Where IS Everybody?




I've been away for about a year and a half. I used to play on the Liberty server mostly. I've been back a week, made it to level 12 with a few charachters... but, where is everyone? Seems like there are very few players on. I haven't tried the 'Going Rogue' part yet...is it because a lot of players are over there in the lower levels?

Before there were supergroups clammering for members via broadcast, and picking up random people they teamed with, now I can't seem to find any interested in new members. Heck, i'm having trouble finding teams in general. What few players i've played with who were members of a SG or VG... they didn't feel very chatty about it when I ask them if there SG was very active. (of course fishing for a possible invite, to check out the base or whatever)

Maybe I just have been unlucky the have dozen or so times i've been on? Any thoughts? Thanks



Lib's been fairly busy these days, actually. In general, I'm seeing more people wandering around, especially in Atlas, than I've seen in quite a while. Liberty seems more like a suburb than the boonies, now.

I can't really attest to the SG broadcasters, but various things that occur to me ... much teaming these days, whether trials/TFs/tips/raids/missions, is done through popular global channels. Supergroups don't tend to fulfill that role anymore, and the few that are still fairly active tend to have their own global channels for coordination, as well.

Since the advent of incarnates and trials/TFs designed for those characters, quite a lot of activity takes place at the 50+ range now. Some evenings, fully half of the non-hidden people are playing 50s. Also, some of the bigger AE exploits have been tweaked, so there's a lot less AE farm chatter.

Finally, I think (?) the latest Star Wars MMO just went live, so I'd assume a lot of folks are checking out that game, as well.

Worst case, join the LB global channel, if you like scum and villainy.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



More or less the above. You really need to be on global channels to see a lot of the chatter as the game is even more heavily instanced than it used to be so you won't see many folks using broadcast or even SG/coalition chat all that much for organizing teaming or other tasks.

The VIP-only incarnate content means that many longtime players are working on their 50s rather than playing their alts at least some of the time, so that's also a factor. Add in the holiday season and the recent release of several popular new games with crossover appeal (including a very well-received new RPG game from Bethesda and a long-awaited new MMO) and you more or less have your answer.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Thanks guys... I never got into the whole 'global channel' thing when i played before. Is there one for low level charachters looking to get togeather with other low level charachters to have fun and level up togeather?
I'm glad there is a way to do something like this, i wasn't feeling the 'social' aspect of the game like i used to, witch was half the fun for me. Thanks again.



There are numerous global channels - and for the most part, they are public - which means all you have to do is /chanjoin LB and/or /chanjoin LFA

There are others, but those are two of them. Of the two, LB is more populated - and as such, probably has coarser language on occasion.

LFA doesn't have the chatter that LB does, but it seems to me like most of the folks belong to both channels.

As for having a lowbie friendly channel - both are.

I see recruiting for red side dfb trials, as well as level 15 blue side stuff.

If I'm on my 50 doing hero tips, and I notice someone trying to do positron, if I need that tf on an alt (or the toon I'm on), I'll send that someone a tell. I think even active but smaller SGs will use LB or LFA to fill out their teams.

With all the IOs, they are made with salvage - and there's only so many places within a base to stash salvage. So, many have their own SG to stash all their stuff. Others just sell it, or craft with it as they get it.

Either way, the global channel is how I do ALL of my teaming. It's like a gigantic SG. After a while, you'll learn who's a solid player but mean, a nice but competent player, or nice and incompetent. Liberty, like every server, has all of those and more.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Elder Zap View Post
I've been away for about a year and a half. I used to play on the Liberty server mostly. I've been back a week, made it to level 12 with a few charachters... but, where is everyone? Seems like there are very few players on. I haven't tried the 'Going Rogue' part yet...is it because a lot of players are over there in the lower levels?

Before there were supergroups clammering for members via broadcast, and picking up random people they teamed with, now I can't seem to find any interested in new members. Heck, i'm having trouble finding teams in general. What few players i've played with who were members of a SG or VG... they didn't feel very chatty about it when I ask them if there SG was very active. (of course fishing for a possible invite, to check out the base or whatever)

Maybe I just have been unlucky the have dozen or so times i've been on? Any thoughts? Thanks
Welcome back to Liberty!

A lot of people have also been out of game for the holidays, so that might make it alittle more quiet in general.

Click Here for a list of liberty global channels. Most are silence upon invite, but it shouldn't take long for you to become unsilenced.

Like they said above, LB and LFA are the main channels people use to get things going.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



Welcome back!

I can only echo what others have said. I imagine that in the coming weeks there will be more activity but even with the limiting factors mentioned above there were successful pick up BAF and Keyes trials last night. Between the aforementioned channels and the help channel (if you haven't removed it by now) you should be able to find many opportunities to group. =)

Primaries: Doctor Roboto - 50(+3) MM (BOT/FF/MU)
Johnny Liberty - 50(+3) Tank (EM/INV/EM)
Lvl 50 Archetypes: MM, TNK, BRT, SCR, PB, CNT, DOM
Still working on: NONE! NCSoft won't let me. =(



I can tell you for a fact that besides LB and LFA, there are other channels out there that are SG specific. However, they do have teaming with those that are in their channels and are looking for teaming.

So here's a quick listing for ya:

/chanjoin "SisterhoodFriends"
The Sisterhood and their friends chat here and do team. All kinds of teaming, tfs and what not. Friendly folk.

/chanjoin "Crimson Order"
The Crimson Order and their coalitions and friends. They team, they TF. Good group of people.

/chanjoin "Saints Task Force"
The Paragon City Saints and their friends gather for tf's. I don't see a lot of broadcasting here for teams, but I do see it for their events and task forces.

Just a few different channels to join.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012