582 -
Quote:I can lead the 3rd team if you want. Been wanting to do more CoPs in the future.Friday, January 13th I will be forming a CoP @8:30pm(est) in Pocket D. If someone says baf forming during this time. Ignore them. Come do a 7 minute CoP and get a week long temporary power. It is a very simple process. Here is a dumbed down version of how to do this.
Phase 1: 3 different pillars in 3 different locations need to be taken down within a few seconds of each other. Team 1-3 will each be at a pillar that the team leader tells them to go to. Only catch is you have to eliminate your box spawn to make the pillar vulnerable. Synchronization is important.
Phase 2: 3 boxes and Arch Villain. Teams 1-3 will have their own boxes to clear spawns. Once all 3 spawns are cleared the AV becomes vulnerable. Team Tankers will stay at their box because the box spawns reset after a period of time and make the AV invulnerable again. Then teams clear their box again until eventually the AV dies.
This will move very fast. Its important to listen to your team leader's direction. Please do not give direction unless you're a team leader.
This will be BLUE side.
Team 1 Leader: @Heavenly Perverse
Team 2 Leader: @High Voltz
Team 3 Leader: position not filled at this time -
*** Next Hamidon Raid - January 3rd, 2012 ***
Ohhh yeah!!
As one person said... the Yellow Mitos came to his rescue again lol.
Quote:Having led both the dedicated Green Hold/Assault and the united Green/Blue group, I have mixed feelings on which was the better approach overall. The endurance drain and other effects from the blues was certainly worse than I'm accustomed to seeing while leading Green. From this I may conclude that it's nice to have a separate, dedicated Blue group in order to draw that fire away from us! But that's mean.
I think, in the end, it probably depends on whether we have enough ranged damage to form both a Blue assault and to mix in with Green assault. If there's enough for both a dedicated Blue group and in support of Green, then it probably makes more sense to hit Greens and Blues at the same time, as long as we start on corresponding mitoes. If instead we're short on ranged damage, then I think I'd do exactly what we did today: starting with Greens then moving radially outward to Blues. Opinions may vary.
Quote:I'm also trying to figure out how Hami staged his recovery at the end. Did it take so long that everyone's EoEs ran out, at which point yellow damage became a problem? Did a lot of people miss the cue to pop EoEs at the 25% mark? I know many folks don't pay direct attention to Hami's health bar.
I believe that was my fault on not getting the macro up fast enough to get people to pop an EOE and have the tankers get back to their mitos quick enough. Dang those Yellow Mitos... they wanted to make us work for our merits/HOs! -
Congratulations on another successful raid!!!
A bit of a shaky start but all things aside we stayed the course and finished the raid. Hamidon and his band of mitos were making us work for it!
This might have been the last raid of the year! But another will be led next week either Tuesday or Thursday.
Thank you again to Coals (@FlyingCodeMonkey) for leading our assault teams against the Blue and Green Mitos. Thank you to Hewn Stone (@Ill Conceived) for tanking Hamidon. Thank you to the @Paul Metcalfe for leading our Yellow Mito tanking team. Thank you as well to Panzeer (@Karmaa) for leading the Yellow assault team.
Most importantly, thank you everyone for making this one an unforgettably painfully long raid. LOL WE DID IT!!!
Btw; Centriole's still are useful. I have a lot!!! -
I can tell you for a fact that besides LB and LFA, there are other channels out there that are SG specific. However, they do have teaming with those that are in their channels and are looking for teaming.
So here's a quick listing for ya:
/chanjoin "SisterhoodFriends"
The Sisterhood and their friends chat here and do team. All kinds of teaming, tfs and what not. Friendly folk.
/chanjoin "Crimson Order"
The Crimson Order and their coalitions and friends. They team, they TF. Good group of people.
/chanjoin "Saints Task Force"
The Paragon City Saints and their friends gather for tf's. I don't see a lot of broadcasting here for teams, but I do see it for their events and task forces.
Just a few different channels to join. -
That is what was on the docket for tonight. We lost a few during the entrance into the Winter Realm. A few ran off to play alts (shame on you) and when all was said and done, we had 25 tanks grace the Tanker Tuesday event.
Bub J Simps
Widow Knight
Funwrecker 3000 (thank you for leading the Respecification team)
Asian v.2
Syberian Tiger
Maya Flame
Uncle Hoss
Sai Itaintso
Bone Shock
Median (thanks for having some tips!)
Tankin' Tart
Panda Security
Winter Sky
Warrior Maiden
GP Tanker (thank you for leading the AE missions team)
Cinder Imp
Daisy Diesel
Kid Yeti
Obsidian Iron
*** TONIGHT ***
Ohhhh yeah, it's that time of the month again!!!! This is tonight folks!! See you there at 9pm EST!!! Kings Row by the Independence Port entrance, on da wall.
Quote:I don't think I instructed that to happen, so for next time I will make sure everyone starts on the same side OR GREENS first then BLUES.Death to aggressive jello!
Keeping the blue and green teams on the same side of Hami seems like a good idea. We-of-the-Blue really did have a bear of a time killing our first two targets when we started on the far side from Team Green. -
Well, I for one am glad that you ran the Green team. I will be looking for you to assist in future raids too, my friend.
Quote:Looking forward to the next. In the meantime, questions and observations:
In general, what is the minimum AB/PB needed on the nucleus taunter to survive that task? I get the sense that it's in the range of four or five stacked, but I've never known for sure.
Quote:It was really, really nice having the mix of control and damage in the green teams. Without the damage ATs, we simply can't overwhelm healing on the first green mito.
There was a (very) slight coordination problem following one of the mito blooms in that the blue team happened to start on the far side of hami from the green team. So while we were taking out the first couple of greens, they weren't able to finish off the first blue for some time because the greens on that side kept healing it.
Depending on who shows up, and assuming we have mez protection from blue terrorize effects, I sometimes wonder if it might not be effective to start with both control and range damage on greens, annihilate them quickly, then move to blues. We ended up doing that anyway on the second bloom. Down side, the yellows team gets bored because their job was over a while ago.
Maybe nothing to worry too much about, I dunno. In the past I've been present for the opposite problem, too: not enough damage to overwhelm the first green mito, so we sat there distracting it until the blue team finished their task and was available to assist us.
Quote:As a very random aside, your UI is arranged incredibly differently from mine (even allowing for raid considerations), and that's fascinating to me for inexplicable reasons.
Cheers! -
It all depends on how many show up and what the level ranges will be. I won't exclude anyone from teaming up. Volunteers to run teams are always welcomed. But I think some TFs are in order. The usual tips, radios and general missions are fun too. Especially the lower levelled Tanks. So we'll see what happens on the 27th.
Quote:Hey there!I was wondering if there was a TT on victory server. I have a tanker that would like to join if it was on Victory, but i was wondering just for fun, to have a Scrapper Saturday.
Please post which servers TT are on. Sounds fun and hope to see you! Thats pretty amazing that you got an ITF done that quickly! Nice!
There is definitely a Tanker Tuesday on Victory. As to when that is always announced in advance.
I would suggest you join the global channel (if you have access to joining them) called TankHQ. This is where you will find fellow Tankers who discuss builds, Tanking and of course, the Tanking Tuesdays.
/chanjoin TankHQ
A bit of history from @Warboss, with whom I discussed Tanker Tuesdays recently. They started out by a player named Pep Rally from Champion (which is the home of the Tanker Tuesday) a few years back. It filtered to Justice, Freedom, Virtue, Union and Defiant. They have recently started them on Exhalted (the VIP server). The have ran them on other servers sporatically but they have been done.
I spoke with @Warboss about Liberty having more reoccurring events and he gave his blessing.
Tanker Tuesday has been going strong on several servers for several years. Champion, the original over 7 years. Justice over 2. Freedom and Virtue for about 2 years, and the "Tour" is over 3 years old.
The "tour" merely means they shift to different servers at different times of the month. Here are a few links for you to peruse at your leisure.
The Calendar of Events for City of Heroes - Monthly View
Tanker Tuesday Each Tuesday - Tuesdays Event
Tanker Forums - All things Tank
So, as I said, join that global channel and check out those links. They will help you out in finding out when the next Tanker Tuesday is, especially for Victory. As for Liberty, we'll be every two weeks.
Tanks for writing!! -
Many thanks to everyone who showed up and we WON!!!!!
I learned a lot for the next raid! YES, next raid will be December 29th - same time, same place!
Thanks to Hewn Stone (@Ill Conceived) for TANKING HAMIDON.
Team 1:
- Tax E Girl
- Bunni Kins
- Hewn Stone
- Silksif
Team 2:
- Raven's Armor
- Xerxes MK II
- High Voltz
- Paul Metcalfe
- Uncle Hoss
- Ximu
- Bat Out of Heal
Team 3:
- Daleaha
- Ivona Burnalot
- Star Matter
- Shining-Bolt
- Keiranen
- MegaWhat
- Hells Deliverance
- New Age Healer
Team 4:
- Lady Brynhild
- Panzeer
- Crush N Run 57
- Thorston
- Pentacle
- Zineroth
Team 5:
- Coals
- a wizard
- Pyron 2.0
- Toxic Biohazzard
- Imperious Rex
- Frosty Frozone
- Apidae
- Frantic
- Goldbeak
- Mistress Midnight
- QuantumParticle
- Frozen Kiyyun
Without any of you this wouldn't have happened. Thanks for letting me lead you all to victory!!! YAY! -
THE HIVEA request is being made of all level 45+ (preferably 50) to arrive at the Hive by 8pm EST for a Hamidon Raid.
We have Mindless Mass who will be our Hamidon Taunter.
We have Hewn Stone who will be our Mitochondria Antibodies Taunter Team leader. (That's the Yellow Ones.)
We have FlyingCodeMonkey who will be our Mending Mitochondria Holding Team leader. (That's the Green Ones.)
Each of them will be directing their teams so if you end up on their team, pay attention and have fun.
I, Tax E Girl, will be leading and using Request to give out directions.
Let's bring down Hamidon and reap the rewards. What are the rewards? I am so glad you asked. You have a choice; between a Hamidon Enhancement or 53 Merits Rewards.
I am requesting that everyone who wants a spot to please meet at the safe rock in the Hive at 7:30pm for instructions. Please shout out in Broadcast for an invite.
For those that want to come prepared there are a few macros that will be helpful. Simply copy and past them and you will have a button on your tray to use.
/macro assist "assist" - This macro will aid you in targeting off the Mito team leader (depending on what team you are placed on).
/macro mito "targetcustomnext enemy alive Antibodies" - This macro will assist anyone who is on the YELLOW taunt team, you will be able to target only the YELLOW Mito's and rest assured, only the ones that are alive.
/macro mito "targetcustomnext enemy alive Mending" - This macro will assist anyone who is on the GREEN team, either holding or damage. You will only target the ones alive. THIS macro will most likely only be used by the GREEN team leader as everyone else will be assisting through them.
/macro mito "targetcustomnext enemy alive Electrolytes" - This macro will assist anyone who is on any team to target the BLUE mitos. This should be used by the GREEN team leader and the YELLOW damage team leader. Everyone else will be assisting through them.
It will be imperative that everyone work together to have success. So let's enjoy ourselves and get some goodies. See you all there - TONIGHT at 8PM EST.
December 13th - LORD WINTER, ITF and TIPS
We had 3 teams of 6 enter the Winter Lord Realm and defeated Lord Winter with 57 seconds to spare.
In attendance:
Bub J Simps
Glacial Crusader
Ain Teuon
Big Black Stick
Strong Woman
Winter Sky
Walk Like A Man
High Voltz
Uncle Hoss
Kthulu Magnus
Thanks to Moroso for leading an ITF. They completed it in 37 minutes 38 seconds. (Felt like 4 hours to High Voltz!)
Bub J Simps led the second team and we ran Tips in Kings Row.
SEE YOU ALL IN 2 WEEKS - December 27th!!
*** TONIGHT ***
This is tonight folks!! See you there at 9pm EST!!!
Happy Spawn day to the newest Turgenev member. That's an awesome Christmas present.
*** Tanker Tuesday ***
This Tuesday, December 13th at 9pm EST we are having any and all Tankers meet at the IP Entrance in Kings Row. Bring your Tank and be ready to Tank it up with the rest of your comrades!
I would request volunteers for various level teams. If you are willing and able please send me a tell in game (@Tax E) and I will have you get a team setup once we have all our Tanks present.
Let's have a fun night of Tankdom!
See you all there!
Quote:Congrats!!! Glad you got it.Thanks. It's funny, because I was panic popping Moment of Glory and Barrier just about every fight. I wasn't really familiar with the Lord Recluse Strike Force at all, and I didn't want to be -that- guy... That was maybe my third time having run that Strike Force, ever.
Luckily I am much more versed in the Statesman Task Force. -
Quote:I don't know him, but I've seen him and I will nod.Vigos.
And everyone who knows him is probably cautiously nodding their head in approval right now.
Always good to see you running around in AP... I know which one I'm in when I see you. :P