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  1. This thread makes me wish there was a place called "Curry House" nearby, because that sounds like somewhere I'd like to eat.

    And Happy Birthday to TheNet, or, as I like to say to all of my friends: Congratulations on getting one year closer to your inevitable demise!
  2. Tenzhi

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Vancouver isn't in the USA.

    It's in Canada, eh.
    In context it's fairly moot, I think, as it probably ought to read "I wasn't aware that CAPCOM created anything in the North American region"...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    It's one thing to build a building or sculpt a statue knowing an earthquake might destroy it sometime. It's another thing entirely to build a sandcastle at the low tide line and expect it to be around tomorrow.
    The difference being that we know the tide is going to come in daily, as it does so rather regularly. What's happened here is more like an earthquake than a tide - ultimately predictable, but still an irregular event.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Yet, outside looking in, was it a bright idea to put their greatest heart and soul of work into something that could be gone wit ha stroke of a pen if that wasa worry and was not prepared for it?
    If we never invested ourselves into anything for the simple fear that it might be gone tomorrow where would that leave us?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Actually, I think it's possible it might be a very bad thing for the fans.

    George Lucas, for all of the "lost his way" talk about Star Wars, is unique among creators/owners of big-time franchises: he still has a little bit of his hippie, "everybody share the love" mentality from his formative years in the late '60s and early '70s. Disney has been known to litigate the hell out of people who use their characters. Among others, they've sued a day care, artists, a Girl Scout troop and even a grandmother who painted a giant-sized Goofy for her grandson's birthday. George Lucas, on the other hand, lets people have fun with Star Wars. Many have pointed to this attitude as instrumental to keeping the franchise alive between movies and have used it as an example of how letting go of a little bit of control can reap huge dividends in return. Disney isn't like that. They are a draconian corporation in every dark sense. They aren't Paramount Studios-level stupid (but then few are), but it's possible their ownership will have a chilling effect on Star Wars fandom.
    If Disney tightens the reins on the material, it could be that future EU stuff might begin to be canonical...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Le sigh...
    Oh, I saw what you were trying to say, but the car thing was more relevant to my interests. Of course, I theoretically could have been making a counter-point regarding the opinion of replacements via the analogy, but I've been on a car kick lately so the former is more likely.
  7. Pretty good! Judging from the avatar I'd say there's a bit much lip and youthfulness in the face, but it's not my character.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    It's like replacing an Audi A8 with a Volkswagen Beetle.
    Given the choice between the two, I'd rather have the Beetle (or preferably a Super Beetle). I'd also take an AMC Pacer. And if I started with the Audi I could probably sell it and buy one of the latter cars with enough left over to make sure it's fixed up real good and have some money to play with.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Deep Dish is to pizza what Soy milk is to milk.
    Delicious, but not useful for making rice pudding?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Halting production on i24 etc would have also caused a lot of people to leave the game the second such production stopped.
    Thus saving them from having quite so many refunds to give out.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    As evidenced by their decision; CoH was not bringing in the profits NCSoft wanted.
    Have they said that's why they decided to close it? If not, the decision itself isn't evidence of that particular motive but rather it's just evidence that they had a reason to close it... and the guess about the motive remains a guess - possibly an educated one based on other evidence aside from the mere decision itself.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    However, we DID give them a hell of a shock with our organization. Everyone who participated in that should feel quite proud of themselves for that.
    Indeed, given their relatively small size they did a good job by even getting noticed. It was a good effort.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    true but that is why one, those games tend to cost more, and why NCSoft and others chose to make online games instead of those console games.
    When this game released its retail price was in the typical range of PC games. Of course, in the time that I've been playing this game it has cost me more money than every other game I've played within that time period combined.

    But I dont think they give up the IP and stuff for console games just because they are done producing it so why would MMO game makers have to?
    Being able to play an MMO offline wouldn't be "giving up the IP" any more than that's the case for other games that can be played independent of a service.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    So sounds like the game code and IP would have to be not protected anymore.
    No less protected than the plethora of other games that people purchase and play independent of an ongoing service.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    Where CoH was constantly updating and improving, CO is just coasting and acting as a money sponge they can redirect into NWN2 and STO)
    They're not making NWN2. As I understand it, they're making a game simply called "Neverwinter" which is merely based in the same established D&D setting. In any case, if it were a sequel in the Neverwinter Nights series it would be the third game.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Blech, I just do not like Champs. I don't like the character design style, the gameplay... nothing about it. (Well, actually, I DO like that it's cel-shaded, which I understand a lot of people dislike.) It's just... not fun, and it's ugly.
    I don't mind the style, though I understand finding such things unpalatable to the point of being put off a game completely. And I much prefer action-oriented gameplay for a superhero game (though I must admit that I've longed for a decent *turn-based* superhero RPG on occasion). I particularly like that my characters *feel* powerful in that game without having to jump through a bunch of merit/market/crafting hoops. Also, the PnP gamer in me likes having ability scores to mess around with even in a limited fashion. And the game seems a bit less grindy, which is a plus for me. And I prefer freeform power selection - it was one of the things I was looking forward to in this game before it was nixed. Different strokes and all that.

    Of course, with a few mods this game would still be competing for (though not wholly consuming) my entertainment time, which is why I'd be particularly interested in an emulator I could run offline.
  17. Tenzhi


    1. Looking back, considering everything, which was your favorite archetype in the game?

    I liked a few of the ATs, but my hands-down favourite would have to be Tankers. I hate being mezzed into oblivion and I was generally annoyed by character fragility in this game (sans jumping through IO hoops).

    2. In possible contrast, when it comes to your favorite character, what kind was it? List AT and the two main sets.

    My first favourite character was my FF/Rad Defender. But once it reached 50 it seemed kind of useless for anything more than bubbling lowbies in the Hollows - and later still there weren't many of those around any more.

    My Dark/Dark Corruptor became my favourite up until near level 40. At that point he began to be too fragile for me to like. A while after the level cap was increased I went back and pushed him to 50, but I stopped being IC with him and wasn't enjoying myself very much.

    At the end I'd say it was a toss-up between my WP/SS Tanker Captain Hamurabi (of the PPD) and my Elec/Elec Blaster Leapin' Liz. Though judging from the fact that Liz is the only character I made significant progress getting Incarnate abilities with it might be safe to say she was my favourite.

    3. What AT did you evolve to enjoy over the years that you disliked initially?

    None. The only AT I wholly disliked is the Controller, and I still dislike them. I could say that I disliked the way Stalkers worked initially but they finally changed enough for the better that I could enjoy playing them.
  18. I accepted that the game was being shut down not too long after it was announced. If a stable emulator appears on my radar I might check it out, particularly if it can be run offline. If Plan Z becomes more than so much vapour it might interest me. In the meantime, ChO is more than adequately filling CoH's shoes for me in every way except number of character slots - so much so that I'm not sure I'd continue a sub for CoH even if it miraculously got an *official* stay of execution.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I have no audio here, so the video is a bit confusing, but if I get the gist of it it's saying that it's better to not waste time making a demo disc for magazines because you can just go to Blockbuster and rent a game... which largely seems to only be applicable to console games.

    Originally Posted by KAKTOS View Post
    None of my friends are even remotely interested in playing this game. I'm only marginally interested due to one or two of the races I saw pics of, but my experience with the first game was so bad that I won't just drop money for the sequel without trying it first.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Well it was certainly pretty and stylish.

    Also it appears to me that there will be four heroines. I would hazard a guess that the first one is Red Riding Hood (duh) and guessing the next one will be based on Snow White.
    If so then Yellow is likely based on Rapunzel, I'd say.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by airhead View Post
    Lemons are tart. To suck lemons is to smile in a rather twisted way. Maybe it's English, not Physics.
    Lemons also make a good cream pie (meringue optional)... whatever that means.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
    Theres a diference between some people being creative/perverted with a creation system and a game where every female in the game has lemonboob by default.
    Lemons are a small fruit.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
    Just as an FYI, amazon has it on sale for $38, you could stick it to ncsoft and get it significantly below msrp!

    (last bump I promise)
    I take it there's still no free trial? Until there is, this game isn't even a potential purchase.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
    Point is Krypton was destroyed and that planet is whole. If they wanted a real "Krypton" they should have found one whose core is a compressed star :those planets have a tremendous force of gravity ( a native of one of those planet could jump at the top of a skyscraper easily on earth) but are very unstable, they are supposed to explode soon or later...oooopppss
    Putting aside a great many things... As I recall, it's a bit over 27 light years away, so if Superman got here via FTL travel in the new 52 and he's less than 27 years old I believe the planet would still appear to be whole from our perspective.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I think in the movies Juggernaut *is* a mutant. I don't think that takes away from his character, since the end result is the same.
    The end result is a character who is at odds with his brother in every way *except* being a mutant - they shouldn't have that in common. Of course, I think the movie even takes away the relationship. But at least we got a terrible Phoenix story out of it, and we apparently need as many of those as can be crammed down our throats.

    It's not like he was out Dr. Strangin' it up.
    Except for that time in the comics when he learned to use his powers sorcerously, became about on par with Dr. Strange, and took over a whole other dimension. IIRC, I believe that one can be blamed on Thor not having the stomach for hand to hand combat with Juggernaut one day and just using his hammer to open a portal and send Marko to another dimension where he subsequently had to take up a hobby *other* than trying to flatten his brother.

    EDIT: Oh, and the barbershop quartet image is hilarious!