider to be an unfair way. In this case, it's even more than that, because what I hate more than anything else is reading statements into people's words that they didn't actually say. Few things get under my skin these days, but posts starting with "So you're saying that..." are one of the few still remaining. I've actually put people who continually twist my words on ignore just because I'm developing an ulcer from reading their posts.
    I understand where you're coming from there.
    I just think you and I differ on what we think MOO said.
    For what it's worth, I'm not trying to yank your chain - or anyone else's. I might be mistaken, but I'm being honest in what I think.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't believe you're lying, if that's what you took from it. I believe you understand what he's saying, but believe he means more than he says. I generally consider reading a statement as something significantly different than what it says on face value is a deliberate misreading. That doesn't mean it's wrong (for passive-aggressive people, it's downright necessary), but it's far, far too easy to read into a person's words something the person never intended to say. As I said - I've had this happen to me so many times I just want to punch people over the Internet when they do that to me.
    I don't think that MOO meant to say anything sexist - that's the reason I pointed it out when it looked to me like he did.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I get that you believe it's clearly said, but I simply don't see it in a straight reading.
    Right - we disagree here. You think I'm being too sensitive, and I think you're being too accepting.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Let me ask you this, then: If you knew what he meant, then why pick on something he didn't mean to say and chastise him on it when it was sideways of the topic and thread and general point? That'd be like me saying that after I found Blasters to be garbage, I realised how great Brutes were, and then went on to make a whole post about how great they are... And then you come along and criticise me for misrepresenting the worth of Blasters (that's happened before, actually). Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm not, but that's not the point.
    I'm torn here, actually.
    I think that there is a balance point between making a public case about specific statements you find are objectionable, and just dealing with it privately - and, heck, picking your battles and not dealing with it at all.
    I'm willing to accept that I'm on the wrong side of that point in this case.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Those of us who make walls of text tend to "adorn" our post with hyperbole, embellishment and sometimes even outright fabrications, not to make the occasional choice done in poor taste. That's just how that goes. Read enough of my post and you'll invariably find I've unintentionally said something racist or sexist or just downright stupid. The other day, someone sent me a PM that a link I'd posted as leading anime jet packs instead lead to a desktop stripper site just because I'd goofed when doing a Google search. These things happen, but if they're not the point, are they really that important? It just feels to me like we're trying to re-educate people on how to live their lives even if their lives aren't relevant to what they're saying.
    I have a different perspective on this than you seem to be presenting here. When I post something on a public forum, I realize that it's going to be both widely read and largely unalterable. It's hard to unsay things. (In fact, the forum I usually post on doesn't even allow post editing to keep people from altering things after the fact.)
    I see it as a matter of being willing to accept being called out on sexist, racist, or stupid things if you say sexist, racist, or stupid things. I've done all of those things (mostly just stupid, thank goodness), and I expect to be called out on it.
    That's how I get better.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't MEAN to be the bad guy, here or elsewhere, and I know it's far from my job to police the forums. Oh, god, is it far from it! I have a whole collection of "post deleted" messages from a whole host of forum moderators, and I even got into an argument with a mod one time. I just really want to keep the boards as friendly and comfortable as possible, because that, to me, is what fosters the particular brand of goofy creativity that sets our community apart from the rest.
    This I can get behind.
    Thanks for keeping things in perspective.

    Heh, you and I have gotten into it before (on griefing in PvP? It was a long time ago, and I forget), and the fact that you were willing to go toe-to-toe with me is one major reason I value your opinion. I don't know if that's healthy for the forums, though, which appears to be your point.

    Lesson learned - I'll take it to PM's next time.
  18. Ok, I'm willing to go one more round, and then I'll drop it.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    His "statements" aren't what you claim them to be, and what you've quoted repeatedly doesn't say what you claim it says.
    This is just "Is not!" "Is too!" and isn't getting us anywhere.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It's called a metaphor. What MOO was saying is something many people have said before - they like sexy clothes in real life, therefore they like sexy clothes in the game. Real life, in this case, is the source of the desire, but not the aim of suggestion. MOO makes a lot of threads, but they are almost always directly aimed at the game and various interpretations of it. I've read a lot of his threads, and I don't recall him trying to extract truths from the game to apply to real life.
    The problem with calling it a metaphor is that, in using a metaphor, the writer knows they're making a counterfactual for the purpose of being evocative. "The river was a huge snake twisting through the jungle." is a metaphor. The author doesn't actually believe the river is a snake. Likewise for a simile, or use of irony. I see no indication of this.

    My problem with the statement is not that he might be trying to extract truths from the game to apply to real life, but just the opposite - that because women should dress to please men in real life, there's no problem with them doing so in the game.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Need to have, not necessarily need to wear. Hence why this is relevant to City of Heroes and not real life. This is a question born of costume design as expressed through booster packs and aimed at costume design as expressed through booster packs. Unless this is literally the entire thread you read from all of the forums in the last two weeks, then you are deliberately and intentionally ignoring very clear context and trying to nit-pick the man's words in order to feel offended.
    I don't consider responding to what appears to me to be a clearly sexist statement as picking nits.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Because I don't appreciate my fellow posters being the subject of witch hunts, especially not someone like MOO who, to the best of my memory, has not said a mean word to another poster. Yes, I realise this means I do the same thing I'm arguing against, but in this case I'm fine being the bad guy. I feel very strongly that this is a point well worth arguing, because I oppose the kind of character assassination you insist on perpetuating just as a matter of principle. If you have a problem with a poster, you take it to PMs, you explain your grievances, you ask for an explanation and only when you KNOW what that poster aimed to say do you do something about it. This kind of public shaming when you clearly misunderstood is embarrassing, and I mean that for all of us.
    I haven't attempted character assassination on anyone. I have said that MOO is a good guy - twice now. I have said I don't think he was trying to be sexist - merely that he did so involuntarily. That's why I pointed it out.

    Hmm, "...just as a matter of principle." Personally, I revere principle above politeness. The forum culture I typically post in is substantially more rough-and-tumble than the boards here, and you might be right about doing this in PM's.

    For what it's worth, when MOO himself responded to my post, he didn't claim to be hurt or upset, and he didn't ask me to apologize for being rude, assassinating his character, or setting up a witch hunt. Let me say that if I have hurt anyone, I apologize.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    You are overly sensitive. Absurdly so. There's no need to toss around accusations over what you believe someone said when nothing of the sort was said, deliberate misreading aside.
    If you think I'm a liar - that I'm deliberately misreading things - you probably should stop discussing things with me.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Keep quoting it. It won't make it say what you claim it says any more than it does. Because you're not basing your outrage on what MOO said, but rather on what you think he meant between the lines. Yes, if you disregard any form of context that comes with this game and these forums, you can twist his words. I could easily do the same and and ask why everyone seems to be making cartoons all the time or what people have against puppies.
    What he said wasn't between the lines.
    It was the lines.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Be offended if it makes you feel any better. You're simply missing the point by a mile.
    MOO's point appeared to be that the in-game costume creator should be weighted more heavily towards female models, as players typically dress their female characters in a wider variety of clothing than their male characters. His point appeared to be that 'sexy' costumes are likely to be popular among the playerbase, and are likely to be something that players will be willing to pay for.

    He appeared to be supporting the general notion that there was no good reason to restrict the vast majority of pieces to male-only, or to make any substantial distinction between the base pieces all three figures have access to - unlike the Magic, Steampunk and Gunslinger packs, which pretty much set this whole issue in motion.

    If those weren't his points, than, yes, I missed them.
    If they were, I didn't.

    In the midst of making his largely tongue-in-cheek and lighthearted post touching on these very valid points, he used a couple of phrases I found objectionable, and I objected to them.
    I didn't feel the need at the time to state that I agreed with his overall post, as I have said so previously. I have since clarified this in this thread as well, for those that might have missed it. I just clarified it again, for those that haven't picked up on it yet.
  19. I had rather hoped for a more preindustrial mace or hammer among the weapon skins. I've got a Mace/DB Brute based on Mordred who could use an Alternate Universe heroic TW version, but the only mace-type weapons available are all tech. The Minotaur Axe will do in a pinch, but still...

    As far as borrowing art for weapons, I can think of a few more: Strongman Hammers, the Nemesis Staff... and doesn't Jack In Irons carry a club? There are also the Greater Elemental swords - those are already weapons, so hopefully not too much work there. I have no idea how difficult resizing or converting these assest might be, but surely they'd be easier that starting from scratch?

    As far as splitting up the pack into inherent and Pack weapons... I dunno. I certainly think TW is thin on the options if someone were to ignore the In-Shop versions. Splitting the options and then offering the add-ons as a free option seems strange to me.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Here, I'll show you:

    "Gender Equality" is a reference to the thread the Techbot started shortly after the Steampunk set was released, and a thread David Nakayama himself followed up on in his Costume Workshop. Many of the prevailing opinions in both of those threads were that women had enough sexy clothing to last them a while and needed more other stuff. Moo simply does not feel this is the case, but as is his way, he started a separate thread about it.

    In fact, there's an even better clue, and it's found right here:

    This is a discussion about City of Heroes on the City of Heroes forums. You choose to take offence at Moo's desire for more sexy clothes for his female characters - specifically the notion that female characters should have MORE costume items than male characters - that's your call to make. But please don't insult the man's intelligence just because you think you know what he actually meant when that's nothing of the sort like what he said.

    It's neither your place nor your right to judge people or chastise them over minor remarks and ambiguous phrasing when it's clear to everyone else on the forums understood what he meant. It's the biggest thing that's been talked about for probably two weeks now. You know what he meant. Stop trying to twist the man's words.
    I was quite suprised that he brought up RL issues in the thread as well. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    His statements weren't ambiguous - they were quite straight forward. They only become cryptic if we assume they aren't sexist.

    He make a remark about his wife, their closet, and who pays for what, and who should wear what. You appear to be saying that in talking about his wife, he didn't mean his wife. In talking about his closet, he didn't mean his closet. And that in talking about women, he didn't mean women.
    I'm not the one trying to make words jump through hoops here.

    He said he supported more options, in specific sexy ones, for his female game avatars. I support this fully, and so didn't comment on it.

    He also told us what he thinks women need in terms of clothes. I object to this sentiment, and I have said so. I have explained why. I have not insulted his intelligence, nor have I intimated MOO is a bad person. I believe just the opposite, and have said so in so many words, in this thread.

    As to the argument that nobody else was bothered by it:
    - first of all, that's not accurate, as another poster directly after my first post chimed in in apparent agreement. Perhaps I misinterpreted.
    - secondly, I don't really care. It doesn't matter to me if other people aren't bothered by what appears to be clear sexist language to me - it bothers me, and I'm going to mention it.

    May I also question the consistency of the position of chastising someone on a forum for chastising someone on a forum?

    If you think I'm being overly sensitive, say so. If you think this issue is unimportant, that's fine. If you believe that MOO can't evidence unconcious sexism because he's an intelligent, basically good guy, we'll have to agree to disagree.
    But this business of telling me that MOO didn't say what he clearly did say - to the point that I have quoted it repeatedly - is not going to get much traction with me personally.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    That's not what he said and it's not what you quoted. What he said was "[women] need more clothes to accentuate that attractiveness." Unless you're looking to be offended, to me this says that women, i.e. the female model in the game, need to have more clothes like this. Moo is referring to costume item selection and creation.
    Here are both the paragraph I am quoting, and the preceeding paragraph:

    However, when I look at my closet, I see that Mrs. Moo's section is about 4-5 times as large as mine. I also realize that the vast majority of those clothes, shoes, and accessories have been paid for, at least in terms of cash, by me.

    I'm COMPLETELY okay with that. It's a GOOD THING! In my mind, women are vastly more attractive than men. They need more clothes to accentuate that attractiveness. I like buying clothes for her.
    Please highlight the sections discussing the costume creator.
    Unfortunately, I see references to a (presumably real) closet, a (presumably real) spouse, and (presumably real) clothing.

    There are other paragraphs in which MOO is discussing the costume creator. You'll notice I'm neither quoting, nor objecting to, those paragraphs.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    Informing? Sure. If (<---important word - don't skip it) a woman has a desire to please him, then yes, he has informed them how to do so.

    But that is a long stretch from him making demands or even requests that they do so.
    Here's the paragraph.

    I'm COMPLETELY okay with that. It's a GOOD THING! In my mind, women are vastly more attractive than men. They need more clothes to accentuate that attractiveness. I like buying clothes for her.
    Please highlight the 'if' you see here.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Of course he wasn't. The only thing he can do is dress his own toons how he wants to. The fact that he likes to see women dressed a certain way is not degrading, nor is it "telling" anyone they have to do anything just to please him. It's an expression of personal desire. The only way it translates into a game discussion at all is that if the pieces he likes stop being made, he personally cannot continue dressing his characters in new outfits he personally likes.
    Here's the quote:

    In my mind, women are vastly more attractive than men. They need more clothes to accentuate that attractiveness.
    Not 'it would be good if...'
    Not 'I'd like to see more...'

    He's saying what women need.
    If they're going to keep him happy, that is.

    And the two paragraphs, by the way, were discussing the real world, not the game world.

    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I personally like to see hot shirtless guys. If hot guys could just never wear shirts I would be fine with that. But the fact that I would like this does not mean that I am "telling" all guys they need to be shirtless all the time.
    And if you can't tell the difference between saying 'I'd like it if men wore shirts less around me' and 'Men need to wear shirts less around me', I'm not sure how to explain it to you.

    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    For the record, I think trying to link any poster's opinions on their own character's wardrobe to sexism, conscious or unconscious, is claiming moral high ground that doesn't exist.
    As shown above, the quote I'm unhappy with wasn't about his own character - it was about what women should have in their closets. I haven't objected to posts saying "I want to dress my character like <insert description> - it makes me happy." And I'm not objecting to that here, either.

    For the record, if you don't think someone's forum post can be sexist, you might want to think about it for a bit. I could compose a sexist forum post. Could you?

    If so, please don't tell me forum posts can't be sexist.

    Unless, of course, you're telling me that pointing out what appears to me to be sexism isn't a good thing, that there is no moral high ground when it comes to sexism. (I suspect that's not what you're saying.)

    Alternately, you might be admonishing me that this isn't important enough to warrant my attention. I'm capable of making that decision for myself, thanks.

    You might even be telling me it's not important enough to warrant your attention. If so, that's fine, thread exits to the right.
  24. I hate to double-post, but another thought occurred.

    What I said about MOO being a good guy,just needing to be called out on that - that feels like what's going on through this entire issue.

    This game has one of the best overall design teams ever. They have gone out of their way to hammer out top-quality pieces, again and again, to suit a hugely divergent pool of players. When they seem to be making the same basic, obvious errors over and over again - even when they have been pointed out - it feels strange.

    Our developers are - in my humble opinion - too good to be making these sorts of errors repeatedly. And we should remind them of that.

    And we should remind ourselves that they're human, and that they will make mistakes, and that they'll make changes we might not like. And that self-reminding goes double for me.

    The Devs have done better, they can do better and - I believe strongly - they will do better.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Swap "actually" with "necessarily" and yes, that's precisely what MOO is saying, if I may presume. No-one is telling anyone what anyone should wear. All anyone has asked here is options in the kit, or clothes in the wardrobe, if you will.

    In City of Heroes, we all share the same wardrobe with infinite copies of everything, so when I get new clothes, you get new clothes. Whether you would wear my baggy trousers isn't really interesting to me when I pick what to wear, we just happen to share the same hammerspace. So when I ask for costume pieces, I ask them for myself, for my own characters to wear, for my own costumes to use them. What you or "women" or anyone else chooses to wear doesn't enter into it.
    So, when he said that women dressing in certain ways pleases him, and that women should to that more, he wasn't informing women how to dress to please him?

    Sorry, but my explanation seems much simpler to me.

    For the record, I don't believe he was being malicious - just unconsciously sexist. I don't think he's a bad person, or trying to act like one. On the contrary, if I thought he meant to be sexist, I wouldn't bother.
    I think MOO's a good guy. And when good guys - or good gals - say something that makes them look bad, they should be called out on it.
    That's the way things change.