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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well when my favorite Hero comes to Mpls or Rochester Mn let me know ok!

    No body cool ever comes to the midwest anymore!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did anyone ever?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    What about Bob Dylan? or Prince? or Winona Rider?...

    ok..well..maybe just Bob Dylan..
  2. There are Crey. A ton of them in fact on the coasts of Nerva.
  3. Farewell and Good luck Gil.

    Your writing has truly inspired me, so thank you.
  4. Jack,

    Ill quote John Wayne,

    "The more plain english you use, the less people misunderstand you."

    So, keep speaking your mind, we all appreciate it.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I suggested a future expansion should do for cyber/robot/tech heroes what I4
    would do for anime/asian characters, such as "TV-camera eyes" which he seemed
    pleasantly surprised to hear. (The particular TV-camera eyes I was thinking of,
    and described to him, were from the graphic novel adaptation of William Gibson's
    Neuromancer; I forget her name, but there's a female mercenary with pop-out
    razorblades in her fingers, and her eyes are roughly rectangular (but still fitting in
    the normal eye sockets) lenses.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm all for that!! for obvious reasons.
  6. Thank you Vyvyanne. It's always cool to see the QA interact with the community, it so rare with these games and it shouldn't be. Keep that up over on L2.

    but on a side note..and no offense Vyvyanne..
    Cuppa, you got a position open then?

    *whistles and points at his Occupation in his profile*
  7. This is a post I made over on my supergroup forum that I think portrays my feelings well enough. In the original post I was talking about the state of the boards just before ish 4 hit. I was really quite upset..and I usually don't post when I'm that pissy..but I had to vent. On, a side note..I've been in QA for about 2 years now. As a tester and a lead for Vivendi and Disney. It makes me sad and happy at the same time that Cuppa posted this. Sad, because she feels she has to, that the devs thing our opinion of them is so low and happy because it just proves my point. Most developers would either ignore it or give the equivilent of "F you" to the community
    [ QUOTE ]

    This is made doubly frusterating for me, because..this is what I do for a living. Developers give me stuff that they think works, or they are trying something...and I check it. I make sure it is working as intended. Sure, some of it I might not like, I might think its a stupid change..but ya know what? Unless I can come up with concrete reasons beyond "its a stupid change" My opinion matters very little. I didnt create the game, I'm here to make sure that when the user get's it into their hot little hands that it's fun, makes sense and works as expected.

    The whole point of the Test server is what I do, every day. I make sure the stuff works like the developers want it to work. I've worked with alot of developers and I've played alot of developers games and hands down Cryptic is some of the best developers out there. They do more for the people playing their game then alot of developers do, much less even give a second thought to. That's not just "fanboy" opinion..that's because I [censored]ing know it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  8. "Who want's a Body massage?"

    "Stop all the downloadin?!"

    "Pork Chop Sandwiches!"

    "Nice catch Blanco-Nino. Too bad your [censored] got SAAAAAACKKKEED"

    yes i blatently ripped these off the GIJoe PSA's. I'm not giving away my good ideas :P
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Greetings all,

    I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that the text is not final in the preview.
    The Hellions/Outcasts error and the repeated text boxes will be corrected before the final release.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    W00t. Response from the man himself.

    I have a couple questions though, are you a mammal? do you fight all the time? Have you ever flipped out and killed people?

    Because if you have, I would like to be the first to headbutt you and then we both scream.

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, that's a lot of info Technophile, and I just thought it was funny that the clockwork are orange

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not the Technophile for nothing.

    And the clockwork are not only orange (well, copper actually) but they are also Blue and Silver. Those last two..well..I would be telling if I told you where to find them.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm guessing that Accuracy will be nerfed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and then THAT nerf will be nerfed and the 7th seal of the apocalypse will be broken and the beast will be upon us. The 4 horseman shall spew forth from the gates of hell, consuming the unworthy.

    and THEN....I'll hit level 50.
  12. Ill comment on the Clockwork since..well I'm a tech head.

    Babbage - Charles Babbage
    Born December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire UK, Died 1871, London; Known to some as the "Father of Computing" for his contributions to the basic design of the computer through his Analytical machine. His previous Difference Engine was a special purpose device intended for the production of tables. (as in math tables)

    Tesla Prince/knight/king/duke -Nikola Tesla's main claim to fame lay with his invention of the alternating current motor. Tesla believed that alternating current was vastly superior to (Edison's) direct current, but the problem was the lack of a practical motor. Alternating current is practical because of the fact that it can be altered or converted to suit a variety of situations. For example, if the voltage is made quite high, then the current necessary for a specific level of power is very low. This low current then becomes very efficient when sending electrical power over very long wires. (This is the reason why the power lines running across the countryside are at very high voltages.)

    Perfected/prototype/advanced Oscillator -
    1 : one that oscillates
    2 : a device for producing alternating current; especially : a radio-frequency or audio-frequency generator

    Howitzer (named clockwork boss)
    Etymology: Dutch
    houwitser, ultimately from Czech houfnice ballista
    : a short cannon used to fire projectiles at medium muzzle velocities and with relatively high trajectories

    Golem (named Clockwork)
    an artificial human being in Hebrew folklore endowed with life

    Most of the other names in the Clockwork are either common noises made by machinery (Ta'Ching,Ping Ktang,kzzt bzzt) or are common parts found in well...clockwork devices. (gears,sprockets,bolts)

    and finally..Clockwork

    1 : the inner workings of something
    2 : the machinery (as springs and a train of gears) that run a clock; also : a similar mechanism running a mechanical device (as a toy)
    3 : the precision, regularity, or absence of variation associated with a clock or clockwork <a clockwork operation> <the planning went like clockwork>

    Yay for online research for quick cutting/pasting
  13. sorry for the bit of the necro post but ...

    I saw the Vamps in Striga doing This

    They were sitting on a hill in a circle. 3 of them were in the arms crossed as if in a coffin and the others were doing that crouch. so the animation and art is in there in some form as of issue 3. If I can get a screenshot up Ill try and post it later.
  14. I think Ill stay here a while.
  15. But, invader's blood marches through my veins! Like giant radioactive rubber pants!

    The pants command me!

    Do not ignore my veins!

    (god i miss that show)
  16. ::begin transmission::

    Looking for new Technology Origin Heros to join supergroup.

    Name :The Technocracy
    Motto : Better living through technological heros
    Membership : Any Technology Origin heros.
    ((no l33t's,k/s's or jackasses need apply))

    Send encrypted transmission to The Technophile for membership.

    ::transmission end::