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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fedor View Post

    We have a new kitteh but we still demand Neko and there is no substitute for you Fed.
  2. So Rookery 2.0 is open but it doesn't feel right yet. No Fedor, Neko, Rook, Detra, Pogo, Emmi, or so many man others. Not quite home yet.
  3. Does Posi really take that long? I've done it once with a full 8 person group all in the 10-15 range and we hammered it out in about 3:30. I'm always amazed when I hear about these 4-5 hour Posi runs.
  4. Let's see...high speed chase, check. Psychotic Sackclown with a cannon, check. Starting to look like my idea of a good day. On a sad note my coffee has gone cold and now I must get more.

    Think I'll skip the new coffee and grab a little sleep. Be back in few hours.
  5. Tech_Striker

    Windows Vista...

    Vista not suck...not gonna happen. Vista is made of pure suck and fail. I'm still not convinced it's an actual OS but rather an elaborate ruse concocted by the powers that be in Redmond to "appease" the masses until they could finish a real OS(Windows 7).
  6. I posted really early and am still awake. Insomnia is my unwelcome house guest.
  7. *kidnaps Fed and dresses him like the Joker*

    Now that's my kind of clown. But something is missing...AH!

    *pulls out a kitteh sized Harley Quinn costume*

    Where's Neko?
  8. It's not scary in the least. There is some gore due to the fact that the Prawn weapons don't as much kill humans as cause them to explode in a meat shower.
  9. I've decided to kill the person below me with a good old fashion Zerg Rush!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madisen View Post
    But my naughty mind liked what Fey, Detra and I were all doing!!

    *big smiles and nods*
    Yeah my naughty mind wont let me fill this out because it will likely get me and anyone who happens to read this topic banned.
  11. Really I don't care. There are still plenty of good names left and if you don't believe me check out the name watch thread up top. I've gotten good names from there multiple times.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    ill start forming around 430 pm pacific.... i forgot lunch hehehehe

    still need to go to target to buy keyboard n mouse
    Puppeh obviously doesn't wear a watch.
  13. Tech_Striker

    Ritki Ship Raid?

    I generally see them on Monday nights plus they start randomly through the week. Try joining VU2009 and watch for announcements.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madisen View Post
    You should look for me.
    Hmm...puppeh, Pogo, Maddie and me all in a TF. I smell fun!
  15. Hello again all. Gonna try and play some CoX again today but if it starts looking like a solo fest I'll find something else to do.
  16. Greetings and welcome to the game. Hope you enjoy your stay and maybe decide to stick around for awhile.
  17. Just got back from seeing District 9. Not sure if I'm gonna play CoX this weekend or just kick back and wait for Monday to roll around.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madisen View Post
    Pudding and now bubbles??? Seriously who is in charge of caging the Puppeh when we go to bed???

    We drew names from a hat. You're name came up. Didn't you get the memo?
  19. Really? Looks like that other MMO to me. You know the one that begins and ends with the same letter and may have a vowel in the middle. Then again I only spent a short amount of time playing that game.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    use me =)
    So many ways that could be taken wrong.
  21. I think the puppeh found something to amuse himself with besides smileys.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
    *Surfaces through the bubbles in his tiny yellow submarine.*

    Puppeh is out of control again! It's so early I have not even slept yet!
    *drives up in a speedboat*

    You can sleep when you're dead First Mate Fedor.
  23. I can only imagine who left the water running.

    *eyes the puppeh*
  24. You're right's better.

    *runs before people start getting their torches and pitchforks*