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  1. Tenzhi

    I'm finished!

    Originally Posted by BlackJackDavy View Post
    They are repurposed toys from DC and Marvel's 6" toy lines.

    Jack is made from a DC Universe Booster Gold with some scuplting to make raised edges for his gloves and boots and some to fill in where Booster's googles were.

    Goshawk is a Marvel Legends Angel with Wolverine forearms/hands, and a Daredevil head with the horns sanded off.
    Cool. I've seen some good repurposing for various licensed characters over the years. It's neat to see the craft applied to original CoH characters. Good stuff.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    This mechanic of three NPCs, you kill two and the third one kills you; you respawn at start of mish and have to fight the same three NPCs ALL OVER AGAIN until you manage to defeat all three is a simply exhausting mechanic, and one that sucks a great deal of what fun there is out of Champions Online.

    Its just drudgery.
    I don't think I've ever had that happen. I generally only get defeated if there's more than one group or a Supervillain and I don't have a defensive passive.

    I did have a Supervillain reset its hit points while I was standing just on the other side of an object from it to keep out of its attacks for a minute, though, and that was mildly frustrating.

    And I gave up soloing one of the Blood Moon missions (Halloween event) because I couldn't do enough damage to overcome a Supervillain's self-healing. I had handled multiple groups of purple enemies and another Supervillain up to that point, though it took awhile and things got a bit rough once facing two Master Villains and six Henchmen.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    I've only seen part of one episode, but it was in the Nightosphere(?) where Jake and Finn were waiting in line to see that vampire girl's dad or something. I kept thinking, am I seeing a kid's show where they are standing in the line for the afterlife? And the dad wants the girl to become the next Satan? Because that's what it seemed like to me.
    Yeah, that's Marcelene's dad. He's like Satan viewed through a Lovecraftian lens who is king of Hieronymus Bosch's cartoon hell.
  4. I mean, I was vaguely aware that it's set in a bizarre post-apocalyptic future; and I know the characters occasionally say some pretty dark things (often followed by an awkward pause or another character reacting with a brief WTF look)...

    But the dark bent of the series never really got hammered into my brain until the recent episode that goes into detail about Marcelene and the Ice King's shared history. I always took the Ice King for a silly, senile old wizard, but here he's this tragic mentor figure.
  5. Tenzhi

    I'm finished!

    Are these 3D prints, model kits, Frankenstein-ian toy repurposing, or something else entirely?
  6. Tenzhi


    That's too bad, when I finally got around to looking it up it looked very interesting.

    But given that I was only going to rent it, I'll probably still do so.
  7. Virtue is the only server I really played on, so it essentially wouldn't be much different to me.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Yes the stalker and bullies are responsible. If it weren't for their conscious choices to pursue and persecute the victim, this tragedy would not have occurred.
    That's exactly what I would say. To me, mental illness is a flimsy excuse for heinous acts such as torture and murder.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    "Not rational" and "makes no sense" do not mean the same thing.
    The very definition of "rational" is "sensible", ergo "not rational" is "not sensible". They do, in fact, mean the same thing.

    Irrational behavior can make sense if you understand that it has an actual cause, and is not strictly random. Suicidal behavior and self injury are both irrational, but they make sense if one understands the kind of duress that causes it.
    Nonsense can only make sense if you're capable of viewing it through the proper irrational lens.

    On an aside, apparently rational people choose to purposefully injure themselves all the time and *that* makes just as little sense to me.

    No, both are not synonymous with irrational. Both are vernacular, and tend to be extremely subjective judgments. They are not clinical nor are they objective terminology. They are primarily judgmental statements. "Stupid" is often used to simply mean "that person did or said something I would not do or say, or something I disagree with." Crazy is used similarly. Neither has any objective value.
    "Stupid" means 'lacking in common sense or intelligence' and "crazy" means 'mentally deranged'. Both definitions of which could fall under the umbrella of "irrational".

    As for subjective judgments, psychological evaluations themselves tend to involve a professional but subjective interpretation of perforce subjective data.

    Why do you hate that it makes you sad? The fact that it makes you sad means you can almost certainly rule out sociopathy or psychopathy.
    Wherever I go, strangers walk up to me and share their pain as if I were some sort of bartender on walkabout that occasionally doubles as a hug dispensary. I might be a much happier person if I could remain completely disaffected by such things.

    I hate this this situation happened at all.
    That, at least, is something we agree on. No one deserves to have that kind of thing happen.

    I haven't been debating whether Amanda was responsible for her actions, however. I was debating whether you were accurately representing what her actions were.
    That representation apparently being that I think she was responsible for her actions, as conscious choice would imply.

    The other side of that being that you seem to claim that the actions are not made by choice due to mental illness and thus are beyond reproach.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    So you do not know what it is like to self injure, and you have clearly never actually read or heard another's account of what it is like for them to self injure, and yet you're able to come to a conclusion about self injury derived strictly from information in your brain without any need for reference to reality? It's no wonder your conclusions are specious.
    I've been personally acquainted with individuals who "self injure". And who have taken harmful substances. And two people who have committed suicide. And regardless of their mental state, each of them consciously chose their activity (both activities in a couple of cases). My conclusion is essentially that the behaviour makes no sense. Your rebuttal is to basically agree with that as you continually point out that they're not rational decisions.

    "Stupid" and "crazy" are two different things, and both seem to be extremely subjective judgments.
    And both may be synonymous with "irrational" and the latter of the two goes hand in hand with mental illness.

    If you were being brief, you would have said "killed herself because people stalked, harassed, and abused her." Instead, you changed the context entirely into "she killed herself because people didn't like her."
    The two statements carry the same basic meaning. I place more importance on the "she killed herself" part because to me it's the bigger issue. The other things can be moved past, but suicide is final and wasteful and I hate it. And I hate that the passing of this stranger makes me sad.

    Not comparable. Someone who is self harming and attempting suicide is in need of assistance. A stalker is someone who is likely putting the first person into that frame of mind. Whatever the stalker's cognition, the stalker is the problem, not the victim. If the stalker is irrational or mentally ill, then that can be addressed once he is no longer a danger to his victim(s).
    I wasn't implying that the victim is the problem, but rather questioning whether the stalker is responsible for their actions if they are irrational or suffering from a mental illness.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    I think there is a segment of people that just don't understand that how they handled or were able to handle something emotionally and mentally traumatic has no/zero bearing on how someone else can/will handle these issues.
    The only thing my experiences with emotionally/mentally traumatic events is having a bearing on is my own inability to sympathize with certain actions/reactions. And that doesn't make said actions/reactions necessarily right or wrong. They're just alien to me, and my own experiences are simply an explanation as to why. Similarly, I couldn't sympathize with someone killing theirself because they couldn't stand being surrounded by Euclidean geometry, or someone flapping their arms and shouting "wubble" every time they see the colour red.
  12. Finally caught the first episode, and then the second. It was shockingly good! But Rimmer's hair is bizarre.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    You would. NOW.

    Howabout when you were in 12-14 years old and had all that pressure on you to fit in and be "liked"?
    It was clear to me from about first grade that it was pointless for me to try to fit in. I was shipped off to a gifted school once a week which set me apart from everyone at my regular school, and at the gifted school I was the poor kid who could only afford to be there once a week. I've been being simply myself without regard for fitting in or being "liked" for a a good long time.

    Originally Posted by Torment And Agony View Post
    I would like to congratulate you for you being so stable, well adjusted, and being above such things, but really your lack of understanding and empathy probably just makes you a psychopath.
    I am rather stable, though I don't know that I could claim to be well-adjusted. I don't think I'm a psychopath, as I empathize with people who are in physical pain, or in emotional pain that makes sense to me. But I can't discount the possibility that I'm emotionally or mentally damaged in some manner.

    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    You seem to be phrasing her actions as conscious choices she made, without accounting for the fact that her perception and cognition were altered by her experiences. Altered in a manner that made irrational actions and decisions seem rational or necessary.
    She was presumably conscious when she chose to injure herself, alleged mental stability notwithstanding.

    For example, you seem to view her self injury as something she chose to do in a rational state of mind.
    On the contrary, I believe I directly referred to the actions as somewhere in the range of stupid-to-crazy. Indeed, it is the fact that the actions make no sense to me that prevents me from sympathizing with them.

    You are not taking all of the facts into account. For example, she says she thought the boyfriend really loved her, and she didn't want to get him in trouble or cause trouble for him.
    I took that into account. I believe the phrase I used was 'misplaced sentiment'.

    "Doesn't like her" is a trivializing and misleading description of events.
    Brevity can appear to be trivializing.

    I don't find it stupid because I know what it's like to have major depression, anxiety, and panic disorder. I simply find her suicide tragic, and I do not blame her for where she ended up. I consider what was done to her to be malicious and vicious, and not necessarily stupid. Her stalker, unfortunately, knew exactly what he was doing.
    I find malicious, destructive, violent behaviour to be extraordinarily stupid. The bit about the mob disgusted and angered me the most.

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I agree. But I wouldn't be surprised to learn that his apparent lack of empathy is a defensive mechanism related to the trauma he himself suffered at the hands of bullying as a kid.
    I've wondered about that myself. I've pondered other possibilities as well, such as sociopathy and borderline autism.

    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    This is all BS. No one is responsible for someone else's choice to stalk or harass them. The only person responsible for stalking or harassing someone is the person doing the stalking or harassing.
    Even if the stalker is not completely rational?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    its all good, neither did I really.

    completely off topic, but given your seeming affection for computer rpgs, have you been following project eternity? Obsidian going for a more classic styled iso rpg, with some venerable names a the helm, might be up your alley. It has monks as a class, so i'm in already
    Monks, eh? I like me some monk fu. I'll have to look that up when I get a chance.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    That's not what causes suicide. Suicidal ideation, obsession, and actual suicide is typically a consequence of severe mental illness. Mental illness is a perfectly normal and natural consequence of traumatic experiences.
    If you do not desperately need social acceptance, social rejection is not so traumatic an experience.

    I would not view this as curbing perfectly normal behaviors, though, but rather helping children and teens develop coping mechanisms for dealing with these situations with the understanding that humans are social animals and that for many this is not a switch that can be turned on and off at will.
    I won't quibble over the semantics, but I basically agree that however it is accomplished, they need to be able to cope better.

    You do not seem to have a very firm grasp on the concept of mental illness. She said in her video that she was diagnosed with major depression, anxiety, and panic disorder. Mental illness means that irrational actions and beliefs will seem rational, and developing mental illness is (unfortunately) a normal response to certain kinds of experiences.
    Whether I understand the concept of mental illness has little impact on my ability to sympathize. Sympathy requires a certain amount of relatability. Ergo, I sympathize with the situation, but not her actions/reactions in said situation - those are completely alien to me.

    In her video she makes the statement that she chose not to press charges against any of the kids involved with the just-short-of-a-lynch mob. That is what I was referring to.

    I find this interesting, because Amanda wasn't self-mutilating or attempting (and ultimately committing) suicide because "other people didn't like her," but rather to people harassing her, blackmailing her, physically attacking her, lying to her, tricking her into sex, and so on.
    Unless people were doing all that because they *did* like her, you're just arguing semantics.

    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Not everyone is made the same. A predator got her at 12 and she made a mistake. Most of her world tormented her. She was put through hell for almost 4 years. She was obviously troubled and I cannot begin to imagine how she felt after going through all of this. People can be absolutely savage.

    Another story notes via CTV news notes these same savages vandalized her Facebook memorial page. They posted sick images which included a pic of a bottle of bleach and a comment about her nose. All this after she took her life. They are still attacking her. So, I hope you can maybe begin to comprehend what kind of sick animals have been at her for almost 4 years. This was far from a case of not being liked.
    Yes, people can be horrible and cruel. I have personal experience with that. As I said, I sympathize with the situation. And I find the loss of life tragic and stupid.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Wow. You need to get out and see what's happening in the world. People aren't all perfect like you. I feel sorry for you.
    I see what's happening in the world, and it generally reinforces my stoicism (which is not actually apathy). And I have never claimed to be perfect.

    And your pity is noted, but can you make a case for self-mutilation and suicide being a sensible response to other people not liking you? Because it doesn't make sense to me. It's a ridiculous notion - crazy, even - and thus I cannot sympathize with it any more than I can sympathize with the act of shooting a bunch of random people because you don't get asked to join their reindeer games.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    Why not? Nothing she did earned that kind of treatment. The treatment is still wrong regardless of anything she did.

    And she was 12 years old when she flashed someone on video. I mean, at 12 years old, children are impulsive and make mistakes easily. No one should be haunted, stalked, harassed, blackmailed, and bullied for two years across multiple schools for making a stupid mistake at 12 years old.
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Really? Are you that out of touch? You need a reality check.
    I cannot sympathize with getting worked up over threats to expose something embarrassing I voluntarily did in a fit of stupidity, or the subsequent exposure. It's the sort of thing I would shrug off.

    And I cannot sympathize with taking up self mutilation because people say bad things about me.

    And I also cannot sympathize with not taking appropriate legal action for clearly misplaced sentiment.

    And probably a few other actions and reactions on her part.

    Having been in similar situations to varying degrees, I can sympathize with the situation itself, but just not the actions and reactions to it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    Yes, but allowing bullying to occur is not the way to teach this lesson.
    Absolutely. As someone who was ostracized, made fun of, pushed around, and occasionally physically attacked throughout his school years I am 100% against bullying. But given human nature and our driving need to make everything into an Us vs. Them situation, I expect it will always occur to some degree despite our best efforts to curb the behaviour. That being the case, curbing the behaviours (such as craving the acceptance of others and seeking self-affirmation through them) that lead to suicide or lethal violence as a reaction is also a necessity.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Yet, still, legally they still would have to prove that this was the case.
    I'm not debating the legality. I can simultaneously accept that the law may consider it to be stealing while still asserting that in actuality it is not.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    true. but when it comes to data, replication can cause a loss of value to the original data. I guess the better analogy is being an artist that is trying to make a living.

    You paint a picture out of your own mind, and someone offers to buy it, you decline, so they replicate your picture and sell it as if they created it. Not to mention they made cash off your stuff and didnt have decency to cut you in on the profits but because you wouldnt sell it to them and they felt you was wasting the picture, they just "took" it and claimed it as theirs.
    Take away the motivation and make it objective: if two unconnected people paint the same scene and one manages to sell their painting and the other cannot, is it stealing?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    What if you were considering a garage sale in the future? All your items would be useless and you'd lose all that money.
    What if the world ended in the mysterious and hypothetical future? Then it would all be immaterial anyway.

    Or, how about this: If items were purchased at my garage sale, then that's "stealing" potential profits from retailers in much the same way as potential profits were being hypothetically stolen from me. A vicious cycle of thievery, indeed. Or a load of nonsense whichever way you look at it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    No, people who say that are goddamned imbeciles with absolute ZERO idea of (and ability to grasp even if educated) the scope of the problem they're talking about.
    I dunno: On the one hand, bullying is something that shouldn't go on and can certainly be a "big deal", but on the other hand people *do* need to learn that not everyone will like them and they thus shouldn't base their self-worth on what other people think of them.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Apparently the new motto for the community is:

    "We are heroes. We don't give a sh*t if it's illegal."
    A common creed of vigilantes, I'd say.

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I think it's more like them putting it into a safe.

    Yet, if you break into a junkyard as much useless stuff they have there and take something, it's still is stealing, assuming the dogs dont get ya first. Or like someone turning down an offer for a tv that is going to a basement and someone just coming in and taking it, still is stealing.

    It is their property and they have the right to do what they please with it, even if it seems as illogical as turning a Rolls-Royce into a hunting buggy, still it's it their property and their right to chose to sell it or not. It's not yet in the trash can or else it would been open in the trash bin for the public. Seeing how they didnt release it to the public, it seems to be still in their possession and just taking it, is stealing.

    Most people have stuff around their house they are not using or what not, but doesnt mean that someone have a right to just invite themselves in and take it because they think you are not using it often enough or properly or say that you are not planning on using it because you stop sharing it with them and they still want to use it.
    The problem with the analogies is that there is actual loss going on, which wouldn't be the case here. If someone could manifest a usable copy of various and sundry objects in my "house" that I own without really impacting me, then I say more power to them. They're not stealing anything from me, in that case, because for something to be stolen an actual loss has to be incurred.
  24. It's ultimately a sad situation, but I can't sympathize with the girl's actions and reactions to much of it.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Next_Spirit View Post
    With all that the game is, is it worth paying $15 a month for? Over 6 months time you pay $90 just for the story of your first character. And you might not even finish it then.
    It looks to me like a game I might be able to finish within the free month that presumably comes with purchasing a retail copy if I focus on it. I doubt I would subscribe to it for 6 months, regardless. Not all entertainment can be expected to successfully endure for the long term.